InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knight Errant ❯ Chapter Fifteen ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or any of the other inhabitants of the fine story of Rumiko's that we all know and love. Kiyoshi, Tomoe, Aikiko, and Sashiko are mine, and I hope you enjoy them as they are encountered.
“You will die, InuYasha. And then I will be free.”
There was blood everywhere, far too much blood. Smoke drifted lazily into the mid-afternoon sky carrying with it the stench of ruined homes and lives, thick with burnt flesh and shattered dreams. She was crying, he could hear her crying and it made him give a low coughing growl like that of a mountain lion and far less like that of a neko youkai which of course was what he was.
How could he have left her here while she was bearing his child, how could he have left her here even though it was her own words that had convinced him. Her soft voice telling the tale that she could simply not bear to see his regal father's disdain of their hanyou daughter, that while she understood that he must take her to meet the Great Cat as she was of his blood that she could not be witness to see him despise her as her own father had. She was gentle and wise and he let her talk him into leaving her here.
Surely it was safe in the village they had chosen. The villagers at least did not disdain them and were grateful of the protection Kiyoshi offered to them. Surely it was safe. That belief had in the end killed nearly all of them, slaughtered by Naraku for whatever evil purpose took him through there on that once fine day. He could hear his wife crying and he hid the eyes of his daughter though her keen senses surely knew from the smell that death was all around them and he could hear her crying even though her face was buried in the layers of his ceremonial kimono.
He'd had such good news to share with Yukiko. His father had taken one look in Tomoe's eyes and proclaimed her a fine addition to their family despite the disapproval of some of his entourage. In his wisdom he had known that if he had rejected the child he would lose his son and in Tomoe he sensed future greatness. Besides, he was a cat and what was more contrary than the Great Cat himself?
He'd had such good news, and now it was forever lost amid the cries of his daughter and the tears of his dying wife. Tomoe had clung to her bloodied form and Kiyoshi could feel the burn of tears in his own eyes. It was a myth that if cats cried their hearts would shatter and they would die, but truly isn't that how he felt as he looked upon the center of his world, dying for no reason that he could ever understand. For the power of a filthy evil being, his beloved bright love was broken. Her last words rang in his memory as they always would.
“Protect the hanyou child, Kiyoshi. Protect …”
He'd fallen asleep around the campfire waiting for the dawn. Sleep was something beloved of cats and even neko youkai like himself loved to indulge in it but it was something often elusive to him. So it unsettled him that he'd felt safe enough here to actually succumb to it. Of all those at this camp only Kagome truly liked him, the others were indifferent at best or downright hostile at worst. If it hadn't been for Kagome he was sure that by now he and InuYasha at least would have come to blows. After all it was true that cats and dogs did not often get along.
That thought made him snicker a little, and made him think of that scene in the village where InuYasha had been sniffing after Miroku. He actually felt better after that, there was after all still a part of him in utter awe of that and how hard it had made him laugh. The random thought came to him, that Tomoe would have such fun with Shippou, but could he trust them around his daughter? He was admittedly paranoid about his daughter after losing his wife, and it was not safe to take her with him on his hunt for revenge against Naraku. Perhaps he could bring her to Kaede's village then, and she could meet Shippou there?
It was a thought that he'd have to bring up later, they were all stirring now and beginning to pack up camp. His attention to Shippou did not go unnoticed by Kouga at least, and the Prince fought the urge to near silently snarl at the neko. Shippou was pack, and more he was Kagome's kit by mutual love and by extension that meant he was Kouga's kit. It might seem strange that a Yourouzoku Prince would ever adopt a Kitsune kit, but then after all he had a ningen priestess for a mate. That thought made Kouga relax and smile a little, as he saw Kagome step behind the screen of bushes to change into her furs and armor. He moved to join her, his strong fingers helping her fasten it properly. She smiled up at him as he frowned gently, his fingers touching the spot where that snake youkai had collided with it not too long ago.
“We'll have to have that fixed. It's nothing now, but eventually it could be a weakness. I won't have my mate unprotected.”
