InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kyoofu ❯ A Million Little Pieces ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Contains Allusions of a Lemon: Please be advised that this chapter contains mild sexual content, those under 17(seventeen) should NOT read this. Viewers Discretion Is Advised. Oh and you might need a box of tissues for this chapter… I did.
I do not own the characters for InuYasha. Rumiko Takahashi has all ownership to the InuYasha name.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~-Tusuke Kounami*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

‘When I feel what I feel, sometimes it’s hard to tell you so
You may not be in the mood to learn what you think you know
There are times when I’ll find you wanna keep yourself from me
When I don’t have the strength
I’m just a mirror of what I see
But at your best you are love’

Aaliyah ‘At Your Best (You Are Love)’
“Age Ain’t Nothing But A Number” 1994

Chapter 2 “A Million Little Pieces”

‘To feel how much this man wants me and only me. The feel of his hands across my body is amazing. His caress as soft as the purest of white down feathers. Everything that he is, sends me into a deep oblivion of indescribable sexual bliss. An absolute god of a man who touches me in places that I’ve never been touched before. I don’t praise him, no, but he is the only person in this world that I would do absolutely anything for. To be this in love… it’s a palpable thing.
Everything about him calls to me; his heart, his mind, his body and his spirit. It only intensifies that much more when we are connected like this. His steady rhythmic thrust awakens something deep inside me. Something so tender yet powerful all in the same entity. I can feel it… so close… so very close. It feels so good. I lose my hands in his gorgeous ebony mane. My legs, I wrap around his waist, desperately wanting to get as close as I can to this man. He whispers my name in my ear…


…the sound of his voice… a bass like no other. The lust, the love, the pure huskiness of his voice, sends me off the edge that I fervently sought out for. A blinding light explodes behind my eyelids as I close my eyes in pure ecstasy… I see… a color of white that human eyes, are not meant to see in this world… So very… beautiful.’

“K-Kou- Kougaaaaaaaaaa!”

Her breathing was harsh, heart racing, nerves on end. It was moments like these that she thrived to share with her lover. Nothing in this world could have made her happier than she ever was in that particular moment. But why could she feel a hint of melancholy lying just below the surface of her happiness? She knew that Kouga was there with her, she knew that he would never willingly leave her. So why? Why was that sense of foreboding there? It was almost as if… as if this were to be the very last night that she’d ever be able to spend with him like this. The last time that she would ever be able to drown in the cerulean blue, that were his eyes. And for that, she was sad.

Tears streamed down her face and onto the pillow that she lay upon, as the dam that sealed her current pent up emotions inside, was broken.
Kagomes’ quiet and emotional distress was not lost on the keen senses of Kouga; the smell of salt engulfing his nose long before she shed her first tears. He lifted his head from her breasts to peer at her face. A mask of despair is what he came to find as he gazed into her chocolate brown orbs. Her soul called out to his youki. What he felt emanating from her, what he could smell emanating from her… It…it hurt. Damned if it didn’t. His youkai, a voice that sounded so much like his long deceased father; commanded that he immediately find out what it was that was making his bitch feel this way and fix it.

His voice came out in a harsh whisper. The need to protect what was his, a dominant thing.

“Kagome! Wh-what’s the matter!? Did I hurt you!?”

She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him closer as she lifted her head to shower sweet butterfly kisses all over his face.

‘I mustn’t worry him. He cannot stay in Japan on my behalf. He has a lot of work to do in the U.S. And me burdening him with my emotions will only show how selfish of a person I am. So for him I will smile, I will change this feeling of despair into one of pure happiness. He is the only reason why I live today… and for that I am grateful.’

Kagome settled her head back down in the soft pillows to gaze into his eyes. Her scent changed as she smiled at him; a smile of love and complete adoration. She responded in kind in a ghost of a whisper.

“Mm mmn… for you I only shed tears of joy. The absolute elation I feel when I am this close to you, brings forth a myriad of emotions that I cannot hope to hide.

‘The scent… it’s gone. Did I imagine it? No. I couldn’t have imagined it. The last time I felt such an intense sorrow coming from her… was ten years ago… when she lost her entire family, her name, everything that she was… She’s hiding it from me. I know she is; because she doesn’t want me to stay in Japan and neglect my work… our future…

Furrowing his brow in concentration as he tried to read her; he committed the vision of beauty before him to memory. The recessed lighting above them lent her an altogether ethereal glow; that no normal ningen in this world should even possess. She was altogether different from most humans. Purely bred as a Japanese woman, she showed many features where most women of her kind did not. Her eyes, which upon first glance were a normal brown; but if one were to look a bit closely as Kouga often had the chance to, you could see flecks of gold in those gorgeous eyes of hers. Her hair so black that it was almost blue, spilled over and onto the pillow that she lay upon; naturally wavy, whereas in most cases of traditional Japanese women, it should have been bone straight.

