InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ Removing the Renchaku? ( Chapter 29 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


"WHY HER THOUGH?" Miroku was in Kagome's office yelling his face off. The poor girl was hiding behind a binder, trying to wait till Hurricane Miroku ended. Apparently Sango had told him the details of what was happening regarding their plan to frame Kaoru Morimoto. He didn't like his… object of affection flaunting her body and flirting with somebody else.

"Because she," Kagome paused and thought for a moment on how to phrase what she wanted to say. Finally, she decided to say: "She is very in-tune with her body."


Kagome blanked. Okay, on a need-to-know basis regarding Sango's sex life, and THAT I didn't need to know.

"Why are you yelling at the wench?" Inuyasha's lazy voice floated into Kagome's office. Miroku turned around, seething, and Kagome sent a look of appreciation to her boss. His doggy ears were good for something other than looking incredibly cute and rub-able. Miroku stalked up to Inuyasha and glared at him with as much force as he could muster up. Inuyasha merely raised an eyebrow and glanced up at Kagome. She crossed her eyes and Inuyasha stifled a chuckle.

"You are using Sango to lure Morimoto out! Couldn't you hire an escort?"

Inuyasha crossed his arms. "Didn't it ever cross your head that Sango agreed to help us?"

Miroku frowned. "SO? If Shippo agrees to eat mud, would you let him?"

"Okay, Sango and Shippo are VERY different." Kagome stood up. "Sango is aware of consequences. Shippo is not."

"Can we stop using my nephew as a fucking comparison? Geez." Inuyasha frowned. "All anybody ever does these days is name Shippo."

Miroku and Kagome sent him an incredulous look. Inuyasha glared them off and uncrossed his arms, playing them on his hips. "Listen, Sango is helping us and Naraku is taking every precautionary measure in the book to make sure that she is okay. Ryuukotsusei will be in there with her along with two undercover cops. Naraku, Ryuukotsusei, Sango, Kagome, myself, and the cops are all meeting tomorrow." Miroku seemed apprehensive and Inuyasha sighed.

"Grow some balls and trust your woman."

"I trust HER, I don't trust HIM. Would you send Kagome in?"

"Kagome never modelled."


Inuyasha groaned. "Woman, I said you never modelled. Where the hell did I call you ugly?"

"I believe the message was implied."

"Your face is implied."

"That made no sense."

"You make no sense."

"Inuyasha, you're so dumb."

"Inuyasha, you're so dumb."

Miroku's head was going left and right like he was watching a ping pong match. He was trying to figure out at what point the conversation shifted from his anger to Inuyasha berating Kagome by being his childish self. Regardless, it was amusing and Miroku was getting paid to watch his boss and the secretary throw quips at each other. His job was so easy…

"Stop copying me!"

"Stop copying me!"

"I mean it!"

"I mean it!" Inuyasha had a superior grin on his face and Kagome looked like she was going to throttle her boss.

"Kagome is the bestest and most awesomest secretary in the whole wide world and I'm giving her a bajillion dollar raise!"

"Kagome is delusional."


"I thought you were copying me!"

Miroku threw his head back and burst into laughter, breaking Kagome's death glare to Inuyasha and shifting it to Miroku. Inuyasha's smirk widened and he joined in with the laughter. Kagome snarled and walked out from around her desk and pushed the two laughing men out of her office.

"JERKS!" she shrieked as she slammed her door shut. Yura raised an eyebrow in amusement at the scene that had just unfolded before her. There really was never a dull moment in the Takahashi Tower. Shaking her head, she turned her attention back to her computer and concentrated on her work—they had been having too much fun as of late, especially Inuyasha.

Yura was sending out the final e-mail invitation to guests that were attending the annual company party before she headed over to the post office to send out the invitation cards. Oh the duties of a secretary, sigh!

"Yura," Kagome's voice rang through the intercom and Miroku and Inuyasha shut up to listen to what she was going to say. "I'm headed to a quick meeting with Puppy Trails design team and Cepheus. We're launching the website tonight at midnight—coming?"

Yura pressed the button and said into the intercom: "I would but I have to send out the invites to the party. Do you need somebody to take the minutes?"

Kagome responded with, "I'll just grab Terra from IT. She just e-mailed me saying she has nothing to do."

Yura laughed. "Alright. I'm headed out, want anything?"

"Bring me back a bagel… and maybe a chocolate chip cookie."

"How about a foot rub with a Swedish masseuse?"

"Make sure his name is Sven."

Yura snorted. "You are the light of my dull and dreary life."

"Tell me something I don't know." Yura, Miroku and Inuyasha turned to Kagome's office seeing her come out instead of speaking to Yura via intercom. Kagome shot a nasty glare at Miroku and Inuyasha.

"See you in a bit, Yura."

