InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Labyrinth ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

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~Chapter One~

Its starts off with a girl running toward the owl in the park and reciting the lines of a book.
~”Give me the child.” she said

~”Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered I have fought my here to the castle beyond the Goblin City to take back the child that you have stolen.” and then she said

~”For my will is as strong as your and my kingdom is as great--” she said as she tried to remember the last line in the book.

As she looks through the book for the last line she found what she was looking for. Then she said as she holds the book in her hand.

~”You have no power over me.” Kagome said

Then all of the sudden she heard a bark from Merlin her dog.

~”Oh Merlin.” said Kagome

The big clock in the city started to chime as Kagome looked at it she remembered that she has to baby sit her little baby brother Souta.

~”Oh Merlin we’re late come on .”she said as they ran toward home.