InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knight Errant ❯ Chapter Eighteen ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or any of the other inhabitants of the fine story of Rumiko's that we all know and love. Kiyoshi, Tomoe, Aikiko, and Sashiko are mine, and I hope you enjoy them as they are encountered.
“Brother to Sesshoumaru, show yourself and seal your fate!”
Sango adjusted her grip on her Hiraikotsu, a grim still expression on her face as she took in the sheer size of the ogre youkai that was calling out InuYasha. She knew that they would have to hit the thing hard and fast to take it down before it could enter the village and utterly destroy it, and that a demon that size would have no trouble killing all the innocent villagers without even breaking a sweat. Even if the others chose not to fight Sango knew that it was her duty to do so and so she stepped forward, placing herself before Kagome and setting her feet in preparation of her attack. Kirara paced next to her, still in small two-tail form, waiting the moment of attack before revealing her startling power of transformation, and Sango's eyes were as serious as the grave as her muscles tensed, waiting.
InuYasha appeared almost casual in comparison, coming out of the inn and also stepping between the ogre and Kagome but slightly ahead of Sango as well. With an air of almost arrogant grace he squared his shoulders in his fire rat robe, and with a bare hint of tightened knuckles he drew his heirloom sword, the Tessaiga. Now Sango had seen this sword before, ratty looking as it rode InuYasha's hip and the few times she'd seen him draw it to clean it the blade looked fragile, nicked and warped. But now when he drew it forth the blade gleamed with light that almost matched the gold of his eyes and it grew exponentially to a size that might rival her own weapon. A ruff of thick fur lay at the hilt and the thing looked like … it looked like a huge fang to Sango.
Kagome had gotten a bow from their things and stood with it ready, her aim a bit shaky Sango noticed but her expression was set, and brave. She noticed that the tip of the arrow was beginning to glow a soft pink, she had heard from Miroku that Kagome had great power though she was as yet untrained in it for the most part and this must be a manifestation of that, of her priestess ability to purify. Sango was interested in seeing how that ability would serve Kagome in the upcoming battle and she began to feel much more confident in the group's ability to succeed in this fight. Even when the ogre crashed through the stockade that surrounded the village she did not feel worried, only prepared her first attack. InuYasha shouted up to the ogre, anger beginning to show in his voice for the first time as the demon approached them.
“I don't know what my bastard brother did to piss you off, but in case you didn't know it he hates me too. So I ain't all that concerned that you hate him, but you can leave me the hell out of it!”
Quick on the heels of InuYasha's declaration Sango threw the first punch of the fight so to speak, her weapon arcing out into the cool night air and slicing a deep gash into the arm of the ogre before coming back to her with that angry bee hum as it cut through the air as brutally as it had the demon. Kirara transformed then into the size of a pony, fire engulfing her at paws and tail and she added her own flying, swooping attack to the fray. Kagome drew back her bowstring even tauter, and took a sharp breath in before firing her arrow, the exhale coming out in a rush as she shouted.
“Hit the mark!”
Pink light arced through the air towards the ogre trailing behind Kagome's arrow, and while it did not strike the ogre it was soon apparent that her target had not been the giant demon but the figure standing in the shadows behind it. The ogre's stench had served to mask his scent from InuYasha long enough for him to get that close and of course the attention drawn to the larger threat had kept even Miroku from realizing that the strong demonic aura he had sensed had not in point of fact been coming from the ogre at all, that while the power might seem to better match the size of the giant it belonged instead to the humanoid figure who's sleeve was now pierced by Kagome's arrow. A sleeve that no one realized should have been empty, should have been moving in the breeze with no arm to hold it still.
With a seemingly casual gesture he pulled the sleeve free of the arrow and stepped forth so that they could all see him clearly, superiority and arrogance bleeding from every move though his expression was … wait. Kagome's eyes widened just a bit in surprise as instead of the icy and blank expression she expected on the face of InuYasha's elder half brother there seemed to be a look of anticipation though it was subtle indeed the emotion was clearly there. The fight was on earnestly then with InuYasha's shout of his brother's name, and while the odds seemed stacked against them the tide turned a bit as Miroku unleashed his Kazaana. His shout drew Sango's attention and she watched as the giant ogre youkai was beginning to be drawn in to Miroku's cursed hand. Kagome had told her a little about how they had first met Miroku but she had supposed that she had never really believed her until right that moment.
