InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kirara's First Experience ❯ Kirara wins! ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I'm back…nothing new today so don't worry. I'm board as all hell…yeah…

Disclaimer: ~yawns~ Hmm? Oh, right. I don't own Inuyasha.

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From the air all anyone could see was a purple dome. But inside you'd see figures just standing there not quite sure what was happening.

"W-we're in Naraku's poison miasma, right?" came Kagome's astonished voice.

"Yep," Shippo said.

"So why aren't we affected by it?" Kagome asked.

"How should I know?" Shippo asked.

"Kirara," came Sesshomaru's voice.

That's when everyone noticed they were glowing a faint red tint. Kirara had the same tint around her only much brighter. Naraku stood opposite from her and scowled.

"You're proving more difficult than I anticipated," Naraku said.

Kirara smirked at this.

"Tried to hurt friends. Now I hurt you," Kirara said in her still broken Japanese.

Inuyasha lowered Tetsusaiga as the demons just stood there and watched Kirara and Naraku.

"You're telling me that it's not Kagome's purifying powers that's protecting us, it's Kirara's demon powers?" he asked.

"It seems Kirara's powers revolve around the protection and preservation of living things. How else did she heal Sesshomaru (A/N Did I mention Sesshomaru told the group about Kirara healing him? I think that's something I forgot. Stupid me), herself, and be able to use her powers to shield us from Naraku's poison miasma?" Miroku said.

"It does seem like it," Sango said.

"Strange. I don't remember knowing any other neko having these kinds of powers," Sesshomaru said adding his two cents, "Those powers only revolved around destruction. As is the nature of most fire nekos."

"But Kirara grew up protecting. Not destroying," Miroku said.

"True. Still it puzzles me," Sesshomaru said.

Naraku's frown remained on his face.

"You're also proving yourself to be a danger towards myself. I guess I'll have to kill you after all," Naraku said.

Kirara scoffed, "Always danger to you. Always hated you. You die today. Evil bastard."

"Well that proves she's spent too much time with Inuyasha," Shippo said.

"Do you want to get hurt, runt?!" Inuyasha yelled across the field.

Naraku growled and attacked once again. Throwing everything he had at Kirara. Kirara didn't flinch as his tentacles headed for her. When they were less than a yard away, a sparked formed in front of Kirara's face and began to swirl around until it became a wall of swirling and raging fire. Naraku hissed when his tentacles made contact and burned.

"Bitch," he said.

"Neko. Not inu," Kirara said racing at him claws ready.

Naraku didn't have time to react. Kirara struck him clean across the chest. Everyone heard a crack but ignored it. Naraku backed up with his hand covering his bloody and torn chest.

"This is proving to be a liability. We leave," he said disappearing.

Kagura called upon feather and wished away Kanna, Kohaku, and herself. All the other demons ran away as the miasma dissipated. Sango looked on with teary eyes as Kagura made off with Kohaku. When the miasma cleared the light around their forms disappeared also. Kirara's eyes returned to normal.

"Wow. Kirara, that was amazing," Kagome said racing up with Shippo on her shoulder.

Everyone came over as well.

"Got away," Kirara said sadly looking down.

"It's okay Kirara. You wounded him. So far only Kagome and her sacred arrow has been able to do that," Shippo said, "Which means you're better than Inuyasha!"


"Oww…." Shippo said holding his head.

"I dare you to repeat that runt. Next time you're in danger, I'll let the bastard eat you," Inuyasha said.

Kirara looked at her friends until something glittered and caught her eye.

"Huh…" she said going over and picking it up.

Everyone gathered around.

"It's a jewel fragment," Kagome said as Kirara handed it to her and it was purified.

"It's small. How did it get there?" Sango asked.

"The crack," Sesshomaru said, "Kirara must've struck Naraku's Shikon piece inside his clothes and chipped a fragment off."

"That makes sense," Kagome said.

"Feh. Well, Kirara injured Naraku, got a small piece of his Shikon portion, taught the bastard not to mess with her. I think we're done hear. Can we go back to the village now so Sesshomaru can leave?" Inuyasha said.

Kagome sighed, "All right, all ready. You sound as if the world will end if Sesshomaru stays within a mile radius of you any longer."

"If those two start to fight again, the world may end," Shippo said.

Sesshomaru and Inuyasha looked at each other before watching the others walk away. They couldn't be that bad…could they?

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Okay. Sorry but next chapter will be the last. I can't prolong it any longer…~yawns~…I need sleep.