InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knight Errant ❯ Chapter 23 ( Chapter 23 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or any of the other inhabitants of the fine story of Rumiko's that we all know and love. Kiyoshi, Tomoe, Aikiko, and Sashiko are mine, and I hope you enjoy them as they are encountered.
“Koji … such a good name for a strong son.”
They had come down out of the mountains to see just what there was to be seen of this supposed Tai-youkai of the Yourouzoku, this Prince Kouga that had the demonic world abuzz with rumors. High mountain living made them strange and somewhat backwards in some of their ways though they were attractive enough as a whole. Unlike many of the Yourouzoku who already lived there these new visiting wolves were colored lighter in fur and hair, though none were as fair haired as Sashiko's kin there were several that had red hair which was a rarity as well. They were greeted politely at the borders of Kouga's territory and taken to a neutral area to wait as one of the border guards went to fetch their leader.
The Elders that had traveled so far were treated courteously though as it was explained to them they might have to wait a bit as Kouga's mate had just given birth to her first cub and as a first time father Kouga might very well be reluctant to leave their side. The Elders had scoffed a bit at this, that this Yourouzoku Prince and supposed Tai-youkai would be so soft on a female did not sit well with them though the females that had come along showed quiet approval. They were uneasy as well with one of the guards that had stayed with them, a soft spoken young male with hair of pure white whose light eyes seemed to see everything and was unstinting in his support of his Prince and in his reproof of those that spoke ill of his Pack. Koichi was strong and his youki was also strong, that demonic aura such that it was making them wonder that if such a wolf followed Kouga, what would he be like?
They truly had no idea what was coming until it was far too late and perhaps their reactions afterwards could be attributed to the shock but it did not excuse their actions or words. They felt him coming far before he actually arrived of course, the foreboding they had felt at Koichi's strength stripped down to bare bones by what they felt now. Koichi was strong next to them, but to what came he was but a candle's strength compared to the forest fire though he showed absolutely no fear.
Kouga could have come upon them with a display of his demonic speed boosted with the Sacred Jewel shards in his legs, a display that would no doubt have impressed them. But for once he did not, as something told him the more questions they had about what he could do the better, and he did not like feeling this way about other Yourouzoku at all. He had not come as far as he had by ignoring his instincts though, and he listened to them now, coming down the path with his shoulders back and his head high, the arrogant tip of his chin and the glint of his blue eyes impressive enough as his tail lashed briefly behind him. With him were Ginta, Hakakku, and InuYasha; following him slightly behind were Miroku and Sango, Kagome riding Kilala's back as she had wanted to come as well. Koji was with Sashiko for safety and that was the extent of those he brought.
They were outnumbered by the group that had come to visit, but it was obvious after but a moment that numbers did not matter, that it was power that would rule the day and it was power that Kouga's side had in spades. Koichi bowed his head to Kouga in acknowledgement of his leadership and introduced him with pride to the waiting Northern Wolves. The Eldest of those that had come stepped forward and introduced himself as Hatori and the leader of these wolves from the mountains. Looking at Kouga he found it hard to believe that here was the Tai-youkai that they had heard so much about, but his aura was so overwhelming that he was certain that what they had heard was so. Yet as he looked at the group that had followed the Prince in, he could not help but sneer, and add a slur to his words despite how he felt about that aura.
“I have heard from your guard that congratulations are in order on the birth of your first son. Please give our wishes of health to your mate, as I do not see her here I am sure she is with your cub as befits a proper female. Though I could also see why she would not wish to come down in such … company.”
Kouga's dark eyebrow lifted as Kagome slid down from the back of the demon she rode though she had only the chance to take two steps towards him before the Elder spoke again.
“We came seeking a treaty of sorts between our people, though I must admit I find it upsetting to see such as you standing with half-breeds and humans. I had heard that you were a Tai-youkai of the Yourouzoku, it does not befit you to be in such company.”
