InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Koi ❯ Intense.... ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N::: Hey guys, thanx for the reviews, and no i wont say kagome's mate's name (at least not let) it will ruin the story. Now in this chapter there will be a lemon, and it will be my first, so please be gentle!

So prequel it is but only after I'm finished this.

Disclaimer: I own nothing... but I’m working on Sesshoumaru (am I the only one to think so, or should sesshou-kun have his own anime series!!)

Chapter #7

Sango and kagome quickly undressed and settled in the spring, and an eerie silence came over them.
"Is everything okay Sango?" Kagome asked.
"Oh yes kagome fine. Its just your mate -"
"What ?"
"He seems very protective of you that’s all." said Sango defensively.
"Oh, yeah you should have seen him before when we were dating he wouldn't let me near any guy." said Kagome laughing.
"Doesn't it bother you though?" asked Sango
"It used to but then I realized that it was great to have someone looking out for your safety and well being, and he’s not usually this-"
"Kagome your trying to justify him!" Sango accused.
"Stop it Sango! NO! I'm not trying to justify him, I haven't seen you in ten years and you dont understand our relationship.” said Kagome angrily as she got out of the spring and started to get dressed, knowing that Miroku would be here soon.
"Kagome please don’t get mad, I just think that you should have been with Inu yasha in the end." said Sango urgently.
Kagome stopped suddenly and looked at Sango in utter shock.

*********************************************************** *********************
(At Camp)

Inu yasha Miroku and Kagome's mate sat around the camp fire in heavily tense silence. Kagome's mate sat against a tree, with his sword in his lap and hands cradling is head against the tree.
Miroku cleared his throat, stopping the painful silence.
"Ask your questions Houshi" Kagome's mate barked out.
"I have no quest-"
"Spill it!" he said opening one eye slightly to look at Miroku.
"Kagome says your a Hanyou." stated Miroku
"Yup" he said in a board tone.
"But you have the stripe." came Inu yasha, identifying the smooth magenta dash down his cheek bone.
"I'm WAY more powerful than ANY demon, fully breaded or other wise, pup." explained Kagome's mate never looking at Inu yasha.
Inu yasha growled and his hand went to tesseiga's hilt when Miroku struck up a conversation with Kagome's mate.
"Don't you find you were a bit to protective of Kagome earlier?" asked Miroku bravely.
"Heh! For the past five years I have slept by Kagome every night, and then out of the blue she’s gone for three days. Houshi, if Sango disappeared without a trace for three days you would freak out to!" he said coldly addressing Miroku.
Miroku nodded.
............................................................... .....................................
After ten gruelling minutes in silence, Miroku got up and started walking towards the spring where the girls were.
"Where are you going Monk?" asked Kagome's mate, who appeared right in front of Miroku, looking down sternly at him.
"I am going to see my wife." said Miroku holding his head.
'show no fear!!!' Miroku chanted again and again in his mind.
"Fine" was all kagome's mate said as he stepped aside to let Miroku pass.
In a few short steps Miroku noticed that Kagome's mate was walking just behind him and Inu yasha was darting around above them.
"If I may? What are you doing?” asked Miroku.
"I'm going to see my wife" he replied with a wide, toothy (fangy) grin.

As they continued walking, they came upon Kagome and Sango.
"Hey Miroku!" Kagome greeted, but not turning to face him since she wasn’t finished buttoning her top. Just the a big, black clawed hand slipped down her soft stomach. Leaning back against a hard toned torso, Kagome looked up into her mate's swirling violet and golden eyes. Kagome's mate looked down at her chuckling, watching her facial expressions as he moved his claws against her smooth skin. Kagome smiled to her self as she sighed in happiness.
"Hey Baby." he said, his voice smooth and low, and on the verge of husky.
"Hi, Sexy" she greeted.
"I have a gift for you" he said his hot breath scraped against her ear causing shills to run down her spine.
"what?" Kagome asked turning and wrapping her arms around her mates neck in anticipation.
Slowly he bent his head and captured kagome's lips in a heated kiss.
"You owe me a birthday present" kagome said suggestively as she pushed her self against him shamelessly
He smirked and wrapped his arms around her waist and took of into the sky.

