InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ More Important than Work ( Chapter 22 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


Kagome stared at him blankly for a split second before raising her eyebrow. "Well, turn it on, sit down and let it whirl. I am on a mission to get changed and sleep because I am tired."

Inuyasha smirked, resting his hands on his hips. "Tired? I'll show you the meaning of tired."

"Don't count on it," Kagome winked at him, "I effortlessly tire men out."

"EHH?" Inuyasha had a look of annoyance and anger flash across his face. "I will be the only man you" finger quotation marks courtesy of Inuyasha "effortlessly tire out."

Shrugging, Kagome went to put on the shirt that Rin had provided her. Her movements were cut short due to Inuyasha wrapping his arms around her waist – something the brains behind the CEO was anticipating. Turning her head to the left, Kagome supressed the shudders that ran up her spine when she felt his lips softly graze over her shoulder.

"You're something else," he murmured, his fingers caressing her bare abdominal, "you make me want you more than I've ever wanted anybody else."

Kagome involuntarily moved her head to the side and let his lips torture her neck. She bit her lower lip, supressing the moan that was fighting to escape. She didn't want to admit to Inuyasha that he turned her on more ways than anybody else ever did – it would make his ego explode into something larger than the Sun. His grip around her waist tightened and he ran his tongue down the column of her neck. Subconsciously, he pulled her closer to his body and his hardened erection pressed against her behind. Kagome threw her head back and opened her mouth while Inuyasha used his index finger to trail an invisible pattern down her breastbone to her naval.

His finger stopped at the hem of her panties.

"Shall we?"

Inuyasha didn't wait for a response as he picked Kagome up bridal style and brought her to the Jacuzzi. As she fumbled to get it on, Inuyasha went to dim the lights in the bedroom; the lighting had to be perfect. Inuyasha Takahashi was about to make love. Finding it to be the right glow, Inuyasha stripped out of his shirt and pants and set himself in the Jacuzzi, clad in his underwear. Kagome looked at him and he looked back.

"Jacuzzi sex, eh?"

Kagome raised her eyebrow. "Well you did say we had to give it a whirl," teasingly, Kagome dropped one of her bra straps and winked at Inuyasha, "and whatever the boss says, I gotta do."

"Fuck yes you gotta do," Grabbing her by her arm, Inuyasha pulled Kagome so that she sat on his lap. His left hand caressed her inner thigh while his right hand moved to unhook her bra. With a fluid movement, Inuyasha released the constraints that hid her milky mounds of goodness and threw it to the side. Kagome gasped in sheer pleasure as he cupped her right breast with his hand and began massaging it. He used his thumb to play with her nipple, causing to become harder than it already was.

His tongue ran down her neck once more. Kagome moved her left hand to his and interlaced it. Despite the fact that her hand was now on his, Inuyasha still caressed her inner thigh. He let go of her breast and, from memory, went to hit the switch that activated the jets. Instantly, four jets came to life. Instead of returning his hand to her breast, Inuyasha trailed it down her torso and began sliding it into her wet panty.

"Wench," his voice was hoarse in her ear, "beg for me."

Kagome moaned loudly but still managed to shake her head. "I beg for no one." She groaned out. Inuyasha had ground his index finger into her clitoris as she spoke her words.

"Is that so?" Inuyasha smirked. She nodded.

"I'll have you beg for me," he growled huskily in her ear. He used his middle finger to stroke her folds twice before pulling his hand from out of her panty. "You will want me as much as I want you." He kissed her neck and trailed his fangs up to her earlobe, "And you will not hold back."

Kagome's eyes widened when she felt him move her off of him and turn off the jets. She whirled around and looked at Inuyasha; he was gathering his clothes and moving to exit her room.

"That's it?"

Inuyasha grinned. "That's it. Goodnight, wench."

Her jaw dropped. Oh the nerve of that man!


Kagome had woken up long before Inuyasha and borrowed some of Rin's formal clothing for work. Kagome and Izayoi prepared breakfast that morning and bonded over every little thing that they spoke about; yoga, sunsets, studying (they were both such nerds…), and Inuyasha. Izayoi told her that she was hoping that Inuyasha got hitched, and soon. He was almost eight hundred. God forbid he pass his prime age to get married. Kagome inwardly snorted.

"Tell him to grow up," she spat bitterly, "maybe then somebody might actually be attracted to him."

Izayoi shrugged. "I told him to get married to Kikyo. Thank god he didn't listen to me, though."

Kagome cringed. Wow… about that, note to self: call Naraku. The two women made a gourmet breakfast and just as Kagome went to take a taste of their omelette, a phone call from the office prevented her from taking the taste. Yura forgot her keys and she was locked out of the office – plus she had to print some important documents out. Sighing, Kagome said she'd be there in ten minutes and, thankfully, Sesshomaru was awake to give her a ride.