When Kagome calmly slid her arm around Kouga's waist and he bent to casually drop a kiss to her brow the Elder could do nothing but gape a moment, sputtering at the impropriety showed by the female whom he assumed by her scent and aura must be a hanyou, there was too much demon there for her to be entirely human despite her looks. Kouga's tender gesture when he cupped her cheek before turning back to Hatori told him that he had made a big mistake with his words.
“She that stands with me now is my Mate, and you will show her the proper respect due her. You are mistaken if you think that I desire any sort of treaty with such narrow minded wolves. Guests should not come and insult those that have proven their loyalty and character to me.”
InuYasha sneered at the group of Elders then and turned on his heel, showing them his back and telling them just how much he thought of their ability to do anything about the insult. Kouga also turned, gentle in how he moved his beloved Kagome back towards Kilala and her friends when a sharp voice broke the sharp silence.
“Grandfather, don't let them talk to you like that! Get rid of that half-breed bitch, I want him for myself!”
The female that had spoken up was wearing pristine white furs under her armor and was the proud bearer of the rare red hair, the only female in the group that had such. The others sought to hush her but she shook her head stubbornly in a fashion that had obviously worked for her in the past and she held up her fist towards the pair.
“I'm twice the female she is, I'll fight her for him!”
Sango gripped her Hiraikotsu with a growl when the sudden harsh laughter of Koichi and InuYasha filled the clearing. The wolf demon growled furiously at being mocked and then Kagome's quiet soft voice cut through all the noise.
“Back off my Mate little girl or I'll purify your ass right back to the mountains you came out of.”
The fact that Kagome's expression of gentle beauty never changed while she said it did not detract from the utter seriousness of her tone or the steel that had risen in her eyes. Kouga set her up on Kilala's back again and turned back to the group with a smirk.
“Don't worry Kagome, I'd never want a female with such a foul scent in the first place. Koichi, why don't you and InuYasha make sure our guests find their way back out across our borders, hmm?”
The outraged shrieks behind him made Kouga smile as he walked beside Kilala so Kagome could hold his hand. While he did truly deep down want to bring all the Yourouzoku under his leadership and bring them into the future as a strong Pack that could survive the changes sure to come, he also did not want to bring into that protection any that were not ready to follow his rules and thus endanger those he already protected. They had learned that lesson with the first group of wolves that they had brought in, and while most of them had become loyal the ones that had not had become a terrible slaughtered reminder of what could happen otherwise.
He chuckled lightly as they made their way back through the forest because he could hear the remarks that Miroku and Ginta were making about what had just happened. Kagome tilted her head but she couldn't quite make out what they had said but she could see the mischievous glint in the monk's eyes as he looked back at her. She smiled but tried to hide it behind her hand, it wouldn't do to encourage either of them in their behavior. Kagome sighed lightly then let a true warm smile of happiness move over her. Her life was good despite the dangers which hovered around the edges, and she determined that she would be as happy as she could be for as long as she lived.
= Elsewhere =
Her life advanced in small moments ever since her parents had been taken from her. She was lucky she supposed that the villagers had taken her in and allowed her a space in a near ruined hut at the edge of the protection of the other huts, though it was not much comfort when it was cold or raining. Yet the child never complained because her voice had abandoned her soon after the trauma she had endured. She lived and endured and that was all until one late evening she had seen the light that had arced through the sky and landed somewhere in the forest. She looked upon it with wide eyed awe, and when she tried to let the villagers know they ignored her or worse shoved her away. Well, if they did not want to share in her miracle then she would have to enjoy it on her own was all.
She followed a dusty path until she was sure she was close to where the star had fallen, she had reasoned out that a light so beautiful could only have been a heavenly star, so in her mind a star it was. Moving through the undergrowth was not easy for her, but she was slender and endured few scratches luckily enough until she finally came upon the clearing. But what lay there quiescent beneath the overhanging boughs of a large leafy tree was no star at all, but a pale being with slightly luminescent skin. He was so still that at first she thought that he was dead, but she could almost sense the light movement of his lungs and the slow patient beating of his heart, so closer she came until she got a better look at him.
