InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Laconic ❯ Empty House Full of Doors ( Chapter 10 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Empty House Full of Doors
Word Count: 187
She wakes up thinking it is yesterday, but later when she opens up Wednesday and finds it empty and already gone, she pauses; her fingers wavering and waiting. But then she is closing yesterday and swallowing today, already too used to opening doors that lead to nothing - her house is so full of them.
But walking past another door she hears the hinges creak and groan, and in the corners of her eyes she sees it swinging back and forth, back and forth, squeaking on its rusty hinges, old and tarnished just like her own. It swings wide for a moment, inviting her in, before it slams shut in its frame, locking her out.
And through a different door walks a grown-up man who looks like a little boy, the room behind his unused door empty and bare, even though whenever he says “Mama” she always thinks he means her. But then she remembers that she has forgotten, the decrepit dry well having eaten all the bones of memory that have fallen in, the only thing in her empty house that ever seems full.