InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knight Errant ❯ Chapter Twelve ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or any of the other inhabitants of the fine story of Rumiko's that we all know and love. Kiyoshi, Aikiko, and Sashiko are mine, and I hope you enjoy them as they are encountered.
“Dream of me, Kagome.”
Kouga finally found that sleep wasn't as elusive as he'd felt it would be, Kagome curled in his arms and breathing peacefully was finally enough to lull him into sleep as well. The dreams he had were all of her and frankly felt more like a gift than just simple dreams to him as he woke well before she did. A lazy grin of pure male satisfaction rode his lips a moment because he knew that he had pleased her and pleased her well for her to still be sleeping. As much as he wanted to stay in the furs with her and be the first thing she saw when she woke he still had something he wanted to give her and that meant he had to get up. Regretfully he brushed her hair back from her sleeping face and rose, his body already missing her warmth though he chuckled a bit as she moved to nestle in the spot he'd been in with a contented sigh. Even in sleep she was calmed by his scent as a proper Yourouzoku mate should be.
His woman, and his heart swelled in his chest knowing the words were now more than a mere verbal claim from him. She loved him back and with that knowledge Kouga knew there was nothing he could not face. It took him a bit of time to find what he wanted in the cave the pack used to store things that were not currently in use or even useful but they didn't want to lose, but once he had he could not hide the triumphant smile on his lips as he moved among his pack. He could see it in their eyes that they knew what had happened, either Sashiko had shared the good news or it was just the way the pack was tuned towards his moods, and he found it a good thing that they seemed just as happy about this turn of events as he was.
He hadn't expected all the gifts though. He laughed first, then released that howl he'd wanted to the night before. It was loud and deep and startled some of the cubs in front of the cave who yipped a bit with confusion until the rest of the adults in hearing range of Kouga's voice joined in as well. Shippou had turned to his near constant companion Aikiko as this happened, her happy little smile allaying some of his worry. She patted his hand and explained it to him.
“Kagome is really really ours now! She and Kouga are mates, that's what it means!”
She was obviously thrilled and Shippou felt a moment of pride himself because the closest thing he had to a mother was now happy and had done so much for him in the process. She'd given him a home and a place to belong, where he could be safe to grow up. Shippou was the only one who noticed that one person wasn't celebrating though. He'd seen InuYasha staring towards the den with his so mobile dog ears at half mast and the look on his face had been one of almost sad longing. The little kit's heart went out to the hanyou though he wasn't certain what he should or could do. He had to do something though, he knew that InuYasha was Kagome's best friend and she would want Shippou to make sure he was okay.
With a bit of resolve he straightened up, turning to press an acorn into Aikiko's hand. He promised that he would show her a trick with it when he returned and then he marched down the path he'd seen InuYasha take moments before. He found the half demon staring down at the river, silent as the wind that was blowing through the trees and making the ends of his long white hair float and move. The very posture of him was sad and defensive and Shippou had a momentary lapse of resolve. What if the hanyou really wanted to be alone? But then he remembered how it was to feel like that way, as if you had no one in the world and how that had changed when he'd found Kagome and InuYasha in that old battlefield. InuYasha might have accepted him just because of her but right now that didn't matter to Shippou.
He moved up next to the hanyou and sat down, unsure of how to proceed now that he'd actually gotten the guts to do it. He started to talk but words just wouldn't come out at first and he noticed InuYasha's brow raising from the corner of his eye. So he finally just blurted out what he'd come to say.
“Don't be sad. Kagome's happy and she wouldn't want you sad, okay? You're her best friend, not me or Kouga or anyone else.”
He blushed then but was proud to have made his point. He saw InuYasha's ears swivel forward and his defensiveness come up to cover his real emotions, that was good, it meant that the half demon was back to normal. He even made a half hearted swipe at the kit, though Shippou saw it coming and danced back.
“Oi, brat, who said I was sad? I'm just fine!”
Yeah, Shippou thought. He smiled at the ruffled hanyou and then made his way back up the path towards where he knew Aikiko was waiting patiently for him to return. She loved his fox demon tricks and he wished he could teach her some of his fox magic. Aikiko after all, was special. Shippou smiled as he recalled catching her trying to make fox fire, she couldn't but she sure tried! There was a skip in his step as made his way back towards where she waited and her big smile to greet him made him hurry. She'd surely love this trick!
