InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting ❯ Because of Her ( Chapter 38 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kindergarten Flirting

Back in kindergarten, your mother would tell you that if a boy pulls your pigtails he likes you, and if he dips them in paint he loves you. That goes for the rest of your life too. Moreover, when you're an adult and work for the Hottest Man of the Year.


"Rin," Inuyasha called his sister-in-law as she prepared food for Shippo. He had dropped Kagome off home and told her that he'd be by her place later that night. She invited him for dinner and he, eagerly, obliged. Inuyasha walked into the kitchen and saw Rin using a food processor to chop up some veggies. Stopping her work, she turned around to greet him.

"Hey, what's up?"

"I need… help. Again."

Rin decided to put her cooking utensils down and face her brother-in-law completely. She didn't want to chop off a finger after hearing what he could possibly say. "What is it now? Do you want me to find out if Kagome could potentially entertain the thought of marrying you?"

"WHAT? NO… well… yes… but… shut up, Rin!"

She doubled over in laughter. Inuyasha stood there, his jaw tightening and his ears twitching. He hated come to family and asking for help and that was mainly because of the stop-drop-and-laugh bit. He waited for her to finish and, when she finally did, he repeated his question.

"Would you?"

"You weren't kidding?" Rin finally recovered from her moment and stared at her brother-in-law.

"Should I be?"

Rin approached him and pressed her hand against his forehead, then cheeks. "You aren't running a fever…"

Inuyasha swatted her hand away. "I ain't sick, woman. Geez, if you don't wanna help then just say so."

"I never said I didn't want to help." Rin crossed her arms and leaned backwards slightly. "I'm just amused that you're taking such a big decision less than twenty-four hours of asking her to be your girlfriend."

"Am I asking her to marry me? No. I want to know if she would consider it so I know where to head this relationship."

"Sounds reasonable."


Rin was smug. "I can do it, you just need to figure out how to get her and I alone together and leave the rest to me. And before you say it, I won't be obvious."

"Right," Inuyasha didn't seem too convinced but he trusted his sister-in-law. "Remember, this is for my own knowledge. Just so I know where I'm steering us."

"You could steer yous to your bedroom for all we care," Sesshomaru sounded from behind his brother. "Does Kagome know I'm doing Souta's checkup along with their family doctor?"

Inuyasha nodded. "Yeah, I told her when I dropped her off. What the hell are you wearing?"

Rin had clamped her hand over her mouth to try and stifle her laughter. Sesshomaru was wearing a pair of spider-man boxers with plain black t-shirt. The sight itself was to die for. Sesshomaru crossed his arms and glared at his brother and at his wife. "Shippo had picked this out for me on father's day. I am wearing it out of respect for my son. Do not mock me."

"We oughta get him a pair of Bat Man and Incredible Hulk undies, wouldn't you say, sis?" Rin nodded in agreement to Inuyasha's statement before they both burst into peals of laughter. Sesshomaru glared coldly at the duo before turning around and leaving them in their own hilarity. Inuyasha had recovered first and exhaled loudly.

"That had to be the best thing in the world."

Rin nodded in agreement. "That had to be. Oh my sides hurt now…"

"MOMMY!" Shippo wailed from upstairs and Rin knew that was her cue to bring him his food. Quickly, she went to finish up her son's meal and Inuyasha sat down at the breakfast table and bit into an apple.

"So you'll help?"

"Yeah," she replied instantaneously. "Bring her over Wednesday after her brother's checkup."

"Good idea." Inuyasha stood up, "I'll go stall the runt while you make his food."

"Thanks," she smiled at him appreciatively. Inuyasha stifled a jaw splitting yawn and before he left the kitchen, he turned his head and told his sister-in-law:

"I put the down payment on the Hummer I owe you. We should be able to pick it up in five days."

She squealed. "NO WAY! YAY!"


Inuyasha raced through the almost deserted streets as he made his way to his girlfriend's house. Wow, he smiled, girlfriend. He wouldn't have thought that that would ever happen, especially with Kagome, a girl that both his human blood and demon blood craved to be with. He felt a ripple of excitement originate from the pit of his stomach and he knew it was a good thing. Inuyasha Takahashi was so deep in love that he even daydreamed about bunnies and cotton-fucking-candy.