Inuyasha smirked. "See you in a bit, Yura."

"Oh not again!" Kagome groaned and Inuyasha mimicked her.

"Oh not again!"

"Seriously, Inuyasha!"

"Seriously, Inuyasha!"

"I mean it!"

"I mean it!"

By now they had attracted a crowd. Staff came out of their offices with amused looks on their face to see their CEO and his secretary quibble. Inuyasha looked like he wanted to burst into laughter and Kagome was just seething in obvious livid anger. Her disdain was radiating off of her, but Inuyasha was not fazed at the least. In fact, he seemed to want to fuel her anger even more.



Two can play this game, she thought as she formulated a plan in her head. She took a step towards him and raised an eyebrow. "You know, you're absolutely amazing in bed, right?"

Everybody gasped. Inuyasha's expression matched Kagome's. "You know," he started saying slowly, "you're absolutely amazing in bed, right?"

Kagome crossed her arms and Inuyasha did the same. "I mean the way your lips work…"

"I mean the way your lips work…"

"The way they run down my body…"

WHAT THE FUCK, KAGOME? Yura shrieked in her mind. This was getting X rated and they were in a G rated environment!

"The way they run down my body…"

"Pass my belly button…"

"Pass my belly button…"

"Licking my pussy."

"Licking my puss—FUCK!" Inuyasha groaned as he stomped a foot. "You did that on purpose, wench!"

Kagome had a superior grin on her face. "I win! Goodbye, hope you all enjoyed that little bit of pornography. Now get back to work!" With a final wink thrown at Inuyasha, Kagome turned and left the office, making her way to the thirty-eighth floor of the building. All the while Inuyasha stood there, glowering at the spot she was just standing in.

"Didn't know you had a pussy, man." Miroku pat Inuyasha's back. "How does it feel?"

"You're fired."

"You'll rehire me in ten seconds flat."

Inuyasha paused and raised an eyebrow at Miroku. The CEO rolled his eyes. "Fine, you're rehired. Get your ass back to work, I'm gonna stalk Kagome and get her back for making me say that."

"You do that; by the way, can I come to the meeting with Naraku tomorrow?"

Inuyasha waved his hand as he walked towards the elevator. "Do whatever you want. I'm on a mission!" And he disappeared behind the steel doors of the moving compartment. All staff of the fiftieth floor glanced around and burst into exploding laughter.

That had to be the weirdest thing they'd seen in the longest time.


"The showroom is ready," Jennifer stated while standing in front of an overhead projection. The Design Team, Kagome and three members of the Graphics Design Team, Nadoko, Kanji, and Akane, as well as Terra from IT were situated around an oval board room table, engaged in their meeting. They were figuring out the kinks of their new launch before timing their website to debut at midnight, sharp. "We're getting the first pieces of furniture delivered to us in two weeks' time."

"That means we can update the CG pictures on the website to actual photos," Kanji Romanji, head of the graphics team stated. Kagome was always amused with Kanji's name—it was so unique.

"Precisely," Jennifer nodded. "We're debuting this on the eve of our company—oh, hello Mister Takahashi."

The members of the meeting turned around to see Inuyasha pull the door open, looking stern and curt. Kagome was bemused; her wrist was tingling but that was because Inuyasha was near and it made the renchaku very happy. She watched him pull up a chair and squeeze in between her and Terra. Not once, though, did he make eye contact with her.


Jennifer raised an eyebrow and quickly glanced at Kagome before continuing with what she was saying. "Umm… so yeah, what was I saying?"

"Debut," Akane mumbled, looking up from her iPad. She was doing last minute touch ups to the website.

"Right! We're debuting the cribs on the eve of our company party and Raidon started plans for a line of stuffed animals that'll perfectly complement the furniture," Jennifer proudly stated—she and Raidon had a little something-something going on—and Kagome nodded, taking notes. Inuyasha looked like he was concentrated on what Jennifer was saying, but he was actually paying very close attention to what Kagome was doing.

"Wait, wait," Kagome suddenly stated as she looked up, a spark of concern evident in her face, "we're debuting this, correct, but we need to sell it, and we can't do that without some form of marketing strategy. We have this amazing new line of cribs, great, but why should people buy our cribs and not something from… Wal-Mart?"

"Because Wal-Mart isn't brand name?" Terra raised an eyebrow.

"So? What is Takahashi in the world of enfant apparel and merchandise?" Kagome crossed her arms. "What has the marketing team been—" she abruptly stopped and clamped her mouth shut. Everybody watched her curiously but she made no movement. Instead, she inhaled sharply and completed what she was saying: "What has the marketing team been doing to sell our cribs come de-but." The word debut came out in two syllables, but it was not done intentionally. Inuyasha had suddenly placed his hand on Kagome's thigh and slowly began inching it up. She tried to swat him away without making their situation known, but she failed miserably.

