InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knight in Shining Armor ❯ Aftershock ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Knight In Shining Armor
Chapter 3—Aftershock
Kagome smiled and opened her eyes to greet another day. The birds were chirping and the sun was shining. It was going to be a great and beautiful day in Higurashi Valley.
“Lady Kagome!” A young woman of about 18 walked into Kagome's room.
“Yes, Sango?” Kagome asked sitting up. Sango smiled, happy to see her friend awake.
“Your mother wishes to see you down stairs.” She said shyly. Kagome groaned and rolled out of her bed, dressing herself before following her guard down the stairs.
“What does she want?” Kagome asked annoyed.
“She wants to discuss something about this wedding you're about to have.” Kagome looked behind her and saw the angry expression on her mother's face.
“Hi, mother.” She said meekly. Sango grinned and walked off.
“Kagome, come and sit, please.” Kagome did as she was told and sat in a red velvet chair across from her mother.
“I really do appreciate how well you've been behaving with this. Even I was a bit hesitant to marry your father, but you seem to be willing to accept the arrangement with open arms.” He mother beamed.
“Well, Kouga doesn't seem like a bad person…” Kagome trailed off. Her mother shook her head.
“Oh, heavens no. He's a wonderful man and a wonderful king. I think he'll suit you just fine.” Kagome smiled.
“Yeah?” Her mother just nodded. Kagome stood up and thanked her before running back up to her room.
“Kagome?” Her mother called. Kagome turned from her place on the stairs and looked back down at her mother.
“Be ready in a few minutes, dear.” Her mother said. Kagome nodded in understanding and ran up to her room, quickly shutting and locking the door behind her. She slammed her back against it and slid down slowly into a sitting position.
“No, I'm not taking it hard. I'm ecstatic to marry this complete stranger.” Kagome said bitterly. She stood up and looked at a portrait done of her father and mother on her wall. Memories of the night eight years ago filled her head. She lost everything save for a few guards and her mother.
Kagome reached a hand up and gently ran her fingers down her father's face. Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes, but they stubbornly refused to fall. Kagome sighed and opened her closet door, staring at the thousands of kimonos and dresses she'd wear everywhere. She entered the closet and turned on the light. Kagome looked through them all, gently stroking each with her hand to feel the smooth satin fabric they were made of.
Then one tiny one caught her eye. Pink, with sakura blossoms running down the sides. Why was she being reminded of that night? Because her father wouldn't be giving her to Kouga? Because all of her friends wouldn't watch her marry him? Or because she simply didn't want to get married? Maybe it was a sign, saying that she shouldn't do this because everything was so wrong about it.
`Nothing's wrong about it… It's something I must do.' Grabbing a white, sparkly dress, Kagome walked out of her closet and closed the door just as a knock was heard on her door.
“Lady Kagome.”
“May we come in?” The two voices asked through the door.
“Oh, sorry.” Kagome walked over to the door, letting two women in.
One was tall and thin with long black hair and almost sapphire eyes while the other was shorter and a bit chubbier with light brown hair and hazel eyes.
“Did you find your dress?” The shorter one asked
“Yes, Kaname.” Kagome said, holding the dress up.
“Well, lets get going then.” The taller one said, grabbing the dress while Kaname took Kagome's night wear off her.
“Kagome, Kagome.” Kaname started. “Trying to get out of wearing the corset, huh?” Kagome rolled her eyes.
“Not really, I just forgot it.” `Because I'd rather drown in a lake than wear it. My breathing would be ten times more efficient.' Kagome though as the white corset was tied tightly around her torso. The white dress had been completely on Kagome and the two ladies stepped out.
“Sango wants to do your hair, today. She has some things she feels necessary to discuss with you.” Kaname said while the two ladies left the room. Sango appeared and met them in the hall.
“Oh, I was just about to see if you guys were almost done.”
“We're done now, so you can go ahead and discuss whatever it is, you needed to, Sango.” The shorter one spat.
“But do not mess up that dress!” The taller one spoke.
Sango rolled her eyes. “Don't worry, I'm working with her hair.” The two walked off as Sango opened Kagome's door.
“I hate them so much!” Kagome struggled to breathe out adjusting the corset under her dress.
Sango smiled and walked over to assist her friend. “They're just doing their job.” Sango said unhooking it and pulling it out from under Kagome's dress.
Kagome groaned. “Why can't you be my dresser?” She asked. “You have so much more style.” Kagome added. Sango beamed.
“Guard, friend, hair dresser, what more do you want from me?” Sango giggled pulling out some bobby pins. “Sit down.” She said pulling out a chair.
Sango began to work her magic on Kagome's hair. Over the past eight years, Sango had been Kagome's best friend and the only one who understood her. Kagome looked to her for advice and trusted Sango more than her own mother.
Kagome was now dressed for her wedding with the prince of the wolf clan of the north. Well, now he was King Kouga. His parents had died recently promoting him from prince to king.