Even the size of the demon didn't matter when faced with the wind tunnel in the houshi's hand, then a strange thing happened. Sesshoumaru had turned his head and saw what was happening, and thrust his brother back only to draw a strange object from his robes and throw it towards Miroku. The object blossomed like a poison flower and spewed forth wasps the size of which Sango had never seen, and like the ogre they too were drawn into Miroku's hand. It was odd, it was almost as if they were deliberately allowing themselves to be sucked in and it made no sense to Sango until she heard Miroku cry out and drop to his knees, covering the Kazaana. The ogre was at that point no longer a threat regardless, and Kagome was quickly at Miroku's side, calling for Sango to help her move the ashen faced monk. Urgently he whispered to the pair, he'd been poisoned and he had felt the wasps stinging him once they were drawn into his hand.
Kagome paled, glance going from Miroku's face to InuYasha fighting with Sesshoumaru and she gripped Sango's hand.
“Please watch over him, I might have something that would help in my pack.”
Kagome ran up the steps towards the inn and prayed she would make it in time, that she had not misremembered having a poison remedy in the medical kit her mother had given to her because bandages certainly wouldn't help this situation. What was worse was that Sesshoumaru seemed to be gaining the upper hand with InuYasha in their battle and Kagome's heart sank upon returning with her bag as she saw her protector disarmed. Well at least he can't use Tessaiga, his demonic aura won't allow him to touch it. She thought, trying to comfort herself. Sango held Miroku's head while Kagome had him drink the remedy, Kagome stood then to tensely watch the scene below her unfold. It was a nightmare vision as somehow beyond reason Sesshoumaru was not only able to pick up the Tessaiga but he had his servant Jaken summon forth all the youkai that lived on the mountain beyond the village. Most of them were lesser demons at best but there were still so many!
Her heart sank because she knew there was no way that they could fight off so many demons, that Sesshoumaru had summoned up their death. Her thoughts went to Kouga and she mourned that he would never be able to see their cub now but her chin firmed and she narrowed her eyes. She would not go down without a fight! Then something happened that she had not expected at all, even more amazing than Sesshoumaru being able to touch InuYasha's sword. Unlike his brother, Sesshoumaru had seen their great father wield the swords he owned and he knew what they could do and more importantly he knew how to unleash what he thought was the Tessaiga's ultimate attack. There was a mocking tone in his voice as he explained all that to his brother, that he had no right to have a sword that he couldn't even use, and now he would show him what it was capable of. The legends said that it could fell one hundred demons in a single stroke, and with a narrowing of his golden gleaming eyes and an elegant twist of his wrist Sesshoumaru proved that it was no legend but fact.
“Wind Scar.”
Even the poisoned Miroku gaped at the devastation that spread out from where Sesshoumaru stood. They were all dead, all the demons that Jaken had summoned down from the mountain at his master's command, all dead and burned to ashes and the mountain had huge gouges in it from where the power of the attack burned itself through the ground. InuYasha couldn't help that his jaw dropped, unlike his older brother he had never seen the Tessaiga's power before in this fashion. He'd known it would transform to protect Kagome but this was unfathomable to him. Now the burning desire came into his heart to know how it was done, to master the technique himself. If his stinking half brother could do it surely he could! That is, if he ever got the sword back from his brother. Golden eyes narrowed as his brother turned with that same expression on his face as he began the same movement that not moments before had heralded the death of all those lesser demons.
Yet as the sword came towards the top of the arc to release the move there was a sudden flash of blinding pink light and the sound of metal striking metal. Kagome's shout went up and Sesshoumaru's eyes widened in almost shock. Somehow that girl had caused the Tessaiga to transform back into its decrepit state! Something akin to anger crossed Sesshoumaru's features for a split second as he focused finally on Kagome. She was familiar to him but he was not quite sure how, perhaps if InuYasha hadn't shouted at him to regain his attention he might have remembered just where he'd first seen her. He snarled as she fired another arrow at him, lunging forward he snapped at her with the whip of light from his hand. She fell and struck her head, dizzying her enough that Miroku was able to pull her away as Sesshoumaru warned InuYasha in a voice that brooked no dissent.
“Tell your bitch to stay out of this or I will end her.”
InuYasha's eyes narrowed and he snarled back at his brother.
“She ain't my bitch. She's Kagome, of the Yourouzoku an' her mate's a Tai-youkai. I'm her protector an' you ain't touchin' her.”