"Kagome is right." Jennifer paused. "We have a great ad campaign for post-launch… I actually am not aware of anything we're doing to create a market segment the night of the launch."

"Bring a baby and have him play in the crib?"

Everybody was so concentrated on Kagome's point of discussion that they didn't notice Inuyasha lean close to Kagome's ear and murmur: "How about I run my tongue on your body, pass your belly button, and fuck you with my tongue?"

Kagome gulped. "I'm trying to work here, Inuyasha."

"Yeah?" His voice was raspy. Sexy. "So am I."

"Stop." Her voice quivered. "This is really weird."

"I know you like it."

"As a matter of fact," she tried to shove his hand off of her leg, "I don't."

"Then why can I smell you so aroused?" His hot breath tickled her ear. "Why can I hear your heart pounding?" He brought his hand to the junction that connected her leg to her pelvic structure. "Why do I sense that you're ready to fuck my brains out?"

"I'm not." She gulped.

Inuyasha softly chuckled. "I'll show you, wench." He placed a soft kiss on her cheek, really quickly. "I'm all man down there." Without waiting for her response, he stood up.

"Good. You guys pass this surprise inspection. I'm giving you all a two dollar raise on the hour." He turned and left, leaving Kagome breathless and the rest speechless.

"Well…" Kanji paused. "That was… fun."

"Not really," Kagome gritted out. Oh he wanted to play nasty did he? She'd show him nasty. "Can we finish this meeting? I have a lot of stuff to do today."

What's up her ass? Kanji thought bitterly.


"I really want spaghetti and meatballs," Yura stated as she and Kagome went to the Bistro for lunch. "I love their meat sauce…"

Kagome nodded in agreement. She was planning on telling Yura what Inuyasha had done when he barged into the meeting—the gall of the man! Absentmindedly, Kagome rubbed the bite marks on her wrist as they quickly j-walked across the street to get to the Bistro in the quickest time possible. They were seated in a heartbeat and the waiter gave them a moment to decide on what they wanted to order. Kagome took the opportunity, unaware that Inuyasha was across the street, drinking coffee as Bankotsu was having a smoke. His intention was to come down and chit-chat with Bankotsu, but he was highly gleeful that Kagome was across the street.

One ear was turned to Bankotsu.

The other, to Kagome.

"So, our awesome and Godly CEO," Kagome's tone was oozing with sarcasm, "decided to hypothetically rape me at my meeting today."

"Did he hypothetically grab you against your will, tear your bottoms off and insert his manhood into you mercilessly while you begged and pleaded for him to stop?"

"… What the fuck?"

Yura giggled. "Sorry, I felt that I was in a position to say something uncalled for. Do go on, what did he do?"

Kagome rolled her eyes. "I think you need to be institutionalized." She ignored Yura's snort. "He starts rubbing my thigh all… seductively, and then tells me he's gonna show me that he's all man."

"I wouldn't doubt that."

"He's trying to dispute what I did earlier, remember?"

Yura laughed. "How could I not? Well, what's wrong? Have a good shank and be over with it. I'm pretty sure it'll make the renchaku very happy."

"Yura! I'd only have sex with a man I love!"

Inuyasha's soul froze.

"Didn't you sleep with him?" Yura raised her eyebrow and Kagome paused. "Were you virgin?"

Kagome bit her bottom lip. "Well that's kind of personal?"

"You tell me about how he almost rapes you today, you tell me how you two had sex, you tell me everything, but you can't tell me whether you were a virgin or not?" Yura snorted. "I know you had a man before Inuyasha and I know he was your first boyfriend and I know that you thought you loved him. Did you have sex with him though?"

Kagome sighed. "Well… almost."

"Define almost."

"Almost: something that is not quite or very nearly."

"NOT REALLY DEFINE IT— Oh, hi, yeah we're ready. I want spaghetti and meat balls and she wants the salmon and spinach salad, no dressing. Thanks." Yura spewed out before turning back to Kagome. "Speak. Now."

"Well… once or twice… but we didn't have sex much."

"Why's that?"

"It didn't feel… right. I wasn't fully comfortable with him seeing my body."


"Or maybe he wasn't the one?" Kagome shrugged. "I wasn't virgin when Inuyasha and I had sex."

"But you were more comfortable with him seeing your body than you were with your ex, correct?"


Inuyasha felt like his world stopped spinning. He couldn't believe his ears. If he wasn't half demon, he'd really doubt himself right now.

"So you love Inuyasha?"

Kagome shook her head. "I don't think I love him."

"But you're getting there?"

Kagome shrugged. "I was, before he put this stupid renchaku on me. Now my heart's at a standstill. I'm trying to figure out his intentions before I either let myself continue to have feelings for him, or block him out totally."

