InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knight Errant ❯ Chapter Ten ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or any of the other inhabitants of the fine story of Rumiko's that we all know and love. Kiyoshi, Aikiko, and Sashiko are mine, and I hope you enjoy them as they are encountered.
It had actually taken less convincing than Kouga would have expected to get the entire pack behind him on his idea. Now, he could have just ordered them to do what he wanted, and that was surely well within his rights as their leader and Prince, it was Yourouzoku tradition that things be that way. But Kouga had learned things from his time around Kagome, and one of those things was that sometimes explaining why you wanted what you wanted and why it was important to them as well worked wonders with his pack. Considering what he wanted was in all their best interests had them fully enthused at least for now, because what was more in their best interests than having their Prince's mate with them where she belonged?
They had accepted her as sister and packmate, so of course it stood to reason that they would want to help her do the things she needed done, to help her fulfill her obligation to her hanyou friend in retrieving those Jewel Shards. Kouga had given them specific instructions on how to handle those that they encountered, no one was to try and take on the possessor of a Shard alone, and if one was taken it was to be carefully wrapped and not touched in case it was impure. The Shards Kouga had himself had come directly from the shattering of the Sacred Jewel and thus had not had time to become tainted or impure, but he had seen what tainted shards could do to an animal or lower youkai, and he did not want that fate for any of the pack members. As Prince he cared about them too much to want that to happen, it would hurt him deeply if he would have to put a packmate down because of such a thing, so it was best avoided.
Amazingly, they had managed to collect four of those pinkish Shards before Kouga felt a tug in his heart towards the East, a sense of longing that let him know that his mate was coming towards him even if it was slowly. The rising joy he felt in his heart was welcome, as were the thoughts of her soft lips on his, the way her scent made him feel, how gentle her eyes became when she looked at him. He knew that each time she came back to him it would be harder for him to let her go, promise or no promise, which was why he had his pack helping her search as much as he could. He knew how important it was to his woman to fulfill her promise and that made his heart swell again with pride in her. Many people both demon and ningen thought nothing of giving their word to simply smooth the way or get things they wanted, but when the time came to fulfill the promises they were sadly lacking in completion. Not his Kagome, when she gave her word she meant it and would do whatever it took to keep it. It was a trait that he hoped would pass to their cubs and that Shippou would take to heart even though Kagome had not born the kit herself. She was the most important influence in his young life now, though from what Kouga had seen there would be little worry on how that Kitsune turned out. Tricksters by nature in order to survive, yet Shippou had a noble heart to go with that.
Kouga was surprised at the small feeling of pride that came when he thought of the kit as well, but then really was it that surprising that he'd feel that way towards him considering how his woman cared for him? Kouga decided that he'd ask Kagome to leave him the next time that she went out with InuYasha so that the kit could strengthen his bonds with the Yourouzoku pack he was now a part of. He might have laughed had he known that his Kagome had been recently thinking the same thing herself, but of course he didn't.
Looking up at the late afternoon sky, the Prince of the Wolves frowned just a bit. Tonight was the night of the new moon, when the sky would be dark save for the stars themselves and certain lesser youkai grew more powerful and dangerous. It would not be safe for travelers to tarry outside long tonight and Kouga knew in his heart that Kagome wasn't close enough to get all the way home to him traveling at a regular pace. Hopefully that half demon would have the sense to find a village or shrine in which to spend the night out of danger from the things that came out to hunt flesh on a new moon. Kouga began to pace where he stood near the waterfall, frustration building within him as he realized that Kagome might be in danger that he could not be fast enough to get to her to save her. He closed his so blue eyes, tilted his head back just a touch, and tried to let that part of his heart that sensed her coming closer free reign within him.
He could feel the wind move over his tawny limbs, ruffling his dark hair and the fur of the pelts he wore, the late afternoon sun warm despite the soft chill of the breeze as it ran over the sparkling waters of the fall as it splashed around the rocks, the solid patience of the stone beneath his feet, and more, he could feel her, His Woman. It happened so fast and was over with so quickly that he almost could convince himself that it hadn't happened at all, but for just a moment he felt as if she were standing before him and his hand raised to cup her cheek with affection as his deep voice said those words to her.
“Be careful, darling Kagome. Come back to me safe.”
