InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knight Errant ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or any of the other inhabitants of the fine story of Rumiko's that we all know and love.
“You, old priestess, come tend to my woman's wounds.”
She wasn't really sure that she'd heard him say those words, but they were in her mind as she slept. She'd woken up briefly when the old priestess with the eye patch had begun to stitch the bite wound in her side, that had been awful but she could remember a strong warm hand holding hers. Surprisingly she'd only whimpered a little, surprising herself because she'd have bet anything that she'd have been in tears or screaming for something like this, but somehow those strong calloused fingers caressing the backs of her own leant her strength to endure the sting of the needle. Soon though she was lost to the comfort of the darkness again, the tea given to her making her rest so that she could heal faster, or at least that was what she understood about it when she was told later. When she finally woke up it was late at night, and Kagome had no idea how many days might have passed. She lay on a futon in a small hut, the clothing she was wearing was not her own, for one thing but then she supposed that made sense as her top at least had been ruined in the fight. She didn't know how she felt about that just yet, or anything else that had happened. She sat up, fingers a little stiff from disuse but she had the perverse desire to look at her wound. Somehow seeing that would make this all real, because a nightmare in which she was hurt would have ended long ago, wouldn't it? Opening up her top she slid it back from one shoulder and looked down at her side.
Part of her mourned what she could see with her eyes and gingerly touch with her fingertips. This would not heal in a perfectly smooth flat scar, not that she wanted a scar to begin with mind, but this! It was a crescent shaped mark but not quite perfect, it was horrible and she could feel her lower lip tremble as she examined it. Tears had begun a silent course down her cheeks, a more clinical side of her brain was amazed that she wasn't sobbing out like a child but the silent tears held just as much anguish as wracking cries would have. Then there came a voice out of the darkness.
“Kikyou, please don't cry.”
She saw them then, golden eyes vivid and bright in the semi-darkness of the hut, staring at her across the small cooking fire which had burned down to embers. She could see his silhouette perfectly, though there were things about that which made not a lick of sense to her, things which she couldn't entirely push off on having been injured and then healing. His long hair was like a mantle around him, the very top glimmering and silvery, and his dog ears were half back in a sign of distress, the fur on them looking soft even from this distance. Dog ears, that boy had dog ears? Kagome blinked, closing her tunic self-consciously, a heat rising in her cheeks that he might have seen something he shouldn't have, but her mind was having trouble getting past the fact that he was not only in here with her but that he had cute dog ears on the top of his head that considering the way they moved they had to be real, be a part of him. Then his words hit her and her blush changed to a flare of anger.
“My name isn't Kikyou! It's Kagome. Ka-go-me!”
There seemed to be such sadness and longing in those golden eyes, for a moment she felt her heart reach out to this sad boy, but before the moment could progress the flap covering the opening to the hut was quietly pushed aside and her boy from before came into the hut. Her attention went immediately to him as a low growl of warning sounded in his throat before he crossed the small space between them, and knelt down by the futon she sat on. Rough hands were there to wipe her tears, and blue eyes, so blue, were gazing at her in worry. Here was the one they called demon, but he had saved her life not once but twice. He was a hero, not a demon … she blushed again when she realized that she'd whispered those words, and somehow both of them had heard her despite how even she was uncertain how loud she could have possibly been.
“I don't believe I'm hearing this crap! Of course he's a demon, he's a stinking wolf demon is what, Kikyou I'm amazed you can't feel his demon energy!”
“Am I your hero, Kagome?”
She almost wanted to vent her anger at the golden eyed boy, yet her heart remembered the sadness she'd seen in his eyes, a moment of vulnerability in which she could not find it in her heart to injure him further. But it was the words of her blue eyed savior that got a reply first.
“You saved my life, twice, and I don't even know your name.”
