InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kirara's midnigth snack. ❯ It's only a one-shot. ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Kirara's Midnight snacks

Kirara's Midnight snacks!

By: Missy-Bee at 3 am!

Disclaimer: I don't own none of these people. However, I do own this cup of tea and bowl of Corn pops! Yummy corn pops. Why can't I sleep? I hate the summer!

{Author notes: I don't care how much you like this it is only a one shot!}

They were all sleep near the campfire; well minus Inuyasha of course who was as usually sleeping in a tree. They had beaten some demons and work up a real sweat. Miroku had hit on a young lord's daughter and the group was chased out of town before Miroku could panhandle his way into the lord's house. Now they were all sleeping peaceful. Well Miroku suffered serious head injuries due to a group beating by ummm everyone! He didn't even think that Kagome could hit harder than Inuyasha if she wanted to. Miroku was force to sleep far away from everyone and if he groped any other girl for the next ten weeks the group threatened to have his hands cut off. Thus, he wouldn't have Naraku or his damn Wind tunnel to worry about ever able.

It was around 11 o clock when Kirara's stomach started growling. They had only had fish and tea the whole day. After beating two demon, begin chase out of a village, and then beating up Miroku. No one wanted to cook or go hunting. Inuyasha lazily caught five shrimpy fish and called it a day. Now Kirara was hungry and very hungry and as what she could tell there wasn't any kind of food near. Or was there?

Shippo was silently snoozing and snug up against Kagome body. My, he looked good enough to eat. EAT!? Kirara shook her head no way could she ever eat one of her comrades in battle. Inuyasha and the other would skin her and use her for cots. She went back to sleep. Suppress all hungrier pains away and thought no more of food.

[Kirara's dream]

Shippo: Hey Kirara, I found berries! Lets eat some.

Kirara and Shippo starts to eat the berries. Shippo get more and more as there are berry bushes everywhere.

Shippo: I love berries don't you? (Smiling)

They eat till their full and mouths are sticky with different color berry juice. Shippo looks nice plumb as he began to yawn and lay down.

Shippo: too bad Inuyasha and Kagome always have to fight with each other. They missed out huh Kirara? (Yawns) I wonder where Sango and Miroku went? (Yawn one last time as he falls asleep)

Kirara went up to Shippo and started to lick all the berry juice off him. Craving for something, even more sweeter but knowing nothing could. She laid near Shippo and went to sleep.

[Waking up but hey, we're still in Kirara's dream though]

Kirara woke up to find Shippo gone. Gone! Where could the little kitseune gone off too? (I know I spelling that K word wrong. I'll look it up later okay) Kirara sniffed the air finding his scent nowhere near. She began walking towards Kaede only to find Sango begin to start beating Miroku for touching her on her butt again. If she wasn't an animal/demon, with instinct she would get mad at Miroku too, but the two liked each other and one day would figure it out for themselves. (A/N: what the hell is Kirara I think she just an magical animal but some people say she is a demon. Someone tell me)

Yet Shippo was nowhere around there either, had Kagome taken him someone while she was sleeping? Kirara next looked for Inuyasha and Kagome the two were almost always together expect bathing times. Which she struck as odd but didn't mind as she didn't like water much anyway it made her fur weight her down too much. She with all the way to the well and conclude that Kagome had once again gone down the well into her own time. Maybe this time is was able to take Shippo with her then again as she looked at the angry hanyou sitting in the tree staring out into nothingness cussing his mighty hanyou head off.

Inuyasha: stupid wench. Gods how much I hate her! She piss me off like nothing else! No way in hell is she Kikyo's reincarnation! Stupid girl I don't believe I was only this close to kissing her last night!

That when Inuyasha snapped out of his ranting and looked to see a staring Kirara. ` Oh Gods. I thought I was alone! Oh well she can't talk so my secret safe. Then again' thought Inuyasha.

Inuyasha: Hey Kirara where Shippo? It time for his daily head pounding now that Kagome gone.

So, she didn't take him with her! Then where could he be? Kirara looked at Inuyasha with a slight fear in her eyes. Something bad had happen to the little fox-demon. Really bad. Inuyasha looked back in worried then replaced it with a fake smirk.

Inuyasha: Ah don't worry Kagome will be back. She just in that time of month I think.

Though in his mind Inuyasha didn't think so I mean she had gave him a total of six "sit" commands and smack him rather hard. He would probably would have to drag her back. He sat down and patted Kirara as Kirara started to choke and wheezing.

Inuyasha: Oh no! Hairball!

Inuyasha ducked out the way as Kirara spit out a green bow and that other yucky stuff. Inuyasha looked curiously at the green bow as well as Kirara. No! It could be! Or could it?

Inuyasha: Kirara is that Shippo's hair ribbon? (Or should I say tie? Don't get mad you knew it was coming!)

