InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ King & Queen ❯ Red-Carpet ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

King and Queen
I do not own inuyasha.
He walked into the studio of which he had countless platinum records on the wall. He smirked and gave an trademark
He smiled as he just sat in his leather chair .Looking up at the roof gazing and smiling .He had come a long way from the hard streets of poor edo. No mother no father no anybody and he made it this far. His name was world known as the Jay-z of Asia and the undisputed king of hip-hop in Japan. Then why did he feel so empty? He couldn't put a finger on it for the longest time. It hit him after his latest Diamond selling album. He had no one to share his success with.
He placed his feet on his turn table kicking some of his own cd's off the table in order to relax. He closed his eyes and gave a sigh.
`Jeeze inuyasha you need to get a date bro'
He laughed at his thoughts even though he knew it was completely true. He reminisced of his child hood and how he loved his mother and hated his dead beat dad that of course abandoned him. Like all broken families the children took it the hardest. His own brother hated him for no apparent reason and back then he hated him to .However once you're at the top it is quite lonely.
He was the dream of every single woman .His talent on the mic was legendary almost as legendary as his ability to please in the bedroom. However he had to admit it.
`I'm 26 and still no girl or kids anything…I need to grow up `
This realization was very sobering to him. He thought back on his life and how he pushed any woman away from him and refused to be held down but now he begged for a woman to be there for him.
`Damn. Life changes.'
He sat there for a few more minutes as he continued in his thoughts. He got up and walked over to his 60 inch TV and jumped on his leather couch. Clicking on the tube to MTV Asia.
Were live at the awards where INUYASHA TAKADDA will be performing his smash single tonig…..
`O shit `he suddenly remembered that he had an engagement for the evening. He jumped up quickly ran to get some baggy jeans a red polo and a hat. Then he quickly ran to his garage.
`Maybe the lime green lambo'
Jumping in his car and quickly speeding to the arena.
Kagome laughed as her and Sango ran through her closet looking for the sexiest dress they could find. Both were extremely successful women. They did it all, kagome acted while sango was a model.
The two had been friends their entire life even grew up together and always had their sisters back.
“So what one are you going to wear, kagome I mean you look amazing in every one “Sango laughed causing her friend to blush. It was true both women knew that they were very beautiful and the wet dreams of men everywhere.
“I don't know yet I like the way the green one makes my legs look”
“Damn and that ass!” Sango giggled making her friend smile with a shy blush on her cheeks.
“So no date again kagome?” Sango sighed knowing her friend was way too hot to be unaccompanied for god sakes she was named japans hottest woman just a few weeks ago by the national press. She knew kagome was lonely at times and did want her to end up with someone.
“My schedule is just so full I can't really date anyone “she sighed annoyed that her friend once again brought this up. She knew Sango meant no harm but she didn't know the hectic lifestyle a movie star lived. As well with the numerous movies and even her new Album came out in a few weeks she had absolutely no time to herself how could she justify getting involved with anyone at this time?
“Never mind I'm sure miroku will be happy with these two hot bitches on his arm” Sango laughed finishing up her mascara.
Kagome sighed as she got dressed.
`I'm sure he will but I think I need a vacation from work after this album release'
Kagome quickly put on her game face and shook her beautiful raven hair .After all tonight was the biggest night of the year and she had to be at her best. The duo finished up their makeup and got dressed. Kagome wore a beautiful Douche & Gabaña Blue dress that showed off her perfect figure and had enough of a cut to be a head changer. Sango wore a black low cut and very risqué dress that showed off her beautiful legs that every man wished were around them.
There was a knock at the door of their villa sweet and the door opened slowly.
“Lets go girls were going to be late and kagome is supposed to be on the red carpet in ten minutes.”
“Were coming miroku!!” causing miroku to flinch and quickly run back outside to save himself from any bodily harm. They giggled being escorted into the limousine and headed towards the big show.
Their limousine slowly came to a halt .With miroku quickly getting out to open the door for the women. As soon as Sango and Kagome stepped out the crowds screamed and went wild with thousands of flashes blinding the two women.
“Hirugashi what's your latest album like” was just one of the many bombarding questions they got as walked down the red carpet being greeted by every fan and annoying paparazzi.
“It's just a few things I have been feeling while I have been out making my movies and stuff from the heart “Smiling warmly at the interviewer causing his heart to skip a beat.
She instantly knew this man was intimidated by her .to her it had been a complete 180 degree spin from high school where she was considered the ugly duckling. She had always wanted to sing and act it was her passion and even though in high school she was passed up for what they said where `More developed actors' she held no grudge and simply smiled her beautiful smile.
Kagome was almost in the door of the theater when she heard a huge uproar and screams from behind her. She looked back to see what was the commotion.
“ITS INUYASHA!!!” all the women screamed almost enough to break glass they hollered even a few so bold to throw their bras at him as he walked up the red carpet. He simply waved and gave a smile to his fans even going up to sign a few autographs. Kagome smiled to herself it wasn't like she disagreed with the women in the crowed he was by far the sexiest man in the country maybe even the world. Still she simply pushed on to her seat in the theater not knowing what the night was going to bring.
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