InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kokoro No Zaigou ❯ 01 The Mysterious Girl ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A note to readers: Thank you so much for taking time to read my story! I try to update it whenever I can and try to make new chapters everyday so if you like it check back on it often, okay?
Well people, I introduce to you: my first fanfic. Yes I admit it. It's true. I have thought of many fan fictions before but never did I actually write one. I began to write this one because I really liked the plot of the story and it is my best idea yet. I just have to say though, a warning to you if you don't like long stories, the other day I plotted out the whole story and I predict this will be 60 chapters long at the least…
I hope you all really enjoy it and please review because that's always fun! Even though it is a very heart-warming story, yes it is rated PG13 for language, inappropriate dialogue, mature content and mature themes. Only in chapters 3 and 4 though. More might be coming later…
OH by the way I don't own Inuyasha AT ALL except for my character Hanako and later characters that will be coming soon…
And if you're a rabid Sesshomaru fan girl (not to say that I'm not…) and don't want to see him fall in love with another girl, then I suggest you press the back button on your screen because this will just piss you off (I still recommend it though!)
Well anyway, on with the story:
Thunder rumbled in the distance and lightening crashed from far away. Rain began to poor down against the man as he walked out of his castle to the small area where he had been keeping her for so long. He was a tall, broad man with long black spooky hair that trailed behind him as he walked, but soon got soaked by rain.
He opened the door and entered the darkened room that had been blocked away from everyone else. This was the time. The time was now. She would be awakened at long last.
The only light that lit this room was the light that luminated from her. She was hanging there on all of the vines that sprouted from her back and attached to the ceiling and walls all around. He held the red pearl tight in his hand; the small bead that contained her life. He dropped it into the water that would finally activate the spell. She had fully bloomed and would take life today.
An ominous light wrapped itself around the bead and around the girl. Color came to her skin and her heart began to beat. She began to breathe; her chest moving up and down, up and down. The man approached the newly born girl. He lifted her head by her chin; her face right near his.
She opened her eyes.
As she opened her eyes more and more, it looked as if she was becoming more and more aware of what was gong on. Today was the day she was born. The man carefully took her down from the vines and all she did was stare at him; confused and dazed. Poor child, he thought, This girl knows nothing of the world. He examined her once more. “Yes” he finally said, “You shall be a good pet indeed”. She still stared silently, kneeling on the ground completely nude, her arms wrapped around her body. “Can you speak?” he asked. The girl looked up at him. The room was darker now that the light from around her had gone out, but he could still see the outlines of her face looking at him. “Tell me girl. What is your name?”
She opened her mouth.
“I am called…”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Chapter 1: The Mysterious Girl
“Lord Sesshomaru!” an annoying voice called from far away. Jaken ran up to his lord. “Lord Sesshomaru! Have you defeated the demon?”
Sesshomaru looked down at the dead corpse of he demon that had long plagued him. “Yes. I would say so.” He responded. At that moment Sesshomaru turned to leave. And Jaken, being Jaken, did not notice until he was halfway gone. He had been too busy babbling about his lord's glorious victory over the pathetic demon.
“Wait for me, Lord Sesshomaru!” he called, running after him like an idiot.
They were just about home; when suddenly they heard loud noises and yells of a crowd from behind some trees in the forest they had been traveling in. “What is this?” Jaken asked, pulling away some branches so he could see.
There were many people, humans and demons alike, all gathered around other people in rags who were seated on platforms in chains.
Jaken gasped. “Slaves being sold?! In so deep a forest? We should purchase one lord Sesshomaru! One would be quite useful,” He thought of all the ways he could torment the slave and all the pleasure he would get out of it. How there would be less work for him and how the slave could keep Rin away from him.
Sesshomaru, however, cared nothing for the slaves. He could make whomever he wanted obey him, and he was definitely not going to barter any of his items for one. The only thing interesting about this place was it's aura, a strange one indeed. Not one of a human, or a demon. But it was quite powerful. He entered the crowd, and Jaken followed, stupidly thinking his lord was to buy one of these mangy slaves.
There were many people staring at the slaves, all of whom were in chains and looked absolutely miserable, but some being bought at higher and lower prices. “Those are the human slaves” Jaken said, “ don't bother with them. They are worthless. Enslaved demons are over there.” Jaken pointed further into the crowd. The demons looked far more pathetic than even the humans.
The aura of which Sesshomaru had sensed was growing stronger and stronger; he was getting closer. Behind me? He thought, turning around to see…
A girl. A human girl up on a platform, all alone with no one looking at her or bartering for her. She looked far more pathetic than all of the demons and humans put together. It was no wonder no one wanted her. However, there was no doubt that the aura was luminating from her. He stood staring, wondering what she could be.
Jaken turned to see his lord staring at the human girl. “No, lord Sesshomaru! Not that girl! By the looks of her she has been badly mistreated, and who knows what sort of diseases she carries! Her lord probably cast her away because she was unfaithful and disobedient.”
Sesshomaru said nothing. He did not want to buy this girl he only wanted to know why she had such a powerful and strange aura. He began to get closer when three men went in his way.
“That's her! That's the girl! She was singing on the hill this morning!” one shouted. Another one came up in front of him and took her chain off of its post and dragged the girl down. She fell down onto the grass.
“ Is it true slave girl? Is it true you were singing on the hill? Answer me now slave!”
She looked up at him with innocent and painful eyes and nodded. “I… I'm sorry… I didn't know… it was um… bad…”
“STUPID GIRL” he whipped her and she led out a large yell. All three of them began stomping on her and spitting. “ Foolish slave! Do you not know it is not right for you to practice the arts?” He grabbed the chain that held her neck so she could not breathe. “Why were you doing this slave girl? Tell me and do not lie or else I shall slit your throat right here and now!” He loosened his grip on her neck. She gasped in as much air as possible.