Bankotsu picked the most perfect fucking time to have a cigarette, Inuyasha thought. "Bankotsu," he interrupted what Bankotsu was saying; "it's nice out. Let's stay out for a bit longer."

"Yeah? I'm down… I'll have another smoke. What was I saying? Right, so then he goes up to this fucking huge sugar mama—"


"So you could love him?"

"I could." Kagome sipped her water. "But after this, I'm not letting myself. I don't think he's aware at how badly it affects me."

"You're doing alright now…"

Kagome nodded. "That's because he's within a one square kilometer range. The farther he gets, the harder it becomes—the first few days were brutal, but I'm getting used to it. There's always a dull throb unless he's physically touching me, and the farther he is, the harder it gets to breathe." Kagome rested her chin on her hands, "It's as close to death as I probably ever will get."

Yura sighed. "I spoke to my father; he said the renchaku was outlawed in the Feudal Era."

Sango said the same thing, Kagome thought quietly.

"It caused a lot of deaths. Demons were unaware at how badly it affected their intended mates—it's perfect for an era where a woman can be constantly around their intended… but not now."

Kagome nodded. "I know, Sango told me too. He thinks it just bugs me, or I get a panic attack… but I literally feel the air being sucked out of my chest and my heart fighting against itself." Kagome sighed. "And it's harder when I'm missing him."

"Which is often?"

"Which is often." Kagome confirmed. "When I think of him, it gets harder. When I hear his voice on the phone, it's even harder. I almost passed out the last time, but Sango called him and he got to my place on time."

Yura frowned. "Tell him, Kagome."

"You think he'll believe me? He'd think I'm trying to trick him into doing something about this."

"But he's leaving for Canada in two days. You'll literally die if he's that far away from you."

"I can try to condition myself to not miss him?"

"Can you condition yourself to stop breathing?"


"Exactly." Yura snorted. "You just can't not miss him, it isn't in you."

"So what the heck can I do? Tell him not to leave because I probably will end up falling into a coma, or something?" Kagome moved to crack her neck when her eyes locked with Inuyasha's.

"Oh no…"

"What's wrong?" Yura followed Kagome's gaze and inhaled sharply. "Oh man, that's gotta suck."

Oh yes, yes it does gotta suck…


Inuyasha had, without word, turned around and walked back into the building. He couldn't look at her right now, his anger was bubbling and he was at tipping point. I hurt her that much? I wasn't fucking told that it would hurt her that much. That bastard, Totosai, lied to me… I'm gonna shove that ugly pet boar of his up his ass and make him do an Irish-fucking-jig. Inuyasha, instead of taking the elevator, bounded up fifty flights of steps plus one, to go to the balcony.

He didn't want to smell Kagome.

He didn't want to see her.

Inuyasha knew it hurt her, but he was under the impression that it was pain that mirrored that of heartache. He didn't know that she had fucking hot flashes and felt like she was going to die and prance around with angels in heaven. If Inuyasha had known that, he would never have put the stupid mark on her.

I need to reverse it. I know there has to be way of reversing it— He froze when the smell of Kagome assaulted his nose.


He didn't turn around.

"How much did you hear?"

His tone was broken; his voice croaked.

"How badly does it hurt?"

Kagome stared at his back, her heart racing. "Not… much."

"LIES!" He whirled around. "Don't lie to me, Kagome. How. Much. Does. It. Hurt." He enunciated every word.

"A little…"

He approached her in three long strides and caught her by the shoulders. "Tell me the truth; look at me and tell me it's just a little."

Kagome bit her bottom lip and looked away. Wordlessly, Inuyasha grabbed her around the waist and began running off the edge of the roof. Kagome screeched in surprised before latching her arms around Inuyasha's shoulders. He shifted her so that she was riding him piggy back. "Hold on," he instructed.

"Where are you taking me?"

He was silent momentarily before responding to her question.

"To reverse the renchaku."


The idea of Renchaku has been very controversial. It was an idea I had and I wanted to give it a try; explore new territory with respects to my writing. There have been a few aspects that a lot of you didn't like. Many of you voiced it, and I appreciate that, and many have stopped reading this story because they didn't like the idea much. In any case, I tried a new idea and explored it a little bit, learning more about my writing and my abilities with every chapter. I just wanted to say thank you to those who criticized and informed me of changes I should make, and to those who loved the idea for what it was. I learned that the renchaku has to be tweaked before it can be perfected; it's a fledgling idea, but it's something.

Since it was so controversial, I decided to take it out from the picture a bit sooner than I initially intended to. I need to work on the idea a little bit more before I can reintroduce it, but because of your support and comments, I know what I should do.

Thanks for reading Kindergarten Flirting. See you next chapter!

Beta Edited by: Sakura-Chan MOTC