He had been injured by something, that much was very obvious by his broken armor and the stains upon his kosode. The material looked to be the finest she could remember seeing, even finer than the few silken things her mother had owned, and his hair made her wonder if he wasn't indeed some sort of fallen star after all because it was silver and long. His face while showing marks of his condition was still beautiful as well, though she never for an instant thought that he was less than masculine. It was just obvious to the little girl, just as it was obvious that he must have needed help or he would have moved away from her staring by now. But what could she do to help him? Did gods or stars need food?
It seemed logical that if they walked the earth they must eat and drink, so the little girl gathered up a bamboo water jar and roasted a small fish back at her hut and then nearly ran back to the clearing where the sleeping star lie. This time however was different from the first, as she stepped into the clearing a sense of tension came over the place and her heart sped up, and with a suddenness that startled her the being went from being utterly still to utterly awake and he turned a face dominated by red eyes towards her and he growled in warning. She was utterly shocked by this rapid turn, her heart speeding up in her chest until she thought that surely it must come free of its cage of ribs and flutter about the clearing like a bird.
When his growl ended the red of his eyes had gone and it had been replaced by a color like nothing she had ever seen. It was like someone had captured sunlight and darkened it like some of those pretty rocks in the river; it was like … like liquid sunlight! She gasped a little and hid behind the nearest tree for a moment, then hesitantly came out as she remembered her mission. Hesitation forgotten she stepped forward and held out the water and the food, only to have him turn his face away.
“I don't need your help.”
He was so tired. He could never remember ever feeling like this, tired and like his very youki was tattered and fragile like a cobweb in a breeze. He despised the weak yet what was he this very moment, the proud youkai brought low and stared at by some ningen girl. She seemed harmless enough and was alone so he had tempered his reply to her somewhat, though if she made the mistake of bringing company with her he would slaughter them all despite his current state. Of that he had no doubt, he was Sesshoumaru and no mere human could ever expect to be his equal even at his lowest ebb of power. But he was so tired and she seemed harmless enough so he let his golden eyes slip closed, ignoring her offering of food.
He secretly admitted however when she came back that she amused him in some distant corner of his mind. Here she was again with her ragged kimono and skinned knee with her offering on a leaf before her in hands she managed to hold steady despite his refusal of the food. He wondered if she thought him some sort of god and he turned his head just enough to see her more properly. What he saw made his lips quirk almost imperceptibly, there were bruises on her skin where none were before and one of her eyes was swollen shut. He did not take the moment to examine just why this bothered him and did something unprecedented in his life.
“Where did you get those bruises? You don't have to tell me, I don't really care. I'm just curious.”
That was very nearly twice the number of words he had ever in his life spoken to any ningen be they peasant or samurai. But the little girl seemed so astonished that he actually asked that she paused a moment as if she would speak, but instead granted him with the most open smile he had ever seen in his life. He could never remember anyone that had ever smiled at him like that, even when he was a pup. She laughed then, so happily and he could tell that she did not fear him, but instead of making his ire rise it simply left him bemused.
He would remain that way for quite some time after she left, though it was certain that he had no idea how much his life was going to change from that moment on. He might have been surprised a bit as well to know that at that moment his servant Jaken was actually actively looking for him rather than lazing his way around in desultory fashion, muttering imprecations towards his brother and wolf youkai in general for the female that seemed to belong to his half-sibling, though it would not be long until Jaken's thoughts took him down a far less satisfying path.
As the loyal little kappa searched InuYasha and Koichi had finished their escort of the mountain wolves to the edge of the territory Kouga claimed and InuYasha had given them all fair warning. They truly could not understand the full strength that Kouga possessed until it was turned upon them but they must know that if beings as strong as the pair before them served him willingly there must be something to him. InuYasha for his part rarely brought up who his father was but in this case he did so for the value of the shock on the face of Hatori who was old enough to have heard the tales soon after they happened of the exploits of the Great Dog General himself. He wanted them to take seriously what they told them would happen if Kouga's rules were broken and he hoped that his revelation would be enough to head off trouble.