…she’s far more special than she gives herself credit for.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Tusuke Kounami*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

The ice shifted in the glass of rum he was currently nursing in his left hand, his cellular phone to his ear in his right. The cityscape of New York; in the penthouse suite of the renowned Waldorf Hotel, reminded him much of his own home. How he wished he was at her side instead.

“So are you staying out of trouble?” his voice teasing.

Even if he couldn’t see it, he could feel her smile straight through the phone as though she were standing right there next to him.

“You know I always do! Mischief’s just not mischief if my better half isn’t around. Speaking of which, are you still scheduled to come home tonight? Our wedding day is in two days you know!”

Kouga chuckled at the playfulness in his lovers’ voice. Still looking down upon the cityscape from the glass that made up an entire wall of the suite he currently occupied, he answered.

“I fly out from New York tonight. Then there’ll be a slight overlay in L.A, afterwards I’m home free…I wouldn’t miss it for the world koishii.”

A giggle escaped her lips before she gave her response.

“Kouga Ookami, if you stand me up on our wedding day, I-…”

Cutting her off mid sentence, Kouga gave his reply; not allowing her to finish her line of thought. His voice portraying every emotion he ever felt when he was next to her; when he thought of her.

“It’ll be okay Kagome… it’ll be okay. I promise you that I will make it on our wedding day. Not even the great Buddha himself will be able to keep me away from marrying the woman of my life… You are everything to me Kagome; and without you… I’d be a damned fool to let you go. I’ve made plans for our future… I want to buy a home with you, I want you to bare my cubs and build us an empire to let all of Japan know about the Higurashi and Ookami name… So don’t you worry about a thing; I will see you in two days and you will be Mrs. Ookami Kagome… ya hear?”

“Yes Kouga… thank you so much…you have no idea how at ease that puts my soul. I love you koibito…”

I love you too, koishii.”

Her eyes brimmed with unshed tears as she placed the phone in its cradle; giving way to a final and wholly endearing thought.

‘If only for a moment, his words will ease my soul.’

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Tusuke Kounami*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

She was nervous; dangerously so, on the brink of hyperventilation. If she didn't get a hold of herself soon, she would be finding herself in one of those god awful hospital beds down in Chiba Prefecture Medical Hospital. The woman that stood before her, she could barely recognize. Immaculately dressed in a backless fawn halter top wedding gown that whispered against the floor with each step she took. Her low cut bodice intricately sequined with diamond studs only enhanced the gowns' beauty. The fabric itself made from Japan's finest of silks; her shoes made from the same silk as her dress, were nothing more than fawn slippers which proclaimed simple elegance. Her raven hair a beautiful pompadour swept up in a diamond crusted clasp, came down in light tendrils to frame her beautiful face; completed her flawless look.

'I'm nervous and excited all at the same time. I have butterflies right in the pit of my stomach. My hands are clammy, my skin is flushed...'

She exhaled.

'…and this sense of foreboding still hasn’t gone away…’

A shorter, older woman dressed in an amazingly handmade fall kimono appeared in the floor length mirror beside her, proudly looking up at the younger woman who would soon be her daughter.

"You look breathtaking dearest Kagome. Your mother and father smile upon you from the heavens; and Kouga my dearest son… will make you his wife today.”

A pang of nostalgia and fear hit her at the mention of her parents and Kouga, her beautiful brown eyes brimming with unshed tears.

"Yeah... They are…and he will." She whispered.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*-Tusuke Kounami-*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

‘Damn I hate flying!’

It was the forty seventh time since he boarded Flight 640 of Japan Airlines, that Kouga reminded himself how much he was loathe flying. For him it was a tremendously awful way to travel from point A to B. The god awful cacophony that the aircraft managed to produce only served to intensify his petulance for the situation he was in.

Damn it if I never see another airplane again for the rest of my life, I sure as hell won’t loose any sleep over it. And if this snot nosed little brat doesn’t stop kicking the back of my fucking chair! I’ll st-

Thrown out of his train of thought; Kouga gripped his armrest on both sides in an attempt to stabilize himself with the passing of the slight turbulence.

‘Safest way to travel my ass! Damn fucking Wright brothers and their damn fucking inventions! And if this plane doesn’t damn fucking land I’ll…’

The sound of a bell chime from speakers scattered across the plane broke his train of thought yet again, giving way for the captain’s voice to be overheard.

“Ladies and gentlemen this is your Captain Hiten Hikooki speaking. It is now 8:42a.m. Sunny skies all day here in the Chiba Prefecture. We are however experiencing some mild turbulence in our descent at 23,000 feet to New Tokyo International Airport here in Narita. I do however apologize for any disturbance that this disruption may have caused you. In reminder for your safety I do wish for all passengers to remain seated and securely strapped within your seat belts. Again, I do apologize for the slight turbulence; and wish for you all to have a wonderful stay here in Japan! And thank you for flying Japan Airlines!”

