InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kimiko ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

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Disclaimer: … See the previous chapters.

Here's Kimiko 6! Today was a BAD day so sorry if this chapter isn't too great…I'll try my best.


They saw Sesshomaru coming back, still running with the blond girl clinging at his shoulders. But this time, he stopped.
"Hi…" said Kimiko, a little bit shy.

"Hi…What do you want?" Kagome asked. She used a rude tone of voice but she was very curious of what her adopted sister and Sesshomaru were up to.
"Huh…"She hesitated. "I…am a youkai. A Neko-youkai."
"She is a cat-demon. Tell me what word you don't understand, I'll explain it to you." Said sarcastically Sesshomaru. It made Kimiko smile because it was a form of humor. Okay, dark humor, but it was still humor.
"I… huh…"
"Don't talk to Kagome like that!"
Sesshomaru didn't even bother to respond. He went away from Inuyasha to let Kimiko talk to her "sister".
"So…that's it, we have discovered that I have neko-youkai blood in me, but it's asleep because of a potion I probably drank when I was a baby. But I have the antidote. I wanted to know…do you think I should drink it?"
Kagome was surprised. Why did Kimiko wanted her opinion on such an important subject?
" I… can I talk to you in private?"
"Sure." Kagome coldly answered.
They moved away from the group so they wouldn't hear what they said.

"I'm aware that now that I'm here, in this era, there will have a lot of…change. Every answer that I get brings more questions with it. I'm sure that I'll discover what I really am, and at this moment our lives will eventually take another turn and you won't have to endure me anymore. But…Before I totally quit your world, will you be my…sister?"
That was unexpected. Kagome's eyes went wide at that request, while Kimiko looked her feet as if it was the most interesting thing ever. She had use all her courage to ask this question, Kagome knew it. But she couldn't help it she had to be rude to her.
"We're already sisters, you stupid."
Kimiko wanted to explain her what she meant. She really did. She wanted to tell her that she would have love it if they were like sisters that have fun together, if there was a link between the two girls. Kimiko needed Kagome as a friend. She knew she habitually was a sweet girl, and she adored Kagome's real attitude. That was why she dared to ask the question. But apparently it was no use. It seemed that the miko and the neko-youkai would never get along.
Kimiko sighed. Her eyes began to wet. She wanted to cry. But not here. She turned and ran back to Sesshomaru. She jumped on his back and mumbled that she had to quit this place. She felt the wind blowing on her right after. They were leaving, they were in the air, Sesshomaru running towards the castle. Kimiko closed her eyes and sobbed. She tried to stop when they arrived to the castle because she didn't want Rin to see her this way. But the Lord directly went to Kimiko's room and let her collapse in the bed. He exited the room and when he closed the doors, he heard her cry even louder. He cursed the damned girl for causing so much pain to Kimiko. `Why does she have to be so…cold…' He realized that she acted exactly like he did when he and Inuyasha were younger. But he did it on purpose. He wanted to prepare Inuyasha to the cruelties of the world. And it worked. Inuyasha was now a strong demon, and every time he battled with his brother his progress was more than obvious. Maybe Kagome did it on purpose, too? `So many questions, but so few answers…'

'What have I done? Why can't I be kind with her… I do want us to be like real sisters… Why did I say such horrible things? It seems that's something's controlling my mind when she's there…I don't understand!!'
"Kagome? What's wrong?" asked Sango. Kagome's face expressed worry and even sadness.
"I…I'm a monster, Sango."
"What are you saying? You are the sweetest person I've ever met! You have nothing in common with a monster!"
"Yes I do. Kimiko is sweet. Not me. If I was as kind as her I wouldn't have rejected her when she asked if we could have a relationship like if we were real sisters. She used all her courage to ask me that. And I've been cruel. I didn't want to, I swear…WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME SANGO?" The girl collapsed to the ground crying so loud that she could barely breath. Sango tried to sooth her but it was no use. After an hour, she could finally stop crying.
"Something's not normal, I'm sure…I'm not supposed to act this way with her. I wanted to accept her offer, but…it was like a reflex, like if I HAD to refuse. It's just not normal."
"There's a lot of mysteries about this girl. Let the time pass and forget what happened today. Maybe we'll come to an answer…but at this very moment we can't do anything. Now let's go the group is already gone, we'll ride Kirara to join them. Don't be sad Kagome, we prefer your happy self, okay?"
"Yeah…"She smiled sadly. "Maybe you're right…"
"Of course I am!" Both laughed. Then they jumped on Kirara and disappeared in the sky, heading towards Inuyasha, Miroku and Shippo.

