InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knight Errant ❯ Chapter Seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or any of the other inhabitants of the fine story of Rumiko's that we all know and love.
“Come my pack, and meet your sister Kagome! My woman has come home to meet you all!”
It had gone better than Kouga could have ever dreamed it would. Some of the pack was wary because she was after all human, but when she had knelt down and bandaged a scrape on the arm of one of the cubs the females had warmed to her considerably. Shippou had felt a little jealous of the attention given to the cub but that faded when the little girl smiled at him. Her question had made Kouga chuckle, she had asked if his woman was a Kitsune because she smelled like a fox and the cub wasn't sure she believed her Prince when he said Kagome was a human girl. The cub shook her head and with the most adorable pout proclaimed as fact.
“She's not a human! She's ours!”
Shippou had led the girl off to play with the other cubs while Kagome stood and brushed off her knees. The acceptance of the pack, even as hesitant as it was from some was a good thing and made her heart warm, that warmth shone in her smiles as she was introduced to some more of the wolves. All of them made a point to touch her, little brushes of fingertips to her arms and hair, and Kouga explained to her that it was their way of taking in her scent and also marking her as pack even more strongly. Later as they sat before a large fire pit he explained that there had been some changes made to the main cavern that the pack shared. When he had returned after his fifty year sleep there had been little order here, picked clean bones of prey whether human, demon, or animal had been in haphazard piles on the bare stone floor and there had been the air of oppression because of the predation of the Birds of Paradise. Now though there was hope here in the air, their Prince had returned and things had changed for the better. He had outlawed preying on humans for one thing, but since game was now almost abnormally abundant in the forest there had not been any sort of concerted protest. There were also certain things now displayed that were spoils of former battles, thick pillows and things of comfort that Kouga had hoped would help Kagome feel at ease here in the den.
There were many areas of thick soft furs where unmated pack members slept in communal piles for the comfort of touch and for warmth, but Kouga had his own spot to himself towards the back of the den. Kouga escorted Kagome to his own pile of furs and sat her down, and she was amazed at how soft and comfortable the furs were. She yawned, it had been after all a long day for her and she told Kouga softly that she thought that their den was a wonderful place. She curled up on the furs to listen to him speak more about the plan to take out the Birds of Paradise, but soon fell asleep. It made Kouga chuckle again, that she would fall asleep listening to his voice, but she looked so sweet lying there that he could not help but be moved. His woman, home and in his bed, and it made him more determined than ever to make her happy and keep her safe from whatever trials might face her. He left her long enough to make sure that Shippou and InuYasha were at least properly taken care of for Kagome's sake and he was more than pleased to see that the Kitsune at least was enjoying himself. He decided in that moment while watching the kit play with the other cubs that if Kagome wanted Shippou to stay that he would be adopted into the wolf tribe and given a safe haven to call home. Watching the care the kit took with the earlier bandaged she-wolf cub as they played showed him the Kitsune's heart and he knew that with the influence of Kagome in his life that he would grow up to be a most worthwhile demon. Shippou looked up to see Kouga there above them on the cliff ledge and he waved, green eyes sparkling before he turned back to make one of his tops spin magically to the delight of the cubs he was playing with.
InuYasha was not integrating himself as well as the Kitsune, holding back though being very polite at least for himself when he was approached by the wolves. He was surprised inwardly that none of them had openly condemned him for being a half demon, but he knew that this was not a place that he wanted to spend very much time. He'd spent fifty years integrating himself at least somewhat into the daily life of the human village that his dead love Kikyou had lived in, guarding it from predations and outside threats, and he knew that once the Jewel Shards were all gathered and the Shikon Jewel renewed that his life there would change. If he used it to become a full demon as his brother Sesshoumaru was, then he would no longer live among humans though he might still protect them from afar though there was no way to tell he supposed how he would think were he to become a demon like his father before him. He did know that he would not want such a large territory to patrol as to encompass the village, the forest, and this wolven territory, yet looking back towards the den in which he knew Kagome was he wondered if maybe he would do just that, so he could see her.
Though he knew that Kagome did not think him weak or lesser because he was a half demon, he wondered if perhaps she would look at him differently if he were a full demon. It did not occur to him that he would not be drawn to her once he was changed, because if Kouga was drawn to her, surely he would be as well. So that was not the concern, but how to shift her affections from the Prince to himself. It would not be easy now despite how sure he was that it could be done, because each moment spent with Kouga seemed to bend her farther towards being his entirely. If she let him claim her, then all that he could ever be to her was her friend, unless Kouga died. That would make things very simple for the dog half demon, but InuYasha could not bring himself to contemplate causing the wolf's death. Despite that they were not so open rivals for Kagome's love and InuYasha would not grieve his being gone in the slightest, he knew that it would hurt Kagome deeply if her wolf suitor were to die. It would hurt her even worse were he himself to be the cause of that death, because he knew no matter what that she considered him her friend and trusted him to protect her. He crossed his arms as he looked towards the place they would be seeking the Birds of Paradise in the morning and at least he could look forward to that fight. Spilling the blood of those monsters would definitely brighten his outlook on things, especially after seeing the precious cubs of this tribe.