Izayoi quickly packed Kagome some food for the ride to work and the young secretary was promptly on her way out.

Izayoi stared at the spot that Kagome and she were cooking moments prior. Hmmm… A slow smile spread across her face.

She's the one, Inuyasha, Izayoi thought, please don't lose her…



Izayoi and Rin stared at an angry half demon. He was seething over the fact that Sesshomaru had gone to drop Kagome to work due to unforeseen circumstances. The two ladies looked at each other and then back at Inuyasha.

"She's not a wench."

"Nor is she yours."

The latter comment came from Rin, and that was mainly to piss Inuyasha off. Inuyasha growled and grabbed his jacket, making his move to leave the mansion. Izayoi called out for him to eat breakfast and promptly informed him that Kagome made it before he made it out the door. Begrudgingly, Inuyasha walked back, picked up a plate of food (he didn't even look to see what was on it) and left muttering something along the lines of if my wench made it, I'll eat it.

"Aye, that lad be smitten." Rin nudged her mother-in-law. Izayoi snickered.

"Introducing you to Shakespeare was the dumbest thing I've ever done."

"To be or not to be!" Rin wailed and Izayoi clamped a hand over her mouth. The staff of the household laughed in good humour – never a dull moment with the Takahashi family.


"So the baby is Morimoto's?" Kagome asked Naraku. She had called him as soon as she stepped into the office and told Yura to edit some reports for her. There was enough on Kagome's plate for that day; she couldn't be bothered with editing.

"Based on what Ryuukotsusei is telling me, yes," Naraku stated, "and we managed to contact Morimoto's lawyer. We are suing him for bodily harm – your brother's accident- and Kikyo's lawyers contacted us, wanting child support and a paternity test done."

Kagome frowned. "A pat test? But I swear you just told me—"

"I did. But that doesn't mean they can produce false results."

True. Kagome bit her lower lip. "Okay… and the bodily harm thing?"

"Chiisu was the one that hit Souta," Naraku stated, ruefully, "the details are still unknown, but Ryuukotsusei's team was able to gather enough information to deduce that Chiisu is responsible for hitting Souta. As such, we are suing him and his father for inducing bodily harm on a dependant."

"And when can we expect all of this to wrap up?"

"YOU WENCH!" Kagome looked up to see a seething Inuyasha. She pointed at the phone and he snarled.

"I don't give two shits to who you're talking to—"

"It's Naraku."

Inuyasha paused. "Oh… well… carry on speaking." Kagome rolled her eyes and saw him sit down on her loveseat, tapping his foot impatiently. Kagome turned her attention back to a laughing Naraku.

"Shut up, Naraku!"

"You two are so funny though."

Kagome sighed. "Back to business?"

"Oh… well yeah, that's the gist of it." Naraku cleared his throat. "Ryuukotsusei is trying his luck with something, but it's a long shot."

Kagome and Inuyasha looked at each other and exchanged curious glances. "What is he trying…?" Kagome murmured.

"I don't know if you're aware of this or not but Kaoru Morimoto had been the one to murder Inutaisho a very long time ago."

Kagome sucked in her breath and Inuyasha's heart stopped beating. Why was the topic of his father's murder coming into play now Everything had been settled when the Demon High Court had charged Morimoto for his murder a couple of centuries ago.

"What…?" Kagome whispered.

"It isn't my story to tell but when you talk to Inuyasha, tell him that Ryuukotsusei is trying to reopen the case. If Morimoto has the intention of causing bodily harm through his son, then he must be breaking his quote unquote parole in some way shape or form." Naraku stated, "I well… I can't tell you yet particularly because this is Inuyasha's story and but I have to get the full details from Ryuukotsusei. Who knows? Maybe we can reopen the file... Inuyasha would be happy about that."

Kagome could hear her own heart beat loudly against her chest. "Oh…well keep me posted." Inuyasha's father was murdered?

"Will do. Take care, Kagome."

"You too, Naraku." Kagome put the phone down onto the receiver. Looking up, she saw that Inuyasha was in a state of shock, his eyes wide and his body rigid. Kagome got off of her chair and sat down beside Inuyasha, on the loveseat. Gently, she placed a hand on his left thigh.


He seemed too shaken to be able to speak. Reopen father's file? But... Kaoru was ordered to... but that wouldn't stop that fucking asshole. He clenched his fists. He did use his son to hurt Kagome's brother.

Kagome removed her hand from his thigh and put it on his cheek. That brought him back to his senses. He looked over at her and put his left hand over hers and interlaced his fingers with her fingers. The heat of her touch was seeping into him—he loved it.

"When is he calling back?" He croaked. Kagome exhaled.

"Don't know. Hopefully within the week…" Naraku is right. It's his story to tell. I can't ask him, not yet at least.