When they had gone Koichi turned a serious expression to his friend and hopefully soon to be brother in law, his voice somber now that their duty was finished.
“I have a very unsettling feeling that they did not take our words to heart.”
He was right of course but in the future he would wish that he had not been. Far reaching consequences were the furthest thing from Hatori's group's minds as they made their way back towards their home. Rebuffed by Kouga they had no choice but to return to report the failure to their kin, many hopes had been riding on his power after all. They hated to admit they needed help in the first place and perhaps that as well had leant to the distaste shown in their initial meeting with the mixed group. It also ate at Hatori that he had had to humble himself at all, and the final insult had been in Kouga's choice of escort. The hanyou was an abomination; he was not even partially wolf-blooded like the Prince's mate so did not even have that excuse to be with proper Yourouzoku.
That there were humans included in the group disgusted him further. How could he in good conscience ask for the aid of such wolves no matter what the dire circumstances? It was better to remain pure in his mind than to become tainted by the influence of such outside blood. It became plain exactly how low humans were thought of once his small group met up with their wolven shaped brethren who had been waiting outside the scope of Kouga's lands. Hunting had not been good for them as the area was largely settled and somewhat agricultural outside the small strips of woods they traveled, and taking pity on their thinness Hatori led them to a small village and ordered them to eat all they wished of whatever they could find.
What care did he or the others have for some lowly humans? The ravenous pack fell upon the humans as they screamed and fled, though the small girl who had been trying to help her fallen star managed to run the furthest before she was downed. Her limbs were not strong as she never ate well enough, but she was quick of step and fleet and before her mind's eye was the image of the being from the forest. Somehow she knew if she could just reach his clearing she would be safe, that no mere wolf demon-blood or not could dare stand before his radiance and live.
It was really too bad that she fell; she might have made it otherwise. As the light dimmed in her eyes the last thing she longed for was to look one more time on that face of his and know he saw her back. As she died Jaken himself was reaching a state of critical indecision as he sat upon the back of Ah-Un, a limp daisy clutched forlornly in his small hand, the Staff of Two Heads resting next to him on the saddle. It had been a constant refrain in his head as he searched a seemingly simple set of words as he thought back to a few days prior when his Lord Sesshoumaru had pierced him through the heart with his Tenseiga, after Jaken had asked him why he had never seen his master draw his sword.
It had hurt like the devil but Jaken had risen up afterwards unwounded. It was amazing and he was sure it had something to do with how powerful Sesshoumaru was, but what had bothered him was the slight look of curiosity on the dog demon's face as he stood up. Surely his master had been utterly certain that Tenseiga would not slay him! He would never have just stabbed him like that if he thought for an instant that he could not revive him, would he? But a cold feeling in the pit of his kappa belly told him that yes, his beloved and revered Master could and would do exactly that if he himself were uncertain of the results and was … curious.
“He was testing. He was teasing. He was testing. He was teasing.”
A forlorn sigh as the last petal fell along with the words.
“He was testing! Why you ungrateful dog! After all these years I've served you … urghk!”
The last was the direct result of being struck in the head with vicious accuracy by a small stone, enough to knock him from his perch as the two-headed dragon let out a glad chuff at seeing their master returned.
“Why Jaken I would have thought you would be beside yourself with joy at my safe return.”
As the kappa debased himself Sesshoumaru moved on, having had more than sufficient time to recover himself enough to travel. His armor would need repaired if not replaced entirely and he refused to be long without it. As they walked up the road leading towards the mountains he saw something ahead lying in the road, something that looked vaguely familiar to him though why this would be so escaped him until Jaken began to squawk about the smell of the blood overpowering the smell of the human. He had a bit of pity for her though, calling her poor thing when he saw the tooth marks upon her corpse.
