InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kirara's Secret ❯ 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥&heart s;♥ 8♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥&he arts;♥

Sango and Kagome saw them coming over the hill and they stopped breathing.

- Ok, now I know for sure that there is something wrong with Inuyasha. The hanyou I released from the God Tree would never carry a child like that on his shoulders, said Kagome and was beyond worried now.

- I would not say that, said Sango and heart skipped a beat when she saw the demon lord stroll behind Inuyasha and Rin. - Have you not seen how he is treating Shippou, he is even letting him sleep with him and… Kirara.

- I have seen it, but I am not so sure that I believe it, said Kagome.

The sound from a cheery young girl stopped them for discussing the matter any further. Inuyasha let Rin down and she rushed over to the group yelling Shippou's name.

- Hey Rin-chan, said Shippou and blushed when he got hugged by the little girl.

- Rin has missed Shippou-chan. Sesshoumaru-sama has promised that we will travel with you so I can have a playmate and so he can look at Sango-sama's bum, Uncle Inu said he did that the last time we met, bubbled the little girl, she never heard the low growl coming from her beloved lord.

Shippou looked up to see the lord's dark amber eyes, he was afraid that Sesshoumaru would kill the girl, but he just moved back and found a big tree to rest his regal butt on. Shippou then turned his green eyes to look at Sango; she looked like she was ready to faint. Time to play a game.

- Come Rin-chan, let's play hide and seek, he mumbled and took the girl's hand and dragged her away from the group.

- YAY!!

The two children took off and everyone took an invisible breath of air. Although Inuyasha had some serious troubles of keeping his laughter down. Kirara jumped up into his arms and nuzzled his neck. He smiled at her and he could see her smile back.

Sango was sure she was red as a cherry in the face. She did not know where to look, her feet look very interesting at the moment, but her gaze penetrated her black bangs and she shot a glance at the stoic youkai lord. And sure enough, he was glaring at her. She shuddered and mumbled something about looking after the children and she wandered off.

Inuyasha settled down in the tree next to Sesshoumaru. Kirara jumped over to the lord and bowed her head and the lord bowed his head equally.

- I am glad and I congratulate you Kirara-san, he whispered to the fire cat before she went back to her mate.

Silence fell over the camp and the brothers watched Kagome and Miroku prepare food for the group. Inuyasha saw the glances that were exchanged between Kagome and the monk and he smirked. Indeed, there was no doubt about it. The two was in love. He chuckled and caressed Kirara's soft fur.

♥Later that evening ♥
The camp fell asleep, except for Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru. Shippou had found his way up in Inuyasha's lap again and slept without a care in the world. He was safe and cared for, that was enough to make him sleep like a log.

- You have managed to get a pup without a mate, stated Sesshoumaru with a low voice.

- Yeah, it looks like it, said Inuyasha and brushed a few red strands of hair from Shippou's face. - And you too you know.

- What do you mean?

- Come on niisan, you can not be that dense can you? Have you not noticed that Rin looks at you as a father?

- She does?

- Man you are dense, of course she does. Why do you think she is insisting on calling me Uncle Inu??!! Inuyasha wanted to scream at his brother for not noticing the girl's obvious admiration and love for him.

- No I have not, snorted the lord.

- Perhaps you only have eyes for a certain demon slayer's ass?

If looks could kill Inuyasha would have been dead on the spot.

- Don't be ashamed niisan, she certainly is worth the while to rest your eyes on, chuckled Inuyasha.

- She is human, said Sesshoumaru and looked down on the spoken taijya.

- So?

- I hate humans!

- Well, I do wonder what Rin is made of then…

Another death glare.

- See, you are being stupid, why not swallow that pride of yours and tell Rin that you see her as your pup and why not court Sango. I know she has a thing for you, said Inuyasha a little bit more serious.

- She has?

"My dear brother, you are so transparent sometimes."thought Inuyasha and settled himself better against the tree trunk.

- I suggest you do something about your icy attitude, said Inuyasha and closed his eyes.

Sesshoumaru did not say anything. His eyes rested on Sango, she looked so peaceful, like a sleeping goddess. He wanted nothing more than to descend from the tree and take her into his arms and crush her against him. "Hmpf, I hope this hunt for Naraku soon is over, I need to get away from these humans, they are making me weak." thought the lord and did as his brother, settled back, but not once during the night he let his eyes wander away from the taijya.

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥&heart s;♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥& hearts;♥

Yay, another chapter done.
Hope you like it.