InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Koneko, a feudal romance ❯ Starting out with a clean slate ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Koneko, a Feudal Story
Okay, this is going to sound weird, but I am Koneko, and this is one of my many stories. Now I detest history due to its lack of interesting stories for the most part and wish that there were more humorous stories as I am more for enjoying a good laugh, but here's how it is. I am 1,321 years old and this is my tale, which I had hoped I would never have to tell, but my sisters tell me that I must or they will burn all of my Shakespearian comedies, including “The taming of the Shrew,” and I can't let that happen. Also, while I can claim that I should have at least been in the stories or wrote them before Takahashi-sensei did, I do not own the “Inu Yasha” series, or the story would have revolved around me and my mate more. Also, I will be writing in third person, not because I have to, but because I am not the writer that E.K. is, and am not quite as used to writing on a computer, so some of this will be dictated by E.K.
Feudal Era* Sesshoumaru's castle*
“Lord Sesshoumaru!” Jaken shouted at his lord, running across the castle grounds as the last rays of sunlight saw Sesshoumaru staring into the Western Woods, almost as if he were waiting for someone to walk out of them. “Yes, Jaken?” he asked, not bothering to look at his long time servant. “M- My Lord,” Jaken gasped, trying to catch his breath. “My Lord, Rin is asking for you, saying she won't go to bed until she speaks with you. I told her that you wouldn't want to be bothered by such trivial things.” The toad didn't even see his lords foot until it slammed him into the dirt. “Jaken,” Sesshoumaru started. “Y-yes, my lord?” “Rin is a guest in my home, and therefore is to be given your respect.” Jaken sputtered at that. “B-b-but, milord…” “Also,” Sesshoumaru continued, ignoring Jaken's outburst. “I am not the one who hired you, my father did, I only inherited you from him. If you are finding it hard to work for me, I can always find more competent help.” At this Jaken immediately straightened. “For- forgive me, my lord. I meant no disrespect.” Sesshoumaru nodded once then returned his gaze to the now dark forest. “Tell Rin I will be in soon, Jaken.” Jaken bowed so low that his lips almost touched the ground. “Yes, Lord Sesshoumaru.” And with that, he ran towards the brilliantly lit windows of the castle. Sesshoumaru almost smiled as he continued to look into the inky shadows of the trees before him. He sighed, then saw a shooting star pass above the forest. He remembered what Rin had once told him; Lord Sesshoumaru, if you wish on a shooting star, your wish will come true. The flicker of a wry grin passed over his features as he said, “If wishes really do come true, then send me a companion who can stay with me and bring me aid and better my fortune with my revenge.” The wind seemed to pick up around him as, with one last glance into the darkness, he headed back towards the castle, and his ward. However, he could not have seen the shadows shift several feet in to settle higher in the trees, nor could he have heard the softest of whispers, almost as if it were the wind itself speaking, “Lord… Sesshoumaru?”
2 days later, in the forest of Inu Yasha
Kagome kept running. As though she had any choice. Kikyo's soul collectors were chasing her, following her as she tried to return to Kaede's village. I have to get there, to tell Inu Yasha, she thought as she tried once more to break away from her stalkers, only to be headed off as several of the larger ones snapped their mouths at her, forcing her to skid to avoid them as they raced on. Then Kagome noticed something, Hey isn't this the way to the Sacred Tree? Her thoughts were confirmed as they reached the clearing around the tree, and the owner of the creatures that chased her came into view. Kikyo, however, didn't seem to notice the sudden appearance of her companions and Inu Yasha's constant companion. Either that or she simply didn't care. “Kikyo!” Kagome shouted. Kikyo turned her attention from the Sacred Tree to the young woman who was coming closer, though at a much slower rate than before. “Hold her.” Kagome suddenly found herself floating several feet above the ground, her feet still trying to gain purchase on the soil that was no longer beneath them. Kikyo slowly made her way closer to the woman said to be her reincarnation. “He won't be coming, you know.” At Kagome's questioning look, Kikyo smiled. “Inu Yasha. He won't be coming to rescue you.” As she came closer Kagome noticed that Kikyo was wearing an outfit that looked suspiciously like one of her own school uniforms. Kikyo followed Kagome's gaze than grinned. “I must say I find this outfit very uncomfortable. Though it made it much easier for that wolf to enjoy himself, and it was the perfect thing to deceive Inu Yasha.” She then looked as though she were a little upset. “I am sorry that it had to come to this, but if he had stayed with you he never would have fulfilled his promise to follow me to Hell. Also,” she said, with the slightest traces of a smirk. “I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't just let you go. After all, how would it look if Inu Yasha found out it was me he saw with that stupid wolf? All my plans to convince him that I'm the only one left for him would end.” She glanced back at the tree. “Ironic, isn't it? It all began here, and here it will end. Well, for you, anyways.” At this, the soul collectors rose into the air so high that Kagome could almost touch the upper branches of the Sacred Tree. “Drop her.” Kagome suddenly found herself falling like a ball of hail in a storm. Then, just as suddenly, she felt herself being grabbed and jerked back up into the air.
As Kagome fell, Kikyo couldn't help but feel a certain euphoria at the thought of having Inu Yasha all to herself. Then, in a flash of blue and silver, Kagome vanished. “Damn it,” Kikyo cursed. “She got away. Now how am I going to explain this to Naraku?” Then she shrugged, and walked away. After all, there was always next time, and she still had to finish the rest of “their” plan.