It was the girl that had tried to aid him, he could recognize her scent now through the stench of old blood and wolves and he could not put a name to the feeling that went through him when he identified her. He was about to step away when Tenseiga pulsed at his side, causing him to halt and look down at it where it hung at his belt.
“You wish to be drawn? Very well.”
He was curious again, it seemed. He drew forth his heirloom blade and his sight instantly changed to enable him to see the imps that had come forth to draw away the soul of the child to the afterlife, and when the sword pulsed again he sliced through them and dispersed them. The girl's terrible wounds healed and she seemed restored, and drawn by something he again could not name Sesshoumaru knelt after sheathing his blade to bring the child up with his arm to better look at her face. She drew breath and opened her eyes, the terrible blankness gone as she smiled at him as if he were the sun.
He inadvertently set her on her feet when he rose, once more ignoring Jaken's outburst as he continued his forward path. Ah-Un followed him closely and the girl took one uncertain step before looking at Jaken, then she turned her gaze towards her fallen star and her steps grew sure as she followed him. She was too young to really grasp much beyond the fact that she had been dead and now she was not, but she knew without a doubt that without him that the little green demon was calling Lord Sesshoumaru she would still be dead. It was enough to gain her loyalty forever; the adoration had already been his.
Naraku for his part had been mostly quiet or so it seemed. He was never done plotting however and now that Kikyou was at his side somewhat he had come up with a plan that he hoped would please her. She seemed quite focused on killing InuYasha which pleased him and the still human heart of Onigumo which resided in his amalgam of a body and she had determined that the only way she could become whole and alive again would be if she could reclaim the soul that had been her own. She remembered to an extent the events that had happened at her resurrection into this golem form and she remembered the demon wolves that had been there.
It had puzzled her as to why InuYasha would be associating with wolves at first until she remembered the dark hair and innocent eyes of the wolf demoness that been a part of Urasue's enchantments and drawn the logical conclusion that he had been there because of her and that she must have been the one that Urasue was taking the life force from to enable Kikyou to live. Therefore what she had must belong to Kikyou and if she died it would return to her. Far better to have her original soul than these pallid ones that the Soul Catchers were bringing her, these poor girls who had passed on had little more energy than an animal might.
She needed much more than this; she needed the purity of her own soul cleansed of the hatred that she had clung to when awakened. That hatred had seemed to be enough when she came awake but that had been an error on her part. It hampered her abilities as a priestess unless she chose to open herself to the dark paths and really would that make her any better than her old nemesis Tsubaki? She well recalled the curse that had been placed upon her by the Dark Priestess who had felt jilted by the Master that had trained them both in the holy arts when it had been Kikyou in her purity who had been chosen to guard and purify the Sacred Jewel.
They had been of equal power but Tsubaki had already been tainted by her desires to remain young and beautiful and to be powerful without sacrificing the life she wanted. She wanted rewards and fine things and felt she had the right to them for what she was expected to give up to be a priestess. Shrine maiden had been a title of dust in her eyes and she had done the unexpected by proving her power remained strong after giving up what would make her a maiden. It had thrown doubt onto the teachings of centuries that this was so. Why give up a family and love if your strength remained? Why not have what others had if you could still protect your chosen village? Those questions had not been welcomed by their Master at all and they had been what enabled Kikyou to fall in love with InuYasha, though her desire was truly to be a normal woman and not remain a priestess at all.
But was it Tsubaki's personal strength that allowed this or was it the result of the dark path chosen by her? Kikyou would never have the chance to examine the full truth of it as she had died before she could, a victim of the curse that was laid upon her that were she ever to love she would die. Yet perhaps these old memories might serve her in her revenge eventually so she did not dismiss the thoughts when they bubbled forth from her mind. She had been distracted though by Naraku's offer of a gift for her, something that might have seemed thoughtful on his part if he hadn't stood to gain as much from it as she would.