He nodded. "Let me know." Inuyasha stood up and was about to leave, but Kagome called for him. He turned around and she asked why he barged into her office initially. Inuyasha stared at her for ten seconds before turning around once more.

"You left unexpectedly this morning. I wanted to know why…"

"Yura forgot her keys," Kagome stated. Inuyasha merely put his hand in the air to acknowledge what she said before he left entirely. Kagome stared sadly at the spot he was moments ago. Oh, Inuyasha…


"Mister Takahashi," Kagome knocked on Inuyasha's office door. She heard him say come in, and politely opened the door. Inuyasha was hosting a meeting with Jinenji, a very close partner to their company. Jinenji looked up at Kagome and smiled. Kagome returned the gesture and then asked Inuyasha when he will be taking lunch.

"Half an hour, maybe less… why?" Inuyasha raised his eyebrow at her. Kagome blushed.

"I wanted to head down to the bistro across the street…"

Inuyasha smiled, knowingly—finally, the wench was showing some form of desire to spend time with him (not that she already did, but usually Inuyasha instigated it). He said that he would come get her as soon as his meeting was adjourned. Kagome, promptly, left his office and Inuyasha resumed his meeting with Jinenji.

"You two are very buddy-buddy," Yura commented as Kagome leaned up against the desk.

"You manage to keep cock-blocking us," Kagome snorted and twirled a pen between her index and middle finger. Yura giggled and wiggled her eyebrows.

"I apologize, I didn't know you were so desperate for cock."

"I'm not." Kagome stated firmly, "I just want his cock. Get it?"

Yura grunted. "You just want him. Period."

"Hey, I'm not the one that said it. You did."

The girls laughed over their not-so-funny conversation and Kagome returned to her office. She flopped onto the loveseat and closed her eyes, trying to get some relaxation in before the second half of her day began. She had to speak to the Design Team regarding the launch of Puppy Trails, she had to send some reports to head office, as well as forward a proposal to Xerox. They were trying to form some kind of agreement between Takahashi Group and Xerox.

And then Souta came home that night. A giddy feeling erupted in the pit of Kagome's belly. Finally!

"You ready?" The door opened and Kagome opened her eyes to see Inuyasha standing there.

"Yes sir." She got off of the loveseat and approached him. Swiftly, Inuyasha leaned forward and stole a kiss before placing a hand on the small of her back and guiding her out of the office. She was as red as a ripe tomato.

Yura winked at Kagome. The latter woman glared at the former.

Inuyasha missed the entire interaction.

The CEO and the secretary entered the elevator and waited for it to shoot all the way down to the main floor. The silence was gnawing at Kagome; she wasn't used to such a mundane and distant Inuyasha. The elevator door opened and he waited for her to exit before he followed.

Alright. That's it… I can't take him like this! Kagome turned and faced him.

"Can everything we have to do this afternoon be put on hold?"

He looked at her, clueless. "Huh?"

"Can everything that we need to get done after lunch wait until tomorrow?"

Inuyasha furrowed his eyebrows. "… it depends on why it needs to be put on hold."

"I am treating you to lunch and I don't want a time limit on how long we should be out for. So how about we call it a day, tell Yura to clock us out and let me treat you." Kagome looked dead serious. Inuyasha stared at her momentarily before nodding slowly.

"Well… I don't have anything of relative importance."

"Good," Kagome pulled out her cell phone and called Yura, "I'll just take my work home for the night."

"You aren't taking your work home," Inuyasha said strongly. "Your brother is coming home tonight!"

"I know," Kagome rolled her eyes, "I just won't sleep on time tonight, but this is more important." She, then, turned her attention to her phone. "Hey Yura? It's Kagome. Can you clock Inuyasha and me out for the day? ... shut up and just do it. I'll see you tomorrow, bye."

All the while, Inuyasha's jaw dropped slightly over what she said. Kagome looked at him and searched his eyes, her own blazing with some form of passion. "Work is work; I can stay overtime tomorrow and the day after. But I can't stand you like this."

His heart was racing.

"You're more important than work could ever be."

They were facing each other, standing in front of his car, with not a single person around. Fluidly, Inuyasha wrapped an arm around her waist and pressed his lips tightly against hers. Without hesitation, Kagome wrapped her arms around his shoulders and melted into his kiss, her soul soaring. Inuyasha pulled back and pressed his forehead against hers, their noses touching.

"Thank you," he whispered. She closed the distance between them and softly murmured into the kiss:



Bada-bing bada-boom

Thank you to ALL of my fans for reading and reviewing! Kindergarten Flirting has won second place for Best InuKag romance and third place for Best AU/AR fanfic at the Feudal Association Fanguild (links to the award and the guild are on my profile).

Thank you all, once again!