InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kinky at Kinko's ❯ Kinky at Kinko's ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: We own Inu-Yasha. And we own Sessho-Maru. They are our `rampant sex monkeys', as Rozefire would say. Oh- and by the way: if you actually believe this, you have issues.

Author's Note: Hey, people! Sorry it took us so long to add a new story to our short list of works, but we've been really busy. All the same, it was wonderful to see that so many readers enjoyed `Story Time'. ^_^ And to those who didn't- what are you, some kind of moron? We had `LEMON FLAVORED' right in the summary! What- do you generally go under R rated romances with the word `lemon' in the summary and flame the authors? Keh. Fools.

But to everyone else- thanks for the reviews and the constructive criticism. ^_^ We appreciate it. We very much hope you enjoy this story as well.

Three notes before we begin:

One: Neither Tsuki or I (Kagome) have ever been to a Kinko's store. We're only assuming what it looks like-n-stuff. We just saw the name and knew we had to write something about it. ^_^;

Two: ::hands out barf bags:: Per the request of one of our flamers, we are handing out barf bags before this `lemony flight'. Whether or not you use them is up to you. Personally, we find they make lovely fodder. ^_~

Three: So yes, for you morons who either haven't seen it or are just figuring it out now, this contains a: LEMON LEMON LEMON LEMON LEMON LEMON LEMON! THIS FIC IS A LEMON LEMON LEMON LEMON LEMON LEMON LEMON! WE REPEAT: LEMON LEMON LEMON LEMON LEMON LEMON LEMON LEMON! IF YOU DO NOT LIKE ~*LEMONS*~ DO NOT READ!!!!!!!!!!!!

. . .

Are all anti-lemon-ers gone?

Good! XD

^_^ Enjoy!





~Kinky at Kinko's~


`The Anniversary Gift'


By the Fallen Karma Angels


Kagome sighed heavily, leaning lazily against a large, gray copy machine. All around her the sounds of tiny bells, whistles, and computers whirled, giving her a headache. Moon beams streamed through the small windows of the Kinko's shop: purer than the florescent lights but not as bright. The mixing mediums gave the tiny store a shadowy feel- almost omniscient. But in a friendly, cozy, happy, office supply store kind of way.

The ebony haired girl sighed again, throwing her head back and allowing the tips of her long locks to tickle the top of the machine's cover. Her stormy gray eyes fluttered shut in utter boredom as she allowed her hands to dangle over the edge of the device, crossing one foot over the other and tapping her sandaled toe against the hard floor. "Are you done yet?" she grumbled quietly, making the only other person in the store- her boyfriend Inu-Yasha- frown slightly.

"Almost," he replied calmly, punching a number into the keypad of the copier and flicking a few long strands of charcoal hair over his shoulder. "Just a few more minutes."

Kagome's eyes snapped open as she turned in place, propping her head in her hands as she glared across the top of the machine, to where Inu-Yasha stood patiently. "You said that almost two hours ago."

He took a deep breath, trying not to verbally lash out at the girl. Why was she being so difficult today? She wasn't usually such a complainer. "You're exaggerating."

"Am not. You said it at 9 o'clock. It is now 10:47." She narrowed her eyes further as her boyfriend rolled his own lavender ones. "Check your watch if you don't believe me."


. . . .

"I told you."

"Shut up. I remain by what I said. Now stop your whining."

"I'm not whining!" Kagome pouted, straightening herself and smoothing down her short, checkered orange-and-yellow summer dress. "It's just that you promised this would just be a quick, after-hours stop at your store, and it's turning into an all-nighter!" `Not that I wouldn't WANT an all-nighter with you,' she thought grumpily, `just not *here*!'

Inu-Yasha swallowed a grumble of annoyance, collecting the printed papers and straightening them with a few smart taps on the lid of the copying machine. "Look, Kag- I said I was sorry. I didn't know this was going to take so lo- - -" He cut himself off, however, as the girl before him gave a small `humph!' and turned her back to him, crossing her arms in irritation. "Hey!" he snarled, her attitude really starting to tick him off, "I'm trying to apologize here!"

"I know you are, Inu-Yasha," she returned in clipped tones, feeling tears of frustration well up in her eyes. "But I don't care. Saying you're sorry won't change the fact that. . . that. . .