Kirara continued to look at it. She was the last to see him up and running. Well not running but still. OH GODS NO! SHE DIDN'T! BUT SHE HAD TOO! THERE WAS NO OTHER WAY TO EXPLAIN IT! OR WAS THERE?

Kirara just stare as she began to shook her head and sniff it. This was disturbing very disturbing. Did she actually eat Shippo? But Shippo was her friend! Oh man, she felt like throwing up and she did much to Inuyasha's disgust.

Inuyasha: What is wrong with you people? (Shaking off his "Wet" feet and pants)

Kirara laid down away from Inuyasha feeling sicker than she ever felt. Even sicker than the time Naraku poison her. She had eaten Shippo her best friend. Inuyasha shook his head.

Inuyasha: well when Kagome gets back we could just say he ran away or found a fox tribe to be with. Umm damn I didn't think anyone was ever going to kill him and it never cross my mind someone would eat the fur ball! Yet it seems you have Kirara.

Kirara let out a moaning whine. As Inuyasha sat down and stroked the trouble cat demon thing. (Author shrugs; as she gives up, I don't know so hey just go with it) Inuyasha let out a sigh as Kirara started to hiccup. This cause Inuyasha to let out a light laugh. As he thought about the whole day and this current event. As he patted Kirara once more and smirked.

Inuyasha: well my only fury friend left looks like we both know each other deepest secrets so let agree not to talk about any of this.

Kirara looked at Inuyasha what the hell was he so happy about, but he was right they did know each other secrets now. Beside when Kagome got back all hell would break, lose.

Inuyasha: Hate to say it I'm miss the fur ball. (Laughs)

Kirara couldn't believe it as she hear that most feared voice.

Kagome: Inuyasha! I'm back and I'm sorry. Well actually, I forgot to give Shippo something. Shippo are you around?

Inuyasha and Kirara ran screaming towards the sunset.

[End of Kirara's dream]

Kirara woke up in a start. That was sick and their wasn't a word for it! She would never eat Shippo. Shippo was her best friend after Kohaku and Sango. Yet, now she was really hungry. She began running searching for food. When she came upon.

Jaken: Lord Sesshomaru, these mosses look nice. We can feed them to Rin and look berries and mint!

Sesshomaru: Shut up Jaken and hurry up before you reawaken her.

Jaken: as you wish milord.

Jaken with in far into the thicket till he was close to the Inuyasha gang. However, he ran into Kirara instead.

Jaken: Oh your that beast that hangs with Inuyasha. Inuyasha! He must be near I should warn lord Sesshomaru!

It was too late Kirara let out one of her death roars that set Jaken's little body shaking in fear even with the staff he was no match for Kirara. Kirara picked him by the jaw yuck he tasted gross! Then again, he could.


Kirara swallowed Jaken whole and a weird thing happen. She gotten full, so full that she slowly walked back to the campfire and instantly went to sleep. Guess what time it was when she shut her eyes?

Yup actually 12:30 AM!

@~@~@~@~@~Author notes: HA! Thought Kirara was going to wake up and eat Shippo? Or did you think that dream was true? Oh, well I like making this one shot. I really did cause I had so many choices for the ending! Yeah this was kind of sounding like a prologue to "Inuyasha fast food spree" during Kirara dream huh? Yeah I was thinking of it but I said F it and did it this way. Oh well R&R ~@~@~@

Fluffy: Ahem.

Me: Yes Lord Fluffy?

Fluffy: Who's going to watch Rin now or get her food?

Me: Looks around. I'm sure, as hell ain't doing it.

Fluffy: Well you killed Jaken for no reason. He wasn't worthless just stupid and an ass kisser.

Me: True, true.

Fluffy: so what are we going to do about?

Me: OKAY listen up me and Lord Fluffy need a babysitter for Rin. Must be brainless and a good ass kisser.

Fluffy: Also willing to be used and abused.

Me: that's where the ass kissing comes in! Also can be chop into pieces but then relived again. (Laughs evilly)

Fluffy: Shut up, turn the computer off, and enough corn pops and Tea for tonight! Now go to sleep! (Rubs his temples as he growls)

Me: Fine! (Rips his shirt off) Bedtime but after a nice long bath.

Fluffy: I'm going back to bed! Stop ripping all my shirts woman!

Me: (whistling: "Hi Ho. Hi ho Fluffy is so hot") We're both taking a bath and together! (Drags my lord Fluffy along)

Fluffy: Save me. Shoot me. Chop my arm off again. Just get me away form her!

Me: Roll over Boy!

[Crashes and rolls]

Fluffy: Gods I hate you!

Me: and you love to hate! (Wink) Ladies good night, fellas' good night, Fluffy good morning! (Does the Justin Timberlake laugh and bows down) See ya people!