InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing Eyes ❯ New Moon Wedding ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]





So they had a small wedding just a week later under the goshimboku, in Kagome's time. InuYasha and Kagome's armour having been transformed into wedding outfits. Shippo was ring boy and Kagome had asked Sango to be her maid of honour, Kagome's other three friends who were bridesmaids were shocked at her choice but found they got along with Sango just fine after a slightly rocky start. Someone had found a little flower girl, a relation of Ayumi, Kagome thought.


Miroku stood as best man and Souta walked her down the aisle. Souta was so happy that Inu no niichan and his sister had finally come to their senses about each other, and bursting with pride to be in the wedding party.


Kagome's grandfather officiated and they had the small reception in the courtyard of the shrine. It was perfect. No rain, no bugs, no evil demons from the past attacking... perfect.


When everything was winding down and Kagome got to talk to her friends she told them that she would be studying abroad with Kami and InuYasha after her honeymoon and that she would write to them when she could and visit when they were in town long enough. Oh sure they snivelled and whined but they were truly happy for their friend.

When the last dance was called Kagome and InuYasha were left alone in the centre of the 'dance floor' whirling around one last time before they packed up for the honeymoon Kami had arranged for them.


The sun was starting to sink lower in the sky and the clouds were turning beautiful colours when suddenly the crowd to one side went quiet. When the newlyweds looked to see why, they saw Hojo standing there, looking angry. Kagome stood in her wedding dress holding InuYasha, and felt afraid. Not knowing what InuYasha would do to Hojo if he made a scene, or what Hojo was going to do when he got over the shock he was obviously in.


For just a second the world held its breath. Then Hojo started walking slowly towards the pair, Inu stepped protectively in front of Kagome. "Higurashi, this can't be what it looks like." he said snidely. "After all, no one at school really believed you were stupid enough to go get pregnant, what will they think now when they realise you really are the slut the rumours paint you. Are you sure this one is the father? Not one of the others that you've had? Really, I suppose you can't be sure, there were so many after all." The crowd watched in shock, even with is recent behaviour no one who knew him could believe he could sink so low.


Kagome tried to get Inu's attention for a moment to tell him it wasn't true, but he was ignoring her for the moment, she felt her heart break a little at the effect she knew the words would have on his heart, if he believed them.


Inu of course didn't believe a word. He knew he was the only one to have touched Kagome, not only had her scent told her that but the mark would not have been so clear if it was true.


"You're a sick bastard, aren't you? Do you really think any one believes you? For one thing Kagome isn't pregnant. For another, she's barely been out of my sight in years, there are no other men." Inu said with surety, and Kagome was slightly relived he didn't fall for it.


Hojo barely glanced at him. "Did you're family force you to get married?" InuYasha growled and Kagome put a hand on his arm to calm him. "No Hojo, my family didn't force me, and you cannot convince anyone here I'm a slut, they all know me too well. Besides, you yourself have destroyed the reputation you had in town that would have made people doubt me on nothing more than your word. Now, this is private property and you're trespassing, I will give you ten seconds, then I won't stop InuYasha from dealing with you as he sees fit." Inu grinned and cracked his knuckles.




"I thought you were MY girlfriend!" Hojo's voice finally showed something other that anger and hate, Kagome felt the slightest stirring of pity.


"Two." But it was too late to back down now.


"Were you just waiting for the first sucker that came along and proposed to you?!?"




"How long have you known this guy?" Desperation, Kagome wondered why he was making such a scene.




"How dare you cheat on me?!" Was he even sane anymore? She wondered.


"Hojo, it isn't like that! I barely went out with you once, I left in the middle of it remember? And I only went out with you because my friends set it up!" not InuYasha recoiled from her and she ached to explain to him.




" I already had a boyfriend." She grabbed Inu's arm and clung to him to show both who she meant. "We were having a fight and we'd broken up for a few days!" Hojo looked angrier and angrier at every word finally he snapped and took a swing at Kagome, punched her hard across the cheek.


Kagome sank to the ground in shock as InuYasha jumped past her and punched Hojo in the jaw. A moment later he held Hojo up by the throat... Then the sunset and InuYasha's hair started to turn black. As a dark strand blew past him and the human he held seemed a little heavier he thought *Damn, we were supposed to be gone already*


He had wanted to get married on the day before the new moon, so he could be more gentile with Kagome on their wedding night. They were supposed to have left before the sun went down though, Hojo had messed it up, their wedding day, and he had punched Kagome. InuYasha couldn't remember hating anyone this much, except Naraku. He couldn't believe this human had dared to touch his mate, if he hadn't been turning human he would be fighting off his demon half . . . Tetsaiga was in the well house.


Hojo hung in InuYasha's grip and he looked like he was starting to pass out. Kagome was worried for InuYasha. Hojo probably wasn't any match for him even as a human, but he was captain of the school kendo club, Kagome gently touched her face where he had hit her, *I'm still in shock* she thought to herself *I can't believe Hojo hit me . . . * she felt Kami touch her shoulder and felt calm for a moment before the anger set in.


"How Dare You!" she came up screaming, before marching over to her mate and the scum he held "How dare you come in here trying to destroy my marriage before it had a chance and then turn around and hit me! What kind of asshole are you?!?!?!"


InuYasha felt himself smile at his mate, she was okay and she was fighting for herself, but it was his job to protect her and his smile grew dark and menacing as he turned back to the hated human who had struck her.


"You are not allowed near Kagome again" he growled very quietly so no one else would hear, "If I see you anywhere near her again I will kill you and no one will ever find your body. Now get out of our sight pathetic coward."


He dropped Hojo to the ground roughly and turned away. To Kagome and Kami he whispered, "I think its time to go now." And they both nodded. As they went into the house Kagome's family followed and the rest of the people seemed to fade into the darkness leaving the dark wretched lump of Hojo on the cold Concrete where he had landed. No one offered to help him up or even spoke to him, after all who can feel sorry for someone who crashed a wedding to hit the bride.


But you were mine He whispered to the dark.



*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***



Kami had made them a beautiful desert island somewhere near the Bahamas. Absolute privacy, just a stretch of white sand, some trees, and a luxurious palace with invisible servants, everything they could possibly need at their fingertips.


InuYasha Picked Kagome up and carried her over the threshold, and straight to the bedroom, laying her carefully on the bed he leaned over her and whispered


"I love you" He bent further and trailed soft kisses along her neck, She shivered at the sensations he was causing


"I love you too, InuYasha, I always have"


"Tonight and forever, you are mine."


"I was always yours, tonight and forever You are Mine" She countered, he smiled against her throat.


"You're right, tonight and forever more, I am yours."