InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ Being Nice? ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


Kagome had been scouring through the company's income statements and balance sheets trying to find where the source of the error was that made them report a minus income. It had taken her hours before she tracked it back to the Human Resources department that was headed by Lin Miroku. Kagome called his secretary and told her to tell Miroku that he needs to be at Inuyasha's office A.S.A.P.

And then she left for lunch. A long, well deserved lunch. Sitting at a cute little Italian bistro just across the street from the company, Kagome sipped on a pumpkin spice latte and munched on a loaf of banana bread. The weather was still fairly warm so she decided to sit outside in their outdoor patio.

This is the life. Good food, good weather, no Inuyasha…A frown creased her features when she saw a flash of silver walk across the street.

"Oh no…" she groaned.

"Oh yes," Inuyasha grinned as he approached her table. She wanted to slap herself on the forehead—he had doggy ears; his sense of hearing was a hundred times better than hers.

"Don't you have somebody to piss off?" Kagome shot dryly. She wasn't on duty right now so she didn't have to kiss Inuyasha's ass.

He sent her a wink before sitting across from her. "Why would I do that when I have you to piss off?"

"Because I'm on break?"

"You still work for me."

"Not right now I don't," Kagome mumbled, going back to savoring her banana bread. A waitress watching the patio approached their tabled and inquired if Inuyasha would like anything to eat. He promptly ordered a large coffee and a chocolate chip cookie.

Kagome raised her eyebrow at him. "I thought dogs couldn't eat chocolate."

"They can't," he drawled. "But humans can."

Kagome rolled her eyes and returned her attention back to her food. She hated that he was sitting across from her—hated him and hated everything he did to her…especially the worms in the box thing. His order came quite quickly and Inuyasha began chowing down.

"What are you wearing to the party?" he asked rather suddenly.

Kagome looked up at him. "I don't know yet…I'm probably not going to know until the week before the party." Her voice was dripping with sarcasm. Inuyasha raised an eyebrow at her.

"Well you better know quickly because we have to match."

"We are not going together."

"Yes we are."

"No we are not."

Inuyasha smirked. "I'm your boss and what I say goes."

"What would you do if I just said I quit?"

"You can't quit," Inuyasha declared like it was factual. This caused Kagome to raise an eyebrow at him.

"I can't?"


"And why not?" I know he knows why I can't quit. She mentally rolled her eyes. Otherwise I would've quit a long time ago. She'd only been working there six months and she knew taking the job royally fucked up her life.


Inuyasha crumpled up the wax paper that the cookie came in and stood up with his coffee in his hand. He was donning a stark brown suit with a creamy colored dress shirt underneath his blazer. There was no tie to match and Kagome couldn't tell if he didn't wear a tie or if he couldn't tie his tie. "Because if you quit, I'll make sure nobody hires you in this country." Inuyasha sent another wink in her direction. "See you back inside…" And he walked off.

Kagome stared at his retreating figure before realizing something.


All she heard was his resonating laughter.



Kagome walked into her office and threw her jacket and purse onto the little loveseat that quaintly fit in the little room. She wanted nothing more than to lay down and take a nap on that thing—she had been saving up to get a cute little apartment and begin living on her own. Her mother insisted that she live at home until she got married but Kagome wouldn't hear of it.

She wanted to be independent.

Sitting on her armchair, Kagome logged into her computer and waited for her programs to reload. Her phone rang and she quickly picked it up.

"Takahashi Group of Companies, Higurashi Kagome speaking, how may I help you?" she said professionally into the phone.

"Hey Kagome, it's Yura speaking."

"What's wrong?" Kagome peeked out her front door to see Yura sitting at her desk. Nothing seems to be wrong outside…

"You have a call on line four."

"Who is it?"

"You know Kaoru Morimoto?"

Kagome's eyes furrowed. Kaoru Morimoto had been trying to form a partnership with the Takahashi group for the longest time but he hadn't been successful. His company's mandate and mission just didn't match what Inuyasha was trying to achieve so he had never formally accepted Morimoto's proposal.

"What about him?" Kagome mumbled into the phone.


"Dammit, tell the bastard to shut up," Kagome hissed. Yura giggled. "Ignore him, just keep talking."

"HiguRAAAAshi!" Inuyasha sang as he got closer to her office. Yura glanced towards Kagome's door and caught eye contact with her.

"Just. Continue," Kagome gritted out.

"He's on line four; want me to put him through?"

"Go ahead." Kagome stated just as Inuyasha burst into her office.

"KAGOME, I'VE BEEN CALLING YOU FOR THE LAST—" Kagome silence her boss with a finger to her lip. He raised an eyebrow but she began talking on the phone.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Morimoto." Inuyasha's eyes widened hearing her. "What can I do for you?"

