InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kotone ❯ The Inu and The Lullaby ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author’s Note: I bet Sesshomaru didn’t expect that! But what’s an Inu to do, er... well what’s Sesshomaru to do, really he wouldn’t do anything a regular Inu would.

Disclaimer: I continue to not own InuYasha or any characters from it. Rumiko Takahashi still owns it. Yay.


Chapter Three
The Inu and the Lullaby

There was soft breathing near her ear, and a small hand on her stomach when she woke several nights later. The sound of the fire’s crackling seemed to echo off of the cave walls and Kotone slowly sat up to take in her surroundings.

She didn’t know where she was, or how she had come to be in this strange new place. Beside her, nestled in soft furs Rin curled into a tight ball and mumbled something in her sleep.

Kotone reached down and placed a gentle hand on the girl’s head, only to be surprised that she had hands of her own. She was back in her true form, and from what she could tell, far from her meadow.

Her golden eyes stared at ivory skin she had never again thought she’d see, and she reached up to touch her face. Her skin was soft and warm under her long fingers and she slowly touched her lips and nose, half expecting to feel the cold muzzle she had become so used to. She smiled against her hand and felt her heart leap as her lips curved upwards against her palm.

It had been so long since she was able to truly smile.

Her hand fell from her face and she smiled at the young girl, thinking to herself that the girl had set her free. She felt herself shiver and found that, under the furs she was naked. Quickly, she searched for any sign of the taiyoukai who accompanied the girl but found no sign of him, save the scent he had left behind.

There was also the two headed beast which, after opening it’s eyes to see her sitting up, had closed them again to continue sleeping. She doubted that the Inu had gone far for the beast to be so casual with her.

Her stomach growled and she caught the scent of a fresh kill not far off- probably the Inu’s meal. She maneuvered herself around, pulling a fur over Rin before wrapping another around herself. She walked to the mouth of the cave and stood there in the open air sniffing the air delicately for the sign of a small animal she might catch for her own meal.

She heard a quiet whine from inside of the cave and turned her back on the forest to check on Rin. The girl was tossing and turning under the furs, and making soft, yet frightened noises. Her stomach growled once more but she ignored it, instead returning to the young girl.

Kotone sat down next to Rin and placed a hand upon her head. She gently began to pet the child’s hair and hum at the same time. The tune was soft and slow, but enough that it seemed to comfort the young girl, so Kotone continued to hum to her for a time until she too found that the soothing melody was easing her back to sleep as well.

She had just laid back down on the furs when she sensed a demon approaching and looked back to the cave entrance to see Sesshomaru enter. He made no inclination that he saw her, or even that he was aware of her presence as he went to the back of the cave to sit against the wall.

His eyes closed and Kotone listened to his breathing, wondering if the demon was truly asleep or simply faking. She turned her attention back to Rin and laid down next to her. She decided that, if the Inu had gone to sleep, then a soft lullaby wouldn’t stir him.

Kotone began to hum again as Rin cuddled up to her, and soon she was drifting back to sleep.

Sesshomaru listened quietly in the back of the cave as the kitsune hummed her lullaby to Rin. He was reminded of a certain flute playing maiden until the lullaby grew so quiet that it stopped, and he was sure the kitsune had gone to sleep. He let himself doze, wondering if she would sing her lullaby for Rin again.