He was taking a major gamble here that Sesshoumaru would be more concerned about his fight with his brother over the Tessaiga than sensing out the truth of Kagome's nature. InuYasha had not actually said that Kagome was a Yourouzoku though he did sort of imply it, trusting that Sesshoumaru would expect that for the most part a Tai-youkai would only mate with a worthy enough demon. It was a slim chance of protection from his icy brother but it was all he could do, and InuYasha yelled up to Miroku and Sango.
“Get her out of here now Miroku!”
Kagome didn't want to go, she wanted to stay and help InuYasha fight and as she regained her senses she fought Miroku's grasp, but she listened to reason as Miroku explained that if InuYasha had to worry about where she was he'd be distracted and Sesshoumaru would most likely kill him. So though her heart wanted her to stay and fight her reason and wanting to protect her cub made her go limp when Miroku carried her off. Sango protected their retreat which allowed InuYasha to fully concentrate on his brother. The fight was vicious then until InuYasha turned the tables on his half brother at great cost to himself. He tricked him into letting him close and this allowed him to slash the human arm his brother had gained with his claws and take the Tessaiga from him, but the price he paid was having his brother's clawed hand shoved through his back and out his belly.
It should by all means have killed him on the spot and Kagome screamed in a high clear voice full of anguish and grief upon seeing the gout of blood that followed the removal of that hand. She fought Miroku in earnest then, tears flooding her eyes and making the scene below blurry but she watched as InuYasha's ears flicked to hear her scream and the Tessaiga transformed in his hands. No matter what, he had sworn to protect Kagome. InuYasha went to one knee, the sword's tip buried in the ground and the blade held him up though his golden eyes were empty of all conscious thought in a fashion that was startling and eerie. Jaken started forward to collect the Tessaiga when Sesshoumaru stopped him, his voice seeming disinterested yet somehow thoughtful at the same time.
“Leave him, Jaken. His instincts alone fuel him now and he would gut you or I if we venture too close. Come. The Tessaiga is beyond my reach this day.”
They turned and walked away as the stain of blood grew beneath the hanyou on his knee, and Sesshoumaru indeed had much to think about. There was something that he had not told his brother when he was explaining the power of the Wind Scar and that was what bothered him now. He had assumed that the demonic blood of their revered father was weak in InuYasha but it appeared that he had miscalculated in that thought. It appeared that in truth InuYasha's demonic blood and power were stronger than he would have believed and Sesshoumaru could not deny the truth of it now, for he would have been able to strike InuYasha with the Wind Scar and it would not have formed if he had inferior power. The reason he had had Jaken summon so many lesser youkai from the mountain was so that their combined yokai would equal a force enough to allow the Wind Scar to form. So it had almost been a whim to try the same technique on his half brother, an experiment of sorts.
What Sesshoumaru had learned had rocked him to the core, though it would be impossible to tell that from the unchanging expression on his face as he lifted off on a cloud of his own demonic power. The Wind Scar should not have formed for a mere hanyou, yet it was definitely on its way to manifesting when Kagome's arrow had transformed the Tessaiga back. Was it possible that his little brother was not inferior and weak due to his human blood as Sesshoumaru had always believed? His thoughts were interrupted by great pain as the human arm he had been given by Naraku suddenly began to burn, licking at his own flesh and with a muffled oath he tore the offending arm from his body and dropped it into the air, allowing the fire to consume it and leaving only the glittering jewel shard to drop to the ground below. It never reached it as a huge wasp akin to the ones that had been in that hive used against the houshi dove down and took it away.
A moment of anger rushed through Sesshoumaru at the betrayal of his so called ally and he used his heightened demonic power to seek out Naraku with the intent to exact revenge upon him for the slight. They briefly fought and it was discovered that Naraku had used demonic puppetry to escape his just punishment at Sesshoumaru's hands. His words further set Sesshoumaru against him, as if he would be fool enough to ally with the disgusting being once tricked? As he prepared to leave the place Naraku had fled from he paused in his steps, a tilt of his head causing a sweep of his silvery hair around his lean form. He sensed a powerful aura heading his way at great speed, an aura nearly as powerful as his own though there was something almost raw and new about that power. Curiosity touched him then a moment, and he wondered if this might be the Tai-youkai that his little brother had mentioned that allowed him to protect his mate. He wondered but in the end he did not truly care enough to pursue the source of the aura. If she continued to travel with his little brother he was sure that eventually he would indeed end up meeting and perhaps battling this wolf Tai-youkai but that day was not today.
