InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing Eyes ❯ Gettin Ready ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
As Kagome and Inuyasha walked up the stairs to the shrine they heard a small hyperactive kitsune yell 'Kagoooooooommmmmmmeeeeeeeee!!!!!' amusing them both - but the little ball of fur didn't apear until they had cleared the stairs - then of course he thudded into Kagome's chest and hugged her tight before jumping to Inu and unexpectedly repeating the big hug.
Inu looked a little stunned for a moment before catching the kit and giving him a suruptitious little hug before putting him on his shoulder. Kagome smiled and went to lay down for a bit before she got ready for the dance, leaving Inu showing Shippo all the treats he had found for him at the mall, he was going to be a good father,it made her feel a little better to know he was going to at least try with shippo, not to mention it seemed he was going to do better than try..
After a nap she felt better, her temper had cooled and her patience seemed to be going strong again. She began getting ready by having a shower, a little surprised that neither her hanyou or kit appeared on the way, deciding they were out playing she had her shower and styled her hair.
On her way back to her bedroom to change she thought of the kimono Inu had given her, her friends had told her to wear it to the dance, but she wondered idly if it was a little too formal for a high school dance, a little too...antique? It was a midevil theme - the time period was right, but somehow it didn't feel quite right.
She tried it on and looked in her mirror, turning this way and that to make sure she got as much of the full effect as possible, after a few minutes she decided to wear her favorite 'little black dress' under it, the one she had found a few months ago, that she knew her mother hadn't seen because she hadn't forbidden her to wear it. It had a deep V at the neck showing her cleavage and a short skirt with a high slit.
Inu would love it, but only if he was the only one who got to see it...or at least the only one allowed to touch her while she was in it...or in anything else....She shook her head to stop that train of thought.....yes Inu was a little possessive, but if you looked at it in a certain light so was of her friends had asked her at lunch if she could steal him for one dance and Kagome had reacted more violently that she herself had expected.
Again she caught her wandering thoughts and put them back onto her outfit, it was a reversal of her own personality she decided, normally she was modern outside and kept her midevel life inside, she smiled, the new InuYasha would likely pick up on it and be amused himself. She slipped out of the kimono again to put on her make-up so she wouldnt get any on it, then came mascara, eye liner, a little eye shadow, a fruit flavoured lip gloss she hoped Inu would like (with a tiny blush at the thought) and last a tiny red heart-shaped paste on jewel under her left eye.
Inu snuck back though the well with the ornate box he had hidden when his mother died, it was a little worse for wear on the outside but the things inside he had been looking for were all okay, he hoped Kagome would like them, they would look perfect with the kimono, they had been made for his mother to wear with her kimonos after she had been claimed by his father.
He liked to think they would both have loved Kagome and welcomed her to the family, had they still been around, so he thought this gift was altogether perfect.
He entered the house and sniffed to see who was around, and was pleased to discover only he and Kagome were in the house, Mrs. Higurashi had taken everyone else out for ice cream so he and Kagome could get ready in peace, and aparently they weren't back yet.
Since that suited him just fine he went up stairs to Kagome's room with his box of treasure. There, much to Inu's delight, Kagome was standing in front of her mirror in a scrap of fabric that left even more bare skin than her school outfit. (mind boggling as that may be)
He crept up behind her and wrapped his arms around her from behind, and nuzzle her bare throat, trailing his fangs over the area where he would eventualy mark her as his own.
"you look and smell good enough to eat" he murmured into her ear.
She turned to kiss him as as he pulled back to look at her face she murmered "do you like my lip gloss?" he raised an eyebrow and licked his lips thought fully.
"I don't know, let me taste." he teased just before he captured her lips. Pulling away a second time "you always taste good, but this stuff is kinda nice too."
Kagome smiled and wrapped her arms around him burying her head in his chest, he held her another moment then pulled away to ask:
"do we HAVE to go to the dance? I think I would rather stay here with you." he ran a claw down her side to the hem of her short skirt. "I could help you get out of this." He looked up into her eyes with lust turning his normally gold gaze a deep dark amber.
She felt a funny kind of heat start in the pit of her stomach, and for a moment she considered giving in to him then and there, but she had promised her friends that she would see them at the dance and she was really looking forward to showing Inu off, his firerat/kevlar suit looked too damn good on him to waste the opportunity for making all the 'popular' girls jealous of her too too gorgeous guy. She moved a little further from him and replied.
"Yes, we have to go to the dance," she gave him a small smile, "but if you're good you can have a treat when you get home." she winked and turned her back on him, shrugging into the kimono. Inu smiled as he thought of what kind of treat she may offer later and held up the box to show her the treasure he had brought back.
Kagome was touched, that Inu would have gone out to find these kind of ornaments. The design was very archaic, stylised pearl dogs with amber eyes, styised women with long obsidian hair and eyes, jade clothing. They were done in the most ornate style of the time period.
"Where did you find these?" She asked in awe.
"do you like them?" He asked, when she nodded he quietly replied, "They were my mothers, I hid them when she...She told me to take them with me. She almost never wore them but she loved them because they were a gift from my father." He looked at the carpet for a moment hiding his eyes under his bangs. "I thought that this would have made them very happy if they were still around." He pulled her into a hug, and nuzzled her throat again. "I love you" he murmered, making her heat beat faster, even though she felt it would break at his reasoning.
"I love you too."