InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kinetics ❯ Misty Mountain Hop ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: YALLO! Sorry I've taken so long with this chapter, but I just couldn't find enough inspiration. I wanted to take this chapter to introduce most of the characters, but I dunno if I'll pull it off. Yeah, I'm the weird guy who types notes before he writes the chap. Oh well, there'll be more at the bottom.

Oh, and sorry if I forgot to mention in the last chapter, but not all the chapters will be songfics... few of them will be, actually. But, I draw all of my inspiration from music, so the track will always be named after the song that inspired it. (More on this at the bottom)

Disclaimer: They say that what you see is what you get... but if that were true, I would own Inuyasha (which I don't), and wouldn't hafta live in a cardboard box in my basement...

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Make Yourself (soon to be Kinetics!!)

Track 2: Misty Mountain Hop

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"I'm so poor..." said Miroku, reaching into his pocket in hopes to find a dollar for the vending machine. "It's so rare to find five bucks in my pocket that last time I did I was sent to guidance for my victory dance..."

"Yeah, well, in a bankrupt world what can we ask for?" Said Inuyasha, a very serious look in his face...

"Yeah, well...." Miroku sighed...

Miroku did a mini-victory dance after Inuyasha tossed him a quarter. "Arigatou!" He said, running off towards the vending machines. When he got there he was in for quite a sight.... quite a stupid one at that. Some huge gorilla of a moron had brought a velvet rope in to school and was blocking off the soda machine. As Miroku approached, the guys boom a loud "Hold it!" Miroku froze... from the sound of things, movement meant pain. "Sorry.... person.... but this machine is reserved for the cool kids... no.... uncool? .... people allowed."

Miroku stormed back over to where he and Inuyasha sat in the corner of the school cafeteria everyday. He was pissed, not only because he didn't get a soda, but there was ANOTHER person who hadn't known he existed, and had probably forgotten already. Miroku was an unknown in Eisenhower High, and how people managed to forget about him so quickly, he would never understand. He wore, almost everyday, Blue jeans, black shoes, and a dark purple or dark blue shirt. That seemed pretty normal to him. But he also wore a black leather trench coat. How the hell do you forget someone in a trench coat? It was mind-boggling. What bothered him more, was that his friend, received 90% of all the negative attention in the school, and yet no one knew about Miroku. He once came in nude under the trench, and flashed everyone and ran during a big lecture, and STILL no one knew who he was. This was frustrating him... that guy couldn't even remember if he was popular or not! What the hell is up with THAT?!

He stormed over to Inuyasha, and, anger overly present in his voice, shouted "Did we wake up in Russia this morning?!"

Inuyasha's reply was an equally angry "No, in fact, we did NOT, wake up in Russia this morning!"

Together, the two of them stormed over to the gorilla-man, and Miroku shouted "hey let me tell you somethin', pal! You're proppin' up a dying system, man! You see some day soon, people are gonna wake up, and their gonna' realize that most of us don't fit into your Hollywood, Madison avenue, candy-coated idea of what's cool. And when they do, were gonna' rise up, were gonna put you on trial, and then were gonna' parade around town, with your head, ONNA STICK!"

The ape-man seemed bored by all of this. Sighing he said, "Righteous politcal outrage? C'mon what do you think this is, the seventies? And just who are you, anyway?"

"Damn. Oh well, it was worth a shot," said Miroku, shrugging off his defeat. "And the name's Miroku, so don't forget it."

Later on, when they had gotten back to their seats, Inuyasha looked over to Miroku. "You know, I think that's the first time you've ever told anybody your name." Suddenly things were all very clear to Miroku... Very clear indeed....

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'Pardon these interruptions, but will Inuyasha Takagami and Miroku Kenjishi please report to Mr. Kagewaki's office. Thank you.'

"I wonder what happened this time?" Asked Kagome as she and Sango made their way to Medieval Lit.

"Apparently, Inuyasha and Miroku screamed at the bouncer during lunch.

"Oh... hey, who is Miroku, anyway?"

"Oh, you know, he's the guy everyone pretends not to know just to piss him off. You know, the one who flashed everyone at that assembly last year?"

"Oh, right," Kagome shuttered. "Him. I didn't know he was friends with Inuyasha... I always thought Inuyasha had no friends..."

"Careful girl... you're starting to look like you have.... feelings.... for him..."

"Oh, come off it. I was only thinking, that the loser population of the school might be twice what I thought it was. I mean, if for every loser, there's a friend no one knows about, then.... *gulp* we could be in serious trouble..."

"Hah! You're kinda right though... there are a lot of people we don't know about in this school..." The girls were left in an awkward, uncomfortable silence as they made their way to Medieval Lit.

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"Afternoon Mr. Kagewaki," said Inuyasha as he sat down in the principal's office.

"What's it about today, Mr. Kagewaki?" asked Miroku dully.

"Gods, I see you guys enough to just have you call me Naraku," said the principal, sitting down behind his desk.

"What the hell kinda name is Naraku?" asked Inuyasha.

"My parents were... very strange.." replied Naraku, the not-so-evil, kinda-good-guy-once-you-get-to-know-him principal of Eisenhower High.