As Kouga ran he could not shake the feeling in his gut that something terrible had happened, something he should have been there to prevent. He had stopped to allow Ginta and Hakkaku to rest when all three had been transfixed by a scream of anger and grief, Kouga's tanned face going sheet white as Ginta had whispered.
“'nee-chan …?”
Kagome wasn't dead, Kouga knew that deep in his soul. He would know it if she died, on an instinctive level where his awareness of her lived. But something awful had happened or she would not have made that sound that tore at his heart and he ran towards where he sensed her knowing that all he could offer her now was his support and hope that was enough. Yet even his drive to comfort and protect his woman hadn't been enough to keep him from sliding to a halt in front of the devastation of the mountainside, the gouges and energy burns in the land were smoking still and almost eerie in that there was a stillness to them that Kouga realized was the total absence of any yokai. All of the youkai that had lived upon that mountain were dead and the idea chilled Kouga. What could have done this?
He shook himself and ran on towards where he felt his mate was and soon enough he found her. It was a stark and sobering sight as he ran up, the whirlwind he traveled in dispersing as it always did, and his blue eyes took in his woman crying over InuYasha and he realized that nearly all the blood he smelt twined with her sweet scent must have belonged to the Inu-hanyou. There was the heavier scent of the blood of the slain ogre of course but he'd been able to filter that out once he'd caught the smell of blood on Kagome's skin. Nearly all was InuYasha's from what appeared to be a terrible wound that had been bandaged tightly by his woman with help from the houshi who still looked a bit ashen. Nearly all … but for the blood that seeped from a spot at her temple and from a strange mark at her shoulder and Kouga was at her side in an instant, his deep voice low and calmer than he felt when he asked her what had happened.
It hurt to hear her explanation as her words were punctuated with soft sobs, tears welling up from her deep chocolate eyes to roll down her smooth cheeks. Even though he was there to wipe them away each one left a mark on his own heart because she was hurting. He growled low in his throat when he found out that Kagome was wounded because of her interference in the fight between InuYasha and his elder brother Sesshoumaru and inwardly he vowed to give that Inu youkai a taste of his own medicine when they finally met. Almost awkwardly he reached and patted the hanyou's shoulder and his voice held a note of command when he told him simply that he best not die because he didn't want his woman shedding more tears over him. They waited until Ginta and Hakkaku came running up before moving InuYasha up and in to the inn, though the pair were almost inconsolable once they saw that Kagome had been injured even the slightest bit.
They of course began imagining how InuYasha must have gotten his injury protecting Kagome `nee-chan, most likely in an extraordinarily brave display of combat skills, taking a deadly blow meant for her. It was close enough to the truth that Kagome nodded before letting Kouga tend her wounds. Miroku had been about to clean and bandage them when Kouga snarled and grabbed his mate up in a perfectly wolfish display of overprotective male, though Miroku inwardly forgave him. Kouga had had quite a fright even if he hadn't spoken about it and Miroku knew that if it were the mother of his child to be injured that most likely he'd be even less rational than the Yourouzoku Prince.
Kagome let him tend her, her wounds cleansed and dressed before she simply let herself cling to his armor as he held and rocked her, his deep voice telling her how sorry he was that he wasn't there to help her. She forgave him though in a once more tearful voice she begged him not to let InuYasha die as if that were somehow on the menu of powers that he had gained when he became a Tai-youkai. He told her what she needed to hear, that InuYasha would be fine, his demon blood was strong and he was a fighter no matter what. It was enough to allow her to sleep and Kouga laid her on a futon close by as he watched over her and the hanyou both.
For a time it was enough to watch her breathing, to know that she would heal and would be fine. His mate was strong in body and spirit but he knew that if her companion died it would cripple something inside her that he didn't know if his love could fix. He wished he had Sashiko's knowledge of healing herbs or his mother's Yourouzoku healing magics, but that had never been his lot in life. So he growled low so not to wake Kagome, words to InuYasha.
“If you die mutt, I'll kill you.”
A smirk touched his lips for a moment as even he recognized how silly that sounded but the sentiment was still true. He and InuYasha might never be friends but he respected the hanyou for all he'd done and he could see that his oath to protect Kagome was as deep and abiding within him as Kouga had expected. Not that he'd truly doubted, once an Inu youkai declared loyalty it was beyond unusual for that bond to be broken. Yet he saw the proof before him and it eased something within him despite the graveness of the situation. If the hanyou survived the night he'd heal and be as good as new in a few days as long as nothing else untoward happened. A deep sigh came from Kouga then as his gaze turned back to his restlessly sleeping mate.