He determined that he must have the shards of the jewel that were rumored to belong to the Yourouzoku under Kouga's command; shards that were in the possession of Kouga's mate Kagome. This was the very same female who had Kikyou's soul despite having had such a strong demonic aura clinging to her. She would have liked to have been in a better state of mind to examine her than she had been, perhaps then she would have been able to unravel the mystery of this. As it was all she had were questions. Would the soul actually come back to her if this “Kagome” were slain? Naraku assured her that it would, that she would have a shard of the jewel for her own use and that she could use it to draw the soul to her if her Soul Catchers were unable to take it. He seemed so certain of this that she allowed him to mollify her fears on this matter.
It would hardly do to go to all the effort that it would take to get Kagome killed and then lose that soul after all. She did not however reveal that she had a further thing to puzzle through. Whilst she had been able to cling to the fragment that had been filled with hate for InuYasha after Urasue had died at her hands, the majority of the soul she had taken had not after all flown back to Kagome, it had fled out in a burst of light over the forest somewhere else. It made her wonder if Kagome was her direct incarnation at all though she knew that the part of her soul that could be reborn was there. It was a secret she could fall back on if this did not work, that there was somewhere in this land another that held an element of her original soul.
Had she known of Kagome's true nature and origin it would all have made sense. Kagome was not what they had assumed, either a wolf demoness with a human soul or a hanyou like InuYasha. Kikyou leaned towards the hanyou option simply because to the naked eye Kagome looked entirely human to her and seemed to have some connection with the holy powers of a priestess, the same connection she did. It was what made her suggest at first that Naraku search for a human soul amongst the wolves but that search had been fruitless and thus made the idea she was a hanyou weightier. What neither knew was that Kagome was fully human, but that carrying Koji had altered her aura enough that she would seem a half demon to any that were able to sense such things.
That change had proven very useful indeed in throwing off not only Naraku but others that sought to discover who and what Kagome really was. Yet Naraku had no doubt that he would be able to somehow lure Kagome away from the Den and its protections. There were of course those around her that he held power over, the taijiya for one through his command of her brother Kohaku and the monk for the other via the curse of the Kazaana. This held much promise, perhaps he would begin by sending out rumors of a possible cure for this curse that did not involve finding Naraku and killing him. That might prove sufficient to draw out the monk and where the monk went the others often would accompany him.
It would not matter if Kagome herself went along with them initially if she could be coerced into joining them later. Naraku did not know of course at the time that Kagome had just given birth recently to her first child with Kouga, if he had he might have altered his plans to include the baby as well. It would be weeks until he heard rumor of a child born to the Yourouzoku Prince and his Mate and by then the machinations of his plan would be well under way though he would by that time have lost one element in the death of his incarnation Goshinki. That demon had proven useful only in the fact that it had caused certain events to take place that might never have done otherwise.
As predicted Miroku did indeed have much interest in a “cure” for his condition that did not involve Naraku since it was so very difficult to find him in the first place unless he chose to reveal himself. In point fact of all the times that he had been involved with the group that revolved around InuYasha only twice had he actually been there in the flesh. He relied for the most part on demonic puppetry and his incarnations to do the work for him while he himself was safely hidden away. It was not that he was afraid really of what they could do to him as he was now. It was mere prudence on his part, or at least that is what he told himself. They could not kill him via luck if he was not there after all.
Only luck in his mind could have led to the downfall of his Goshinki, and he wished that he had commanded Kagura to stay with him at every moment so that he would actually know the actual events of that death. He had been most upset at her for leaving in the first place but even as he punished her he knew he was just as much at fault for not being more specific with her. Had he actually known what happened he might have actually had a reason to be afraid of InuYasha, for even Sesshoumaru would learn what it felt to have a moment's fear of his half-brother because of what had been unleashed upon that field of battle.
