InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kodomo ni Taisuru Haha no wa Totemo Fukai desu ❯ Late night dipping ain't always safe ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kodomo ni Taisuru Haha no wa Totemo Fukai desu

A story by: Ai no Sakura

Disclaimer: * shows a picture of Rumiko Takahashi, then of the author of this fic* Do these people look the same to you?

A/N: First of all, I'd like to thank MGSFREEK101 for reviewing my first fic!

Thanks a million! ^_^

My 2nd Inuyasha fic! By the way, check out my other fic, He Loves Me, She Loves Me Not and leave a review if you like it.

Hope you like this one though! ^_^

This is an AU fic with a great deal of OOCness, but I can't help it that I haven't seen enough Inuyasha episodes. They don't air them here where I live * in the brink of tears *!

Summary: Inuyasha keeps seeing these hot dreams of someone, but after he gets raped he doesn't know if his life turns for better or for worse!

Mpreg, yaoi, Inu/?/?

Chapter warnings: yaoi, rape, cursing… that's about it for this chapter!

Parings: Inuyasha/?/? (surprises!)

On with the fic!


Lips locked into a feverish kiss, sweaty bodies thrusting in perfect rhythm, hands roaming over both bodies.

A flash of silky silver hair and lust filled eyes made of the coldest gold…


Inuyasha woke up in the middle of the night.

His body was sweaty and, but the looks of his pants, he had had a nice dream.

"Oh man!" he groaned quietly, being sure not to wake his friends.

Inuyasha rose from his perch under a tree and made his way silently out of camp.

"Now, where was the lake again?" he whispered to himself when he finally was out of earshot from their camp.

Inuyasha wiggled his nose, searching for the lake, and swiveled his ears, trying to hear it.

Finally his nose picked up the scent of fresh water, and without hesitation, ran towards it.

Soon Inuyasha found himself by a huge lake and a sigh of relief escaped his lips.

Hurriedly he stripped out of his clothes and practically ran into the lake.

"Yipe!" Inuyasha exclaimed as he wasn't used to the cold water yet, but after awhile the cool water felt heavenly against his burning skin, the fire in his loins dissipating.

Inuyasha sighed in contentment as he washed the sweat off of his skin.

All of a sudden Inuyasha heard a gust of wind coming his way and his nose picked up the scent of okami.

Quickly Inuyasha stumbled out of the lake, a growl emitting from his throat.

"Damned okami!" he growled to himself as he pulled on his pants.

Just when Inuyasha had his hands on his under-kimono, trying hastily to get it on, the owner of the scent skidded to a halt.


"Wolf-boy," Inuyasha growled, his under-kimono slipping to his feet totally forgotten.

Wolf-boy, formally known as Kouga leader of the Northern wolf clan, growled back.

"I have no time for this dog-breath," he announced, starting to sniff around,

"I smelt the most delicious scent awhile ago."

Inuyasha's cheeks got a tinge of red.

He thought he had a pretty good idea of what Kouga was talking about.

Quickly Inuyasha balled his fists to his sides, his body becoming rigid and he was ready for a fight.

"Well, the scents owner ain't gonna fuck around with a mangy okami like you!" he snarled at Kouga.

A smirk found its place on Kouga's lips, but then the okami smiled mischievously, one fang poking out between two full, pink lips.

"Oh really? What? They prefer a puppy?" the okami prince questioned, amused, but then he sniffed around again, getting solemn,

"Seriously, where'd you hide the female youkai?"
Inuyasha fought against the thought of strangling Kouga to the spot.

"What female?" he questioned cautiously.

Kouga snorted, crossing his arms to his chest.

"Don't play with me puppy. Tell me where you hid her," he demanded.

When Inuyasha wasn't answering his demands, he started exploring himself.

Closing his eyes, he sniffed the air, unconsciously getting closer to Inuyasha.

In fact, said person stopped him.

Inuyasha growled, as Kouga got too close.