‘Thank fucking kami! I can’t wait to get off this damn thing! A few more minutes and I can get off this plane. In about an hour or two, maybe three; I’ll be getting ready to watch my beautiful bride walk down the aisle. In about twelve hours my cock will be lodged so far in Ko-’

His pleasant thoughts came to a jarring halt as the bell chime that he formerly heard a few minutes ago, once again announced the voice of the captain.

“Ladies and gentlemen this is again your Captain Hiten Hikooki speaking, I must sadly regret to inform you that… this aircraft… Flight 640 of Japan Airlines… will not be ma-…”

Static could be heard through the loud speakers as the captains voice was cut of off.

Kouga stood abruptly in his seat, scaring the kicking little boy behind him into motionlessness. Anger and pure rage etched itself upon every crevice on Kouga’s face, his fists clinched at his sides. A stewardess in the next isle over who seemed to be attempting to calm the frantic passengers caught his attention.

“Hey! Hey you lady! What the fuck is going on!?”
The stewardess who was attempting to pick up a fallen carryon bag, while at the same time trying to calm a hysterical child, on top of calming her already frayed nerves; looked up too see a very angry yet gorgeous man yelling for her attention.

“I’m sorry sir you have to remain seated! It is unsafe for you to remain unbuckled!”, she yelled; daring to be overheard from the din of noises.

Kouga was having none of it. How dare she talk about safety when there was obviously something wrong with the plane! How dare she tell him to remain in his seat, when he wanted nothing more than to get off of this godforsaken plane!

“I don’t give a fuck about your rules or regulations damn it! I want to know what the fuck your goddamned incompetent captain is talking about! What the hell will the plane not be doing?!!!!!”

The aircraft lurched violently in response; managing to throw the stewardess to the aircrafts’ floor. Kouga grasped for the seat in front of him, in a desperate attempt to stabilize his standing posture. The aircrafts’ lights flickered until they were no more. Slowly, the stewardess regained what little she could of her standing; grasping a nearby passenger’s seat in a vice like grip.

She didn’t answer. She didn’t have to. It was written across her face as clear as day… a river of tears streamed down her face, pain; fear; regret…the signs were all there. Every single last one of the low lives currently riding passage on this plane was going to die… including him. Suddenly the sentiment for anger was no longer needed. Very slowly, Kouga resumed his place in his seat just as a face mask decided to appear harmlessly before him. He completely understood all of the emotions that had made themselves apparent upon the nameless stewardess’ face; for he felt them too. Pain…it hurt just thinking about all that he was not able to do. All that he will never be able to do; his marriage to Kagome… their children that will never be. Fear…it scared him seven kinds of ways to know that his end had come… so abruptly… unexpectedly. Regret… the sheer knowledge of knowing that he just wasn’t strong enough, even to dodge the hand of Kami. The promise to Kagome that he knew… he knew that he would never be able to keep. And then sorrow… for the life he will never have. The mate he would never claim as his own.
Kouga slowly turned his head to peer out the window without seeing anything at all. His mind; his youkai; his voice, they were all on the same page with their line of thought.

“Kagome”, they whispered; a single tear making itself known on his face.

Flight 640 of Japan Airlines; was no more.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Tusuke Kounami~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Easily broken and not so easy to mend; shattered into a million little pieces, thought never to be replaced. An inexplicable ache that runs to the very core of your soul. Lost in an oblivion so black, so dark… Analogous tears stream down your face to show the world how very hard it rains in your soul… laughter is but a distant and long forgotten memory. Forever cold, right down to your very bones. Nothing, no one, will everbe able to make you warm again. How can life go on? How does life go on? You learn to despise all of those around you; as they continue on with a purpose; a meaning. So lost are you in your sorrow, that even the most mundane things that were once essential to life… are now meaningless and loathed. No more can you see a future. How can you? When it takes what little strength you have left… just to get through a single day. Your body, now a hollow shell from the excruciating evisceration of your soul. It can’t be helped… you can’t be helped.

Kagome Higurashi was left at the altar on her wedding day, with her heart shattered… into a million little pieces.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Tusuke Kounami~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

~Character Comments:

Kagome: ‘It hurts. Dear God it hurts…’

Wow, that was a little hard to write. I sorta kinda had to relive my own little heartbreak there for a minute. Damn. I really wish I could have elaborated on the broken heart just a little bit more. But I think I got my point across okay. So, here is chapter two. Finally! Let’s all hope and pray that chapter three doesn’t take as long in coming to make an appearance. Oh and I promise that the chapters will be getting longer from here on out. *sigh* So many damn elements to this story. Kami I hope my poor little brain doesn’t fizz out. I would like to see an ending to one of my fics for once… and I am more than sure all of you who continue to follow me, agree. As always, your comments, criticism and two yens worth is greatly appreciated. ^_^

Next Chapter: “Process of Elimination”