"Sesshomaru-sama? Where's Kimiko-chan?"
"She is not feeling well. I do not think she'll eat with us tonight, so you shall see her tomorrow."
Rin sighed. She missed the new girl, she was so nice to her! The child finished her food and received the authorization to leave the room. Later, Sesshomaru exited the room, too. He went to his study room but stopped in front of Kimiko's door. He couldn't hear anything, and that wasn't normal because his extremely sensible ears could caught the softest sound, but then he didn't even ear her breath. The Lord became worried. He knocked at the door. No answer. He repeated the action, louder. But still, she didn't answer. He opened the door to discover an empty room. Where was she?? He caught her scent and followed it, running. He finally found her on the roof of the castle, gazing to the stars.
"You ran."
"What are you doing here?"
"Thinking. You ran."
"Why do you keep saying I ran?"
"Because I saw you coming. Running. You were worried. Admit it!"
"Yes I was."
"Because you were extremely sad and then you disappeared. I thought that you could have wanted to…"
"End my life?"

"Never." There was great conviction in her voice. Sesshomaru didn't have to worry anymore. Even if she had a hard life, she was ready to continue. Kimiko changed the subject of the conversation.
"Do you think I should wake my demon blood?"
"Of course. I do not see why you shouldn't."
"I won't stay here until I die. After summer I'll have to go back to school. And I can't go there in demon form, people don't like me as a human, imagine a youkai!"
"They will fear you."
"No. They'll just think I'm a creature. You know in my world there's no demon."
"Stay here."
"I can't."
"…It's complicated…I'm not sure you would understand…I'm used to live in a world so different…I wish you could see."
"I wish I could, too. I'm curious about what a world ruled by humans looks like."
A bird passed in front of them. Their eyes followed it and they saw a small kind of tornado coming towards them.
"What's that??" Kimiko asked.
"Kouga… Let's go back on the ground." Before she could protest, he took her bridal style and jumped from the roof.
The tornado stopped right in front of them and revealed a wolf-demon with long brown hair, tied in a ponytail.
"Lord Sesshomaru." Said the wolf. He bowed.
"Prince Kouga" Sesshomaru answered. Both smelled each other in the neck. "This is Kimiko, she's a…guest."
They proceeded to smell the other's neck, and then both men began to walk to the castle, Kimiko staying behind. The men talked about how were going the Western Lands, the wolf pack, etc.
"Now I need to talk to you seriously. We have a huge problem." Said Kouga.
Sesshomaru gave a `time-to-leave-this-is-none-of-your-business' look. With a sight, Kimiko left. When she opened the door, the only thing she heard was
"…about Naraku…"
Naraku? Wasn't it that evil demon that Kagome and Inuyasha had been after for like, what, three years? This was not good…

What happened with Naraku?? I don't know! lol We'll see in the next chapter! I received the third review today so I finished the fic! I'm happy! But…Is it me or you seem to enjoy the story less than before? Did I do something wrong? If yes please tell me, I swear I won't be angry! I'll even make me feel better! So please review! See ya at chapter SEVEN!! Yay! Now I have to go study history, the exam is tomorrow!! By the way I finish school Tuesday so I guess I'll be able to write even more! So REVIEW PLAESE and I'll update!