InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kooky Kindergarten ❯ Proulong ( Prologue )

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Dont own Inuyasha


Tomorrow Sango is going to Kindergarten She has 2 big brothers who were
mean and picked on Sango Kohaku was 7 and Sataruo was 8,A mom who is a little strict,a dad who wants to teach his kids to be strong and respectful,she herself was 5 she's silly and usally sticks to what she says unless she proven wrong.Find out Sango's kooky life in kindergarten .

"Mommy time for shcool!"Sango yelled running into her parents room."Ugh, ok go put your stuff in you backpack I'll be ready in a minute."Her mom said groggily
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15 MINUTES LATER ________________
"Let's go Sango!"Sango's mother called 2 minutes later sango came down and got in the car, when they got to her bus stop she and her mom got to be greeted by 3 other kids and their parents.