Kouga opened his eyes and took a step backwards in shock.

"Kisama! It's you!" he exclaimed as he turned wide eyes to Inuyasha's,

"You smell like a female youkai!"

Inuyasha growled and took a step forward, grabbing Kouga by his throat, Kouga's hands shooting up to hold onto Inuyasha's.

"I'm no fucking woman!" he shouted in Kouga's face, Kouga struggling to get Inuyasha's hand off his throat.

All of a sudden Inuyasha remembered what he had promised Kagome.

Not to kill the smart-ass okami prince.

Reluctantly Inuyasha let go of Kouga's throat, Kouga dropping to his feet and coughing slightly.

Inuyasha turned his back to Kouga, crossing his arms to his chest with a scowl on his lovely face.

"Call me woman and you'll have Tetsusaiga stuck up your ass," he said over his shoulder.

There was silence for a few minutes and Inuyasha was getting curious of what was happening behind him, when all of a sudden Kouga grabbed him from behind.

"Nanto mo-?!" Inuyasha shouted, but Kouga's soft lips against his own muffled his shout.

Kouga kissed Inuyasha hard on his lips as he twirled the Hanyou to face him.

Taking advantage of Inuyasha's shock, Kouga slipped his tongue into Inuyasha's mouth, devouring it whole.

Breaking away from each other when they needed air, Inuyasha stared at Kouga in shock.

That shock was not long lived.

"What the Hell do you think you're doing?!" he cried out, cringing at his own high-pitched voice.

Kouga covered his ears and snarled, but then it was replaced with something else.

Something Inuyasha didn't like.

"I do what I want," Kouga replied in a husky voice that made Inuyasha shiver, and stepped closer to the Hanyou,

"Whether you like it or not."

With that the okami prince closed the distance between them and kissed Inuyasha again, more forcefully this time.

Inuyasha tried to push Kouga away, but the okami had a firm grip on him, so he did what came to his mind next.

He bit Kouga's tongue.

Kouga snarled at Inuyasha, pulling back slightly, but not letting go.

"You fucking mutt!" he snarled.

Inuyasha struggled to get out off the vice like grip he was in.

"Wolf-boy, let me go!" he yelled and tried to claw his rival, but Kouga kept his claws far away from them both.

"Nuh-uh," the wolf prince said and kissed Inuyasha for the third time, this time to distract him as he tripped the Hanyou.

Inuyasha fell onto the sand face first, but it was nothing like Kagome's `sit'.


"What about Kagome?!" Inuyasha yelled to Kouga, who successfully had pinned him to the ground and raised him onto his arms and knees.

"Kagome who?"

Inuyasha was in shock again. Didn't Kouga love Kagome? Why was the bastard acting like this anyway? There was something wrong.

Kouga wasn't this strong usually!

Inuyasha froze as he heard Kouga strip from his fur clothes and as the mangy wolf pulled down Inuyasha's pants.

"Kouga…?" Inuyasha whispered as there was silence, fear creeping into his voice,

"Please don't do this. Onegai."

Kouga merely chuckled at Inuyasha's pleas, leaning in and nipping one of the Hanyou's ears.

"No, onegai Kouga-AHH!" Inuyasha screamed in pain as Kouga slammed into his opening all of a sudden without preparation, ripping the inner rings as he kept on pushing further.

"Ah fuck!" Kouga panted as he pulled out almost completely and rammed in again,,

"You're so tight, puppy!"

Inuyasha fought back tears of pain as Kouga started to thrust in and out of him in a painfully fast pace, but Inuyasha wouldn't let Kouga have the pleasure of him screaming for him.

As Kouga neared his release, he fisted Inuyasha's cock and pumped it in time with his thrusts.

Inuyasha had never felt this humiliated in his whole life as he came into Kouga's hand and Kouga howled at the moon, releasing deep into Inuyasha's broken body.

Finally Kouga slid out of Inuyasha, leaving the bloodied Hanyou onto the ground as he himself took a dip in the lake.