She walked down her stairs receiving gasps and coos. She even saw tears in her mother's eyes. Was it really that hard for her? Like her mother even knew her. All in all, she spent more time with her guards and servants than her own mother. Her mother smiled and ran up to Kagome with open arms.
“You look so adorable, sweetie!”
Kagome smiled. She wore a long, white gown which brought out her raven locks and hazel eyes. Her hair was done up in a classy bun, with several strands hanging down in her face, which her beautiful white veil covered.
“You ready, Lady Kagome?” Sango asked breaking up the embrace between Kagome and her mother.
“Yes.” Kagome said running up to the carriage waiting for her.
“And, ah ha! It's a seven! Pay up, losers!” Five men sat around in a circle. One had a long white mane and dog ears while the others all looked like normal humans. This one however, stuck out like a sore thumb.
The odd looking one lunged forward and grabbed the pile of money in his arms, however, some one slapped him away from it.
“What the hell?” He asked rudely.
“Inuyasha, who do you think we are? Dimwits?” The man grabbed the dice and rolled them. “Their fake!” He shouted passing them around so every other man could see them.
“What?!” Inuyasha snapped.
“Of all the nerve!” Another shouted. “I barely have enough money to feed my family. To think some lowly half demon was trying to steal it away from me!” He finished.
The four others stood up and were ready to kill Inuyasha. He gasped and was ready to run off when another man came up behind him.
“What seems to be the trouble?” The stranger asked. All four men gasped and bowed their heads. “We're sorry to be causing such a ruckus, but this man stole our money using fake dice.” One of them said.
Inuyasha turned to have a look at the man, fear etched in his eyes.
The man looked down at Inuyasha. “Did he now?”
“Yes!” Another said. “His dice were fake!” Another said, holding the dice out to him. The man took the dice and inspected them thoroughly. “I see…”
He looked back up at the four gentlemen. “Well, I'll be taking him into the king and I'll report this felony.” He said. All four others smiled. “However…” He reached down by the money and grabbed it. “Since gambling is illegal in the city, this will be confiscated as well.” He said, turning to walk away with Inuyasha in tow.
“How am I supposed to feed my family?!” One of the men asked. He smirked and turned to him.
“You should have thought about that, before gambling all this money away.” He said and he and Inuyasha disappeared.
They escaped in an alley way and laughed counting up all the money. “You should have seen your face, Inuyasha! You really looked scared.” The man said.
Inuyasha grabbed a coin. “All part of acting, Miroku.” He smirked.
Miroku just shook his head and leaned against the back of a building. “Being an ex royal monk sure is good.” He leaned his head back. Inuyasha sat down across from him and sorted it out.
“I don't see why they can't respect me. I worked in the castle too.” He snorted.
“Well, you were only Kagome's body guard… nothing more. You didn't do anything, really.” Miroku said simply.
Inuyasha growled and slammed him against the wall. “What? My job was way important! Kagome means the world to many people, don't ever talk about her like that!” He finished, releasing Miroku.
Miroku sighed. “Calm down, I didn't mean it like that. I'm just saying you didn't really serve the king and queen.” An awkward silence passed between them, until Miroku finally broke it.
“You want to sleep here tonight?” Miroku asked Inuyasha receiving nothing more than a shrug.
“Fine.” Miroku grabbed a coin. “Heads we will, tails, we'll find somewhere else to stay, deal?” Miroku asked holding the coin In front of Inuyasha. Inuyasha yawned and placed his hands behind his head.
“Sure, whatever.” Miroku threw the coin up in the air and caught it on his arm, covering it up quickly. Inuyasha leaned over to look at it. “Well?” He asked as Miroku removed the hand covering the coin.
“Heads, we're staying.” Miroku said, but Inuyasha continued to stare at the coin.
“Something wrong, Inuyasha?” Miroku asked trying to find what was so weird about the coin. “This face….” Inuyasha lifted the coin.
“She's queen now?” He asked.
“Kagome.” Inuyasha held the coin in front of him.
Miroku shrugged. “Maybe.” Inuyasha held the coin up to his face and studied it carefully. He tried his best to memorize every curve of the coin. “I want to see her again.”
Miroku looked over at him. “Yeah, I want to see Sango again…” Inuyasha looked up at Miroku with a smile of determination on his face. “Lets kidnap them!” He suggested. Miroku nearly chocked on his breath.
“What?!” He asked.
“Let's kidnap them, then we can see them again.” Miroku shook his head.
“As if we aren't in trouble with the law as it is, Inuyasha.”
“Please, Miroku.” He asked. Miroku sighed. “Fine, tomorrow night.” Inuyasha smiled.
The two con artists smiled at each other and began to plan out what they could do to get Kagome and Sango back.
Thank you to the Following Reviewers
Peacemaker (Yes, it just was rushed in the beginning because that was supposed to all just be a prologue.)Rena555, BK, and icecream
This chapter took me forever and a day to write up, but I finally got it up. I'll post the next one soon. Thanks for reading. Please leave a review.
I do not own Inuyasha.