His soft musing made her smile grow softer and her fingers brushed over his cheek and his lips. Only his keen eyes might have ever noticed that her steely breastplate had the slightest flaw, and only he would think ahead to getting that flaw corrected. Her armor was after all much like Kouga's own, and she would trust him to know it and what it was capable of. Her smile brightened again as she thought ahead, today she would be among her Pack again, she would be with her family here on this side of the well and best of all she would get to see Sashiko again. She had been having dreams again and she wanted to tell her friend about them, to see if she could tell her if there was more meaning to them then just simple wishful thinking.
She had been dreaming again of the dark haired blue eyed boy, he had become a regular visitor to her while she slept and his appearances never ceased to make her smile. He was smart, she could tell that despite his young age and she loved most of all the dreams where he was playing with Shippou and he would look up and call her mama. She bit her lip, wondering if she should tell Kouga about the boy and how vivid her dreams were now but then he had bent to kiss her, releasing her lip from her teeth as his hands stroked her hair. He simply couldn't help himself when she was so near and her scent was so alluring to him. It made him want to somehow protect her even more than he had a moment before, there was something more to her scent that he just couldn't quite place, but before Kouga could follow that thought any further there had been a sudden unexpected interruption.
It was a sudden humming sound, like an angry wasp and the whine of air that had been disturbed, accompanied by a strong female shout.
Startled shouts rang out in the clearing which they had camped in and Kouga could hear the sound of shattering trees. He leapt out of the trees but stayed low so that he could find out what was happening and he growled back at Kagome as if she could suddenly understand him in that fashion that she should stay back. It was as if because they were mated that sometimes he forgot that she wasn't born a Yourouzoku Princess and after all she was learning so fast maybe someday she would be able to know just what he wanted instinctively. But that day was still far away because as soon as Shippou cried out in fear there was his beautiful Kagome charging into the clearing like a wrathful over protective mother wolf.
There at the head of the clearing stood a proud form dressed in the fighting gear of a taijiya, a demon slayer. Dark hair was caught up in a ponytail and eyes glowed intelligent and vicious over the metal of her mask. She effortlessly caught the huge curved weapon that she had sent through the clearing and prepared to throw it again as Kouga's deep blue eyes scanned the camp to see if anyone was injured. Miroku had stood up and stepped towards her, his ungloved hand stretched towards her in a peaceful gesture, the rings of his staff jingling as he took another step.
“Peace, warrior. None in this camp mean you any harm, surely you must understand that.”
Kouga could almost hear the frown that must be touching the concealed features of the taijiya.
“You are aiding the demon InuYasha! He will pay for his crimes against me!”
There was dead silence for a moment and then everyone was trying talk at once.
“What crimes?”
“Demon InuYasha? Half demon maybe …”
“You must be nuts, I don't even know who the hell you are!”
InuYasha was of course the loudest with his affront easy to hear in his voice, his hand on the hilt of his Tessaiga and his golden eyes narrowed dangerously. Kagome had scooped up Shippou and after making sure that the kit was free of any major injury let her snapping chocolate eyes take in the scene before her. She growled low in her throat and her upper lip drew back and Kouga looked askance at her, if he hadn't known better he would have indeed thought she was Yourouzoku as her armor and furs would suggest.
“Back off! I don't know who you are, but I know InuYasha! He's my best friend and he is no criminal, and you better leave! You almost hurt my kit!”
The figure of the taijiya shifted her focus for a split second from her admittedly half demon target to the apparent female Yourouzoku holding a Kitsune child. The taijiya blinked, what wolf demon would take in a fox demon child? For a moment she wished with all her heart that she could consult with her revered Father, she had never heard of such a thing. But she now knew how best to strike at InuYasha, her tactical training taking over and letting her move automatically. Take out his defenders and before he knew it InuYasha would be dead on her weapons. Narrowed eyes were the only warning before the warrior reared back and threw her curved weapon once more, this time straight at Kagome.