How could he allow her to continue her search for these Jewel Shards when things like this happened? Not that this incident was caused by the shard hunt in and of itself but instead the apparent fixation that InuYasha's brother had with InuYasha's legacy sword, but still. Had Kagome not been with InuYasha she would not now be wounded and heartsick that her friend might die. He raked a hand through his hair, tossing his headband across the room in frustration and shaking his head to clear it of these distressing thoughts. He couldn't forbid her from fulfilling her vow but how could he stand to see things like this happen to her? The stress couldn't be good for her or their cub, and at that thought he leaned over to stroke his hand over her cheek and his thumb caressed over her full lower lip. She'd been whimpering slightly in her sleep but his touch calmed her and she released a soft sigh before falling into a deeper and quieter rest.
He had heard the myth that demons could not love as deeply as humans, that they were not designed to feel emotions to that fierceness and that was why many of them were cold and remorseless killers. Yet what man could ever have loved any woman as much as he loved his Kagome? Kouga snorted softly, he knew that the truth was no man could. Perhaps that was why he'd fallen for her, because someone as special as his mate who was as kind, brave, and loving as his woman deserved to be loved as only a demon could love her. There was nothing he would not do for her sake, and he recalled once more that dream he had had of someone taking his Kagome from him and he knew that should that dream come to pass especially now that he had unlocked his own potential that their fate would be just exactly what they deserved for such a thing.
No mountain would be remote enough, no cave deep enough, to hide them were that to be the case. Kagome was his and she had many loyal protectors who would also die to keep her safe. InuYasha had proven that, as well as that human monk Miroku who had put himself into harms way with Sesshoumaru around, taking Kagome out of danger in full view of the Inu youkai lord. His estimation of that houshi had gone up because of his actions and he felt that perhaps this time around Miroku would not have to stay behind at Kaede's village, that he could come meet Kagome's family back at the Den. He was not sure if he trusted Sango as yet, there were still too many unanswered questions as far as Kouga was concerned where she was involved, but he had to admire her bravery and skill. He would see if time would tell if she proved herself friend or foe to them, and do his best not to judge her simply because of her past connection no matter how unwilling to Naraku.
Kouga's chest heaved and he let out a gusty sigh before standing up to remove his armor. He'd have no productive thoughts this night he knew and the inn was guarded well enough by his wolves, the monk, and the demon slayer. He would rest for now with his body wrapped protectively around Kagome's own and give himself the comfort of his mate's touch. Let tomorrow hold all the disturbing thoughts he could ponder but tonight he would soothe her sleep and rest himself. He knew that even if InuYasha woke that things were not as yet settled with this and the hanyou might want to fight about the things Kouga wanted to suggest to him. Kouga still couldn't shake the feeling that something else was going to happen, that the ramifications of the battle with Sesshoumaru were still truly yet to manifest and that there was more to it than what it seemed upon the surface.
He let his eyes drift closed, his nose filled with the scent of Kagome's freshly washed hair, lips curving to a semi-smile as his own scent layered over her own once more, strongly marking her as his mate. He had already become more than he ever really imagined he could be since that day he'd woken to her touch. She had given him his dreams and made him reach for his true potential in a fashion that a demon female might never have done. Something about her made him want to be everything it was possible for him to be simply to see the pride in her eyes that was just for him. His strong arm draped around her waist had her snuggled tight back against his chest and finally Kouga was able to fully relax enough to sleep.
He had long wanted to dream of his cub with Kagome, from the moment that she had told him of her own dreams of the dark haired bright eyed boy cub. Tonight he was given that gift whether it was from the same source as Kagome's dreams of him or his own wishful longing for them, there it was and he woke Kagome up to whisper in her ear the name he had used in the dream and was rewarded with the sweetness of her smile despite her worries and all that had happened.
“Our cub's name is Koji, you should have seen him outrun Shippou.”
Kouga's smile never dimmed as he told her about the dream, about how fleet their son was of foot and how graceful even for such a young Yourouzoku. He chuckled at Kagome's comment that it was no surprise that he was fleet of foot considering who his father was and he was glad to be able to help her keep her smile by telling her that InuYasha still lived. It was a good sign that he had made it through the night considering the graveness of his wounds and if he simply rested he'd most likely fully recover in a matter of days. Kouga sat up with Kagome still held to his chest then and he asked her more questions about the fight with Sesshoumaru, paying particular attention to the details she gave about what the Tessaiga had done and he found it curious indeed that the sword had a barrier on it that did not allow InuYasha's full demon brother to touch it under normal circumstances. In that moment his blue eyes narrowed a bit as he gazed upon the unconscious hanyou and he wondered what his father had been thinking when he'd done that, if he had any true idea of how either of his sons would turn out.
