InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kirara+Buyo 4eva!!!! ❯ chapter3 ONCE he got there ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~*~*~*~A/N: hewwo!!!!! It took me long but I finally updated this, please R+R I really need suggestions, and I love to see that you actually bothered to read this!! Oh and take my vote thingy for Tasuki!!!! ((Available at the end of chap!))^_^~*~*~

~Sadly I don't own Buyo and other inuyasha stuff -_-~

Buyo and Kirara 4ever!!!!!!!

Well getting through the well worked but… getting out was a problem, I tried jumping but these little legs don't go to far… "MMMMRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!" I waited a few seconds, my little stubs that I call… ears on the top of my head pricked as I listened……… "Mew?" I cocked my head and looked up to see this beautiful, elegant, well groomed, smart, Victoria secret model, amazing, special, ~*~*A/N: GET ON WITH IT ALREADY!!!

Buyo: ok ok jeeze!! ~*~*Anyways, kirara was sitting there looking down at me, as I was sitting there on my fat lazy but mrowing myself to death, she was sitting there her head cocked. I sat there looking up at her for at least - how would I say it… AN HOUR!!! ((Well five min, but cats are sooo cool so just make it and hour, GO BUYO!!!)) He sat there and blinked, and then he shoots up from the well, on guess whose head… INUYASHA!!!

Kagome pulled Buyo off of Inu's head about to throw him in the well, "BUYO HO'W YOU GET HERE!!!!???"

"KAGOME I-is THAT YOU'RE CAT!!??!!… H-HES ADORABLE!!!!!" Sango scooped Buyo in her arms, with much ease ((she's very strong by the way!)) " Can he stay here, just this once PLEEEAASSEEE!!!!!"

Kirara made a jealous face, squinting her eyes at buyo.

"Um ok…" she picked up Inu and dragged him towards camp. "BUT DON'T LET HIM NEAR INU!!"

I took a glimpse of Kirara and try'd to avoid, her owner's death grip to get to her but it was no use!!!! "MRROWWWW!!!!!"

"DID YOU HEAR THAT? HES SOOOO KAWAII!!!!!" Sango skipped back to camp, Buyo in her arms gasping for air, leaving Kirara in the dust.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~

I know this was REALLY short but I need suggestions!!!!! PLEASE R+R!!! please **sniffle sniffle**

Oooo!! I gots fav anime guys in order ok here they are!! ^-^!!



Sai saishi





R+R you fav anime guys!!! Im curious vote!!! For which place Tasuki deserves to be in!!!

1= Very Best! ((2+3 included!))




5=YUCK HIDEOUSE URGH MY EYES!!! ((I hope no one chooses this -_-))

please vote vote vote!!!

-tootles Chels-Dawg!!