He would never admit it, but seeing Kagome with those cubs had struck a chord deep within him and made him think of things he had not considered before. He had seen how it had affected Kouga as well, and how accepted it had made Kagome with her new tribe. It was all so complicated, but he knew that he wanted her even more now. He sniffed, and then turned to look over his shoulder.
“What're you starin' at you mangy wolf?”
Kouga stood on a cliff above him, looking down. He would have given a considerable amount to know just what thoughts were going through the hanyou's mind right now. A dark expression was on Kouga's face and he knew that he was once more staring a hole in the half demon. Yet he could not resist the rejoinder that came to his lips.
“Why don't you tell me, you mutt?”
He wanted to jump down there and fight him, to make him tell him what he was thinking and if it was true that he wanted Kagome. He lifted his lip and sneered at the dog before simply turning his back and marching into the den. It wasn't worth taking the risk though, the night before a huge battle to scuffle with the mutt. He was confident that he'd win of course, but who knew, the dog could get in a good hit and he'd be less than at his full power for the battle to come. His people deserved better, and so did his woman. He sat down next to her where she still slept, and he reached over to take her hand. So soft, while his own fingers were rough and calloused, and he was amazed that she let him touch her. She stirred and woke gently, her smile soft when she realized it was Kouga holding her hand.
“Kouga I'm sorry I must have fallen asleep. I was just so tired.”
He smiled at her, hand moving to stroke through her dark raven locks. He whispered to her, telling her if she was still tired that she could sleep. He moved to get up, but her small hand grabbed hold of his wrist to pull him back down. Stay, her soft voice told him, and he moved to curl behind her on the furs with her in his arms. She nestled back against him and he drew a fur over her legs to keep her warm. His eyes closed, trusting his pack to guard the den so he could relax with his woman, and he felt content. Maybe, he thought, this is why I had to be sealed to that tree for fifty years, so that I would be ready for her when she came to this time? It didn't ease the worry he felt for the trials his pack had faced while he was not able to protect them but it did give him a measure of peace. If Kagome were the reward for his enduring a punishment meant for another then it was worth every second of those fifty years of limbo. He still wanted to know why that other priestess had thought her hanyou lover had betrayed her, didn't she understand how loyal dog demons were once they decided to love someone? They were almost legendary in their loyalty once given even to friends let alone loves. Had she just forgotten that it would be next to impossible for him to actually betray her? Deep down Kouga wondered just who had been at fault in this, who had been the cause, and if they were finished with InuYasha because if they weren't it could put his Kagome in grave danger.
Not just because InuYasha felt she was the reincarnation of his beloved priestess or that she resembled her apparently fairly closely but because the half demon cared for her. Kouga could stomach the idea because Kagome liked him and Kouga knew that if InuYasha cared for her that as a dog demon it would make him protect her even more fiercely than any threat he himself could level at him. His lips curved a bit in a tiny grin as he thought of threats and insults that he'd like to level at his woman's half demon companion but not right that moment. Right then he was still enjoying the peaceful moments of holding his sleeping woman, and he felt surer than ever of his future. She wanted to be his and wanted to learn what was expected of her which was a good sign though not quite as good as something that the priestess Kaede had whispered to him on the sly before they had traveled here. She had told him that Kagome had been asking about half demons and wanting to know about them as children. Why else would she have wanted to know this unless she was contemplating having his cubs? Wolf blood was dominant, and he was certain that his cubs would be strong because of him as well as the strength Kagome carried. He wondered for a moment if it might be possible that a child of theirs could have the powers of a priestess as she did as well. A half demon with the powers of a priest or priestess would not only be able to be a great healer but could purify enemies of the pack like those Birds of Paradise that they would be destroying in the morning.