InuYasha felt time slow down, a flash of fear and anger racing for supremacy through his body as he leapt into action towards Kagome, Tessaiga drawn and fully transformed. Kouga howled in rage, blue eyes lit up with demonic light as he sprang at the taijiya that had attacked his mate and shadows seemed to bulk up his mass as he moved, as if a huge wolf of darkness enveloped his lithe form. Miroku was almost in shock, he had seen what that weapon had done to the trees around the clearing and now that weapon was being slung towards the slender form of his friend Kagome and he acted instinctively. He did not dare unleash his Kazaana in this tight setting for risk of taking in one of his companions but he was not entirely defenseless after all and he threw his staff in the path of the weapon just as the warrior screamed out her attack.
Kagome had seen the weapon thrown and the others leap into action so she dropped, curling her body around Shippou's protectively as Miroku's staff struck the Hiraikotsu off its path of destruction. It still whirled back to the warrior's hand, but Kagome was for the moment safe. InuYasha and Kouga reached the taijiya at nearly the same moment, Kouga's shoulder landing in her belly and knocking her aside. He looked more dangerous in that moment than InuYasha had ever seen him, the air crackling with his demonic youki. His hand lifted and the shadows seemed to form dagger like claws at the ends of his fingers and the split second before that hand could scythe down to remove her head, Kagome's voice rang out from behind them.
“She's got a Jewel Shard!”
That hand swept off the mask instead of ripping out her throat and Kouga growled. This taijiya was barely older than his own mate, what was she doing hunting alone and with a Jewel Shard? He didn't trust himself to speak so did not interfere when Miroku came up and Kiyoshi helped Kagome to her feet. The violet eyed houshi crouched down and looked the warrior in her eyes, his expression serious and stern.
“Tell us, why you are here. What is your business with InuYasha, and who are you that you claim he committed crimes against you?”
Kouga turned and stalked away from the downed taijiya so that he could slide his arms around his mate and he inhaled of her scent, the shadows slowly dispersing from him and Shippou shivered between the two of them, the clink of their armor almost chilling and the feel of Kouga's youki powerful and dark from his rage. Kouga buried his nose in Kagome's hair and shuddered as her hands gripped his upper arms. Kouga's deep voice came soft, his breath stirring her raven locks.
“Mate safe. Cub safe.”
“I am Kouga. You are here.”
Her utter trust in him was almost his undoing and Kouga growled as Kiyoshi offered to take Shippou. The kit climbed down on his own and clung to Kagome's ankle as Kouga enfolded her tighter as the power of his demonic nature told him what he had not had time to guess. He knew why her scent had suddenly become so much more alluring to him, drawing him without words to protect her even more fiercely and he wondered how the hell now he was ever going to be able to let her leave the den. When he'd spoken he meant Shippou, kit becoming cub in his primal instincts but now his nose told him that it wasn't just cub, but cubs.
InuYasha sheathed Tessaiga and flexed his hand, knuckles cracking as he leaned towards the downed warrior.
“Who told you I did anything against you? I ain't never seen you before in my life.”
Sango was confused and in pain, the shard in her back was hot and getting hotter, making her feel as if her flesh was on fire and the pain was horrendous, but she was brave and her father's daughter so she answered with what dignity she could muster.
“I am the demon slayer Sango. My village was hired by Lord Kagewaki to slay demons and in the course of this we were betrayed. The lord's Advisor Naraku told me that it was the demon InuYasha that slew the village while we were away and I am here to seek my revenge before I die.”
There was no use denying the truth, they had defeated her and had she truly felt that she could take on this entire group and live to tell the tale? No. She would simply fight until she joined her family in death, be it by this fever she now felt or the torture that might come for attacking them. What she was not prepared for was the sudden almost crushing grip on her chin as the neko youkai's hand was there, turning her face towards his own, golden green eyes flashing with rage.
“Did you say Naraku?”
Her strange expression was enough to tell him the truth and he let out a sigh of frustration as he released her chin.
“Will his evil ever cease? You have been used, Lady Taijiya, you have become a mere pawn in that wicked hanyou's schemes.”