InuYasha watched the fox kit as he made his way back. He was more than a little surprised that Shippou had bothered to follow him and try and make him feel better. Was this what it felt like to have family? He'd been so young when his mother died that he barely remembered the warm feeling that was rising in his chest. Yes, he'd lost the chance to have Kagome as a mate for as long as Kouga lived but Shippou had reminded him of something important. He had Kagome's trust and her affection and she'd told him that he was her best friend and meant it. That meant something. It meant he was never again going to be truly alone and that he was accepted. Her acceptance of him had led to so much more of course. He had the respect of this Yourouzoku pack and its Prince, full demons that regarded him as InuYasha, not some worthless half breed. He could accept that as the gift it was and try very hard not to think of what he didn't have.
“Kagome. Kagome wake up.”
She hadn't wanted to wake up she'd been having such a lovely dream. She'd been playing a game with Shippou and a young boy who was younger than Shippou but already nearly his size. He had dark hair and vivid blue eyes that had laughter in them that made them sparkle. She'd felt such a tug in her heart when looking at him and then he'd said `kaasan! Throw the ball! So when she opened her eyes there was the memory of that dream there when she focused on her mate. Kouga looked so handsome to her and in his face she saw traces of that boy from her dream and she knew. The boy had to have been hers and Kouga's, their cub. Her smile was so brilliant then and she threw her arms around his neck to draw him down for a kiss.
He really hadn't meant to let her distract him because after all he'd had a purpose to waking her beyond this though in his opinion this was a fine way to begin a day. She'd surprised him further after that and who could blame him for letting his mate have her way with him? So it was about an hour later before he finally got around to giving her what he'd sought in the storage cave, sitting with his back against the den wall with her in his arms. In her hands now lay his gift and he carefully didn't look at her face in case she didn't like it. On a leather thong was a pair of small silver charms, one a small perfect disk that she knew was the full moon and the other was a small wolf made to look like it was running.
“It was my mother's.”
She smiled then and asked him to put it on her and he let out the breath he'd been holding. He didn't know what had moved him to give her this gift but he knew that it was right as soon as he saw her with it on. So many of his childhood memories had included that necklace, the light dancing off of the silver and now he knew that his own cubs would have those same warm memories. They spent the rest of the morning until mid-afternoon talking and going through the gifts that the tribe had brought them. Much of it was food and that had Kagome blushing when Kouga mentioned that it was for keeping up her strength. Her blush had him laughing and she glared at him at first then just relaxed. She so loved the sound of his laugh, even if it was at her and she knew he didn't mean it to harm.
There had been some practical gifts too and Kagome could see Sashiko's hand in that, things to make her traveling easier while she was away and a very well made dagger with a sheath for her very own. She had her bow and arrows but nothing to help protect her close up and this would fit the bill nicely. She felt so loved then, held by her wolf prince and surrounded by the proof that her Yourouzoku thought of her even when she was going to have to be away that she nearly shed tears again. She belonged and there was no doubt of it and she felt so full. Full of happiness and the brighter emotions and she decided then and there that she would do her best not to dwell on what might happen in the far future. Even though thinking of that future was what made her leap to the decision she had and she would never regret that, she just simply did not want to think of her Kouga alone after her death.
But he wouldn't be alone, would he … the remnants of her dream were with her then and she smiled. She would leave him with cubs and then they would gift him with cubs of their own. He would never be alone because she would give him family and reason to carry on. Her smile was determined then, and when he asked her to stay until tomorrow instead of leaving this afternoon for her own time like she intended she gave him that same smile. Kouga for his part wondered why she'd been so easy to convince but after dinner when she drew him back to their furs she took all his thoughts and scattered them quite thoroughly for him. All that mattered was his Kagome and he made sure for his part that she knew that.
The next morning when it was time to leave Sashiko was there and a little emotional, hugging Kagome over and over while promising to keep an eye out for her on Shippou while she was away, this relieved the worry Kagome had and made her smile though she wished that Sashiko wasn't so upset she was going. The rest of the tribe that was actually at the den made sure to come by and touch her too, adding more layers of Yourouzoku scent to her though she was sure that with her being Mated now to Kouga that wolf demon scent was now permanently soaked into her very skin.
She promised to bring Shippou back some treats from her time and things he could share with the other cubs of the tribe, the kit was very brave and held back any tears he was feeling at her leaving him behind. After all, this was her true home now and she would definitely be back and he wanted her to be proud of him and the progress he made while she was away so she wouldn't worry about him. He'd worry for her, he knew that it could be dangerous so he made sure to have a `man to man' talk with InuYasha about making sure Kagome was protected. InuYasha was actually pretty civil about that though he did swat him for thinking that he would fail to protect Kagome regardless.
