InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kouga Doesn't Know ❯ His Front Lawn... ( Chapter 6 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kouga Doesn't Know
Chapter 6
His Front Lawn…
His front lawn,
In the snow.
Life's so tough,
Kouga doesn't know,
Kouga doesn't know!
“We're here.” Kouga trilled, parking in the lot of White Peak Lodges, the local grounds on which Kouga had rented his cabin.
“Yea, it's awesome.” Kagome replied, rolling her eyes. She hoped that somehow Kouga would get laid up in bed for the majority of the trip so she could actually have fun with Inuyasha. He had promised to take her skiing, which was nice, since she didn't know how.
“Okay, I got the bags. Our cabin is 3A, the Chipmunk Bunk.” Kouga called, grabbing his and Kagome's suitcases from the back of his car. “Ayame and Inuyasha are already here.” Kagome perked up at that and hopped out of the car to greet her lover.
“Auntie Kagome!” Ginta and Haku, Kouga's young nephew, ran to the two as they approached.
“Hey rugrats.” Kagome smiled. Just because she was over Kouga was no excuse to mistreat his family. If anything, Kouga's sister was a friend of hers. It didn't take a genius to see which of the siblings got the brains (and pretty much everything else) in the family.
“Look what we did!” The kids shouted, tugging Kagome's hand. Kagome followed them to see Inuyasha and Ayame kneeling by a large wall of snow, about a foot wide and four feet tall, extending from the wall of the cabin and angling towards the door.
“Cool, you guys did all that yourselves?” Kagome asked. Kouga smiled down at them but kept walking into the cabin.
“Yup, but Mommy and Inuyasha helped.” Ginta confirmed.
“They did?”
“Yeah, Ayame and I built the wall, they threw snow around.” Inuyasha grunted.
“Right, and now my hands are numbs, so I'm taking the rascals in for a bath.” Ayame said, opening the door of the cabin. “So they can warm up before I'm taking toddler popsicles home.” Ginta and Haku groaned but followed their mother inside.
“I have to fill out some paperwork for the cabin in the main office. Try not to miss me babe.” He kissed Kagome on the cheek and walked down the path.
“Cute kids those two.” Kagome sighed.
“I guess.” Inuyasha muttered, packing more snow into the wall.
“What, you don't think so?” Kagome asked, looking down at him.
“I never saw the big deal with kids. They shit, they whine, cry, and beg for food, attention and money. Don't really see what's so great about them.” Inuyasha explained.
“Oh…” Kagome muttered, looking away.
“What's up?” Inuyasha asked, craning his head to give her a confused look.
“Nothing, I'm just thinking.” Kagome lied, shaking her head. She stood still for a moment and let out a gasp of surprise when Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her down to sit in the snow with her back to him. “What are you doing?” Kagome asked. Inuyasha smiled and pulled off one of his gloves to slip one hand down her jeans.
“Fingering your pussy, what's it feel like I'm doing?” He asked slyly, doing just that. Kagome squirmed, although her resistance was waning fast for a number of reasons.
“But Ayame…”
“Is bathing the rugrats, and Kouga's at the main cabin.” Inuyasha assured her.
“But…we can't…” Kagome panted, the heat from her cunt and the cold of the air hitting her waistline combining in a delicious sensation.
“Can't what? Fuck?” Inuyasha chuckled knowingly. “Yeah, we can't…but I can sure as hell finger the shit out of you.” His thumb rubbed her clit in rough circles, Kagome letting out a sigh as her head dropped back onto Inuyasha's shoulder.
“Can't someone see us?” She whispered.
“We got the half-assed fort here. You'd have to enter the cabin to see us at all, much less what we were doing, and we'll hear them before they get that close.” Inuyasha replied. “Now relax, you're a lot harder to get off when you're tense.” He dipped a second finger in her heat, his second hand coming up under her sweater to cup her breasts. He tweaked her nipples, pulling her head back farther to breathe cold air on his neck before lapping her with his hot tongue. The hand in his pants came out, and Kagome's eyes opened.
“What's wrong?” She asked. “Someone coming?”
“Shut up and let me please you, there's no one.” Inuyasha replied. He kissed her neck again, nipping at the skin. His hand on her breasts pulled the lace down to cup her, rubbing the nipple against his palm, loving the feel of the hard bud on his skin. Finally, much to Kagome's relief, she felt his hand go back to her pussy, but something felt different.
Kagome's back arched, her eyes popping open as he rubbed his hand over her slit. The bastard had stuck his hand in the snow! The intense cold on her bare skin had nearly made her squeal, but the knowledge that someone might hear kept her mouth.
“You could have warned me you jackass.” Kagome growled, mad but liking the feel of his cold hand rubbing her hot pussy.
“Well that would be no fun.” Inuyasha explained, dipping two cold (but growing warmer by the second) fingers into her. His hand on her breast left her, and Kagome whimpered. Inuyasha licked her ear and grinned. “If it makes you feel better, you know its coming this time.” He slammed his hand back up her shirt, and this time Kagome did squeal as his freezing hand grabbed her breast. “Didn't help much, huh?” Inuyasha laughed. His cold hands fingered her pussy and rubbed her nipple relentlessly, making Kagome writhe and moan. She felt something hard nudge her tight ass, and she knew exactly what it was. No doubt the first time he got her alone Inuyasha was going to fuck her senseless, if the cock pressing into her backside was any indication.
