InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ An Extremely Angry Kagome ( Chapter 27 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


Without informing her manager, Kagome took off for a coffee break with Yura. She was still livid at what Inuyasha did and she wanted some clarifications—who, what, where, when, why and most importantly, how. And the only person that could help her answer that was her co-worker, Yura – she just so happened to be a demon; the mistress of the hair.

They were silent until the entered the elevator. At that moment, Kagome exploded. "HE WRITES YOU UP?"

Yura looked away. "Well..."

Kagome frowned. "Well? Well what?"

Yura coughed. "Thing is… he didn't actually write me up. He commended me on what an epic prank we pulled and patted my back."

Kagome's eyebrow twitched. She clenched her left hand into a tight fist. Inuyasha had some serious balls to do what he did to her but only pat Yura's back—congratulating her on a "job well done."

"I'm gonna rip his ears off of his head and shove it up his nostrils, hopefully suffocating him in the process." Kagome grumbled as the elevator door opened. Yura shook her head and silently followed Kagome to the cafeteria. "You need to tell me everything you know about-" Kagome held her wrist up where the bite mark was visible, "this."

Yura bit her lower lip. "I don't know much. My husband didn't do the renchaku—he went straight to courting me."

"But you know something, right?" Yura nodded. "And something is more than the nothing that I know. So speak." The ladies retrieved two cups of coffee and found a table for two in a secluded area of the cafeteria. Kagome slid into the seat and glanced around before landing her eyes onto Yura.

"The best way to explain it is that it's like a… promise ring," Yura took a sip of her coffee, "typically when the renchaku is performed, it means that the male is promising you that he will one day court you to mate you, but right now is not the time."

Kagome raised her eyebrow. "A promise ring…?"

Yura nodded. "Yeah, it's the best way to put it. The effects, I've heard, is a bitch—no pun intended." Kagome rolled her eyes and took a long and savouring sip of her coffee with a shot of espresso. She needed her caffeine. "You're gonna want nothing but to be around him constantly until the renchaku wears off. Usually, from what I'm told, it's a fortnight."

"What about him?" Kagome screeched. "I'm gonna wanna be around his useless ass for two weeks but he's gonna be okay?"

Yura nodded sadly. "Unfortunately. The purpose of the renchaku is so that it prepares the female to be constantly around her mate. During the courting process and after mating, taking Inuyasha and yourself as an example, all he'll wanna do is be around you; to protect you because you are his." Yura watched the many expressions of Kagome. "Plus he's a dog demon and they're the most possessive in the demon kingdom."

Kagome buried her face in her hands. "My life sucks. In short, I'm doomed because he's going to Canada."

"In short," Yura snickered. She knew she had to pity the poor girl, but all of it was sooo funny. It wasn't unknown that Inuyasha really liked Kagome and instead of this being a prank, it was probably Inuyasha's twisted way of telling Kagome that he wanted her to be in his life, forever.

"Speak of the devil," Yura murmured. Kagome sat up straight and idly looked over her shoulder to see that Inuyasha was at the counter, buying a bagel and a cup of coffee. Immediately her wrist began burning and her chest began tightening. Her breathing was laboured and Yura frowned.

"Kagome?" Yura said, loudly. Inuyasha's ears picked up on the name and he turned around, a sly grin spreading on his face. But, as fast as the grin came, it was gone—Kagome looked like she was about to pass out.

"Ka—Kagome?" Inuyasha exclaimed as he ran towards his two secretaries, forgetting his order. Yura was beside Kagome who was clutching her chest, trying to breathe normally. Inuyasha made it to the table and crouched in front of Kagome; he took her left hand in his own and ran his thumb over the renchaku mark. Immediately it felt like Kagome's lungs opened up and she was breathing normally again.

"Wha—that was because of you?" Yura exclaimed. "How the hell… I didn't know it was that strong!"

"It's not," Inuyasha smirked; his eye's locked onto Kagome and his finger still rubbing the renchaku. "The severity of the renchaku depends on the possessiveness of the alpha male. Seeing as I'm dog demon—"

"I'll need to be around you that much more…" Kagome finished his statement for him. Furrowing her eyebrows, Kagome wretched her hand out of Inuyasha's grasp and stood up. She looked down at Inuyasha, anger blazing in her eyes.

"You're twisted. And I don't like you. I hope your hair falls out—" Did she really just say that? "Bye." Taking her cup of coffee, Kagome briskly strode past Inuyasha. Yura stood there for a split second longer before running after Kagome.

Inuyasha snickered and stood up. Just you wait and watch, wench.