InuYasha sat on the edge of the cliff overlooking the river near the Den afterwards for hours once they had returned home, brooding on what had happened. He had never lost control like that in his life, and he could never remember being that seriously close to defeat save for the time Sesshoumaru almost killed him in front of Kagome. He didn't like to admit it but he was brooding about what had happened with Goshinki and was near disconsolate over the shattering of the Tessaiga. He knew that it was possible that Totosai would be able to re-forge the heirloom blade but what he didn't know is if he could convince him to do so.
What was worse was that he knew that if Miroku hadn't slapped that sutra on him to bind him that he might have turned his attentions to the monk and Sango and he shuddered to think of what would have happened then. He could barely remember what had happened, it was as if something had shut off his soul and let him be a hollow nightmare. The worst part was that InuYasha was uncertain why it had happened or how, and that made it imperative that he find out. What would he do if it happened again? How could he think of making a life here with the Yourouzoku, with his friends, with Sashiko? What would he do if his claws hurt Kagome? He barely recognized Miroku and they had been together as friends for months now!
He shuddered with the wave of fear that struck him as he thought of Sashiko's white hair streaked with blood and his own incarnadine hands lifted above her still form. He would rather die than harm any of those that he considered under his protection though above all that list were the two females that meant the most to him. He would kill himself before he let it come to that. Melancholy had well and truly seized him so he did not even sense her until she came to him, slim arms sliding around him from behind and a soft cheek came to lie against his own, her breath soft and making him smile without his will. Her scent washed over him and calmed him, and he lifted a hand to awkwardly pat hers where it rested against his chest.
She gave a tiny yip, a noise to give comfort without words and he felt his cheeks grow warm just a bit because she cared about him despite the story he and the party he'd been with had been forced to relay. He let out a deep sigh, releasing what he could of the despair and he moved to slide the Yourouzoku healer around to rest in his lap so he could cuddle her to his chest. He murmured her name and again was astounded at his luck that a half demon like himself could be given all this. Respect with the demons, love, place, friendship. It meant more than he could put into words and he knew that somehow he would do whatever it took to convince Totosai to help him fix Tessaiga and he would find out what really triggered his change to a more demonic form.
He whispered to his wolfess his true innermost thoughts as she stroked his hair and ran clawed fingers gently over his mobile sensitive ears. He had been afraid after he had come out of that fugue state because he had seen the sheer destruction he had been capable of when his demonic side took over. There had been nothing but pieces left of Goshinki in that ruined village and what was left was barely recognizable. He had literally shredded the incarnation that Naraku had sent to destroy him, and he had been terrified that somehow if he had not been stopped he would have killed his companions as well.
When he was done she amazed him again by giving him a soft kiss and telling him that her faith in him would not allow her to believe that he would have done it. She believed that he would have stopped and she believed that he would never hurt his friends on purpose. It made him love her even more and she smiled softly when his arms went tighter around her. She had given him peace and he valued that as much as he valued her loving heart for letting her accept him and see the worth in him.
While they shared their moment an old friend had made his way finally to the Den and was seeking out Kagome to tell her the rumors he had heard and what he believed the cause of InuYasha's loss of control stemmed from. It was dire news and Myouga hoped he would be in time to catch InuYasha there, though he was uncertain if they should share what he knew with the hanyou. It would be easy enough to convince him that he needed Tessaiga repaired without worrying him over the true dire consequences after all.
But telling Kagome the truth would at least share the burden of the knowledge the flea youkai shouldered at the bequest of his deceased Master.
Of course he could not be blamed for taking advantage of the situation and getting not only a glimpse of the newborn Koji but getting a delightful sip from Kouga as well. He had not counted on the speed of the Tai-youkai however and was currently floating in a flattened state down to land on Kagome's outstretched palm.
“Myouga, what brings you here?”
The flea reformed into his customary shape with a slight popping sound, and he bowed where he stood on Kagome's palm to her and her mate. These Yourouzoku were decent youkai after all and he was so pleased that they had taken in his Master InuYasha the way that they had. He cleared his throat and began in a respectful manner.
“Well I heard the rumor of what happened at Master InuYasha's last battle and I came as fast as I could. This is dire news but we have some course of action to follow.”
