InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarden ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and all other characters, except Flare(to be introduced in later chapters), belong to Rumiko Takahashi.
Chapter 1
“Mom!” A four year old Inuyasha yelled downstairs as he got dressed into a kimono, ”Do I have to go?” “Yes you do.” “But Mom!” No buts, Inuyasha. Get your butt down here so I can see you.” Inuyasha's mom called upstairs at her son, who came down mumbling. “Ok, then. Put this on and I'll walk you to the school.” She said, handing him a baseball cap.
“Kagome! Get your butt down here or I'll make you sit through your grandpa's lecture!” Kagome's mom yelled upstairs as she lay in bed, fully dressed..:: yawn::. Was all that came out of Kagome's mouth as she sat down at the breakfast table.
When they get to the school…..
Inuyasha walked in and sat in a corner, all by himself. He watched all the other kids walk in, all looking excited. He never did take the hat off, not even when the teacher said to. He saw a trampoline set up and all the other kids were jumping. He saw 8 kids all land at once and three of them fly up. He walked over to them and asked,” What are you doing?” “ Playing Immunity.” A young girl replied.(Kagome) “ Oh.” Inuyasha said, looking sad as he started going back to the corner. “Wait. Do you want to play?” a young girl with a ponytail asked.(Sango) “Um……sure. How do you play?” “Well, one of us counts to three and we all jump and land on our butts and try to get up without hitting our butts on the trampoline any more times. We do this every time someone counts to three.” a boy in purple says.(Miroku)”yep.” A boy with brown hair and a blue ribbon says.(Shippo)