Kagome had her office door closed and was hard at work on a report for Puppy Trails. Naraku called her moments prior to get Sango's phone number before proceeding to inform Kagome that he was going to call Inuyasha. Kagome told him to go ahead and then to inform her about what Inuyasha said—Naraku seemed skeptical as to why he would need to call Kagome to tell her what Inuyasha said. The two of them worked in the same office! But not wanting to argue, Naraku agreed and hung up.

Kagome was chewing on the end of a pencil and read through the report that Jennifer from Design sent her.

The crib is reminiscent of something from the Victorian era; beautiful hand carved rungs with a one-of-a-kind Egyptian cotton bedding.

Kagome didn't like how the first sentence was phrased. She read it over multiple times before rearranging it to:

This elegant Victorian style crib combines the beautiful artistry of hand carved rungs with the sophistication of Egyptian cotton bedding.

"Okay," Kagome hummed.

Without warning, her intercom rang: "Kagome? Be at my office immediately."

Kagome glared at the beeping red light, signalling that Inuyasha was waiting for her response. Pressing the microphone button like it was poison; Kagome murmured a quick "fine" before saving her work and locking her computer. She didn't want to see him…

But she did…

That's just the renchaku speaking. You're mad at him. Kagome instructed herself.


Kagome knocked on Inuyasha's dorr and right away it swung open. Before her was Inuyasha, in all of his glory, smiling innocently at her. Kagome frowned at him. "Last time you smiled like that, my wrist was bitten on and I had a panic attack in the cafeteria. So, stop smiling."

Inuyasha burst into laughter and caught her upper arm, pulling her into the vicinity of his office. "You're quite the comedian, you know that?"

"And you're quite the jackass."

"How is that?" Inuyasha was amused. He led Kagome to the couch and pushed her down so that she sat on it. All the while, she shot daggers at him.

"You do this to me," she shoved her wrist into his face when he sat down beside her, "and then proceed to tell me you're going to fucking Canada for a week. I have a panic attack in the cafeteria because you're two feet away from me, what the hell am I supposed to do when you're across the freaking globe?"

Inuyasha wanted to kiss her so badly. Temptation was deadly…

"It's not as bad as you think," he whispered which caught Kagome off guard. "I can keep you happy."

"What does that have to do with anything? You pat Yura on the back saying good fucking job, and you put me through this? I don't care if you say that you love me and I sure as hell don't care if you say you can keep me happy. THIS is RIDICULOUS." Kagome snarled, standing up. Inuyasha could see steam practically shooting out of her ears.

"Kagome, calm—"

"DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME TO CALM DOWN." Kagome roared. "That's like telling Shippo, after he's skinned his knee, to suck it up and be a man because it's just a cut!"

Inuyasha raised his eyebrow. "Well it is just a cut. Besides, what's so wrong about this—actually, don't answer that." Inuyasha grinned sheepishly when he saw Kagome inhale to yell at him again. She was rather sexy when she was angry—turned him on.

A lot.

"Why don't you be on your merry little way to Canada, find yourself a nice woman up there and leave me alone!" Kagome shrieked. "Maybe… maybe I could've loved you. Heck, it was already happening!" Inuyasha's eyes widened. "But after this? This is not only disrespectful, but uncalled for and I NEVER want to see your face ever again. I am your secretary and nothing more." Without another word, Kagome turned around and stomped out of his office.

Inuyasha remained sitting on the sofa; his jaw had dropped. Did she just… she… what…?


Kagome locked herself in her office—she dragged the loveseat in front of the door so that Inuyasha couldn't break his way in. Her head was on her desk and only the stains of her tears were proof that she had been crying. She was feeling lightheaded and her chest was clenching in pain once again—

I need to be with Inuyasha… She thought bitterly. Kagome was trying to fight it. It shouldn't be too hard, right? She just had to get her mind off of him, that was all. Subconsciously Kagome rubbed the renchaku on her left wrist and stared at her computer screen blankly. She told him, just moments prior, that she could've loved him and she wasn't lying. He was an idiot, yes, but he was sweet and caring when he wanted to be and her heart was slowly falling for him.

But this?

This uncalled for act put Kagome two steps back on the board. She wanted to care for him; she wanted to give him her heart—heck, she told him that she would be his (in the… dating sense). But, once again, this?

Kagome inhaled sharply as a pain shot through her chest. She couldn't do it… she needed to see him. Needing an excuse, Kagome quickly printed the half-edited Puppy Trails report and slipped it into a manila envelope. With much effort, she pulled the loveseat away from the door and composed herself. Her wrist hurt, her chest hurt, and her head hurt but nobody could've guessed with the poise that she ascertained.