He had thought he heard her gasp in surprise, had she heard him? His heart told him that she had and that simply strengthened his need to be with her and see for his own eyes that she was well. He jumped down from where he was to the path below, strong voice calling for Ginta and Hakkaku to follow him. He left Koichi in nominal charge of the den while he was gone, the white haired wolf youth might have seemed a bit young to an outsider but during the battle with the Birds of Paradise Kouga had seen him take down one of them all on his own. He had strength and character and his loyalty was without question, besides his sister was Sashiko and she'd take him by his ear and scold him if he got out of line. Chest puffed with pride Koichi waved at his Prince's rapidly departing back and tried not to grin as Ginta called after him.
“Wait up Kouga!”
Waiting was the one thing he felt he could not afford to do, so his pack brothers would have to struggle along as fast as they could follow him. He had always loved to run but this run had him set on a purpose, his need to protect his mate growing with every long legged stride that put him closer to her. Deep down he knew he might not make it in time so he had to hope that the half demon and the kit would have enough sense to want to get in somewhere safe when night fell. It was a strange feeling to extend trust to InuYasha sight unseen, where he was unable to sense his moods by scent or body language, but that was all Kouga could do at this point, frustrating as it was. As he ran he threw back his head and howled, the eerie sound a warning to whatever might be out there that here came a Prince of the Yourouzoku, and that he was not to be trifled with.
Kagome had tried to relax on the boat that was taking them down river but it was hard to contain her excitement. This river led them down out of the mountains and instinctively she knew that it was the same river that fed the waterfall near the den which was home. Home, when had that stone den become more of a home to her then the small house attached to the Higurashi Shrine? She surely didn't know but she knew it had much to do with her handsome wolf that waited there for her to return. Thinking of him distracted her from how badly poor Shippou was feeling, apparently the poor kit was motion sick over water travel and was even now moaning from the back of the boat. InuYasha had teased him a little at first about it, but she could tell that now he felt a little sympathy for the sick kit, even if he didn't much show it.
Nearing late afternoon by her estimation was when she had her little episode. She didn't know what else to call it but suddenly she had sensed her Kouga, could almost feel him looking at her and feel his touch on her cheek, his voice as he warned her to be careful. She could almost smell the comforting scent of his hair and when it had ended she felt almost near tears. It wasn't fair! All the longing that she had dutifully set aside while they engaged in their search for the Jewel Shards came crashing down upon her and she wanted to howl like a wolf cub that wanted its mother. Tears had suspiciously started to burn the backs of her eyes when she had looked up at a cliff that they were starting to pass under. Eyes widened and she called out.
“InuYasha! That girl is going to … you gotta help her!”
There was a young girl who was running away from something that scared her horribly, that much was certain, but who had miscalculated how much room she had to the edge of the cliff. Where she thought she had two steps she had one, and with a cry she fell backwards off the cliff and into the river. The force of the fall had almost knocked her unconscious, and she was vaguely aware that she would most likely drown, though that fate didn't scare her nearly as much as what she had been running from. There had been a flash of vibrant red then and she passed out even as she was dragged from the water.
Some time later she came to near a hastily built fire and the first person she saw was Kagome. She was dressed oddly enough but her face was open and kind and she helped her sit up when she felt the need to finally cough the last of the river water from her lungs. She felt so grateful to the girl that she actually smiled a little when she told the girl her name.
“I am Nazuna, thank you so much for saving me.”
Kagome had smiled back to her, telling Nazuna her name in return but she also told her that it had actually been InuYasha that had saved her life after her fall from the cliff. Wide eyes had taken in the first sight of that worthy as he shook the water off of him and onto Shippou, clawed hands wringing out the rest of the water from his snowy mane of hair. Her eyes widened and she spat out with disgust.
“He's a demon!”
Things went a bit downhill from there as she added to the mean things she said to InuYasha until even Shippou was convinced that he didn't like the girl and maybe she should have been left to her own devices if InuYasha was so repellant to her. Kagome defended him and was upset that someone would talk to him like that just because he was a half demon and she didn't like the looks that Nazuna was giving Shippou either. It practically had her hackles up, her strong maternal instinct making her move to scoop up the red headed kit and hold him close to her armored chest. She almost bared her teeth at Nazuna but settled for a growl as the girl got up haughtily and began to climb up the side of the cliff.