Speaker! he mouthed. Quietly shutting the door, Inuyasha took a seat on the loveseat in her office and Kagome discreetly put the phone on speaker.

"—merger with Takahashi?"

"I'm sorry; could you repeat what you said?" Kagome spoke in a professional and slick manner. Inuyasha had to give her credit; she was a woman of many talents. He knew from when he first saw her at the interview that she would go places and take his company to new levels. That was why he told the human resources to call her back and hire her as the secretariat when his junior financial analyst position filled.

But why did he act like a douche to her when she was an asset to his company?

Takahashi Inuyasha had never been in a position where he felt weak and vulnerable. And this girl in front of him? The moment he set eyes on her his heart began racing…

He had a crush on her.

And for her to not find out about it was achieved by him doing the one thing he could think of: act like an asshole.

So far his plan was working. She had no idea, even though his crush kept on getting stronger. Hence the fact he forced her to be his date to the annual party. You got tact, Takahashi. He told himself sarcastically. He knew he had no tact at all, even though he had a crush on her, the woman hated his guts.

Although, she does look quite ravishing when the fire lights up in her eyes every time he pissed her off.

"I said, have you tried to convince the head positions of the company for me to have a potential merger with Takahashi?"

Kagome rolled her eyes. "Sir, as we have told you on numerous occasions, Inuyasha will not be undergoing a merger with your company for many statistical reasons."

"Name one!" he demanded.

"Our company is top ranking in the world right now with Cepheus Incorporated being third in the electronic industry, underneath Apple and Microsoft. Your company is seven in the top ten; merging with you is not sound because it will be disastrous for our income but beneficial for you." Kagome glanced at Inuyasha who nodded in approval of what she was saying. "It's a dog eat dog world out there, sir, and we refuse to be eaten."

Morimoto laughed coldly. "Tell Inuyasha that if his father still ran the company, he would've merged with us."

Kagome's eyes widened when she saw Inuyasha stand up. His father was a touchy subject and everybody knew nobody could talk about it.

"That was crossing the line," Kagome snarled into the phone before Inuyasha could say anything and blow their cover of being on the speaker. "You have no right to speak about his father like that. And you know what? Forget about any possible merger with our company, it will never happen after Inuyasha finds out about what you said."

"I'll convince him," Kaoru spat coldly.

"How?" Kagome challenged. "I'm withdrawing your invitation to our annual party. Tough luck contacting him now."

"You can't revoke it! We've been attending for the past five years!"

"Well I'm in charge of the invitation list this year, and you aren't making anywhere near it. Now have a good day, I have work to do." Kagome pressed the red button before Kaoru could make any rebuttal. Inuyasha was still seething in his upright standing position. His eyes were glazed over in anger and his entire body was rigid.

Kagome gulped—she was in an enclosed room with a pissed off jackass boss. Her life flashed before her eyes.

"You okay, sir?"


Kagome jumped and took a step back. "Re—relax, Inuyasha," she stuttered, using his first name. She had never seen him as pissed off as he looked right then and there. "He's just a jerk…"

"I'M GOING TO SLIT THAT FUCKERS THROAT!" Inuyasha threw a punch at the wall and drove his fist right in. Kagome squeaked…

That's going to cost a lot to repair, she thought dully.

The foyer outside went deadly quiet when they heard the impact of Inuyasha's fist against the drywall. Kagome needed to get him out of the building, she knew he'd go on a rampage if he remained inside. The only place she could think of was the rooftop garden that their building had. Grabbing Inuyasha's arm, she began dragging him out of her office. "Let's go get you some fresh air," she whispered.

"I don't need fresh air," Inuyasha growled, but allowed her to drag him to wherever the hell she was going.

Everybody stared at them.

"What happened?" somebody whispered as she passed by. Kagome didn't bother answering, she scanned her key card to open a private elevator only accessible to Inuyasha and the other department heads (along with herself). Dragging Inuyasha inside, she pressed the top floor button and prayed that Inuyasha wouldn't eat her alive in the small two by two elevator.


Inuyasha was leaning over the banister and Kagome was sitting on a bench, hugging herself to keep warm from the cold. It had gotten slightly chilly and she was regretting now not grabbing her jacket in the process of dragging Inuyasha outside.

Come to think of it, why the heck did I even do it? He's probably going to throw me over the edge of the building as soon as he calms down because he'll think it's funny, Kagome thought ruefully to herself. She wasn't paying attention to what Inuyasha was doing and was surprised when she felt the weight of his blazer fall over her shoulders.

"You're cold," he mumbled softly.

Kagome looked up at him in surprise before tearing her gaze away. "Thanks," she whispered, hugging his blazer close to her body. He smells soo good.

Inuyasha sat down on the bench beside her and stared into the sky. "Thanks for dragging me out of there," he said, quietly. "I would've torn the floor apart if you hadn't."

