InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kimiko, the new edition ❯ Little present ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

It all started when that Half breed and his mother moved in with me and father. Then, I knew everything would be different. I had to watch him wherever he went, even when he was still a baby. `Why do I have to carry this thing around? Isn't that the mother's job?' I thought walking up and down the halls holding Inuyasha. If I thought that was the worse time, I had to wait until his mother returned with a little girl walking next to her. She had little puppy ears like Inuyasha, but they were black and she had my eyes and facial features, but her hair was different. Her hair was just like ours just a different color which was a silverish grey.
“Now go meet your big brothers Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha” inuyasha's mother said pushing her to us. Inuyasha stood by my side hiding behind my kimono. She stood before us just staring, Inuyasha was shivering and looked at her sometimes but then hid again. “Uh, hi” she said holding her little stuffed ookami doll. I just looked at her and back at Inuyasha who was still hiding. “Sesshoumaru” I said plainly, She cocked her head to the side, “That is my name” I said understanding her confusion. “Oh, my name's Kimiko” she said looking behind my leg, “Who's that?” Inuyasha tried to hid more but I pushed him to face her, “Uh….um…” he studdered while shaking. I shook my head in shame, “What is your name stupid” I said to him. He looked back at me scared, “my n-name…i-i-is…I…uh….” He struggled again.
“Are you stupid? Do you not know your own name?” I questioned, he quickly turned towards me and turned red with frustration, “I'm not stupid! I know my name it's Inuyasha!” he yelled, “Why don't you tell her that?” I motioned to Kimiko with my head. He paused and slowly turned to the girl, She stood there with her eyes looking like she was confused and bored. He started shaking again, “My n-name i-is…Eh…Inu…yasha…” he studdered. “So it's Inuasha?” she asked. “Eh…c-close enough” she stood so close to him that her nose was touching his, “Why are you so nervous?” She asked. Inuyasha broke in cold sweat, “Uh…I'm n-not nervous, what ar-are you talking about?” he qestioned. She only smiled and took off running somewhere.
“Do you not know how to talk to a girl?” I asked him. He turned around, “Yeah I do, it's just that she's weird. She's not like regular girls I've met” he said. “That's because you've only seen human girls and not demons. But she's not much different from you” I said forgetting where she ran off. “What do you mean?” he asked. “Nevermind, you need to get use to her, after all, she is our little sister” I said running off to find her. But inuyasha never left my side, “You mean, she's my LITTLE sister?” he asked. I nodded, “Yes, now help me find her before we get in trouble for loosing her” I said opening doors and looking in, `Goodness, this girl sure knows how to hide her scent doesn't she?' I thought. “Inuyasha, you stay here and look in our room to see if she's there, I'll check outside” he nodded and ran to our room as I ran out the door.
I ran back in not finding her, “Inuyasha, did you find her?” I asked, “Yeah, I found `er, but I don't wanna go back” he said shaking his head. I looked questioning at him, “Why not?” I asked, “She's trying to make me play dress up!” he whined. We went together to our room and there she was in my clothes running around, “Shoumaru! Play with me!” she said pulling me to sit down. She gave me a kimono that was silk pink with flowers on it. “Put it on!” she said. I put it on after a bunch of fighting and that was where I knew my life has changed forever on.