His hands had dropped down to take her own in his, and he marveled once again how fair and smooth her skin was. Humans did not generally seem like this, perhaps it was because she was a priestess that she was thus? Kouga wasn't sure, but he knew that human or not he was drawn to her like he had been none other. No youkai had ever drawn his attention for very long, and here he was focused entirely on one young human girl. It amazed him, and the corners of his mouth twitched up in a small smile for a moment before he lifted a hand to brush back the soft darkness of her long hair. He could hear that hanyou growling under his breath, it seemed that he had transferred his attachment from the dead priestess to this living one, though Kouga had no idea just how long it had been since he'd been pinned to that tree. The thought made his brow knit troublingly, and he was surprised to suddenly feel one of her soft little hands lift to touch his forehead, like she wanted to soothe him. His voice came then, deep in the small hut, as his surprised gaze met those rich chocolate eyes of his woman. No one had ever comforted him before, not that he needed comforting but still.
“You saved me too, Kagome. I don't know how long I'd been imprisoned at that forsaken tree, but I want you to know that I had done nothing to them to make it happen. I give you my word on it, and Kouga doesn't lie. The mutt over there is right though, I am a wolf demon, but I'm not just a demon, I'm a prince of my kind.”
Thinking back on it, that had to have been just about the longest speech he'd ever given in his life, save perhaps those times that he led his wolves into battle and he wanted to give them confidence. That confidence always burned bright in him, and it made him often certain faster than was reasonably wise to be, but he seemed to be lucky too.
“That's why I've claimed you as my woman. When you met my eyes and were brave enough to remove the arrow to free me, I knew I loved you.”
There came a loud protest from the boy with the golden eyes, a startled glance from Kagome and a stirring from farther in the hut. The heated words from the other boy to Kouga had apparently wakened whoever else was in the hut with them. For her part Kagome wasn't sure how she felt about the declaration of love, she'd never had a boyfriend really and now here was this demon who said he loved her and put his heart in his eyes for her to see. She was shaking just a little, and blurted out words, words that she realized had lodged themselves in her heart when she cried over the thought earlier.
“You can't love me, I have this terrible scar.”
They both blinked at her. Her words made absolutely no sense to either of them, but Kouga moved first. He slid up onto the futon and put his arms around his woman, letting her relax against him after she had stiffened, letting her set her own pace. To the enraged protest of the hanyou he lifted up the edge of her tunic and let his eyes roam over the healing wound, then let her look at his expression. She expected disgust, he could tell, not the tender brush of his lips to her temple.
“Of course I can love you, you're my woman. You should be proud of your scar, it means you were strong enough to survive.”
Kagome had of course not thought of that aspect of it, feeling that it had ruined her, not that it should be a badge of survival and courage. A low growl sounded from the boy that held her, from Kouga and she looked up only to be startled by the face of the golden eyed boy so close to her own. She saw his nostrils flare, and his clawed hand lifted to touch the scar as well. It was plain Kouga didn't like this, but unless Kagome protested he'd allow it. He was a Prince and did not abuse hospitality, they had tended his woman after all and it would be a poor show of gratitude to fight one of their own and destroy the place that had sheltered her, though he wanted that excuse to fight with all his heart.
“Don't you remember me at all? Kaede said you wouldn't, because you really aren't Kikyou but her reincarnation, but isn't there …”
Before she could even attempt to formulate a reply, before he could even finish what it was he'd wanted to say, there came the voice of the one eyed priestess from the back of the hut.
“InuYasha, why are you disturbing our guests?”
Kagome's eyes widened, and she whispered his name. It was like for just a split second she felt an overwhelming sense of sadness, but it was sadness mixed with deep love and longing. He had heard her, she knew by the swivel of his ear that he had picked up what she'd said even as he barked a reply to the priestess. That emotional response to his name, it didn't belong to her at all, did it? It was too much, too much to feel and too much to think about right that moment so she laid her cheek against Kouga's chest and closed her eyes. She somehow knew that she was safer here than anywhere else in the world. Let the sun rise before she tried to reason out this complicated mess her life had seemed to suddenly turn into, she could find out then how long she had been asleep. That worried her a bit, and her sleep was not a comforting one. The reason for that came to her as she woke, alone now in the hut with the sun streaming into the door as the curtain was pinned back. She wanted to know how long she'd been here, because her family had to be worried sick! Another thought tumbled on top of that one, she wasn't even sure where she was, let alone how to get back home. It made a well of sadness touch her for a moment, but then she smiled.