Kouga didn't think he'd ever seen Kagome look more beautiful than she did that morning. She had on a lovely kimono because she thought her mother might not like how she looked in her furs and armor despite the protection the armor brought. InuYasha was going to carry it for her so she'd have it when she returned and she was happy that he'd agreed to it. He could have said no and let her try and drag it herself or wear it until she got to the well but he was being almost nice to her this morning. She had to admit she had been a little worried about how he might react to her decision to mate with Kouga, more worried about his feelings than she was even those of her own mother, but he seemed to be taking it in stride.
She turned her beautiful smile to Kouga and then went on tip toes to kiss her, the bounce of that move making the pony tail her hair was in sway in almost hypnotic fashion. His arms went around her and he inhaled the scent of her right off her skin at the juncture of her neck and shoulder. Sweet and sheerly Kagome, and he pressed a kiss right there and exhaled over it. He smiled feeling her shiver in his arms and he rocked her a little as he held her, deep voice rolling over her senses like velvet.
“Come home to me soon, my dearest Kagome.”
She knew in that moment there was no way that she would be able to stay away long, no matter what happened. She belonged nowhere else in the world in any time more than she belonged right here in Kouga's arms. She made her farewells to the tribe and then set out with InuYasha, a new spring in her step and lightness in her heart. This had given her more than a home, it had given her love and purpose of being and that shone out in her like starlight in a velvet sky, adding to her beauty.
::Present Day::
Her trip home had proven a bit more stressful than expected though. Not the actual travel to the well, that had been fine and they had even found another jewel shard and taken it with relative ease. Kagome hadn't even messed up her kimono and InuYasha didn't even have a scratch on him. That had been fine. It was actually dealing with her former life that had been stressful. She'd gone to school and turned in all the homework she'd worked on while away, getting more assignments of course and she actually felt she'd done rather well on the ones she had done. There was that feeling of being lost while in class to deal with, but she really felt that had more to do with the fact that this life now felt disconnected from her own true life. She looked around at her erstwhile classmates and friends and just didn't feel that she belonged. Had she ever though, really?
At lunch of course she had spent time with Ari, Yuka and Ayumi who wanted her to go out with Hojo for some movie or something this weekend, but she'd simply shaken her head. They wanted her to be someone she wasn't but it wasn't their fault, so she tried to explain herself a bit. She couldn't go out with Hojo, it wasn't that he wasn't a nice boy but she was already taken. Her fingers had lingered over the two silver charms and a smile played on her lips and of course her friends had wanted to know where she'd gotten it. The smile on her face told them more than her words, Kagome was in love and it was clear. Yuka wasn't certain that she liked that. Not that she didn't like her friend being happy but that she hadn't introduced them to her boyfriend, and Ari for her part wondered if she still couldn't get Hojo and Kagome together. Surely they would be perfect together!
Hojo had taken that moment to come by their table and talk to Kagome, Ari and Ayumi had told him earlier that she was back in school at least for the day and he'd brought her a package from his mother's health shop. Kagome had seemed taken aback by that but she had graciously taken it and set it aside. She'd blushed crimson from the roots of her ebon hair to her neckline when Yuka almost snarkily compared the gift to the necklace Kouga had gotten her and Hojo's face had fallen imperceptibly. That made Kagome a little upset, because she then realized that she wasn't sure if Yuka was insulting Kouga or Hojo. Hojo would be bad because at least he was polite and thoughtful if a bit dense, but if she was insulting her mate Kagome would have to do something about it.
She stood up and gave Yuka a glare.
“There's no need to be rude, Yuka. Hojo was being nice.”
“That's what I meant. There's no need to get mad, Kagome. Surely you can see Hojo is a better choice for you, he's so thoughtful.”
She'd blurted out the words, unsure of how she'd made Kagome angry and of course she'd said the wrong thing. Kagome's chocolate eyes flashed and she'd pointed at her. She didn't yell. Yuka would have felt better maybe if she'd yelled, she could have been able to make excuses to herself about her own behavior and been the wounded party then, but Kagome told her in a quiet voice in no uncertain terms how she felt.
“You don't even know Kouga, none of you do. He loves me and would die for me. I'm going to be with him for the rest of my life, understand? So please stop this, trying to set me up with Hojo isn't fair to him. He's a friend and he deserves better from you.”