Of course, Nazuna had the worst luck of nearly anyone Kagome had seen, and had fallen from part way up the cliff, spraining her ankle. Almost, Kagome had let InuYasha convince her to leave the troublesome girl to her own devices but in the end her soft heart had the hanyou carrying the girl back to the shrine that was her home. Just because Nazuna hated demons was no reason for them to be jerks, that made them no better than she was behaving. Along the way Kagome found herself drifting closer to InuYasha as they walked, something about this place was giving her a good case of the creeps and she would be glad to get out of here.
“Any sign of a jewel shard?”
She'd shaken her head at InuYasha and he gave her an upnod to indicate he'd heard. They could ditch this girl and then hightail it out of here. He was acting antsy about the whole thing, he wanted out of the mountains before nightfall and this delay was only making his anxiousness worse. Even Shippou noticed it, watching InuYasha as Nazuna prostrated herself before the old monk that had been raising her in the absence of her parents. Some of her attitude towards demons was explained as the monk related the tale of the Spider Heads that had killed her father, her family and many of the villagers where she used to live. The monk had managed to rescue Nazuna and she had been living here ever since. He insisted that they stay for dinner and sent her to cook it and InuYasha gave the single most annoyed protest to Kagome about it that she had ever seen from him. He wanted to leave and right now and it was so unlike him to pass up free food especially food that tasted and smelled this good. Even Shippou had rethought his opinion of her stuffing rice balls into his mouth as fast as he could to Kagome's amusement though InuYasha couldn't keep his eyes off of the sky out the window.
Despite his restlessness she'd finally convinced him to stay the night there, though he in an irritated tone told her he'd be sleeping outside on the roof tonight. He was standing there in the doorway with his hand on the shoji screen door motionless and Kagome called out to him.
He saw them of course. They were well and surrounded by the figures that moved in the evening shadows of dusk, the sun almost ready to dip below the horizon and their red eyes were a far brighter glow than the dying sunlight. Nazuna ran to find the monk, she couldn't believe that his sutras of protection had failed them so badly. Of course the Spider Heads chose that moment to attack and the fight was on. Pushing Shippou and Kagome out ahead of him he sent them towards the woods while they attacked him and Kagome fearfully kept looking over her shoulder. She hadn't gotten too far when she saw him almost get overwhelmed and if it hadn't been for a bit of quick thinking on her part he might not have escaped. Covered in spider's web he was growling but it didn't sound right, and she was afraid he was hurt.
So many questions and she didn't know where to start so she pushed his hands aside and yanked the web off of him and then gasped in astonishment. Shippou whirled and his mouth gaped open at the sight of InuYasha. Kagome blinked, taking him in. It had to be InuYasha, she knew he'd not been out of her sight and he was wearing the robes made of the fur of the fire rat that she knew so well and the Tessaiga was at his side. But there were no claws, his fingers were human blunt nailed and his silvery white hair was deep rich ebon black and there were no cute white mobile dog ears on top. One of the biggest changes was his eyes, from rich vibrant glowing gold to a rare shade of violet that seemed to turn deepest black as he shifted his gaze. Her voice said his name so questioningly and he didn't need his half demon senses to know that she was confused. He looked up gloweringly at her as she figured it out in her head, that this was why he hadn't wanted to stay, because he was human now. She didn't know why, though Shippou had helpfully supplied that all half demons had a night or day of vulnerability and the new moon must be InuYasha's.
He expected her angry words but what she actually said shocked him as did the fact that she cried. I can't believe you didn't trust me enough to tell me! He kept hearing the anguish in her voice as she said it and he knew that he really should have told her. Even his explanation hadn't been enough to blunt more than the edge of that hurt, that he had grown up afraid and that he had never trusted another living soul with this secret of his. But he knew that he should have told her, and now because he had not her life was in danger. She might forgive him his reticent ways but he didn't know if he could forgive himself for her tears … then her actual words sunk in. He'd said something about not worrying about her bow and her back pack that they could get them back in the morning when he was back to his normal self but she had replied that the bottle she was keeping the Shards in was in the back pack!
He didn't know whether to laugh madly or shout in rage that she'd left them behind. He settled for shoving the Tessaiga into her hands and stalking back towards the shrine in order to get them back. He explained that the sword would not transform for him now, but it could throw up a barrier to protect Kagome and surely he could handle a few Spider Heads even like this. Of course Kagome didn't listen. That was one thing that InuYasha seriously had an issue with her about and he in that one aspect did not envy Kouga. When she set her mind to something she was reckless in her pursuit of it and she did not think her personal safety was more important than that of her friends.