Kagome was good.

Stupid Inuyasha. Stupid, stupid, stupid Inuyasha.

Kagome was strong-willed; she was a woman of many strengths and she would not let Inuyasha bring her down. There was a small part of her heart that said that he was doing this to silently tell her that he wanted her to be his in the forever kind of way, but the better part of her heart told her to kick his nuts.


Inhaling deeply, Kagome left her office with her head held high.

Damn my racing heart.

Damn this renchaku.


Kagome knocked on Inuyasha's door softly, holding the manila envelope tightly. She heard a grunt and assumed that that was her signal to enter. Slowly, she pushed open the door and found Inuyasha doing one-handed push-ups. There was a flutter in her stomach.

"Takahashi-san?" She called out slowly, her voice shaking partially. Inuyasha looked up but continued pushing, his lips mouthing the number that he was on.

Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty…

"Takahashi-san…" Kagome repeated and Inuyasha stood up, smirking devilishly.

"What brings you to my quaint office, Higurashi?" Her last name rolled off of his tongue. The tightness in her chest started loosening and Kagome was able to breathe once more. She thrust the envelope to him and looked at him, daringly, in the eyes.

"The report for the preliminary design for the Puppy Trails crib," her voice was still shaking. "Here. I did a rough draft so you can tell me if I'm on the right track or not so I don't stay for unpaid ov—" Kagome's run-on sentence was cut off when Inuyasha wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and pressed his lips tightly against hers. Instantly a feeling of release filled Kagome's body but she wasn't about surrender. Sure; this was exactly what she needed—to feel his lips on her, his body against hers; skin on skin… but she didn't want to want to feel it.

It was all the renchaku's fault.

Firmly she placed her hands on his chest and pushed him off. "This is… in appropriate." Her body was shaking; the renchaku didn't like that she fought him.

Inuyasha raised his eyebrow. "I can feel that you need me."

Kagome snarled. "I don't need you. The stupid mark needs you." This was a bad idea; she would've been okay in not seeing him. Eventually, the empty feeling would've been something normal and she wouldn't need to see him. Letting the manila envelope fall to the ground, Kagome turned and was about to leave.

But Inuyasha wrapped his arm around her waist and tugged her body into his. His lips lowered onto her neck and he began kissing her, softly.

Her heart fluttered.

"This is what you want," he whispered. Kagome turned her head, unable to control the actions of her body. "Why don't you let yourself have what you want…?"

Kagome closed her eyes. "Why punish me and not the other party involved in this prank? Why put me through hell if you're going to leave for Canada? I can't even stand being an office away from you, what the heck am I gonna do when you're across the world."

Inuyasha smirked against her neck. "You'll be fine."

Kagome rolled her eyes and pulled away from his hold. "Yeah, I will be." Without looking back, she left his office. Inuyasha ran his fingers through his hair, his mind reeling.

Should I… tell her I'm not actually going to Canada? He smirked. Nah, let her squirm for a bit longer.


Kagome packed her stuff and was leaving the office with Yura when Inuyasha intercepted them. "Headed home, ladies?" He asked, grinning with his fangs showing. Yura nodded and Kagome just stared blankly at him.

"Yes, we're headed home. Matsumo is picking up Yura and Sango is picking me up." Kagome stated coldly. It was true; Yura's husband was picking her up and Sango was getting her—Sango wanted to ask her questions about the Morimoto plan because Naraku contacted her.

Naraku had called Kagome later in the afternoon to inform her that he had spoken to Inuyasha and Sango and that Sango would debrief her on what's happening. Immediately after, Kagome called Sango and they planned a sleepover at the Shrine.

"I didn't ask who's picking you up; I just asked if you're headed home. Alright then, have a good evening, ladies." Inuyasha winked at them before headed back to his office. Yura and Kagome exchanged awkward glances before, silently, heading to the elevator. Once inside the vicinity of the two-by-two cube, Yura began speaking.

"He's acting…"

"Weird?" Kagome raised her eyebrow. "Yeah, because I gave him a piece of my mind. Renchaku my ass."

Yura could only laugh at Kagome—her predicament was sad… but funny at the same time.

Oh, Kagome…


Sorry for the late update; my grandmother was gravely ill and I had to fly to Bangladesh with my mother to see her and to give blood.

Also, this story WILL be longer than anticipated. It won't be done for a while so… enjoy? Heh…