That. . .

Oh, forget it!"

The boy bit back a sigh and tried to fight his temper. He, too, was tired of being here. He'd have liked nothing more than to be back at his apartment- preferably with Kagome- watching his favorite movies- preferably with Kagome- and eating ice cream and chocolate sauce- preferably with (or on) Kagome- just like they'd originally planned. But when one owned a store, sometimes one thing led to another and you had to work extra time. `Damn Miroku,' he mentally cursed his top employee. `Taking tonight off so he could go on vacation with that Sango girl. . . leaving me to do this "high ranking official" guy's dirty work. . . lazy bastards. . .'

Kagome, who was currently oblivious to her boyfriend's own grumbles, was busy furiously clenching and unclenching her fists, biting the inside of her cheek to keep from screaming in anger. He just didn't get it- see it- did he?!

Finally, with a deep, calming breath, she sat her behind down on the copying machine- ignoring Inu-Yasha's half-hearted bark of protest- and spun around to stare at him face-to-face. "I want to leave," she told him slowly, making sure to exaggerate each of her words so he understood them. He frowned.

"Keh! Damn, woman!" he glared, nose crinkling in annoyance as he lost control. "Can you do nothing but complain?! I told you- we'll leave soon!"

"No!" Kagome argued, tears bubbling in her ocean colored orbs. "I want to go now! Now!" She banged her fist on the copying machine- - -

Thus making it emit an odd sort of beeping and begin to malfunction.

"Oh, shit! Now look what you've done!" Inu-Yasha hissed, grabbing his girlfriend around the waist and easily lifting her off the copier, setting her down- none too gently- on the floor. As the dark haired male quickly returned his attention to his work, Kagome curled into a tight ball against the wall: wrapping her arms around her knees and staring blankly at her boyfriend.

And as the store owner pissed, moaned, and lifted the lid to try and surmise the damage- all while rapidly pushed the gray box's buttons-, a soft, hurt voice drifted to his ears:

"So. . . so that's it, than? That machine. . . your stupid store. . . . work. . . they're more important to you than our date is. . . ? They're more important to you than I am. . . ? They're more important to you than. . .

Than our anniversary?

They're more important to you than our anniversary is. . . ?"

Anniversary- - - ?

Inu-Yasha's hand slipped off the keypad in shocked surprise. `Oh dammit. . . !' It *was* their anniversary today, wasn't it?! He whirled around to face the girl with a horrified expression, taking in her thin-lipped, watery smile and tear-filled eyes.

"Yup," she giggled joylessly, rubbing her forearms. "Three years today. . . Time sure flies, huh?"

"Kagome. . ." he swallowed, feeling rather numb. How could he have forgotten? Was he really that heartless? Well. . . he had just put his store before the love of his life. . . "Kagome, I. . ."

"Mmhm, time flies," she continued, unable to look Inu-Yasha in the eye. "Why, it seems just yesterday that you and I met at the park- you with that Kikyo person holding your hand and I with Kouga. But than you two had a fight. . . And Kouga met Ayame. . ." Another small smile appeared on her face as she gently chewed her bottom lip, fruitlessly rubbing her eyes with her hand. "I remember. . ." she whispered softly, "I remember hanging up the phone with Kouga. . . he had broken up over the telephone- I couldn't believe him! And I stared to cry. . . I was crying so hard. . . The doorbell rang and when I answered it, it was you. . . Why you were there or how you knew I. . . I don't know. . . Without a thought I threw myself into your arms and. . . well, cried more." She laughed quietly, sniffling.

"Kagome, I. . ." the boy tried again, still frozen in his place. "I'm so. . . so. . . "

She shook her head- not at him, but more to clear her thoughts. "That was three years ago. . ." She fell silent, gnawing on her lips for a moment- - -

Before burring her face in her thighs and bursting into tears.

Inu-Yasha's legs finally unthawed.

"Kagome," he all but whimpered, forgetting about the whizzing copying machine behind him as he fell to his knees beside the sobbing girl, gently pushing her hair away from her face. "Kagome- God- I- I don't know what to say but. . . I'm sorry."