After awhile Inuyasha could hear Kouga dressing and felt a sloppy kiss on his bruised lips.

"Sayonara Mutt-face," he said and with a gust of wind trailing after him, he was gone.

Inuyasha groaned out loud as he pulled himself up and crawled into the lake, the cold water stinging his wounds.

Kouga had raked his nails down his back and stomach, small nail gashes bleeding and his ass was battered inside out. It was angry red from Kouga's thrusting and his slaps.

"That God damned okami! Next time I see him, I'll make him pay dearly!" Inuyasha cursed out loud, but didn't even notice as his eyesight blurred.

"Why does this happen to me? Because I'm a Hanyou?" Inuyasha whispered to no one, as a tear fell, followed by many others.


It was late morning when Inuyasha limped back to camp.

"Inuyasha!" came Kagome's relieved cry as he came into their view.

Quickly the miko rushed to Inuyasha's side, a frown already formed on her face.

"Where have you been?! We were worried sick about you!!" she yelled and Inuyasha cringed away from her.

Inuyasha easily pushed passed the angry Kagome and made his way to Tetsusaiga.

Picking the sword up, he tied it to his side.

"Why didn't I take Tetsusaiga with me?" he questioned himself aloud, paying Kagome no attention,

"Why was I so stupid?"


Hearing his name being called next to him he turned to Kagome and fought back tears.

Kagome wore the most concerned look on her face Inuyasha had ever seen, but no one cared for a Hanyou, did they?

"What?!" he snapped, a little too rudely, but he didn't care.

He wasn't in the mood to suck up to Kagome anyway.

Kagome's eyes narrowed dangerously and her mouth opened to what Inuyasha already knew to be another command to `sit', but then her eyes widened.

"Inuyasha, you're hurt!"

Inuyasha looked at her like she was crazy.

"What do you mean?" he asked, hoping she hadn't caught the sarcasm in his voice.

To his great relief she hadn't and Kagome pointed at his torn pants, the scars showing from the tears.

Before he could say anything else, Kagome interrupted,

"Don't start making up excuses. You were in a fight, weren't you?"

Inuyasha could only nod, not wanting to tell the real reason he was in such a condition he could barely walk back to camp.

Suddenly his head swam and he felt nauseous.

"I need to lay down, Kagome," he said before falling into Kagome's waiting arms in a dead faint.



Inuyasha: * grumbles something under his breath about evil people called Sakura who make his life living Hell*

Sakura: Couldn't make out anything he just said… ^_^U

Kouga: * looks horrified* How could you make me do such a thing to puppy-face?

Sakura: * hugs Kouga* Aww… Kouga-kun, gomen nasai. I just wanted to do this fic this way. Would you have wanted to live rest of your life with Koinu?

Kouga: * stares at Inuyasha * With Dog-Breath?!

Inuyasha: * stares at Kouga* With Wolf-boy?!

Sakura: -_-U … Thought so…

Translation for the Japanese words:

Okami: wolf

Kisama: you

Youkai: Monster/ spirit (which ever you guys want)

Nanto mo: what the Hell

Onegai: please

Hanyou: half monster/ spirit, half human

Sayonara: Good-bye

Miko: priestess

Gomen nasai: I'm very sorry

Koinu: puppy

Minna-sama: everybody

A/N: Reviews are accepted with gratitude, flames about the characters being OOC I won't stand. Warned you in the beginning and had a rather good and really annoying reason for that too. Love the show and I'll say it once again.

It don't air here where I live!!!

For Kouga lovers, who happened to read this fic, don't flame me for making Kouga act like that.

I love him almost as much as I love Inuyasha and Sesshomaru (a lot!).

It's just one of the twists in the fic and I promise everything will turnout somehow.

Just hope it's good.

Gomen nasai minna-sama, anyway!


- Sakura

P.S. Any guesses on what the title means? I know it, but do you?