She was alive, and as long as she was alive there could be hope that she could figure out how to get home. There was warm water left for her along with a cloth and she took advantage of her time alone to give herself as best a cleaning as she could. She'd have to settle for just rinsing her hair for now, but that was better than nothing considering that it must look just awful. She had to admit she felt better as she dressed in a yukata that had been left for her, and slipped her feet into a pair of wooden getas. She would have to ask the old priestess, whom she was guessing was the Kaede that InuYasha spoke of, what had happened to her old clothing, at least her shoes. A bit shakily she began to walk around, exploring the confines of the hut before venturing outside. As she had suspected, the old priestess had a wide variety of herbs and healing items, so she must be a healer as well as a spiritual leader as the title of priestess suggested. Kagome couldn't identify half of the things stored here either dry or fresh and she found that she wanted to, or that she felt that she should know. How strange that feeling was, yet it was hers. Outside was less confusing at first, until she got a good look at the buildings. She knew objectively that she was near her own family shrine, there was the old well and the God Tree after all close enough to walk to from here, but there were no concrete sidewalks or asphalt roads, no cars, it was as if she had stepped out of her own time to tumble into this one. Could that be what had happened, when that centipede monster grabbed her and drug her into the well?
There was no logical explanation for how this could be the truth, yet in her heart she knew that it was true. It was overwhelming, to realize that she was not only unable to see her family but that she was gone in time, not so much distance. Letting those feelings tumble through her, she almost missed it the first time it happened. It was like a sudden awareness, something she had never had before, she was sensing something of purity and power and found herself walking in that direction. She came to a small shrine, moving up the few steps to it before her hands reached out to slide back the door. Her eyes took a moment to adjust to the dimness of the shrine, before lifting to focus her gaze on a softly shimmering object upon the altar. It was that pink orb that had come from her body when Mistress Centipede had bitten it from her flesh, the jewel that Kagome had never known that she possessed until that moment it was stolen from her. Someone had placed it upon a delicate looking necklace and it glowed softly as she came towards it. Her fingertip touched it and the soft pink light seemed to clear a bit, becoming more … pure. Had she done that? More importantly, how had she known what had happened when she did? The voice of the old priestess came then, she was a bit startled but then she realized something else. She hadn't been scared or jumped because there was a part of her which had sensed the approach of the woman, almost as if a part of her mind had come awake which allowed her to feel the spiritual energy which surrounded Kaede. It was not horribly strong, but what there was of it was pure enough and had been honed by training. It was that energy which made her a priestess and not just a shrine maiden, though how Kagome could have known this was beyond her. What was more was that she could vaguely sense other energies around this place, which she had not been able to do before. There was the strong energy not far from here that she knew must be Kouga, though again how she knew it was him was not something she could have put into words. He was close but not too close, yet she knew if she called for him he would be there in an instant. More towards the river she felt a bright golden energy which she felt was the hanyou boy InuYasha, and that it seemed familiar to her as breath disquieted her more than a little. There was confusion in her eyes then as she turned to Kaede, realizing that the priestess had had to repeat her question by the bit of worry in the tone.
“Were ye drawn here, girl? To this shrine, to the Sacred Jewel, does this seem familiar to ye at all?”
Kagome began to shake her head, but that was just more because she was so incredulous at all the thoughts that were running around in her brain. She was Higurashi Kagome, fifteen and should have thoughts about school and homework, not these strange sensations about auras and energies and their flow around her. But the thing was, it was indeed somehow familiar to her, this place, that jewel, and even InuYasha. It wasn't something she was quite ready to deal with, however. But she was not a girl prone to lie, not when asked a direct question. Besides, what could it hurt to tell the truth? Maybe Kaede could help her sort out all of these confusing feelings and thoughts.