"Well, remember, if you have any haunting past issues or incriminating evidence, you can always come to us," said Miroku, in the tones of a concerned friend.

"Well..." Naraku began, "I think I started noticing when I wa- HEY! I'm not here to talk to you about my terrible, horrible childhood. I'm here to ask you what happened at lunch. So, what happened at lunch?" He finished with a stern gaze.

"Well, you see sir... I was complaining about being poor, and then Inu-san gave me money to go to the vending machine, but when I got there, King Kong was blocking my path with a velvet rope, so, I went back over to sit with Inu-san, we had a short conversation about Russia, and then explained to Mr. Kong the error of his ways," explained Miroku, an innocent gleam in his eyes.

"That's not quite the story I saw..." said Inuyasha, with a treacherous smirk. Miroku froze.

"Oh, and what exactly did you see, Mr. Takagami?"

"Pretty much the same, except he left out the bit about the soggy meatloaf."

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Despite their best efforts, our Heroes had managed to get themselves each a two-day suspension. Ah well, two days to hang around in Inuyasha's basement all day, playing video games. Honestly, suspensions are the stupidest punishments ever. They were currently hunched over Inuyasha's computer, playing Medal of Honor: Allied Assault online.

"Ooh! That hurts, pappy," said Inuyasha with a twinge of pain in his voice as the message "Sgt. DogBoy[MITA] was sniped in the ribs by ~*~Paprikka~*~" was displayed in red atop the screen.

"No bueno," agreed Miroku. "Ooh! right there!' He said, pointing to an area of the screen where an unfortunate Nazi, Jew-hating, German-speaking mother F***er was about to be turned to shrapnel by Inuyasha's grenade.

The boys were having a jolly old time, when suddenly, the phone rang. (Inu has cable internet, k?) "Yeallo?" Inuyasha asked, putting the caller on speaker phone. Having dog ears on top of your head makes telephones pretty hard.

"Hello, is this the Takagami residence?" The voice was female.

"Yes it is, this is Inuyasha Takagami speaking."

"Oh good, just who I wanted to talk to. You might not remember me, but this is Kikyo Higurashi, you tutored my daughter a few years ago?"

"Oh yeah, I remember," said Inuyasha with a spark of interest. "Do you need anything?"

"Well, my daughter's History grades have dropped, and I was wondering if you would be interested in tutoring her again. Of course, there would be money involved as payment for your help..." She requested hopefully.

"Hmm, sounds good, when should I be there?"

"Oh, we'll work out scheduling later. I'll be calling you again soon, and thank you for agreeing to do this for me!" And with that she hung up.

"Hey Miroku, I think I'll be coming into the cash for Spearhead soon..."

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"WHAT?!?!" Kagome screamed when her mother broke the bad news, "No! I WON'T let him tutor me! You can't make me!"

"Yes I can," said Kikyo sweetly, "You know that new car you've been wanting? Well, I just got a raise, so, IF you can get good grades for the rest of the year, I might make room for it in my budget..."

"Bribery.... Mom, you're so... so.... evil! FINE! But if any rumors start around school, I'll hate you forever!"

Kikyo smiled as she walked out of her daughter's room. Kagome reminded her of herself, when she was her age. And she thought that Inuyasha's tutoring would do her a whole world of good... and not just in History.

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Sesshoumaru Takagami was cleaning out his dorm room and packing away all of his possessions. He had just received his Masters degree in History, and was moving home... but he hadn't even spoken to anyone there in over 2 years, until yesterday. He wondered how his little brother would take the surprise.

What's more, he was wondering how he would tell his father the other good news... He smiled across the room to his fiancée, Rin Urushira. Oh yes... things would be interesting at home, indeed...

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A/N: Yeallo! Hey, spent two days writing this one, and all week planning it, so I hope it lived up to your expectations. A lot of my original plans for this fic have been thrown out the window, Including my idea for making it based on the album "Make Yourself" by Incubus. Instead, I'm going to just use an unspecified number of songs for inspiration (as demonstrated in this chapter though, not all chapters will be song fics). At the end of the fic, I'm going to make a mix CD/CD set, called Kinetics. As such, the title of this fic will be changed to Kinetics, on the next update. At the end, one lucky reviewer may have the chance to win the Kinetics CD, (either by mail, which I will pay for postage, or by receiving a .CDI or .ISO file sent by E-mail.) Pretty nifty, huh?

Notes Concerning Kikyo and Naraku: Weird. All my planning had been to make them the most popular people in school, but when I sat down to type, I decided to change that. I'm toying with a really good idea on the Kikyo angle, and Naraku.... eh, making him a semi-friendly character was done on a whim. I'm planning on making him an important figure in Inuyasha's life (maybe)

About Miroku: Fun, ne? I liked drawing up Miroku's character in this fic. I like to think I've taken a creative alternative to the whole Pervert cliché and done something truly original, so, I'm gonna give myself a big pat on the back. ^.^

Poll: Not really much of a poll, just wondering if anybody got the "What the hell kinda name is Naraku?" joke. The joke will be explained in the next chapter ^.^ Ja Ne!