Kagome nodded dumbly. "Yeah. I was told when I first started this job that the topic of your dad is off limits. I could only imagine how angry you were."

"Yeah…" Inuyasha muttered. Kagome was surprised at how sweet the guy could be—he was either one of two extremes: a total jackass piss off, or a sweetheart.

I guess it depends on the situation? she told herself.

"Well…" Inuyasha looked at her with a cocky smile on his face. "What are you going to wear to our company party?"

"Inuyasha!" Kagome yelled. "Now is not the time!"

"You know," he drawled out in a low seductive voice, "I love how you say my name."

Growling, Kagome stood up and tore his blazer off. "Well I'm sooo glad you're feeling better, I'm going to finish some work before you keep me in for unpaid overtime!"

Inuyasha chuckled before he stood up. "Speaking of which—why I initially went into your office."

Kagome placed. Uh oh.

"Miroku miscalculated wages that went to the staff. He calculated one hundred percent being given to parents gone on maternity when we only give sixty percent. Because of that, our expenses exceeded our income and all the numbers were thrown off." The evil twinkle was in his eye—and Kagome dreaded that evil twinkle. "Can you review every employee that left on maternity and recalculate the wages properly?"


"Thanks, hot stuff." Winking, Inuyasha swung his blazer over his shoulder and proceeded to head downstairs. When he made it to the elevator, he turned over his shoulder and looked at her. "By the way," he called out.

Kagome looked up at him.

"Thanks." His voice dropped to just above a whisper. "For cooling me down."

"Yeah." Kagome waved her hand. "No problem." Jerk, asshole, pumpkin humper! I hope you fall off a cliff and break your foot—no, both feet. And have a sprained neck too. And you know what? I hope all your hair falls off before you turn thirty! You rotten excuse of a human being. Well, half-human being. Kagome wanted to throw a potted plant at his head.

This is the reward I get for being nice to him. Jackass-hole of a chimpanzee.

"JERK!" Kagome shrieked, as the elevator door shut and he disappeared behind it.


"He's keeping you on overtime again?" Korari asked through the phone. It was ten at night and Kagome was still in the office finishing up the task Inuyasha asked her to do. She knew she wasn't going to finish before midnight and she wanted nothing more than to sleep.

Plus the whole building was empty, besides Hanate the security guy.

"Yeah," Kagome mumbled, dejectedly. "He's so mean."

"You know, sweetheart…"

"Mama, he does not like me. No man could treat a woman so badly if he liked her. No man."

"Unless that man has serious ego issues." Korari grinned and Kagome smacked her forehead.

"Okay, Mama, whatever you say. Let me finish my work so I can come home and sleep before another long day of work tomorrow?" Kagome asked as politely as possible.

"I'll keep dinner in the microwave for you," Korari said sweetly. "How are you getting home though? The buses don't run this late."

Kagome wanted to cry. Oh yeah… "I guess I'll take a cab?"

"Do you have cash for one?"

Kagome's eyes widened in fear. No… "Don't we have cash at home?"

Korari gulped, her heartbeat racing. "We don't. I deposited it all to the bank today; the payments are being cut from my account tomorrow." Korari's fear was rising, as was Kagome's. "Baby, how are you getting home?"

"God, I don't know," Kagome groaned. "I'll figure it out. I'll call you when I leave?"

"Make sure you do," Korari said strongly. Telling her mother that she loved her, Kagome hung up the phone and buried her head in her hands, tears overflowing from her eyes and down her cheek. He's so mean. I can't believe he's making me do this when it's Miroku's fault. What the hell did I ever do to him?

A knocking on her door broke her out of her spell. Looking up Kagome was surprised to see Inuyasha standing at the foot of the doorstep with his car keys in his left hand. "Stop crying," he muttered, "and get your jacket, we're leaving."

"Where to?"

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "I'm dropping you home. I'll get Miroku to finish your work tomorrow."

Kagome sighed. "It's alright, sir. I can finish and take a cab home."

"Don't lie to me, Kagome." Inuyasha snorted. "I heard your phone conversation with your mom. Now get your jacket and hurry up before I decide to change my mind."

Not wanting to take any chances, Kagome quickly saved her work and grabbed her stuff before following her boss to the employee parking lot. The entire walk there, she was praying that it wasn't some sort of practical joke that he was playing on her.


Kagome was buried into the cushiony seat of his 2011 Cadillac Escalade. She had never been in such an expensive vehicle before. It's probably worth more than my life, she thought ruefully to herself. Inuyasha was playing some soft rock in the background and began driving her home.

"Whereabouts?" He glanced at her. Kagome looked around the streets and pointed to the left.

"Take a left there and keep going straight."