“Can you do me a favor?” Inuyasha asked, pumping a third finger into her pussy. Kagome moaned softly in response. “I want to taste your cum, Kagome. Can you cum on my hand for me? Can you do that for me?” Kagome nodded, and let out a scream that was muffled by Inuyasha's tongue as she exploded, her juices coating his thrusting fingers. Inuyasha took back his hands and waited until Kagome regained her senses before lapping her juices from his fingers with slow, leisurely movements of his tongue. “Finger licking good.” He chuckled.
“You are so sexy when you do that sort of thing.” Kagome muttered.
“What, breathe?” Inuyasha asked, faking confusion. Kagome smiled as Inuyasha pulled her back against his chest, slowly kissing her neck and stroking her upper arm.
- - - - - - - - - -
“Hit me.” Inuyasha snapped. Ayame flipped over a playing card and smiled.
“22, bust. Dealer wins again. You're up to 20 bucks Yash.” She teased.
“Screw you.” Inuyasha replied, flipping her off. On the sofa nearby, Kagome shushed him and jerked her head to Ginta and Haku beside her, watching some Disney movie. Kagome thought it was one of the Aladdin movies, although she wasn't sure which one. Kouga had been in his room on the phone all afternoon.
“They're so cute.” Ayame said.
“Whatever.” Inuyasha grunted, dealing the cards. “I don't see why everyone thinks they're cute.”
“You don't like kids?” Ayame asked. “Hit me.” Inuyasha tossed her a card. Neither of them noticed Kagome turn her head.
“I don't not like them, I just don't see why every gushes over them. Kids are like every other age group. Some are cute, some are smart, some are talented, but the majority suck, simple as that.”
“That's cynical.” Ayame laughed. “19.” She flipped over her cards.
“20.” Inuyasha countered, showing 2 Jacks.
“You'll think differently when you got a kid of your own, mark my words.” Ayame lectured, taking the cards and shuffling.
“Yeah, right. Me with kids. Dream on Ayame.” Inuyasha snorted. Kagome sighed heavily, the sound obscured by one of the songs on the TV.
“Dealer takes one.” Ayame said, doing so. Then, the door to Kouga's room opened, and Kouga emerged with a grin.
“Kags, turn off the movie, Ayame, put away the cards, announcement time.” He called. Kagome paused the movie and turned around. “Now, I know you guys are all wondering what the good news is that you're here for.”
“You're dying?” Inuyasha joked.
“Fuck off Yash.” Kouga replied with a laugh. “I'm serious. Now, first off, Kagome, come here.” Kagome climbed up the sofa and walked over to him. “First off, I want to thank you, I've been a real shithead these last six months, I admit it, and it means a lot to me that you've stuck by me.”
“It was nothing Kouga.” Kagome assured him, mentally adding that fucking Inuyasha on a regular basis had helped.
“Bull, I know I'm not perfect, and I'm happy that you still stayed with me when things got tough. That's why I resolved to make it up to you and deserve you, because God knows the drunk asshole that laid on the couch for months a while back didn't. A week ago I got a call from my lawyer. He wanted to talk about the Henderson case.” Kagome remembered that. Kouga had been fired from a bank for supposedly copping a feel on a customer. That was about three months before Kagome met him.
“I thought that case was shut?” Inuyasha asked.
“So did I, but Henderson's been working to try and overturn it all this time. Said he did it of his own accord because he didn't like how ti felt. He reviewed all the security tapes and caught something. He called in the woman again for another interview, and she cracked. The bank boss had set her up to get me out of there, the cocksucking jackass.”
“So what's that mean for you?” Inuyasha asked.
“It means that the case is overturned, and starting Monday when we get back, you will be looking at the newly reinstated teller for Henderson National!” Kouga yelled, laughing.
“They reinstated you?” Kagome shrieked.
“They never had grounds to fire me, they either had to give me my job back or give me a settlement for the time I've missed between now and then. My lawyer got me a bit of both, a 10 grand cash payment that I used for a down payment on this place and my old job with the original pay I had.”
“That's great, I'm so happy for you!” Kagome said, hugging him. She actually was happy, after all, Kouga was getting back on his feet.
“Don't celebrate yet.” Kouga said, stepping back. “The down on the cabin was just over nine thousand. I had other plans for the last grand.”
“Like what?” Kagome asked. Kouga reached into his pocket and shrugged with a slight smile on his face.
“Like this.” He explained, pulling a small box from his pocket. Kagome went pale as Kouga knelt down on one knee. “Like I said Kagome, I was at the bottom of the barrel. You could have any man you want, and you chose me, even when I came home drunk all those times and passed out. You've seen the worst side of me for months, and I'm sorry. And I'm willing to spend every second for the rest of my life trying to make it up to you…will you marry me?” Kagome stared.
“Kouga…” She breathed. She looked to the side to see Ayame smiling and nodding at her. Inuyasha, however, had his head turned away, shuffling the cards absentmindedly as he stared at the floor. Kagome sniffed back tears of sadness and looked down at Kouga again.