She gave a short, muffled half-laugh. ". . . You know. . . it's strange to hear you apologize. . . twice in one night," she commented, looking up at him with streaming eyes. "You rarely say sorry for anything."

"Yeah, but I've really fucked up this time," he sighed, reaching out and caressing her red-streaked cheeks, lightly kissing her tears away. "I. . . I can't believe it slipped my mind so completely. . ."

"Don't worry. . . Kouga always forgot stuff like that. I'm used to it, " she shrugged weakly. "At least you usually remember. Most women can't say that much." He winced. That didn't help him feel better at all- only worse.

"No, Kagome!" he whispered forcefully, suddenly grabbing her shoulders and turning her to face him. She gasped quietly, not expecting such emotions. "There's no excuse! I shouldn't have forgotten! And besides that- I shouldn't have dragged you here with me after promising I'd take you out!"

"I understood, though- your friend Miroku- - -"

"But even then I promised it would be quick! I could have put it off, I could have! But I didn't. . . I was inconsiderate and foolish. . ." He looked away, loosening his grip on her shoulders as Kagome blinked, unused to her boyfriend being so insightful. `He must really mean all of this. . .' She tried to gulp down the lump that was forming in her throat. "I- Inu-Yasha. . ."

"Shush, Kagome," he murmured, still unable to look her in the eye. "Just. . . just shush." His arms snaked around the small of her back, pulling her suddenly closer. Though surprised by the action she instantly wrapped her own arms around his chest, pressing her face into the soft, warm fabric covering his muscular chest. "Nothing you say will make me feel any better," he whispered, tightening his hold upon her. "I've made our anniversary awful."

"With your attitude, yes, you have- or are going to," Kagome replied with a slight frown, craning her neck to look up at her boyfriend. "You made a mistake- true. I'm mad- yeah- but we can still have a good anniversary. After all, the day doesn't end. . ." she checked her watch with a little difficulty, having to gently tug her arms out of Inu-Yasha's grasp, "For another 50 minutes. We can make each second until than count."

It was nice to see Kagome's optimistic attitude had returned. . .

But. . .

"But how?" he cocked an eyebrow, leaning down to kiss her tears away again. "We're at least a hour from either of our houses, we don't have any food, or any wine- or even ice cream like we were planning to eat earli- - - !"

He was suddenly cut off as his lips- instead of connecting with Kagome's cheek- locked with her mouth. `Huh- - - ?' But all confused thoughts very quickly melted away as her tongue lightly tapped his teeth, pleading for entrance. Glad to comply, their tongues began rubbing, caressing, and soothing the other's in the familiar, yet endless, dance of love.

When they finally broke apart, gasping for breath, Kagome's hands had already become lodged in the boy's hair, and his hands were up her dress.

He blinked, trying to piece together what had happened.

"See?" the girl in his arms panted, winking at him in a rather shy fashion- all tears and sadness gone. "We can make each second count here. It'll be different, true, but. . . well- We'll just do the movie-n-ice cream thing anot- - -!"

But before she could finish her sentence he had attacked her lips, his eyes speaking for him: `You're wasting time.' She answered with a moan of approval, arching her back and erotically pressing her breasts against his chest. His reaction to this made her shiver deliciously- he untangled their limbs and pressed her roughly against the floor, straddling her thighs.

"Inu-Yasha. . ." Kagome groaned in pleasure as his mouth found her neck, sucking and nibbling on the flesh there in such a way that the girl began to squirm and writhe with want. She needed him- to feel him, to touch him, to please him, to be one with him. Her hands began working on their own accord- reach up and pulling him closer to her heart- pressing his face into her breasts- as her long legs wrapped instinctively around his waist. She gasped as he pressed himself as close to her as he could- allowing her to feel his erected desire.

"Kagome," he whispered huskily, grinding their hips together as his mouth latched on to one of her cloth covered breasts, suckling and kneading it with his tongue until he could feel her rock-hard nipple quite easily. "Kagome, I'm so sorry for all this. . ." he groaned, repeating the sexy process with her other breast as Kagome clawed at his back, trying to tear off his tight red t-shirt with her nails. "I'm sorry. . ."