He kicked her down. “WHY? TELL ME NOW!”
She held her head down to her knees. “Because… it pleases me!”
He slammed his foot down on her back. “FOOL! Slaves cannot be pleased!”
One man ran out into the crowd. “Look everyone! The slave thinks she can sing!”
They all snickered.
“Sing now slave girl. Let us hear your pathetic voice,” he laughed. The crowd began to gather in wonder of the brave soul of the slave who dared to sing on the hilltop that morning. Sesshomaru stared at the foolish girl. Fool. He thought, You won't live to see tomorrow. Jaken looked shocked at the girl. “Eh…maybe we should go elsewhere” he stuttered. Sesshomaru turned around to leave when suddenly he heard a voice.
Above us next to the sun,
there lies the child of shame…
He turned around. He was surprised. He couldn't believe it. The slave girl was singing.
Let you hear his name, in heaven and our hearts
Star of happiness, star of wonder
You see everything above us…
Her voice was high pitched, and she sang a haunting melody. It almost sounded unearthly in a way, as if it were coming from somewhere else.
May you contemplate your heart
Always, forevermore
Always, forever…
“Heh…” Jaken said, “Perhaps those men will lay off a bit.”
The entire crowd was silent. They expected to hear something terrible. No one spoke a word until…
“YOU FOOLISH BITCH!” shouted the man, picking up the girl by her hair and throwing her down again, squishing her face into the dirt. “SLAVES DO NOT SING! YOU ARE TERRIBLE, WORTHLESS YOU HEAR?” He whipped her repeatedly until at last he drew blood from her back. “Tell me now girl… are you worth anything?”
The rest of the crowd went back to their own business, completely disinterested with the slave girl and the men. She would most likely be killed anyway.
Sesshomaru stepped forward. “How much…?” he asked.
The men stared at him. Jaken included.
“What… what are you asking?”
“ How much is this girl?”
All three men laughed. Laughing hysterically. “Do you hear that men? This guy here wants to buy this slave here! The one we whip everyday! Our bitch! Good joke!!” and they all laughed some more.
“Do you not know me?” He stood looking at them. They had a death wish.
They all stopped and stared at him. “You… you're not human!” one said. The rest of them cowered in fear, realizing they had just talked back and laughed at a high-class demon.
“Now do you foolish mortals understand?”
The girl was shocked. She looked up at the man who even considered purchasing her. No one had ever taken a single glance at her before. Why him? Why this man with long perfect white hair and the symbol of a moon on his forehead?
They pulled the girl closer to them. She cringed at just being near them. One man pushed her forward.
“I-if you want to kill someone, kill her!”
The girl stood up with her head down saying nothing. Day by day she had always been humiliated, but never like this. Never before had her life ever been risked to a demon.
Sesshomaru stood in silence. He knew in a few moments he would destroy the mortals that had done something as stupid as trying to have this girl fight him.
She looked at him, terrified that she was about to loose her life. He was a demon and most likely slaughter her on the spot.
She appeared almost dead, her skin almost purely white, with her hair that matched it. Her eyes were golden but looked almost blank, like nothing was there.
A slight feeling of pity ran through his mind, but he dismissed the thought immediately.
He looked at her for a long period of time, observing the source of the aura that had him come here in the first place. But something was strange. He did not want to stop staring. It was as if something kept them from ever looking away.
One of the men spoke out. “Please no not kill us demon!”
Sesshomaru looked over at the men and drew his sword. He had almost forgotten them, at the sight of the girl, but the one stupid enough to have cried out reminded him that no one could ever disrespect him in that way. He pointed it at the one who had been whipping the girl, and just the force from the sword caused his body to tear into shreds, bleeding everywhere. The girl backed away from the now dead corpse that had been holding her chain.
“Give me the chain” Sesshomaru ordered.
None of them moved.
The girl looked at Sesshomaru. She couldn't help but almost enjoy seeing the man who had humiliated her in front of this entire crowd of people fall to pieces.
Jaken did not believe what was happening. Sesshomaru wasting all of his time on this one pathetic looking slave girl. There were plenty more.
Sesshomaru took out his blade once more, and was about to kill off the rest of the men, when suddenly one placed the chain on the ground.
“Sh-she's yours!” he stuttered. They all backed away as Sesshomaru approached them to pick up the chain. He pulled the girl toward him. She stumbled, falling to the ground and becoming covered in dirt. She stood up right away. Sesshomaru looked at her with a blank expression.
She couldn't believe what had just taken place. Why had she been chosen to be this man's slave? He was a demon of a higher class, and the imp beside him most likely served him already. Why had she been so… special?
“Now, give me your name.”
“…I am called… Hanako.”
“Hanako, hm? Well then, we are off.” He turned around grasping her chain and left; Hanako, still shocked, following along in her ratty white frock. Jaken shaking his head but following anyway. He had hoped for a stronger, more dependable slave. Why had Sesshomaru chosen this girl out? Had she really been worth all of that trouble?
The sun set as they walked off into the horizon, Hanako still in chains and dirt, but smiling. She did not yet know these two beings but a voice from heaven called to her. It said her life was no longer to be suffering.
She was safe…
The man with long black hair stood watching silently, Pleasantly surprised at what had just taken place before him. Hanako, I made the mistake of bringing you into this world, but perhaps you have a use after all. You could get to Sesshomaru for me. Melt his heart…I can eliminate you both.
“Lord Naraku?” Kohaku said, walking up behind him, “Isn't that Hanako, your pawn?
“Yes…” Naraku smirked. “Yes indeed it is…”