The pain from the Shard increased then, and Sango screamed in utter agony before she passed out, the blackness taking her. It was Kagome that figured out that the source of Sango's pain was the corrupted Shard in her back and it had been InuYasha who had surprisingly gently removed it to allow Kagome to purify it. They now had a chance to question someone about this Naraku that Kiyoshi had warned them all about that had met him face to face that is if she lived of course. Faced with these choices they turned back around to Kaede's village, because they did not dare to take her to the Den in case it was a trap.
Sango was unconscious for three whole days before she even stirred and they were a very long three days for the group that waited to question her. Kagome had told Kouga of her dreams and he in turn told her what he had sensed in the clearing, that it was more than likely that she was carrying his cub now. He had been more nervous than he would admit to tell her this, afraid somehow that she would be upset and unhappy to hear this news. But her glorious smile and sublime kiss lay those fears of his to rest and even now they sat together just outside of the village near the stream that ran close to the rice paddies.
InuYasha was never too far from them, the close call they had had with the demon slayer had kicked up his protective traits towards Kagome and while he knew Kouga wouldn't allow anything to happen to her he simply couldn't help himself. He had to be within scent distance of her and that was all there was to it and the few times which the pair had spent alone he had almost caught himself whining in worry. Which of course made him angry with himself, but there was really nothing he could do about it.
“Kouga, you are happy aren't you? About our cub, our son?”
Because of course, Kagome was dead certain that the cub would be a boy and she would hear nothing to the contrary about it. He was slow to answer but his serious demeanor let Kagome know it was not because he was unhappy but because he was trying to see where their future was leading them even as he spoke.
“Kagome you have made me the happiest wolf in Japan. Don't doubt that, ever.”
Kiyoshi had been gone for two of the three days and this had been just about the one bright spot that InuYasha had had during their stay. Not dealing with that insufferable neko youkai was one less worry in his mind and he had begun to forge a friendship it seemed with that hentai houshi based on their mutual dislike of the cat demon. Of course now that they had just decided how nice it was not to have him around he showed up once more. However this time he was not alone.
Kiyoshi had given it thought of course before and had wondered how he could get his daughter here, and get these people to know her. As much as he loathed admitting it he needed more than one safe haven for her because he was terrified that if he left her too long in one spot that Naraku or another threat would find her and kill her. It was irrational of course, what could harm her if she was with his father the Great Cat? But he could not shake that fear, he had lost Yukiko and their other child, he would not lose his daughter and the more people that met her and cared for her the more that would be there to help him protect her.
She trailed after him almost shyly as he walked up with an ease he did not feel to where Shippou played with some of the village children. He waited until Shippou came over to him with the question on his face and his bright green eyes looking up and then he stepped aside as his daughter stepped forward. She had her mother's long midnight dark hair yet nearly everything else about her spoke of her father. She had his eyes and markings though hers were a bit more faint, and on her little hands were retractable claws. From the silky locks of her hair rose her ears, much as InuYasha's did but of course hers were soft auburn in color and more pointed like her neko heritage would give her. When Shippou smiled at her Kiyoshi finally spoke.
“Shippou, this is my daughter Tomoe. Tomoe, this is Shippou. He is a Kitsune, but his mother is that ningen I told you about, the one that looks like a Yourouzoku, Kagome.”
Tomoe gave a cautious little bow and smiled shyly at Shippou and the other children, but it wasn't long before they drew her into a game that involved kicking a small blue ball while hopping on one foot. Kiyoshi let out a breath as he felt Kagome come up behind him, her soft `Kiyoshi-kun' questioning until he told her that he had brought his daughter Tomoe here because he wanted her to meet Shippou and other children her own age. Something in Kagome made her answer softly to him, to assuage his worries.
“Don't worry Kiyoshi, we won't let anything happen to her. We'll help you do as your wife asked.”
He smiled softly, looking so much like the inscrutable cat that he was and letting Kagome know that he knew her `secret'.
“I know, Kagome. We will protect your hanyou child.”
AN: Sorry it took so long to get this update out, but here it is. I hope you all like Tomoe, and there will be much more Sango in the next chapter as we learn more about Naraku's role in all of this. Some of you have asked when Kikyou will be making her appearance, it will happen but that is not something our heroes have to worry about right away.