He arrived at the foot of the stairs and took a moment to compose himself and breathe. It was technically the first day he was going to have dinner with her family as her boyfriend. Inuyasha was feeling a lot of pressure and didn't want to crack- he could look into the eyes of the meaniest, ugliest, and worst businessmen in the world and remain calm as a cucumber, but when it came to anything-Kagome, he was a puddle of goo.

A pitiful, puddle of testicle-shrinking goo.

So why did he love that feeling so much?

Kagome's face flashed in his mind and he smiled.

Because of her.

He loved her, more than anything, more than anybody. Although innate in him was the urge to prank and annoy her, he cared about her a lot and he proved that on many occasions. He could continue to prove it whenever he had to. Inuyasha loved, especially, that she was independent and didn't lean onto anybody for help. But when she really required assistance, of any sort, she didn't hesitate to ask.

One of the many qualities that made her Kagome.

His Kagome.

He reached the top of the stairs and made it to the door of the shrine. He got maybe two and a half knocks in when Souta threw open the door and grinned widely at him. "Hey!"

"You can walk!" Inuyasha grinned back at him and held his knuckles out for a quick bump.

"I can walk," Souta affirmed. "Onee-chan yelled at me last night to try and I'm glad she did."

"One of the rare occasions we're glad she yells hmm?" Inuyasha lowered his voice. "I think she was a banshee in her past life."

"I heard that," Kagome's dry voice sounded from behind Souta. Both men paused and Souta turned around to see his sister standing there with a whisk in her hand and a cupcake apron tied around her waist.

"Or maybe a half-banshee half-dog demon?" Inuyasha amended and laughed when she threw him a nasty look. Souta snickered and told his sister that Inuyasha did have a point.

"Right, remind me of that when I prepare your dinner tonight, little brother." Her voice was laced with annoyance. "Yours too, boss man."

"Will do," Inuyasha laughed. He entered the shrine and took his place on the sofa with Souta. Immediately, he picked up the PS3 controller and had a battle royal against his girlfriend's brother in an awesome game of Tekken. If only Inuyasha knew how to throw projectiles in real life; living in Feudal Japan would've been so much easier.


Dinner was amazing. The entire family sat around the dinner table and enjoyed a nice meal prepared by Kagome Higurashi herself. Inuyasha was surprised at how amazingly she cooked- he always knew she was a good cook, but this good?

And then her mother offered for him to sleep over (which he was going to anyway… just, the sneak-in-her-window-without-the-family-knowing-kind-of-way). But Korari offered for him to stay in Kagome's bedroom.

"Is your mother a normal mother?" Inuyasha asked as he lay on Kagome's bed, watching her change.

"Apparently not," she murmured. Kagome pulled on a nightgown that reached just at mid-thigh and crawled into her bed, ready to snuggle with Inuyasha. "Don't be surprised if she walks in here, offering us condoms."

Inuyasha shuddered. "That's kind of a scary thought."

"She's dying for grandbabies with dog ears."

"Don't worry, my mother as well." He pressed a chaste kiss on her forehead. "Seems like they'd get along, hm?"

"Apparently." Kagome yawned. "Am I being punished tonight?"

Inuyasha was ready to laugh. He smelt her arousal and knew she was ready to be ravished mercilessly- but what's a punishment if you're punishing somebody who wants to and is ready to be punished? Not a punishment at all. He gave her shoulder a tight squeeze. "Really? And just watch your mother barge in here, applauding as I go, telling me to make sure to fertilize your eggs?"

Kagome hit his shoulder. "My mother is not going to do that!"

"But she offered for your boyfriend to sleep over, in your room, on your bed."

"She's a very liberal kind of lady?"

He snorted.

"She's not strange!"

"Right. And I'm not a half dog-demon."

She hit him again. "So, will I be ravished tonight?"

Winking at her, he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her on top of him. Gently, he tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear and kissed the tip of her nose. "Not tonight. But, you will be punished very soon."

"Is it because you're afraid my mother might barge in?"