"D-don't be," she choked out, one of her hands leaving his back and weaving itself through his silky black hair as she gently kissed the crown of his head, thrusting her pelvis against his- already drunk on him. She could feel a familiar ball of desire well up inside her abdomen- tightening with every ragged breath escaping her lips. But it wasn't tight enough. . . "Don't be sorry. . . I forgive you. . ."

"But I can't find the heart to forgive myself," he murmured into her ear, licking and nipping the lobe as his hands found her clothes' zipper, tugging it slowly- as if waiting for her to stop him. "Not without. . . some sort of punishment. . . or condition. . . "

Kagome all but moaned in frustration at the slow pace he was undressing her. Reaching her hand behind her back and covering his own, she helped him yank the zipper completely down, pulling off the dress. "Fine than," she said seriously, their eyes locked as their grinding stopped for a moment. "If it makes you feel better- your condition. To earn forgiveness you must pleasure me. . . until I scream." Inu-Yasha arched an eyebrow in surprise and amusement, a mischievous glitter sparkling within his depths of gold.

"Oh. . .? And how should I do that?" he inquired softly, hot breath causing goosebumps to arise on Kagome's skin.

"You know how," she replied with a groan, kicking her sandals across the room as Inu-Yasha pushed his own tennis shoes off his feet.

"Yes," he agreed quietly, slowly becoming his own self as both began to forget their argument and the tears- focusing only on the pleasure and lust that was coursing through their veins. "But I want to hear you say it."

"What? No! I don't want to sa- - -" she started, but was cut off by a sudden intrusion between her legs. "I-Inu-Yasha!" She could feel him smirk against her nether lips, her silky white panties having been pushed aside.

"Say it," he cooed, his tongue darting in and out of her again in sweet torture. "You know what I want to hear you say. . ."

"B-but Inu-Ya-yasha. . . It's vulgar and rude and- and you already know what I wa- - - Aaa!" she gasped as he repeated his earlier actions, eyes glittering as Kagome's trembling hands connected with the light switch, flicking off the florescent lighting.

"Say it," he commanded huskily, tightening his grip on her milky white thighs as he placed feather light kisses on all the most sensitive points. "Say what you know I want to hear. . . or else I won't."

"Than I won't accept your apology," she groaned, arching her back again as a whimper of need escaped her lips.

"You'll have to," he smirked, licking her more harshly. "For you told me to pleasure you for forgiveness. What I know you want is something different entirely. . ." He chuckled, teasing her entrance with a finger, and than two.

"N-no fair. . . !" the girl cried out- yelled-, squirming and wiggling so furiously that Inu-Yasha had to tighten his thighs around her hips to keep her in place.

"Keh. You've screamed all ready? You're no fun. . ." he teased softly, snickering. "But- now that that's over with. . ." He began to move, as if to break completely away from her. Kagome panicked, afraid her need wouldn't be fulfilled. And so she grabbed his hand- thrusting his fingers back inside her as her eyes begged with him. He laughed quietly, making her spasm with want. "Say it," he whispered into the skin of her stomach as he leaned down and kissed her abdomen, making her loins quiver as he pulled out his now-moist digits- licking them clean of her juices. "Or else I never will."

"Grr. . ." She grabbed his shirt, pulled it over his head- - - and gave in.

"Fuck me, Inu-Yasha," she demanded, chucking his shirt into a dark corner. "Fuck me *now*!"

. . .

His smirk grew, until all his white teeth were displayed in an arrogant, frightening, drop-dead-sexy fashion.

"As you wish," he purred, suddenly getting to his feet (with more difficulty than he let on) and pulling Kagome up with him. She cocked her head curiously at this action, but very quickly understood as he yanked his belt off, allowing himself to quickly kick off his black jeans and boxers- revealing his very hard erection. As always, Kagome couldn't help but blush slightly at his bareness. But in mere moments all thoughts of embarrassment had vanished- along with the concept of `personal space'. Not that either minded as Inu-Yasha approached and Kagome discarded her remaining bra- leaving both quite naked and very aroused.

They simply regarded one another for a moment- Inu-Yasha marveling over his girlfriend's luscious curves, her slender waist, her delicious hips. . . and Kagome eyeing her boyfriend's chiseled chest, his strong limbs, his gorgeous complexion. . .

