InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kimiko ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

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Disclaimer : Do I have to repeat? If yes go to the previous chapters!

Thanks to everybody who reviewed my story! I was so happy I was yelling "Yaaaaayyyy!!" everywhere in the house! Thanks!!!!!!!! You now are my best friends!! Lol But seriously I LOVE YOU!!

Kimiko couldn't move. This bed was soooo great… But that servant had been going to her room three times to wake her up and get her out of the bed. `I guess I don't really have the choice…' She got up, dressed in a kimono that was almost begging her to wear it.
"This kimono fits you perfectly."
Kimiko almost jumped in the air. The same servant than the previous times stood in a corner of the room.
"You…how…how did you enter in the room?"
"I'm here since the first time I woke you up."
"It's nothing. Now let's make your hair, our Lord is waiting for you."

'He's not already gone? He said that he would have to send fighters…'
When the servant was done with Kimiko's hairs, she sent her to the gardens.
'Why does everybody send me outside? The gardens are beautiful but I'd like to see more of this big big big castle!!'

She saw Sesshomaru sitting on a small bench, Rin playing around. She was so cute, and kind, and loveable!! Kimiko felt like Rin was her little sister. She only knew her from yesterday and she was already very attached to the little girl. Then Kimiko realized something. Why was she going away from this place? She was well treated, there was Rin, and Lord Sesshomaru said he could discover who she really was. `It would be too perfect for me to be Neko-youkai…but this guy doesn't seem to be the type of joking around…Maybe I can stay here for a while? Anyway, what do I have in the future, except a miserable life? Yes that's it, I'll ask to stay here.'

She gathered all her courage and walked to the Taiyoukai.
"Good morning. Are you ready or do you wish to eat before?"
"Huh Lord Sesshomaru…I changed my mind…Can I stay here? I promise I will take care of Rin as if she was my own child."
"I accept. You still agree with the conditions I proposed you yesterday?"
"Yes My Lord. Thank you very much for keeping me here. I think it will make me feel…better."
"Kimiko-chan will stay here?? Yaaaaaaay!!!!" Rin ran to Kimiko, giggling.
"Yes, I'll stay!! Now Rin, let's play! Do you know the cat and mouse game?"

Sesshomaru observed the teenage girl. She intrigued him. A lot. First there was that Neko-youkai / human thing. Second, sometimes she looked like if she was the happiest girl in the world. Like at this very moment, when she played with Rin. But other times you could clearly see that there was something wrong with her, and that she felt extremely sad. He had to know more from her past, he was sure that all the answers to the questions about this girl were somewhere in her past. He had to know who were her parents. That's it. With that though in mind, he went to the castle to make some searches.



"Looks like Miroku got once again his hands where the shouldn't have been…" said Kagome, giggling. She saw Sango coming back, discouraged by the monk's attitude.
"Hey Sango! Do you know where's Inuyasha?"
"Hmm he said something about ramens…"
"Huh?" Kagome looked inside her backpack.
"Oh no! He is sooo greedy!! He took all the ramens with him!!"

Both girls imagined the scene: Inuyasha, hidden in some dark corner of a cave, eating lots of ramens with that face of him when he ate those things. The girls couldn't resist, they had to laugh…And that's what they did, they laughed so much that they had cramps. Inuyasha arrived at that very moment, and the girls laughed even more because he had noodles everywhere, as if he had ate them like a pig, wich was probably the case.
"Hey what are you laughing at?"
"Hahahahahahaha it's….hahahahahahaha no…haha nothing HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

He jumped is a tree and waited for the girls to calm down. When is was done, Kagome said: "I think we should travel north. We rarely got there and I'm sure there's a couple of shards waiting for us."
They all agreed and began to gather their things. Inuyasha took advantage of the fact that everybody was busy to have a talk with Kagome.
"Hey…shouldn't we go see Kaede before? To talk about your sister…"
"She is NOT my sister!!!"
"Okay okay…"
"But yes we should go ask Kaede about Kimiko. Can you get me there right now?"
"Sure. Jump on my back"
Kagome obeyed and Inuyasha jumped from tree to tree to the village. When they got there they directly went to Kaede's hut.
"Hi Kaede…"


"As soon as you're born they make you feel small
By giving you no time instead of it all
Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be

They hurt you at home and they hit you at school
They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool
Till you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is some…"

"What is this song?"
Once again, Kimiko almost jumped in the air.
"Ah huh…it's a song created in my time. I like it `cause it almost tells my life."
"I do not understand what makes you so sad."

Sesshomaru was trying to make her speak more about her. He had to know.
"Well… I had never known my parents. I had been adopted by a sweet woman who couldn't have children. She found me when I was two or three months, in the woods. Nobody knows who are my parents. But I was okay with the woman, she was adorable with me. But when I was fourteen she died and I ended in Kagome's family. Her mother appreciates me but her son and her daughter hate me and life is pretty difficult with them. I thought that I could make new friends at school but…" She began to cry.
" I…nobody ever talked to me. You see…Kagome is one of those popular girls that everybody likes…so none of the student wanted to be my friend because Kagome said bad things on me…I … I don't know why she acts like this…"
Her cries intensified. Not knowing what to do, Sesshomaru leaved her.
"We'll continue this talk later…"
Y…yes My Lord."

Chocolate is so effective!! I'm kind of hyper and I wrote this a lot more rapidly than usual!! So this was chapter 3 and you'll have to wait a little bit more for chap. 4 because I leave home for 3 days! I'm going to New-York with school!! Yay!!! It will be sooo cool!! Expensive but cool! But don't worry, I'll work even there, I'll have enough time to think about the next chapter! We'll soon know more about why does Kimiko is Neko-youkai in human body…
Please review!! Reviews keep me alive!! Special thanks to reviwer, Inuyasha_lover653, Lover_girl5-20 and her other hers! (I think she'll understand)
See ya at chapter 4!