InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lady ❯ Lady ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By Reina Dai
Written January 21st of the year 2006
AN: I know that I've been gone a long time and that I never got around to updating Medieval Influence But this NEEDED to be written so...Yeah.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the poem if you're going to use it please asks I'll be flattered not angry.
\ Inuyasha walked slowly to Kagome's window, knowing and dreading the sittings that were likely to come. He hopped the tree easily using it as a tool to reach the dreaded windowsill. Kagome wasn't there. Nothing was the same as the last time he'd seen it. The bed was larger now and took up more than half the room; the computer desk was pushed up towards the wall at an awkward angle completely bare of anything but a slim screen attached to the keyboard. Line after line of type marched across it in the strange spidery script but as he looked closer he starred to recognize sentences and phrases and read from the top anxiously.
Kagome Higurashi
Somewhere between my room and my brothers somewhere Between floors I figured out what I needed.
Somewhere between Los Lonely Boys and Creed
Between Heaven and With Arms Wide Open
I figured out what I needed
Somewhere between asleep and awake
Between dreams of you and hell without you
I figured out what I needed
I needed you
But your not here anymore.