Maybe if she had been less certain of herself and her place in Kouga's love and affection she wouldn't have been able to make such a speech. She might have been a bit spineless then and let this thing with Hojo drag on endlessly, but she was certain of herself and her future and it didn't include a red haired boy with a winning smile. There was only her dark haired wolf prince and their cubs to be, and that was enough for Kagome. As it was she ignored the determined set of Yuka's chin or Ari's troubled look, Ayumi seemed happy for her at least and that was something she supposed. As she went back to class with them after lunch she found herself wondering if maybe she just shouldn't have her mother remove her from school all together and claim that she was home schooling her daughter.
The rest of the day dragged on, and was it any wonder that she ran all the way back home to the shrine? She would sit down and talk to her mother tonight, for now she eagerly threw off her school uniform and dressed in the kimono Sashiko had given her with a sigh. The scent of the forest seemed to wash over her then to comfort her and she smiled soft. Yes, tonight she'd be talking to her mother and then in the morning she'd be going home to the Feudal Era.
::The Past::
He supposed it was fate that blessed him and cursed him in many ways. He was blessed to come from a family that was famous for holy powers, but those same holy powers had led to the curse he now bore. The handsome young man stood at a crossroads in more than one way perhaps, but now he was simply trying to decide what direction that he should go. The choices were simple, right or left and he had no rumors of Sacred Jewel shards to guide him this time and those were his focus. He needed them to aid in his revenge for both his father and grandfather, and of course to save himself, but right now he needed to decide which way to travel.
He held out his monk's staff, the breeze ruffling his dark purple and black robes and let it drop which ever way it wanted. He nodded as it dropped to the right, then happened to over hear a conversation between two traveling peasants.
“I hear that there is a beautiful serving girl at the place just up the road! She is supposed to have the clearest skin and curves that don't stop!”
After a moment the young monk's foot pushed his staff so that it faced the leftward fork that the two men had traveled down.
“It is the will of the gods.”
Of course once he'd gotten there the stories of her beauty he found were more fantasy than reality though she was pleasant enough in personality. With a sigh he dug into his rice which at least was tasty enough and watched the other travelers along this stretch of road as they moved along. Imagine his surprise when a lovely young girl and her traveling companion stopped for a bite of food before continuing their journey! She was the sort he'd expected when hearing the tales of the serving wench here, she had large chocolate eyes and raven dark hair that was caught up in a ponytail and her legs were long and almost indecently bare. She was dressed oddly, like a Yourouzoku, a demon wolf if he was not mistaken yet she was not, he sensed no demonic aura from her.
From her companion came another tale. He was clearly a half demon with his looks and aura but he didn't seem to be a threat, rather a protector of the girl. He sensed purity from her and that puzzled him, and also … Jewel Shards! She had to be in possession of at least a few, and this piqued his curiosity even more than her beauty did. Why would she be gathering them, and traveling with a half demon whilst dressed like another sort of demon? It was a puzzle to him and if Miroku was anything it was adept at finding out the answers to things that puzzled him. Top of his list of course was how to separate the beauty from her companion and then the Shards from the beauty.
He waited until they left and a few moments more, after all her companion seemed mistrustful of the people that had been looking towards them as they ate and he didn't want to be discovered until it was time of course. It would make it harder to track them but it could be done, and he had a plan that only required a bit of aid from his own sometime companion Hachi.
InuYasha was grumbling under his breath as they traveled. Kagome had brought that `bike' thing with her again this time and thus they were making better time than normal. He really didn't have a problem with that, but with the bike she didn't need him to carry her and he found that he did however mind that. It was stupid but he actually liked being able to help her that way and it did put Kouga's tail in a twist and maybe it was a bit childish but he couldn't help but grin at the thought. That grin was on his face until he suddenly stopped in his tracks and lifted his head, sniffing the air. A decided frown locked into place as Kagome skidded to a less graceful stop on her pink bike, looking him over as she put the kickstand down and moved towards him.
The source of his disquiet became apparent even as he spat the words.
“Its that damn neko …”
“Now now, InuYasha! Is that any way to greet a friend?”
It didn't help of course that Kagome nearly squealed a delighted greeting. Gah! She'd only met the neko youkai once and here she was greeting him like he was an old dear friend of the family!
“Kiyoshi-kun! What brings you here to us?”
Kiyoshi being the contrary neko he was preened at her way of addressing him, which irritated InuYasha to no end. The tall handsome youkai smoothed his crimson silk robe, this one had black symbols embroidered on the hems which matched the sash he wore over it and the sheaths of the weapons he was displaying today, a matched set of katana and wakizashi. His long chestnut hair was worn free today and moved as he walked towards Kagome and he grinned sidelong at InuYasha as he dipped forward suddenly and once again rubbed a magenta striped cheek against her own and took a deep breath of her scent. That made InuYasha snarl in warning, anger coiling in his belly. Stupid reeky cat, too close to Kagome!
