InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kimiko ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

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Disclaimer : I do not own Inuyasha nor Kagome or any of the personages in the anime, but I do own Kimiko.


"Moooom!! Where did you put my yellow bag? I really need it!!"

"It's already at the door, dear!!"

"Thanks mom! I love you!!"

Kagome ran to the front door, and saw that her mother was right. The bag was there, full of stuff, waiting for her. She loved her okaa-san so much, she was kind, loveable, and so generous. Maybe a little too much. Two years ago, the Higurashi family received a letter from Ms. Asako, an old friend of Ms. Higurashi. In that letter she explained that she had a cancer and that she needed a new family for her adopted daughter, Kimiko. Kagome's mother accepted, and Kimiko arrived three weeks later.

She was a…very special girl to say the least. She had a very tanned skin, and long blond hair. She had green eyes that expressed all the sadness of the universe. But that was normal, because she had just lost the only person she cared for, and now had to live with a new family. The worst part was that Kagome didn't like her at all, and that was why everybody at school rejected poor Kimiko. That, and the fact that everybody used to compare her to Kagome, who was the perfect model of the perfect girl.

Kimiko was now used to Kagome's time traveling, and she had even met Inuyasha two or three times. She wished she could have a life as special as Kagome's, but she knew she hadn't the ability to go through the well.

But one day…everything changed.
Is it good? Please tell me!! It's my first fic and English isn't my first language but I try to do my best!! So please review!!