Then, after a moment, their eyes met- - -

And all coherent thoughts disappeared.

Kagome gasped in surprise as she suddenly felt her body connect with a hard surface, falling back upon it as Inu-Yasha threw his legs over her, once again straddling her. His hands locking her arms above her head, he pressed their lips together in a heated kiss- groaning as she wrapped her legs around his hips. His elbows knocking buttons that neither noticed, he swiftly entered the awaiting female. Both moaned the other's name as Inu-Yasha began a slow, rocking pace- each oblivious to the flashing lights around them as they deepened their kisses and the length of each thrust.

"Inu-Yasha- harder. . . !" Kagome begged, trying to help the pace along but finding herself unable to keep up. To help, her boyfriend quickly changed their position, putting himself on the bottom and allowing her to ride him. "Harder, please. . . ! Faster. . . !" He barely had a chance to nod as he complied with her- and his own- wishes.

"Kagome. . ." he gasped, alternating between kissing, sucking, and murmuring into her flesh. "So sweet. . . so hot. . . so tight!"

"Inu-Yasha, more!"

Both gasping, sweating, and at their breaking point, they screamed in unison as their climaxes hit- - - And then collapsed, spent, upon one another. After a few moments of deep breathing, Kagome rolled off of Inu-Yasha and rested upon her side, smiling up at her boyfriend as he, too, rolled over.

"See?" she panted happily. "I told you we could still have fun. And look," she pointed to a clock on the wall. "Still twenty minutes to midnight. Time for another round."

Inu-Yasha laughed and rolled his eyes, pulling her close once again as he kissed her temple. "You can be such a little vixen! But God, I love you, Kagome."

"I love you, too," she grinned, nuzzling his chest.

Then they both paused, finally noticing something.

. . .

Looking down, they blinked in surprise.

They were on top of the copying machine.

And it was running.

They looked back up at each other before checking the printed paper tray.

. . .

"My, my, my," Inu-Yasha said slowly, a hint of laughter in his voice. "Would you look at those copies. . . ?" He reached down and snatched them, flipping through the pile while clucking his tongue. "Hmm, we've got some good ones, here. . ."

"Inu-Yasha!" Kagome gasped, a red blush suddenly blooming on her face. "Throw those out at once!"

"No," he grinned, "I think I'll keep them. For a souvenir- or an anniversary present, if you will."

Her flushed face darkened, but she knew there was no point in arguing. Besides, what harm would come from letting him keep the stupid things?

As if to answer her unasked question, he continued: "I shall make a scrap book!" he winked. "I shall call it: `Kinky at Kinko's!' And I shall show it to all my customers! And- - -!" He was interrupted by a rap over the noggin by Kagome, who was shaking her head with a small smile on her face.

"What am I going to do with you?" she sighed as the boy rubbed his forehead with a teasing grin.

"Would you marry me?"

. . .

Kagome, after taking a moment to process his words, looked up in surprise. He was staring at her with a suddenly serious look upon his face, a glisten of hope in his eyes.

"Wha. . . what?" she gaped.

"Marry me," he repeated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, dropping the pile of copies onto the floor. "I want you, Kagome Higurashi, to marry me."

"Wha- what brought this on?" she questioned, her voice barely above a squeak.

He shrugged. "Well, those pictures are my present, and since I don't have anything for you. . . I assume that a proposal would suffice as a stand in until I could nip up to the jewelry store or something."

". . . And that's the only reason why," Kagome drawled dryly, though her eyes were already shinning with tears again- happy tears.

"Well, there is always the fact that I love you to pieces and want to spend the rest of my life with you," he added nonchalantly, "but you know that already. So. . . ?"

She only smiled. That was enough of an answer for both.

Latching her arms around her fiancée as joyful tears streamed down her cheeks, Kagome kissed his cheek. "This is the best anniversary ever," she whispered honestly, giggling as he chuckled.

"I'm glad you think so," he murmured into her hair. "Happy anniversary, Kag."

She beamed, never wanting to move from this moment. "Happy anniversary."


Hope you all liked. ^_^ Please R&R!

(BTW- copy machines can be really big- so no saying that they wouldn't fit on top of one!)