Kouga also wondered for the first time which one of them most resembled the old Great Dog and began to feel that it would be in his best interests to learn more about not only InuYasha's past but Sesshoumaru's. A slight wickedness entered his smile because he also knew a way that he could find out via that neko that often accompanied his mate on her travels because while the others might not have figured it out as yet, Kouga knew just who he truly was. He had looked upon Kouga the same way an equal would, as one Prince to another and the information Kouga had gathered about the neko courts told him that there was only one Prince named Kiyoshi and he was the son of the Great Cat himself. Who better to ask about the Great Dog in Kouga's estimation but one of his former contemporaries?
It was said that in the past the Great Cat had been an elusive being at best and cruelly capricious at worst, just as all cats were wont to be. Yet something had changed him in recent years and he had been known to be seen repeatedly in the shadows around the five great lakes that were at the base of Mount Fuji. There had been stories as well of children of a certain age taken from the woods around villages there to be returned unharmed a pair of so days later with fantastic stories of playing games with `giant cats' and other strange occurrences. Kouga had given it thought and he would bet that the children were taken as playmates for Kiyoshi's daughter Tomoe and that the Great Cat had been seen so much because he was patrolling those sacred lands to keep them safe from other demons. It all added up in Kouga's mind and considering that InuYasha would be in no shape to travel for at least a pair of weeks he decided that he would leave them all at Kaede's village while the hanyou recovered and make that journey to find out all he could from the Great Cat about just what was going on.
Kagome would be safe, InuYasha would heal, and then Kouga would have the knowledge he needed to back his decisions with his mate. He would not fly off the handle and make demands of her until he knew all there was to know in this. Forces were moving behind the scenes as it were and he wanted to know all he could about the past that led them to this point. Perhaps the Great Cat would even have more knowledge about this Naraku character who seemed inextricably twined with not only the tragedy of Kiyoshi but the Sacred Jewel as well. Kouga could not shake the idea that more than any of them knew Naraku was behind things and he determined to find out just what his role was. He had been involved with this latest attack on InuYasha by his brother, Miroku had confirmed that Sesshoumaru's retainer Jaken had revealed the name as the being that had given them the hive of the poison insects that had nearly ended the cursed houshi's life. What Kouga did not understand as yet was why. Yes, InuYasha had at one time coveted the Sacred Jewel for himself and even now was hunting the shards with the help of Kagome. But why the subterfuge, why not try to take what they had gathered through more direct means?
There simply had to be more to the story, something personal that made Naraku want to destroy InuYasha and Kouga needed to find out what that was to keep his mate safe. Not only his mate but his pack and their allies as well for what sought to harm Kagome might seek to harm what was precious to her. Even so after the three days it took them to get InuYasha back to the village he found it very hard to leave her side. He did leave finally and ordered Ginta and Hakkaku to stay close and keep her protected.
Kouga had not been the only one thinking deeply over the past week. InuYasha had been for the most part quiet and withdrawn even though he knew his demeanor was paining Kagome very much. He knew she was thinking he blamed her somehow but that was the farthest thing from his thoughts truly. The truth was that he was terrified and he did not know how to handle the intensity of what he was feeling. Sesshoumaru's words had echoed endlessly in his mind, the chilling calm in which he had told InuYasha that he would end Kagome and the feeling that InuYasha had felt deep in his heart when he admitted to himself that if Sesshoumaru deigned to kill Kagome that there would have been nothing he could have done save die at her side on his brother's poison claws.
Perhaps if he could unlock the secrets of the power of Tessaiga he would be able to properly protect her once more. But who knew how long that would take after all and his Kagome would be in danger until he could master the Wind Scar. A bleak feeling spread through his heart because after all she was not his Kagome she was Kouga's but the emotion was still true in InuYasha. She was not his but he would protect her as if she was his even if that meant they would have to part for a time. That line of thinking was what led him to ask her to walk with him that morning, his snarl keeping Miroku and Sango back in the village and cowing even the eager Shippou who had come down accompanied by Aikiko to spend time with Kagome. Ginta and Hakkaku were still fairly close but they were not close enough to stop him and InuYasha knew this as he drew them closer to the well that he knew would lead to Kagome's home time.