Nodding, Inuyasha did as he was told. Kagome watched his reflection through her window. She didn't know if she should thank him for his hospitality or just take what he gave without saying anything. On one hand he's her total asshole boss that didn't care for anybody but himself, but on the other hand he was an emotional, sentimental, fucking bastard.

Kagome hated the second hand.

"Thanks," she mumbled, "for the ride."

Inuyasha nodded. "I was staying late to finish up some files." He glanced at his rear view mirror. "Did you get the memo that Kouga Lang is throwing an invitation only dinner next weekend?"

Kagome shook her head. "I didn't open my e-mail today. Too much work."

Inuyasha glanced at her for a few seconds before turning his eyes back to the road. "He has an invitation only dinner. Miroku, Bankotsu and I have invitations with plus one. I was wondering if you would like to come with me?"

Kagome's heart stopped racing.

Did he just…He didn't…

"Are you serious?"

Inuyasha shrugged. "Why not? You practically do all my work for me; I guess it would make sense for you to come. Plus, he's doing mostly business talk so it'd be beneficial for you to be there with me versus anybody else being there."

"There isn't a catch?"



"On my life."

"No worms in a box kind of deal?"

Inuyasha burst into laughter. "Face it, that was a good one."

Kagome rolled her eyes. "No it wasn't. Right turn at the next light."

Inuyasha nodded and followed her instructions. "So, will you?"

Kagome wanted to say no so badly. It would be payback for all the times he was an A-class asshole to her. In fact, the word was right there on the tip of her tongue. She was waiting to fuck him up now like all the times he did to her.

Say it! Say no!

It's right there.

On the tip of your tongue…

Come on Kagome…

Say it.

Say it.


"Sure, why not."


Inuyasha grinned. "I knew you'd say yes."



"I just did. Stop being so resentful, I can smell it on you."


Kagome glowered at him. Inuyasha spotted the shrine and swiftly pulled up right at the base of the set of steps that led up to the house. He locked the door so Kagome couldn't get out and she whirled onto him. "Seriously, it's almost midnight and I've had to deal with your crap all day today and I'm going to have to deal with more of it tomorrow. Give me some peace!"

"Geez woman, I just wanted to thank you for what you did earlier today." He rolled his eyes. "So thank you for taking me to the rooftop," he said slowly. Kagome just stared into his eyes.

His gorgeous goldeny eyes.

"I felt like I owed you one, so I offered to drive you home."

I knew he didn't do it out of the kindness of his heart.

Inuyasha leaned forward slightly. Kagome leaned away. "Thank you for coming to Kouga's party with me also."

I should've said no.

Inuyasha continued to lean forward and Kagome was pressed up against the door. What the hell is he doing? Hasn't he heard of personal space? "Can I go now?"

Inuyasha pulled all the way back and stared at her for a few moments before unlocking the doors. However, before Kagome had time to get out of her door, he got out of his and ran over to the passenger side to hold her door open for her. Her jaw dropped. "What are you doing?"

"Being nice?"

Kagome wanted to ask if he was stable in the head. She slowly got out of the car and Inuyasha shut the door. Without word, he pushed her up against the door and caged her between his body and the body of the car. Kagome knew he was up to something. I KNEW IT!

"Now I can thank you better."

"You're such a creep. I can file a sexual harassment report on you, you know that?"

"You could. But I can pay people to be my alibi." Inuyasha smirked.

"Seriously, Takahashi." Kagome struggled to get out of his trap. "I need to go so I can sleep and be on time for work tomorrow." She glared at him. "Otherwise you'll yell at me."

"Come in an hour late tomorrow." He shrugged. "I'm not stopping you."

"Yes you are," Kagome said, in a deadpan voice.

Inuyasha grinned. "Usually I am. But tomorrow I'm not coming in till noon so you can come in a bit later, if you want."

There's a catch, Kagome told herself.

"But if you can't finish your work, you're staying unpaid overtime."

I knew it.

Kagome tried to push at him again. "Can I please go?"

Inuyasha brought his face down toward her ear. "Seriously," he whispered, "nobody's ever had the decency to make sure I calmed down when I get riled up. Thanks."

Kagome's eyes were wide.

She was speechless.

"But" He was still whispering in her ear. "I lied about making Miroku do your work. Make sure you have it finished by tomorrow night."

Before Kagome could retort, he pressed his cold lips against hers for a quick and sudden kiss before drawing back. Winking at her stupefied figure, Inuyasha walked over to the driver seat and got in. He rolled down the passenger window and called out, "Good night, Higurashi!" Before speeding off into the dead of night.

Kagome's fingers touched her lip. That creep just kissed me. She whirled around, finally getting over her initial shock. Her anger began to bubble.

"TAKAHASHI!" she screamed to nothing in particular. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"


Beta edited: Sakura-chan Master of the Clow Disclaimer: Characters are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. Plot belongs to Wolf Blossom (myself). Fanfiction is also posted on