Not moving one inch back from Kagome he turned his head and gave InuYasha a grin that wrinkled his nose and made his golden green cat eyes sparkle then he straightened with a bow to Kagome. Her scent was so much more strongly Yourouzoku now that Kiyoshi made the leap of logic that it meant she had accepted her suitor and was now his mate. A glimmer came to the neko youkai's eyes then, it might be fun to tease that worthy in time, of course.
“I came to see how your search fared, Kagome-chan, of course. I have heard a few rumors that I would like to pass on as well.”
His voice dropped to a whisper as he told Kagome of the slaughter of scores of youkai in suspicious fashion, and most disturbingly a tale of a village of ningen that had emptied out mysteriously virtually overnight. InuYasha scoffed at the tales making Kiyoshi frown at him, though Kagome's hand on his arm distracted him from the flexing of his retractable claws towards the Inu-hanyou. She was disquieted by the stories, especially that of the village. Something told her that there was more to it than Kiyoshi had told them or knew about and that somehow it was connected to the search for the Jewel Shards.
With a wink the neko youkai nuzzled her cheek with his once more and took off into the forest once more, InuYasha's snarled cursing making him laugh back over his shoulder at him. Just like a dog! Kagome laughed though she did blush a little at InuYasha's language, much rougher than she was used to even from him. They had an argument after that of course, which both of them ended up shouting at the other. Neither of them were very happy or talkative afterwards and Kagome felt an unwanted ache in her heart. She hadn't wanted to upset InuYasha like that and she knew he was genuinely upset at her friendliness towards Kiyoshi though she couldn't understand why that was. She wasn't InuYasha's mate after all and Kiyoshi hadn't done anything wrong, he was just very catlike in his show of affection towards her.
Which of course made her realize what was really wrong with InuYasha, Kiyoshi had scent marked her and she'd allowed it, and InuYasha was her best friend, but he was also of youkai descent. Kouga had taken it in stride but then he was more secure in his place in her life and heart, he was her mate now and while he might slap down Kiyoshi for his liberties were the two to meet in person he had ways of proving Kagome was his that InuYasha just didn't. So after a miserable pair of hours she had finally had enough and stopped for a moment. He stopped a few seconds after that, looking back at her where she stood next to her bike and then she marched towards him with determination in her eye.
He blinked almost owlishly with those large golden eyes, his ears going half back in distress. Was Kagome going to yell at him again? His heart sank, he really didn't want to fight with her again! He felt horrible when she was upset and having her upset with him was far worse and what the? She had stalked up to him and suddenly her arms were around his neck and she was, she was hugging him! She murmured to him that she was sorry and that she didn't want to fight with him anymore, and he felt the almost butterfly soft touch of her lips to his cheek just as his arms took on a life of their own and circled around her. He shouldn't hold her, she wasn't his, but they both seemed to need this affirmation that they were still friends, so surely it was all right, just this once.
There was a light dusting of blush on both their cheeks as they stepped back from each other so of course both could be forgiven for not sensing what was to happen before it actually did. There had come a loud booming voice from above and suddenly InuYasha was swept away from Kagome and down the hill by a large yellow blur. There had come then a strange wind that seemed to drawn at her and Kagome screamed for him, suddenly worried that he might be hurt and then someone had grabbed her around the waist and taken off with her on her very own bike! She glared at the violet eyed young man as he assured her that she was safe in his hands and bared her teeth like a proper Yourouzoku as she balled up her fist to strike him but good. InuYasha though was suddenly there in a blur of red haori and snatched her from the man in the black and purple robes who made off with her bike.
They weren't totally bereft, her pack had been knocked off when the bike was taken along with Kagome, but it didn't take long for her to notice that something else far more important than her bike was missing. She blushed vivid crimson because of course the shards had been in a bottle that hung on a necklace that rested between … and the volume of the fit that he threw surprised the both of them though at least it wasn't directed at Kagome this time.
“I am gonna kill that lousy thief!”
AN: dun dun dun! Miroku's in trouble now! Next chapter brings us more of our favorite hentai monk and the repercussions of his theft of Kagome's Jewel Shards! Don't forget, the person that gives me review number 60 on gets a chapter dedicated to them! Every 30th review will get that, just to show you how much your reviews mean to me. Thank you all again for liking my story enough to follow it!