"Honestly? Yes," he smiled when she laughed. She snuggled into his chest, loving the way the rhythm of his heart was lulling her to sleep. Gently, he rubbing his hand up and down her back and eventually, snuck his hand underneath her nightgown. Kagome supressed a shiver of pleasure and he kissed the top of her head.

"Kagome," he murmured and she made a soft sound, acknowledging that she was listening.

"I love you."

Smiling, she turned her head and looked at him. "I love you too."

Their lips met, for a short and sweet kiss.


"Where is it?" Kagome wailed as she dug through her desk. Inuyasha had brought them to work and as she bought them some coffee, he opened up the floor. Presently, she was trying to find an important document that had information about the debut for Puppy Trails.


Her door flew open and Yura and Miroku stood there, both wide-eyed.

"What are you going on about?" Miroku asked.

"My Puppy Trails files! They were marked protected and they were RIGHT-" She slammed a finger onto her desk. "HERE!"

"Guess you have to write it again," Inuyasha's melodic voice trailed into her room and her angry eyes locked with his laughing ones. "Isn't that a shame? And you were almost done, too."

"I swear to fuck, Takahashi," she snarled, "you better not have my files."

"Or what?"

She took off her heels and he paled. Yura and Miroku stepped out of the way and Kagome lunged for him. Turning around, Inuyasha ran away from her but she was hot on his trail—everybody in the office came out of their cubicles to watch the secretary chase down the CEO. Miroku leaned towards Yura.

"They're dating?"

"Isn't it romantic?" She sighed. Miroku twitched.

Sango better not chase me around to show that she "loves" me.


In a huff Kagome left the office with Yura to grab another coffee. Inuyasha, toying with her, allowed her to chase him throughout the office. Eventually, he held up her files (which were hiding in Yura's desk without her knowing) and waved them precariously. Her eyes narrowed and she gave him the dirtiest look before turning around and leaving. Yura followed her.

"You'd think he'd give it up after telling you he loves you and asking you out." Yura commented as she sipped her latte.

"Not really, like I always said: 6-year-old in the body of a 27-year-old with a huge ego because he's" air quotation marks "hottest man of the year, 3rd year running."

Yura burst into laughter. "Normal women would be proud of dating him!"

"I AM proud, but when he messes with my documents, all hell breaks loose."

Yura shook her head in amusement. "You two, I bet you're firecrackers in bed."

Kagome smirked, creepily similar to Inuyasha's, and winked at Yura. "Wouldn't you like to know."

"I would. Anyway," Yura grinned broadly, "I'm three days late on my period." One tendril of her hair moved up and lay flat on her shoulder- Kagome still found it creepy that Yura seemed human, but was able to control hair.

Kind of like how Kagura seemed human but controlled the wind and Naraku, bless his soul, was a half-demon but Kagome had yet to find out what kind of half demon he would be.

"No way!"

"Yes way, going for a preggo test-o tomorrow!"

Kagome squealed. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh-my-freakin'-flying-piglet!"

"… what?"

"I'm excited!"

Choosing to ignore what Kagome said, Yura squealed once more and Kagome followed suit.

"You let me know right away what the verdict is." Yura nodded at Kagome's instruction. Both women threw out their coffee cups and headed to the elevator to go back to work. Gah, work.


"Dog boy's office," Bankotsu told Kagome. She had just arrived at the 50th floor when Bankotsu intercepted her on her trek to her office. She raised an eyebrow.


He shrugged. "No idea. He said he wanted to see you."

"If he shredded my files…"

Bankotsu laughed. "You two, seriously. And you're dating?"

"Why is that supposed to make any difference?"

"It isn't," Miroku piped, appearing out of nowhere, "but we still find it humorous."

Kagome rolled her eyes. Bidding her co-workers adieu, she headed straight to her boss's office. She was a tad annoyed that he had swiped her files; she thought she was going to have to rewrite them and was not looking forward to it at all. Pushing his office door open without knocking, she saw that he was leaning back in his armchair, balancing a pencil on his lip.

"Don't you have work to do?" She raised an eyebrow and he sat up straight.

"I'm trying to figure out the physics of a pencil," he winked at her. Kagome entered the office fully and shut the door. Without word, she walked up to the armchair across from his desk and sat down, crossing her fingers.