He'd found Nazuna cowering before the transformed monk who it turned out had been the leader of the Spider Heads in disguise and confronted the damned creature. It had entangled him in his web and what was worse bitten him. He could even now feel the burn of the poison in his blood and all he wanted to do was see Kagome one more time and apologize to her for not trusting her enough to tell her his secrets, both his `human night' and the feelings he held for her deep in his heart. Imagine his surprise in seeing her appear, he was sure he was hallucinating it even as Shippou did his best to keep the shards out of the Spider Head's hands. He saw her coming towards him like an angel, tears spilling from her eyes and flying behind her like shining stars, Kagome was crying for him. Not because of him but for him. No one had shed tears for him since his mother had died, and he just didn't know it was possible to feel as much as he felt in that moment.
He was fading in and out and really wasn't sure of what had happened beyond that except for somehow they had gotten into a room and barred the door with the Tessaiga to keep out the demon Spider Head. Myoga was there and he did his best to suck out the poison that he'd been injected with and while it helped InuYasha still felt like he was burning up with fever. He'd partially woken as Kagome had tended him and she had let him lay his head in her lap. It might be the only time that he ever got to do this so he asked her why she was crying in the other room. Her words made his heart leap even as his mind rationalized it away. Because she was afraid she was going to lose him and that he would die. Her best friend, remember? Don't be a fool and think it means anything but that, because she loves Kouga.
Damn lucky wolf.
In the end it had unfolded as it should, despite the Spider Head swallowing all the fragments of the Jewel that they had gathered. The sun had risen and InuYasha transformed, and the Spider Head had never stood a chance. He hated bugs, and this simply reinforced that for him. Amazingly they had found all the shards fused into a single piece, and Kagome was even now trying to figure out how it had happened so she could simply stick each shard they retrieved to it. InuYasha's heart sank however looking at it, he would have thought that they had gathered far more than that already but as always the reality fell short of the imagining. With the Spider Heads destroyed they left Nazuna in charge of the shrine and she promised to remember them even though they were demons and pray for their safety.
InuYasha was oddly silent as they continued on down the river and Kagome was tending to the sick again Kitsune pup. Something was obviously bothering him but Kagome didn't know how to bring it up or even if she knew what it was for certain. She tried to start a conversation a few times but the words kept sticking until midway through the morning she cried out joyfully and had him paddle the boat over to the riverbank. It was a sandy strand and Shippou gladly collapsed on it while Kagome nearly danced in place. InuYasha wondered just what the hell was wrong with the girl when there came a sudden chorus of wolf howls from further in the forest and he suddenly sensed the approach of a youkai. It was Kouga, he knew it before he even saw that trademark whirlwind that heralded the arrival of the Prince of the Wolves.
His blue eyes were blazing and InuYasha would have sworn that there was worry and fear in those eyes until they focused on Kagome. She had turned a bit shy of a sudden, then Kouga stalked towards her and took her hands. He turned her this way and that, making sure that she was unhurt before he gave a shuddering sigh and enfolded her tightly in his arms. His nose was buried in her hair and he picked her up and swung her as she squealed with joy, and this was the sight that greeted Ginta and Hakkaku as they came to an exhausted halt on the beach. Ginta at least managed a smile before he collapsed to the sand, they had both been worried about their nee-chan, and it was good to see her safe and with Kouga.
InuYasha grunted a bit and put Shippou in a safer spot while Kouga found a spot to sit down with Kagome that didn't end up with him having to put her down in the process. He'd given her his little surprise, the four Shards that the pack had gathered for her and there had been the shine of tears in her eyes that they had cared enough about her happiness to do this for her. She kissed him then with all her heart, letting him feel how much she had longed for him, how much she had missed him, and how happy she was to be with him now. They were content for the moment until InuYasha heard something that Kouga said to Kagome and he began to laugh, whether it was at the wolf's expense or just at the humor he found in the statement, or maybe that little exasperated noise Kagome made.
“Geez Kagome when did you meet a neko?”
AN: Next chapter, Enter Miroku, and a visit from Kiyoshi leads to more questions than answers.