When Kouga made to go fetch InuYasha to hear this Myouga demurred and told them it was better if his Master did not know about this just yet. That set very uneasily with both the Prince and Kagome and they exchanged glances frequently while Myouga told the tale. Hanyou were often unstable simply because they were abused and reviled, but in InuYasha's case there was a further issue. They had been lucky so far that he had never before been pushed so far so there had been hope that it would never happen, but with the combination of almost being killed and the breaking of Tessaiga the line had been irrevocably broken.
Whenever his life was threatened to the point he felt he might die, his demonic blood would awaken and take over his body to save his life. To Kouga that did not sound so bad until Myouga explained that the problem was that his demonic side was so strong due to the blood of his father that the power was simply too much for InuYasha's human half to channel. If left unchecked, each time that he transformed would eat away at his soul until there was nothing left of him to come back and he would become nothing more than a mindless killing machine going from battle to battle until he finally faced a foe strong enough to defeat him. He would tear through friend and foe alike, unable to recognize them and not caring as long as the blood flowed.
Tessaiga had been left to InuYasha not just as an heirloom from father to son but because when it was forged it had been made to seal that demonic side in such a fashion as not to weaken the hanyou but keep this very madness from coming over him. So it was vital to have the sword repaired and for once Myouga felt that Totosai would do it without much coercion. The Smith youkai was deeply attached to each of the things he created and despite his often dotty behaviors had not lost any of his natural talents towards forging. It would be a very difficult journey but a necessary one and then they could all breathe easier. Myouga volunteered to even lead the way, so important was this to be done.
The argument came because Kagome wished to go too because of the depth of her worry for her friend. Fire snapped in Kouga's eyes at this because he did not want his mate or child away from the Den in this vulnerable time in their lives, but he used his soft words to persuade her to stay, nuzzling her throat and making her sigh softly. Kagome knew she had lost but was pleased when Kouga volunteered to go in her place. Surely nothing would harm InuYasha with Kouga around and nothing with any brains would try. They gathered themselves up and went to tell InuYasha that Myouga was going to take them to Totosai, glad to at least have that positive news to share despite the secret that was currently attached to it.
= Elsewhere =
He almost preferred her silence uncanny as it could be to the constant sparkling stream of words that always seemed to flow from her now. As they progressed her confidence had grown and now she had shared not only that her name was Rin but that she felt nothing in this world equaled Lord Sesshoumaru. The inuyoukai supposed that he could not fault her logic in this but he did wish that sometimes she would be quieter in her declarations. What was amazing perhaps was that he had done nothing about it. Other creatures might have found themselves silenced permanently by either his claws or his whip, poisoned or not. But something within him simply shrugged and he let the little girl follow or not as she wished.
He had heard the same rumors that Myouga had. InuYasha had somehow managed to have his sword shattered in a battle, and for now he searched in a seemingly random pattern to find the location of that battle. He had not found it yet because it had not taken up a burning position of importance in his mind, but he would find it soon enough he supposed. Jaken's outraged squawk was enough to make him turn his head slightly to see what had happened now, and he felt the corners of his mouth twitch as he saw what Rin had done now. She had woven a crown out of flowers from the field they had just passed and she had tossed it upon Jaken's green head. Perhaps it was the amusement she brought him that made him let her live?
Jaken's continued outrage brought him out of that semi-amused state and he sailed a deadly accurate stone at him to shut him up.
“That will be enough, Jaken.”
A/N: Aw, Rin. Sorry about how long this update has been in coming, I'm terrible I know. I want to thank SexxyPadfootMoonyProngs for review number 120! Evalyne, Ryo-chan wolfgirl, Kita Tsuki, and InuKochan I want to thank as well for being with me so long. I appreciate ALL my reviewers and even those that just watch and never review. I'm glad you stick around to read and that you favorite my story means a lot to me.
Next Chapter: Re-forging Tessaiga and Sesshoumaru confronts Kouga in person for the first time!