"Any reason why you stole my files today?"

He smirked. "It was funny—so what's your scoreboard at now?"

"You remember?"

"Of course," he leaned back in his seat once more, "your cat food prank was one point towards you, wasn't it? So what's the scoreboard like now."

She glared at him. "We're both tied, two to two."

"I believe I'm in the lead with a three, after today."

"In your dreams." She snorted. "That was not a funny prank!"

"And worms in your bento is?"

Kagome paused and caved. "Fine, fine, one point for you. BUT, I'm on top of my game!"

Higurashi: 2
Takahashi: 3

The mere image in her head of that scoreboard made her cringe. She was not going to lose to him!

"I can't believe you chased me through our department." Inuyasha commented, a soft smile on his lips. "You look very sexy all mad at me; I need to rile you up more often."

Kagome exhaled a long sigh before smiling softly as well. "Granted, that was fun… ish."

"I know you enjoyed yourself, chasing me around."

Kagome rolled her eyes, but still smiled. "Yes, I did. You happy now?"

Inuyasha pushed himself off of his chair and walked over to Kagome. Without word, he lifted her up from the chair and pulled her body into his. Immediately, his lips covered hers and her hands wrapped around his torso. His intoxicating scent of pure male assaulted her senses and Kagome entered into a new realm of high.

"I guess," he husked, "it's time to punish you." She made no complain as he lifted her and took her over to the couch in his office. Laying her down gently, he straddled her and allowed his hands to run over every corner, every inch of her body. Kagome watched him hungrily and his look matched hers.

"You're so beautiful," he hummed. She grabbed him by the forelocks and pulled him down so that they were connected by the lips again. The scent of her arousal turned Inuyasha on more than he thought he was capable of. Without thinking, he clawed at her blouse and shredded it before slicing her bra off. Kagome's eyes widened but he quickly lowered his mouth onto an exposed nipple. She swallowed the loud moan that threatened to escape.

"Liked my prank today?" His voice was slightly muffled as he was still teasing her breast, his left hand massaging her other one.

"No." Her response was curt but her fingers were running through his hair, occasionally giving his ear a soft rub.

"I liked seeing you angry," he trailed his tongue from one peak to the other, "you have this fire in your eyes."

"Do I now?" She wasn't paying attention to his words; all she could concentrate on was the way his body felt against hers, the way his tongue worked, the way his eyes bore into hers. Radiating. Loving.

"You do." He affirmed and began working his hand into her pants. Kagome's finger raked through his hair and she managed to throatily ask why he took her files.

"To piss you off."

Whatever she was going to say was forgotten when Inuyasha plunged his fingers into her, eliciting a soft groan from the back of her throat. Her legs bucked but he kept going at the pace he was going; in, out. In. Out.



Kagome's mouth opened into a silent scream, but he wouldn't subdue. In fact, her reactions urged him to continue.

"Is this punishment enough?" He huskily whispered. Kagome was too much in a state of euphoria to respond. Withdrawing his fingers, Inuyasha sucked on them before trailing kisses up her naked torso to catch her lips. Hungrily, Kagome devoured him.

"I love you," she murmured, "you can punish me whenever you want."

He laughed. "I intend to—"

Knock knock

"Cock block," he scoffed, "can we ignore them?"

Kagome was about to nod when—

Knock knock

"You two can keep away from each other for two seconds at least," Yura's voice sounded from the other side of the door. "Inuyasha, your mother's in the office!"

Both of them sprung away from each other, their eyes wide.

"Your mother?" Kagome asked. "Is something wrong?" she called out to Yura.

"I don't…" Yura paused. "I don't think so. She seems worried though."

That was it. Inuyasha pulled his blazer off and passed it to Kagome. "Wear this," he instructed and quickly bolted to the door. It was then she realized her clothes were shredded and on the floor. Looking up, she saw Yura staring at her. Inuyasha was long gone.

"Need clothes?" Yura seemed so nonchalant about the situation.

"Kind of?"

"I always have an extra pair in the office. You never know when you might need clothes, I'll bring them here."

Kagome smiled appreciatively at her but her mind kept reeling back to one thing.

Is Izayoi okay?