Flying swiftly through the trees he found a small clearing surrounded by flowers.
"Oh its beautiful." said Kagome kissing her mate sweetly.
Though the kiss supposed to be short and chaste, he wrapped is arms around her small waste and pulled her closer deepening the kiss. Kagome moaned as he slowly asked for entrance. No matter how long they were together or how many times they kissed, every time was different and unique with a hidden promise of love and devotion.
The slow kiss became hot and passionate quickly. In a flash he unbuttoned his mate's blouse and had her in her lovely white lace bra. Smiling Kagome ran her nails down her mate's torso until she reached the golden sash at his hips then pulled away from their kiss. Tossing the sword and slowly undoing the sash, kagome looked up at her mate who's eyes were glazed over with love and lust, his mouth parted and panting, he kept clenching and unclenching his hands trying to keep in control. Coming back up Kagome brought her mate's shirt as her hands went up his sides, he practically ripped the rest off and pulled kagome to his roughly. Growling, he kissed down Kagome's neck until he reached his mating mark, as he licked and scraped his large canines over the extremely tender spot, kagome's hands clawed at his body and gasped time after time. Unknowing to Kagome he had unclasped her bra, pulling away slightly he pulled the bra down her arms and marvelled at her chest, of coarse it had grown since he had first met her, and after the pregnancy well... Kagome started to feel bit self conscience as he just stared at her chest she pulled her hands away and ran then seductively down her front watching his swirling eyes meet hers. Growling he pounced her and pinned her beneath him, Kagome giggled at the sound of her mate's content growl that sounded more like a purr. Slowly he moved down Kagome's utterly willing body, she was already wet he could smell it! It was killing him. When he reached her breasts he nuzzled and licked them but never touched the hard tip that was like the cherry on top of an ice cream sundae. Kagome squirmed and meowed at his attentions, he moved so fast between breasts that she could hardly enjoy the pleasure when it stopped and continued on another. Gods who it was frustrating. Wrapping her legs tightly around his delicious hips and flipped him onto his back. He growled in frustration that she had stopped his fun and pride that she had taken initiative. Grinning he didn’t let go of his mate's hands. As Kagome tried to get her hands free she ended up grinding against her mate so forcefully that he let go and dug his claws into the ground. Finally having her hands free, kagome slowly slid down her mate's ripped body tracing ever contours of his upper half until she reached the hem of his leather-like pants. Grinning evilly Kagome looked up at her mate who stared at her with his hot swirling eyes, keeping eye contact Kagome licked her mate around his front where the pants began. Groaning, he laid his head back in pleasure damning and praising himself for wearing these pants that road low on his narrow hips. Kagome pulled away slightly and carefully unzipped her mate's arousal from it's confines. Kagome slid all the way down her mate's body and brought his pants with her, torturing slow kagome crawled back up his body, nuzzling his stiff appendage with ever part of her body. Sitting up slightly he kissed her passionately and reversed there positions.
Now it was his turn to torture and please.
Kagome bit her lip in anticipation as her mate slowly placed swirling wet butterfly kisses down her body,, her jaw, neck, collar, the valley of her breasts-bypassing them entirely with a small nudge, her ribs, stomach and finally her stopped at her belly button. When they had started dating he didn't like the pierced body part now he could never get enough. Nipping nuzzling, flicking the small jewel piece, he watched his mate as she tossed his head as he assaulted the tender flesh. Moving on he unzipped his mate and her arousal became even more apparent to him, slowly letting his claws lightly drag down the side of her legs as he pulled down her pants and along with them her thong. AS he mad his way back up her body he placed her legs over his shoulders, and licked and nipped at the hot flesh of her lower body. He alternated frequently between her wet lower lips and her clit having gasps and meow egg him on pushing his face harder against her. Finally after what seemed to be an eternally of blinding agonizing pleasure kagome moaned out her orgasm so loudly the camp could her.
'...what if Inu yasha heard...'
Kagome's train of thought was lost when her mate pressed his entire body against her. Placing himself at her entrance he didn’t entrance but rubbed himself furiously again her.
"Please!.....ohhh......please.....onigai!!!" kagome moaned.
Grinning he thrust into his mate hard and quick.
Kagome groaned loudly in surprise, usually he prolonged her wait but considering he had no seen her in three days, she understood and grateful accepted his quick pace, but she was again surprised he went slow, and hard. Again and Again.
Gods it was hard for him to keep control she was always there for him, welcoming him and now she accepted his need to reassure himself of her.
"Gods!!" he grunted.
Kagome’s legs her wrapped around his slim hips, opened
So right
Again and again his thrusts were hard and slow
filling her every time. Tightening her legs around her mate's hips kagome pushed him under her and quickened their pace. Growling he agreed happily and kagome thrust down he would meet her.
everything suddenly became to fast so hard then kagome's eyes widened at the sight if bright red flash through the trees.
' Inu yasha...'
just them as kagome thrust down hard her mate decided to thrust unbelievably hard and fast grunting her name.
Kagome's orgasm came as a shock along with ..."INU YASHA!!!"

A/N::: hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe I'll stop there for now. R&R pls.
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