One might think that the purification of those powers might overwhelm the `darkness' of the youkai blood of such a special child, but somehow Kouga could picture it clearly. Unlike many half bloods though, his cubs would grow up with love and acceptance as well as both living parents in their lives. He would be sure that they would be aware of how other demons and humans viewed half demons of course, so that when they did encounter those of ignorant opinions that they would not be overly distressed and would be ready especially in the case of some youkai for attack. But they would be confident in themselves and their place in the world because that was his will and he was the Prince of Wolves. What was more, they would survive and aid the wolves to survive into the future, giving them a place in both the worlds of the forest and of humans. He could not say for certain that there were even youkai in the place where his woman came from, of course he hadn't been there long enough to really know for sure but he was certain she would have said something had she known any, right? It was a strange concept to consider but he was thinking ahead for the survival of his wolves farther ahead than he or most likely any youkai generally did. They lived so long that they got into habits, ruts, ways of thinking that were inflexible and as unchanging as they themselves often were. Powerful and not afraid to use that power in the pursuit of their often strange goals, they had lost sight of the long view, the big picture of the future.
It was not so inconceivable that humans would one day be the dominant race here in Japan, let alone the other reaches of the world. So to preserve his wolves he would do whatever was necessary to be done, and it was only providence that was allowing this to come in a fashion that was most pleasing to his heart as well. His plan would unite the wolves in whatever fashion they desired to live under his protection and leadership, and together they would move forward into the future. They would survive where other types of youkai might not, because they lacked a leader with the foresight to see that there must be change in order to not become stagnant with death. It might seem strange that it was Kouga who was this leader, Kouga whose brashness and decisiveness were more of a trademark than any idea that he might be able to think and reason, but he would be that for his wolves, his tribe, because of the slim girl that rested peacefully and safe in his arms. Kagome would be the genesis of so much, because she was the spark that made Kouga believe in himself more firmly than his bravado ever had.
When he looked into those chocolate eyes, he saw unwavering faith if not yet the unguarded spark of love that he desired to see more than anything. There was more there when she looked at him than that of course, her emotions were very open in her face whether because of her innocence or just her own nature and she had yet to confront life in such a fashion that would make her become guarded. Kouga treasured that about her, and he knew that while there might come a day in which that light was smudged with darkness simply because of how life often was, that he would do everything in his power to keep the light in her life and heart. He would do this because he loved her, even if she did finally decide that being his woman was not her destiny. Though the moments like this one where she unguardedly asked him for such simple things, to stay with her instead of going as might be considered appropriate for a human girl, those moments gave him hope that the future would be just as he planned. She would be at his side and he knew that, even when they were apart their thoughts were of each other.
Those were the thoughts which were with him when he finally dropped into a sleep, letting go of the anticipation of the battle that awaited them in the morning in order to get some well deserved rest. He kept a low level awareness of his surroundings of course, so when Kagome stirred awake at first light his own blue eyes drifted open part way. She turned in his arms murmuring noises that could have been words and nestled close to his chest, cheek rubbing against him and the soft noises she made had his lips curving into a grin even as his arms tightened around her. Hands stroked her back gently until she moved up a bit and let her little fingers latch onto his hair, taking a deep breath before she settled back to nuzzle his throat. His arms tightened around her, his deep voice coming soft and questioningly.
“K … Kagome?”
The hitch of his voice he'd have liked to have hidden, but the primal youkai nature of his had shoved towards the fore of his conscious mind when she had inhaled his scent and nuzzled him. She was half asleep and surely not aware of what she was doing to him in his mind, but each thing was waking that possessive youkai that lived inside the human seeming form of the Prince. His woman, his love, and his mate all in one slim human girl doing the things that made him want to chase all the other wolves out of the den and see about working on their first cub, it was almost more than his will could control but he would control himself. He told himself that and believed it, until Kagome breathed out near his ear, her fingertips caressing over the point.
There was the sound then, the harsh intake of breath and Kouga would never have known it was his own save for he felt his chest swell with the taking of it in. Had she really just laid a claim on him? She was right of course, he had been hers since that first moment he had wakened to her little hand on the arrow that bound him, and he had claimed her as well in the saying of it. His thoughts raced, trying to figure out what this meant, if she could possibly understand what she said, when he looked down at her with his wide blue eyes. He saw her chocolate gaze meeting his own, saw the new hesitation there as he had not reacted to what she had said in the way she expected him to. He saw her wonder if she had done something wrong, but before her face could fall into sadness or rejection he let a smile come back to his lips and then he kissed her almost reverently. When he broke that kiss to her breathless he held her tight and whispered.
“Yours, my sweet Kagome.”
She made a soft sound in her throat and held him too, the warmth of the furs lulling her and making her want to do nothing but stay there with Kouga and perhaps learn why his voice had held that funny little catch in it when she nuzzled his throat. She couldn't help but softly laugh just before she nipped the warm skin beneath that pointed ear that she was so fascinated with, wondering if she could get him to do it again because she had adored it so. The sound he made then however was far more interesting, and she moved up to one elbow to better look at his face just as he lunged forward and stole a kiss from her that put the others they had shared to shame. She wondered if she would simply just allow him to continue, to do what his instincts called for and she felt a rising curiosity as to what her own response would be. The way she was feeling right then with the warmth rising within her limbs and settling low in her belly she was sure whatever it was would be positive.
