InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lady Kagome ❯ Chapter 59 ( Chapter 59 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Sesshoumaru was not sure where he was, but he felt like he had been battling a dragon youkai and got rammed. His body felt sore and stiff and it was hard to wake up, so he just groaned and stayed there. Even his eyes felt weighted down and tired.

Then again he remembered that he did not battle a dragon youkai.

He had been traveling India and gathering goods and sending them back to Japan so he could give them to Kagome one day. The travels were to pass time as well as become more familiar with the territories acquired by his father that he had not tended to in ages. Most youkai recognized him by his hair alone and assumed him to be his father, but his stripes and crescent moon came from his mother. His father had defeated his grandfather and won his mother as a prize along with the Western domain. Both his father and mother were Shiro inu youkai, but his mother contained the poisons that he used in his dokkasou. His father had the power and he had been an experienced warrior growing up and eventually a conqueror of many lands. Upon his securing of the West, he had enemies of China angered that he had some of their lands and wanted them back. However, he had held them back for ages even when the opposition grew. When Sesshoumaru came around, he dealt with the opposition as well and maintained the West, even expanding it into other lands through allotted prized land from other taiyoukai.

India had been another place with shaky loyalty to the Western taiyoukai and because it had been literally centuries since he had come, they had fallen somewhat to the tribe leaders in India. The majority that welcomed him offered shelter, but the few who opposed tried challenging him. It was a Shaman of India hired by an opposing youkai under false pretenses that Sesshoumaru meant harm to them, that had caught him unaware and bound his youki and then placed a barrier. The Shaman had summoned spirits to deposit his paralyzed body to the ocean and from there he knew only the rise and fall of the tides and the sky above. For many days, far too long to count had his mind wandered over the incident on how he could have prevented such a thing to have occurred. After that, his thoughts wandered to that of his life and then to Kagome and then to even his mother. It was annoying and no matter how many times he called forth his youki to push at the spells on him, they never budged beyond enough to fool him that he succeeded before it bounced back. It was true torture, more than he could have done on any being himself.

‘Karma is indeed a bitch,’ he mused sarcastically, the phrase ages old and although he hates cliches, he could not deny this one and sighed. ‘At least this Sesshoumaru was not caught bathing in this predicament.’

Eventually, his logical thoughts drifted and he let his imagination in, on things he could have regretted and done better to even ways he could rut with Kagome. He groaned on how pathetic he was in even going through those thoughts, but then again, he was immobile and it did not seem he would be free anytime soon. He was paralyzed that his eyes were open and it made things difficult to rest, but he was trained in meditation so he meditated to pass the time. That was the true time he could rest as meditation strengthened his youki. Unfortunately, it also strengthened the spell as it was connected to him and infuriated him. Of course, he had about thrown a temper tantrum in the first days, but he was a youkai lord and that would be unbecoming. Within his mind, time slipped by without registering and between the meditation and meandering thoughts, he was practically in a haze, hypnotized by the currents.

He never hit land and no one seemed to see him by boat, so his morale was that of one disheartened.

It seemed by the time he finally questioned his purpose of existing, he felt his body stop floating and saw people for the first time. They were strange and covered in heavy furs and in a boat that made loud sounds. They approached him and he did not care what they did, but he did hear from one of the men, “Whoa, look at this, there’s a frozen guy in there!”

It was a strange form of English, a language he rarely used, but was versed in.

‘This Sesshoumaru is not frozen,’ he bit out in his mind, unable to speak to them.

Eventually they left and days later brought back an entourage of people. He was beginning to get angry, as they gawked at him.

“We gotta report this. The clothing looks ancient Japanese. They’ll want the artifact as it is of their origin,” Sesshoumaru heard an elderly man say.

“It will take a few days, but I’m sure they will come to view the preserved man and take it back for observation. This is better than those frozen cavemen!” another said.

‘This Sesshoumaru is no artifact!’ he growled, frustrated that he was unable to voice it as the people talked about him.

Rather than deal with their inanity, he resorted to meditating. When he finally came out of it, he was falling and Kagome was with him. Her scent practically hugged him hysterically and he was just as excited. It had been so long and so much had happened. Now that the spell was gone, he was not sure how much he had changed, and felt a panic like no other because of him being so out of touch from society for so long.

‘Nani? Kagome is here?’ he said but his eyes were heavy and he was really tired, so he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep to her words. ‘How long have I been out?’

“Sesshoumaru, you are in the year 2006. I am not sure how you were sealed, but it seemed you were for a couple centuries. We are taking your attire and changing it into something to the modern times. Right now, we are in Alaska, something back before you were sealed was known as the New World. We will be getting back to Japan soon, koiishi. I’ve missed you so much. Rest well,” </I> Kagome whispered to him as he slept, hoping he heard her.

Indeed he had heard her and his heart was filled with joy as he fell deeper into sleep.