“I was. I don't understand why though, but I could sense it. My grandfather used to tell me stories about the Shikon no Tama, but I always thought they were just fairy tales. Yet you are telling me that this is the Sacred Jewel, so I must be in the past. This all makes so little sense to me, Kaede! How can I sense the Jewel, how is it that I can sense Kouga is nearby, and that InuYasha is closer to the river? Why is it that I could never sense things like this before?”
She didn't tell Kaede that she was afraid, because deep down she knew she really wasn't. She was experiencing things that made no sense but somehow she felt that she could handle it, no matter what happened. She listened to Kaede's responses, nodding when things made sense and asking questions when they didn't. Apparently Kaede's sister had been this Kikyou that InuYasha spoke of, and she had been the priestess who had been given the task to guard and purify the Sacred Jewel. Fifty years ago however, Kikyou had died at the hands of an unknown assailant and had asked that the Jewel be burned with her body. Fifty years! It was the very same day that Kouga had been bound to the tree, Sealed by the sacred powers of Kikyou's arrow, an arrow that had been meant for InuYasha. But Kaede as a child had seen it all, and heard the pair talk about being tricked. So it was known that InuYasha was not the one to have murdered Kikyou, and he had stayed with them all these years to protect the village that his love had lived in. Though most of the demon attacks had tapered off since the Sacred Jewel was gone, the dog hanyou had protected them more than once from random attacks for which the village was grateful. She had asked then, if Kouga was just accidentally sealed to the tree by Kikyou why hadn't anyone released him? The old priestess explained that they were afraid that if he were released he would be rightfully enraged and take it out on the village, though it was also true that none of them had the power to break the Seal that Kikyou had placed upon him. The only reason she had not Purified him was that the arrow had been meant for InuYasha, and even when she thought she had been betrayed by him she was unable to be the one to slay him. Even though InuYasha was confident that he could defeat the demon Prince of the wolves, the village had thought it was prudent to leave well enough alone. Kaede was convinced now especially that it had been meant to be the way it was, that events were better left to unfold as destiny wished. She was also convinced that Kagome was indeed the reincarnation of her older sister, though Kagome still had her doubts. Yet why had she felt that strange feeling when she had first heard InuYasha's name last night?
It was just so much to take in. Confusing her further was the warm feeling she was developing towards Kouga. She barely knew him, but it was undeniable that there was some sort of a bond between them. Whether it was the extreme stress of the way they'd met or the fact that he had told her that he loved her, something within her heart was moved when she thought of him. Her wolf demon Prince, she thought, testing it out if only in her mind. Should she have been surprised that a sunny smile lit her face with that? Maybe she should, but that was one thing she was actually certain of, he'd made no secret about how he felt and what he wanted, and she knew from his eyes that he was sincere. It was strange to go from a girl that had never even had a date to one that was being told that she was loved, wanted, and beautiful. Well, he hadn't actually said she was beautiful, but the way he looked at her made her feel that was what he was thinking. She stepped outside of the shrine, it was possible that Kaede had been still speaking to her but she had ceased to truly be paying attention. Was she mooning over Kouga? It was possible she supposed, he was handsome and his attention to her was flattering. Did that mean she was attracted to him too?
Before she could examine that further she came to a stop, realizing that somehow the Sacred Jewel had come with her out of the Shrine, being held in her cupped hands. Now she didn't recall taking it off of its stand, had Kaede handed it to her and she had been so lost in thoughts of Kouga that she hadn't realized? That made her blush and she turned back towards the Shikon Shrine with the intent of returning it to where it belonged. At least that was her intent, especially when she realized she'd gone further away from the village than she felt comfortable being, especially considering she was in firm belief that no matter how impossible it seemed, she was indeed here, in the past, this was real and she would have to figure out how to deal with it. She had just turned to go back when a rough guttural voice rang out.
“You there girl, hold it right there!”
A/N: So far so good! Again please let me know what you think!