He stopped them then in their walk, his clawed hand reaching for Kagome's wrist and he almost faltered in his chosen path when he saw the gentle questioning in her deep chocolate eyes, saw how the breeze toyed with her raven hair and made the soft cherry blossom patterned kimono she wore dance. A shine was in his golden eyes as he abruptly pulled her into his embrace, careful of the newly able to be seen gentle rounding of her belly that was Kouga's cub and her squeak of protest died on her lips as the words he whispered were full of determination and tears.
“I was so scared Kagome. I was so scared I was gonna lose you when I never told you I loved you. I ain't worthy to protect you no more yet, so I'll take these … “
He pushed her away as her lips parted to let her words tumble out but his anguished cry stole those as well.
“Go back to your own time, Kagome!”
:: Five Hundred Years Later ::
She was so stunned when he dropped her into the well that she didn't scream for Ginta or Hakkaku to help her. The soft light enfolded her gently and she landed far better than she anticipated at the bottom of the well. A growl reverberated in the confines of the well house as she looked up at the ceiling, she was definitely back home. That jerk! Just wait till I get back I'll have Ginta pound him a good one for this. She didn't really mean it though, she was just so startled at his words and actions. She'd known that he was ashamed that he had not defeated his brother and that she had received minor injuries as well during the battle but she'd had no idea that InuYasha had been scared for her. She had known that he loved her but then she didn't think he'd ever really hidden that from her though he'd never put it into words because he knew she loved Kouga.
Perhaps had she met InuYasha first things might have been different. Had it been the silvery haired golden eyed hanyou boy pinned to that tree by her former self's arrow instead of the handsome black haired blue eyed youkai boy, who knows what could have been? Either way it was time that they had a long talk to reassure InuYasha of his place in her heart as her best friend, how she wanted to ask him to be the god parent for her first cub with Kouga, and how she still trusted him to protect her. A determined thrust of her chin and she jumped up in the air so that the well would activate to take her back. There was that slight sensation of falling and her feet touched back down but no light came up to greet her and she was still in the well house, no open sky above to beckon her to climb up.
A wave of sickness rushed through her then and she cried, a great heartfelt sob when she realized what InuYasha had taken when he told her that he'd take these. He'd taken her bottle of Jewel Shards and she was stuck on this side of the Well. On her hands and knees in the soft dirt of the well she cried, the fat drops of her tears wetting the ground until she suddenly took a deep breath that calmed her and she stood up. This was only temporary, when Kouga returned he would come for her without a doubt. She wasn't sure why InuYasha had done this but she knew that there had to be a good reason and she would hear his side of it. But for now she would make the best of it and visit with her family here, hadn't she just been telling Sango that she'd wanted time to visit with her mother after all? Wiping away her tears she carefully climbed the ladder and left the well house, her steps leading her to the main house.
“Come on Koji, let's go talk to your grandmother and tell her your name, okay?”
Talking to her unborn cub made her feel better, made her feel the connection with her mate was just as strong here in the future as it was back in the past. Her family wasn't home however when she came in so she made some tea and then went up to her old room to rest until they returned. She would not remember much of her dreams this time but when she woke it was Kouga's name on her lips and she knew that her heart had cried out to him. Kouga, my mate. I need you.
:: The Past ::
It had been easy enough to tell the lie, that Kagome had gone home to visit with her mother. Even Sango had backed him up by saying that she had talked about doing so and Ginta and Hakkaku had both seen her travel through the Bone Eater's Well before. They didn't suspect, though none of them had seen the tree that InuYasha had put into the Well to seal it either. He was miserable however, and nothing seemed to let him shake that misery, even when he'd been attacked by Ryokan later in that day. It had astonished them all, Kaede could not believe it as he had always been a gentle spirit protecting the forest and not this strange beast that it had taken all of them to drive off. InuYasha's wounds had opened up again and they had confined him to a hut sealed with Miroku's Sacred Sutras to keep him from leaving.
Miroku had been the one to catch him with the bottle of Shards and he had known exactly what that had meant. It wasn't clear which of them was more surprised at the anger the houshi had shown at this, Miroku viewed Kagome as a sister it seemed and he was upset that InuYasha had taken her choices from her as he had. He promised not to tell Ginta or Hakkaku what he knew because he knew what would happen were they to run and fetch Kouga with that knowledge. In the shape InuYasha was in the wolf Prince would have torn him to shreds and frankly a part of Miroku wouldn't be able to blame him for it. It was never wise to separate a youkai from their mate let alone a tai-youkai. Miroku shook his head and left the hut then, unsure how this would turn out but he knew that it would not be the same no matter what happened.
