InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knight in Shining Armor ❯ Something Ominous ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Knight In Shining Armor
Chapter 1—Something Ominous
Kagome took her crown off her head and set it on her vanity. Sango and Miroku were outside and wanted to play with her. Kagome looked out her window and both of them sitting in the grass, waiting for her to come out. Kagome rushed out her bedroom and ran down the stairs, nearly fell down after running into some one. She toppled over on top of them.
“I'm sorry.” She groaned, lifting her head up and squinting. She noticed some strands of white hair, draped down her arm and knew it was either Inuyasha or Sesshoumaru. Hesitantly, she looked up to find Sesshoumaru staring down at her.
“Watch where you're walking, Kagome.” He said gently helping her up. She blinked. Sesshoumaru usually just gave her a cold stare, this time, he actually helped her up.
“Thank you, Sesshoumaru.” She said bowing. Sesshoumaru just continued on to the top of the stairs. Kagome sighed, but continued to run down the steps.
“SANGO! MIROKU!” Kagome called out. She walked through the yard and continued to call out their names, loudly. The sound of a branch breaking off a tree and a loud thud on the ground, made her turn in that direction.
“Sango?” She asked running up to the fallen branch, only to find Inuyasha laying there.
“Ow…” He said rubbing his bottom. Kagome giggled.
“Don't laugh! It's your fault!” Inuyasha snorted. Kagome giggled and helped him up. “Ss…sorry, Inuyasha.” She said laughing. “What were you doing, anyway?” She asked looking up at the tree, now missing a small branch.
“Thinking.” Inuyasha said. Kagome cocked her head to the side.
“About, what?” Inuyasha waved his hand dismissively.
“It's nothing. Don't worry about it.” Kagome just nodded. “Well, have you seen Sango or Miroku? I walked around the whole yard and I still can't find them.” Kagome asked pouting.
“Why are you looking for them?”
“They wanted to play with me.” Kagome said looking around once more.
Inuyasha put his hands on his hips and smirked at her. “So what? I'm not good enough to play with you anymore?”
Kagome thought he was serious and thought back to all the `half breed' remarks she had heard people make to him. “No.” She said sadly. “It's not that at all, Inuyasha!” Kagome wrapped her arms around him, catching the half demon off guard, and knocking him to the ground.
“I was just joking.” Inuyasha said after falling down a second time today thanks to Kagome.
Kagome looked up at him. “You were?” She asked embarrassed. “Sorry,” She said standing up. Inuyasha chuckled and took a deep inhale. “Well, Sango and Miroku went inside. You're father wanted a word with them and their fathers.
“Oh.” Kagome looked down, disappointed for losing her playmates. “Okay. Well, I have to go get ready for the festival tonight, anyway.” She turned on her heel and began to walk away. Inuyasha ran after her.
“Can I come to the festival, too?” He asked, holding her elbow.
“Of course!” Kagome beamed at him. “Everyone in the kingdom may come!” Kagome said softly.
Inuyasha wrapped an arm around her neck and pressed his cheek into her's. “You're so sweet, Kagome!” He said, mocking her enthusiasm. Kagome pushed herself away from him and gave him a death glare before storming off.
Kagome was dressed in a light pink kimono with sakura blossoms going up the sides. She smiled at her reflection in the mirror. Setting her small crown onto her head, she walked out the door.
Her mother greeted her. “Kagome, you look darling. Are you ready to go?” Her mother asked, scooping the young girl in her arms. Kagome nodded and beamed at her mother. “Yes! Are Sango, Miroku, and Inuyasha allowed to come, too?”
Her mother nodded cheerfully and ruffled her daughter's hair. “Of course.”
Kagome smiled and hopped down out of her mother's arms. “Are we leaving right now?”
Her mother nodded and the two of them walked out into the courtyard on the way into town.
“Who are you going to dance with, Kagome?” Her mother asked as they stepped into the carriage.
“Dance?” Kagome asked sitting down. “I didn't know we had to dance with some one.” She said blushing.
Her mother chuckled. “You don't have to, but if you wanted to dance, who would you dance with?” Kagome shrugged.
“Sango's a good dancer.” Kagome's mother laughed.
“I mean. Dancing with a boy.” Kagome's eyes widened and her face turned bright crimson.
“Uhh….” Kagome tried to avoid the question. “Well, Inuyasha, I guess.”
Her mother patted her back and kissed her cheek. “You're so cute, Kagome.”
The carriage arrived and a large crown formed around the door, anticipating Kagome and her mother's arrival.
“Mom, when's daddy going to be here?” Kagome asked tugging on the sleeve of her mother's kimono.
“He's already here.” Her mother said as the sound of his voice boomed over the crowd. Kagome and her mother stepped out of the carriage and pushed through the crowd of people with the help of their guards.
Inuyasha nudged Kagome once he found her and smiled at her. “I like your kimono.” He said awkwardly. Kagome smiled. “Thanks.”
Kagome's mother had already run off to find her husband. Sango and Miroku finally found Inuyasha and Kagome and ran up to them.
“Hey,” Sango started. “Are you two going to dance together?” She asked playfully. Kagome looked at Inuyasha blushing.
Inuyasha could tell Kagome was uncomfortable and spoke up. “We're not dancing! That's gross!” Inuyasha yelled. “She's my best friend! That'd be just wrong.”
Sango and Miroku giggled. Kagome just smiled at him.
Sango walked in with Kagome's hand in her's. “Well, let's go play then!” She said. Kagome agreed and the two ran off hand-in-hand. Miroku and Inuyasha just stood back and watched.
“You sure, you don't want to dance with Kagome?” He asked. Inuyasha gave him a disgusted look and shook his head.
“No, Miroku! I'm twelve years old, and Kagome's even younger! It's just… no, gross.” Miroku chuckled.
“I think Kagome is mature for a ten year old.” He finally said.
Inuyasha looked at the ground. “It's because she's royalty.” He mumbled.
Miroku felt a strange presence and looked up in the sky. Inuyasha felt it too and looked up as well.
“What is that?” Miroku asked noticing a black cloud passing over head. Something in Inuyasha snapped as he noticed it was going back to the castle. He clenched his fists and growled. “Whatever it is… it's after Kagome.” He said. “Miroku, come on!” Inuyasha growled taking off. Miroku followed after him.
“How do you know it wants to hurt Kagome?” Miroku asked.
“I just, I can feel it.” Inuyasha said finally catching up to the two girls eating cotton candy.
“Hey, Inuyasha.” Kagome said. “You want some?” She asked holding out the candy. Inuyasha shook his head.
“Kagome, something's wrong.” Kagome looked concerned.
“What is it?” Sango asked.
“Naraku.” Miroku finished. All the others just stared at him.
“Naraku?” Sango asked.
“He's the only one who possesses such an ominous presence.” Miroku looked at the sky, then back to Kagome. “You need to be careful, Kagome.” Kagome nodded and Inuyasha stepped in front of her.
“She doesn't have to do anything! I'll protect her!”
Kagome smiled knowing Inuyasha was there for her.
`Thank you, Inuyasha'
I actually, wanted to combine this chapter and the next one, but no such luck. I'll have the next one up soon. Please leave a review.
I do not own Inuyasha.