Of course at that moment there was a commotion at the front of the den and Ginta's voice came rolling through the cave. Kouga growled low in his throat, holding Kagome tighter to him for a moment very possessively to let her know that she was still the most important thing holding his attention until Ginta's words made sense to his mate hazed mind. Birds … Paradise … attacking the den! Somehow those monsters had either discovered their plans to destroy them or by some sheer unlucky stroke decided to raid their biggest food source in the morning before they were ready to move out. The wolves were moving in a frenzy, grabbing up weapons and armor as Kouga himself leapt up and began to do the same. He felt little hands helping him and knew it was his woman, the thought making his heart warm. He would win this battle, protect the den and the tribe, and he would do it all for her.
“Stay here and help guard the cubs.”
He saw that solemn look on her face, and she nodded just before he stole a kiss from her again. His cocky grin now firmly in place he raced out of the cave and into the heat of the battle. InuYasha was already there, and amazingly Shippou was helping to get the cubs that had been caught outside to safety within. He watched the half demon using that great sword of his before moving off to attack those Birds that were coming at his flank. He was no fool, and if the hanyou could clear out some of the bulk of the beasts then Kouga was all for it. The wolves were now fighting in earnest with their howls and screams adding to the noise of the battle. It should have been confusing to anyone watching but somehow it wasn't. Kouga knew every second where each one of his wolves fought, where his somewhat ally the half demon was, where even Shippou was as he led the last of the cubs inside. He fought with unparalleled ferocity, these beasts had attacked his home and he was having no more of it. His hands were coated in gore as he used that Shikon shard to power up his punches, his speed ensuring that wherever the battle was the thickest or his wolves needed help, that their Prince was there.
Through the din of the battle he suddenly heard a shrill screech, and saw the leader of the Birds of Paradise swoop down to attack a knot of wolves that had brought down a Bird that InuYasha had injured. He whirled to head that way when Kagome's voice came to him from entirely too close a distance.
“Kouga! There's a jewel shard in its mouth! Get the shard and you can defeat it!”
He nodded so that she would know she had been heard, though he wanted her to go back inside the cave. It was a distraction, though he had to admit her arrows purifying some of those Birds were a help to the tribe and showed her willingness to protect their pack. As he raced towards his target he got a good glimpse of her pulling wounded wolves to safety before his vision and attention went solely to the demon he had to kill in order for his dreams to truly be able to begin. The demon wasn't going down without a fight of course, and as he struck it the thing bit down on his arm. He howled but did not stop fighting, determined not to lose either his arm or the fight. The pain was vicious but so were the strikes he threw at the Bird. He saw the pink shimmering blaze of one of his woman's arrows arc towards him, heard the purifying sizzle as it struck the flesh and made the thing gape its mouth in pain, releasing him to fall and strike the earth hard. He was bleeding, but rose to his feet to attack even as InuYasha leapt in with his sword. He snarled but he was proud as both Ginta and Hakkaku came up to aid them in the attack, and between the four of them they finally brought the thing down.
He knew he'd lost the Shard that had been in his arm, and showed his teeth as InuYasha managed to cut both his shard and the one the Bird had been using from its now steaming corpse. He wanted to take it back, but then it had been his secret with Kagome that he had it at all and he wouldn't betray her by demanding it from the hanyou. He had asked her not to say anything and she hadn't, and now perhaps he realized he should have. He would find a way in the future to let the dog know he had the two in his legs so that a moment like this could never happen again, but for now he decided to simply let it go. He stood up straight and looked around at the carnage that filled the once peaceful clearing, and let out a breath. The battle was over, and they had been victorious, the threat to his pack was over. He was aware of Kagome rushing to him, pulling him towards the cave so that she could tend the wounds in his arm despite his murmur that they were nothing. He was aware of the golden gaze of the hanyou on him as well, and he nodded with respect to him for fighting at their side.
There had been many injuries, but the threat was ended. There would be no more orphaned cubs, no more bereft mothers and wives, and Kouga couldn't be happier. His woman had leapt in and helped to save the injured and wound herself deeper into the pack in the process. It wasn't even midday, and he already decided that it was just about the best day of his life. When Kagome knelt beside him to bind his arm, he lifted his hand to cup her cheek, thumb smoothing the skin to ease that worried expression on her face.
“I am so proud of you, my dearest Kagome.”
Thank you all so much for your reviews! I am just so tickled that some of you like this little story enough to put it on your favorites, that really touches me. Next chapter: The aftermath of the battle and Shippou makes a decision.