InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ King & Queen ❯ The Big Show ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

King & Queen 2
Again I don't own inuyasha
Kagome was surrounded by people she tried to push her way to her seat but meet a wall every time she would walk in a direction.
`Damn award shows always packed'
She again tired to walk towards her seat near the front of the stage ,having to dodge a few drunk movie stars and finally meet back up with Sango and miroku who where just sitting and talking amongst themselves,
“Sorry guys it's fucking packed in here”
“I know if I had to pee I bet I would piss on the floor before I could get out “miroku chuckled and made room for the woman. Kagome took her seat and was kind of curious why the awards this time had arranged seating and who would be sitting next to her.
`I swear to kami I will kill them if it's an punk rocker'
The show started in about ten minutes so the group of three laughed and told jokes about how when they were kids and how kagome use to be so weird.
“Remember that one time kagome when you fell down your well at your shrine and we couldn't get you back up for an hour” Sango laughed barley able to contain her voice. Kagome huffed and placed her hand on her head and gave a sigh.
“O yeah that was so funny….. Shut up Sango”
The lights dimmed in the theater and the crowds of people rushed to their seats and got ready for the show .Kagome noticed that whoever was sitting next to her was still not their . Just then two people walked on stage and the show began.
The crowd roared and applauded.
Tonight we have a very special show for you guys! We have a star studded audience with none other than the hottest woman in the world Kagome Hirugashi!
As the spot light shifted to where kagome was she simply blushed and waved to the audience causing another roar from the crowed
We have appearances from Inuyasha Takkada! WHO WILL BE PERFORMING HIS SMASH SINGLE TONIGHT!!
This time there was no room louder in the entire world. The fans roared and chanted “INUYASHA! INUYASHA!” Just then he walked into the theater and smiled and waved to his fans . He walked down the center isle where the spot light caught him .
`Where the fuck is my seat?' he wondered to himself not trying to look like he was lost and confused just then he remembered his manager telling him it was near the front maybe the second or third isle on the left.
“What's the matter Takkada? A little late “theannouncer chuckled causing an laugh from the crowed.
“Na. me and your mom couldn't find a place to park “Inuyasha hollered and smiled back causing an huge laugh from the crowed and a few handshakes from people as inuyasha went down the isle. He finally found an open seat which he assumed was his and simply sat down.
“OOO takadda you cut me deep “ Laughed the announcer then getting on with the intro to the awards.
Kagome instantly blushed dark red as she realized who was to sit next to her. As he sat down he smiled at her and gave a hello and a wave to the surrounding people. Then plopping down in the chair next to her.
`ARE YOU SERIOUS' is all she could think. She couldn't control the way she weakly said hi and quickly turned from him. Inuyasha noticed the woman instantly he had seen her on many billboards and countless movies and magazines she was indeed as beautiful as everyone said but in person her raven hair, cream colored skin with a hint of an tan along with that unbelievably sexy dress caused inuyasha to gain an tightening in the loins.
`Thank Kami these are baggy' he praised .He again looked at the beauty next to him and gulped he had never felt this way when next to a woman. This was completely new to him he was intimidated to even talk to the woman beside him.
Kagome felt his eyes looking at her causing her blush to grow even more. He was gorgeous up close his strong face and obviously well toned body was slightly darker skin than hers , and that silver hair was just doing it for him. She tried not to face him however she glanced over and to her horror he made eye contact. She quickly turned her head back away causing a laugh from inuyasha.
He leaned over to kagome ear and with a low husky voice he whispered “I think you're sexy to. After this you want to go out and eat somewhere my treat?”
Kagome's heart skipped a beat with his hot breath against her ear. She looked back to him and leaned to him and with all the will she could muster
“Sorry but I'm not a groupie, no thank you” Inuyasha immediately was taken aback and his eyebrow raised and for the first time in his life he was facing rejection from the opposite sex.
`Wow I think I love her already this is going to be a challenge'
Notes from author
HOW IS IT SO FAR? I'm not going to just have them fall in love that would be to easy and not fun.