InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kimiko ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

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Disclaimer: I still don't own Inuyasha, and yes I still own Kimiko.


" Moooom!! Where did you put my yellow bag? I really need it!!"

"It's already at the door, dear!!"

"Thanks mom! I love you!!"

`Why do they have to yell…' thought Kimiko, awakening. She looked at her clock. 8:09 am…It was way too early for Saturday! Why was Kagome already up? Then she heard steps outside, going to the well. `Ah yeah…She returns to the Feudal Era…'

"Kimiko, dear, breakfast is ready!"
" I'm coming…"

She picked a pair of baggy jeans, a black Nirvana t-shirt, tied her hair in a ponytail and went downstairs. She rapidly ate her breakfast and decided to take a small walk in the backyard. A pink glow caught her attention, and she realized that it was one of the famous shard Kagome talked about.

' I may dislike her…I'm sure she needs it. I can try to…maybe…maybe I can join her by the well? No, impossible… But it won't kill me if I try…'

She stood on the edge of the well, uncertain. That thing was so mysterious…She counted to three in her head, and jumped. What followed was all but expected: She went trough it!
'What the hell…'

She climbed up, and stood in awe at the scene before her. The sky, the forest, the sun, the birds…
"Woooow…"She said, while walking and looking everywhere.
'I wonder where Kagome is…'

"Inuyasha, be careful!" The high pitched voice of Kagome reached Kimiko's ears. She followed it and arrived at a fight between Inuyasha and a big buffalo demon.
When Kagome spotted the blond girl, she ran to her and began to yell:
"RELAX Kagome I just came to give you that stupid piece of jewelry…No chance I want to stay here anyway, home is so nice when you leave me alone…"

She turned on her heels and walked towards the well, when she heard:
" No wonder why nobody likes her…Guess loneliness is her stupid destiny…"

Tears ran down Kimiko's sweet face. She sped up her pace and didn't care about where she was going. "Ignore her. Caaaalm down. She is the one who is stupid…' But part of what Kagome said was true. Kimiko was almost always alone, thanks to her adorable sister. She ended in a small clearing, and collapsed on the ground, crying. She finally felt asleep, dreaming of horrible things.

She woke up when she heard the scream of a little girl.
"Help, help me!! Jaken-samaaaa!! Sesshomaru-sama!! Help!!"

Kimiko ran to the source of the sounds and saw a drowning kid is the stream, begging for help. A little, green and ugly toad youkai ran next to her, panicked, yelling who-knows-what. Kimiko didn't hesitate, she dove in the very cold water to rescue the child. She swam to her, grabbed her small body and then carried her back to the solid ground. The poor little girl, still terrorized, clung to Kimiko, crying. The teenage girl whispered soothing word to calm the tiny body in her lap. Suddenly, her eye caught movement in front of her and she looked forward. There was…what was it? No, WHO was it? A tall man with long silver hair and golden eyes…but it wasn't Inuyasha, even if both looked just alike. Almost. The man in front of Kimiko was much more…cold. Yes. That cold glare… The stranger said:
"Rin, Jaken. Let's go."

The rescued child in Kimiko's arms reacted instantaneously. She ran to the man, smiling, and said:
"Sesshomaru-sama!! Rin was so afraid!! But that nice Lady saved Rin! She has been very brave!"
"Indeed, I saw her at the last minute. " He addressed himself to Kimiko: "You should be rewarded for saving Rin. What do you want?"
"You cannot give me what I really need…but thank you very much." She began to go away.
"In this way I give you my protection and the authorization to stay in my lands. I rarely have confidence in other youkai, neko-youkai in particular, but you proved me that I, Lord Sesshomaru, can trust you."
"Wait a sec…Neko-Youkai ?? I think you did a mistake, I'm human huh…My Lord."
Sesshomaru examined her. Indeed, she didn't looked like a demon at all. But she smelled…neko-youkai…and he felt rather good powers coming from her. Why?
He approached, and smelled her carefully.
"No mistakes, you're a demon. But why you are in a human body, I don't know…"
"B…but…it's impossible! I've always been human!! I…It's…but…Who I am? I just don't understand…" A tear appeared in the corner of her right eye, but she rapidly erased it with the reverse of her hand.
"Sesshomaru-sama? We will help the nice lady, ne?" asked the soft and innocent Rin.
"Of course. I'm very interested in…may I ask your name?"
"…in Kimiko's problem. You can come with us."
Kimiko smiled slightly, and said a small "yes My Lord."

Rin took her new friend's hand, and the four of them began to walk towards the castle. Kimiko had no idea of what would happen, but she had a good feeling. She just could hope…