They were all surprised when Ryokan attacked again, this time far stronger. If Kagome would have been with them she could have told him that the demon was in possession of several Jewel Shards though the argument could have been made that he was more possessed by them than the reverse. Either way the battled ended far better than InuYasha deserved and they had Shippou of all beings to thank for it as he had proven his bravery during the fight in keeping the bottle of Kagome's shards out of Ryokan's reach. That his flight from them took him down that tree to hide in the well was coincidental at best though the results had been miraculous to say the least. Kagome had been drawn back to the well apparently under the feeling that InuYasha was in grave straits and the nearness of Shippou and the bottle of Shards had opened the path for her back to the past.
She came through to find Shippou battered and she scooped him up and held him tight, her snarl at the slowly descending spirit wolves impressive despite her human teeth and vocal cords. She snatched the bottle of Shards up determined not to lose it again and the tree suddenly was torn back out of the Well taking the spirit wolves with it. The climb up was slow as well and by the time she cleared the lip carrying Shippou the battle was finally over and Ryokan released from the tainted influence of the dark Shards. As angry as she had wanted to be at InuYasha it had melted away at seeing him and he knew when his miserable gaze met her own that she had somehow had the heart to forgive him.
“We will not speak of this to Kouga.”
Her tone was light but firm and then she hugged InuYasha, tears rolling from her closed eyes to soak into his haori. He let his arms go around her for just a few precious moments before he released her and let her go to hug Ginta, Hakkaku, and Miroku who had all acquitted themselves bravely in the fight. That was how Kouga found them, his expression grim as he watched the hovering insects at the edge of the clearing and Miroku identified them as the same ones that had poisoned him in the fight with Sesshoumaru. Yet another surprise awaited them as Kiyoshi suddenly entered the clearing chasing a pair of those poison wasps with such ferocious intent on his face and it was clear as he ran past that he had not even noticed the others there. Miroku was the first to follow the neko youkai, his voice ringing out into the clearing.
“He must be after Naraku!”
They all went then, InuYasha slashing apart the insects still in the clearing on his way out. Kouga had quickly caught up with Kiyoshi due to his Shard enhanced speed and soon they two were the first to see a figure as it retreated through the trees, a figure draped in white fur from head to toe who seemed to toy with them, keeping just ahead of them until they breached a second clearing in the woods that led to the mountains. There was an odor in the air then that had Kouga yelling at the humans to stay back and a dark cloud of demonic miasma began to roll from underneath the white fur as a mocking laugh began to rise up from the figure as well. Kiyoshi covered his nose with his sleeve even as his other hand whipped out those crescents of light that Kagome had told Kouga about, tearing into the white fur and making the figure stagger back.
InuYasha had attacked him then and the fur slipped away to reveal the face of the being beneath it. He was young and handsome and Sango had gasped upon seeing his face, knowing him as the young Lord Kagewaki and realizing that the betrayal she had suffered was even deeper than she had known. Crimson eyes glowed as the mocking laughter rose again though it was clear he was hard pressed to fight off all three of the demon blooded after him. He levitated into the air before detonating his cloud of dark miasma and Miroku's fast thinking saved himself, Sango and Kagome as he threw up a hasty barrier. Kouga and Kiyoshi had been thrown back at the force of the explosion while InuYasha had leapt to attack, his claws shredding down the side of the figure and exposing his creamy and pale bare skin. They had seen it then, the scar that rode down his spine in the shape of a spider, a scar that looked as if it had been made by a hideous burn, and his mocking laughter had been all that was left to them as he vanished.
A frustrated growl became an anguished shout as Kiyoshi rolled to his feet, Naraku's scent had been covered up with the smell of burnt miasma and ground that had been made dead and unfertile and the neko knew he would not be able to track him from this point. He had been so close, the closest he'd ever been to actually fighting Naraku and he shook his fist in the direction that the foul being had vanished into, his voice ragged and hoarse.
“Next time I'll rip out your black heart, Naraku!”
AN: There it is, Chapter Eighteen! So now you all know the name of Kouga and Kagome's future cub and I'll leave you to wonder until the next chapter what if anything Kouga learned from his meeting with the Great Cat. You know he knows something, he's Kiyoshi's father after all. Next chapter: The Past Revealed, Sesshoumaru, InuYasha, Naraku … and Kikyou.