InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Laying Down the Law ❯ Territory ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yay, another chapter going up. I've gotten a lot of reviews, for which I thank you all, and get ready for an influx of writing; during school, I write quite a bit, seeing as though classes are so boring. This is an important chapter cause it basically sets up the conflict in the story, so beware! Conflict, oooooh!
Thanks to my reviewers thus far:
Lovely Winds' Lovely Seas
Yoshiko Furu
Cold Kikyo
My Sinful Deed
Lil Kags
Blackrosevampire 15, much thanks here
Princess in Training
Princess Angel
much thanks guys.
Dear Shitora,
I'm sorry I haven't written in a while, but things have been hectic where the Fangs are concerned. Since our big race three days ago, the garage has been a mess of activity. Kouga says he's not satisfied with his win against Kuranosuke, which was mildly impressive, and insists his bike can go faster. While I seriously doubt that, there's no point in trying to stop him; he's stubborn when it comes to things like this. Inuyasha abstained from racing the other night, which I encouraged him to do; he's still at work on the Diablo and I wouldn't put him out for a test run against Gatenmaru, of all people. If possible, the North has gotten even more incorrigible than when you left. I heard just yesterday of a body found on Crimpley Avenue in neutral territory and, through my connections, I've found that it was most likely Ryuukoytsusei's doing. Speaking of Ryuu, did I tell you Kouga punched him in the face on race night? Ryuu decided to make some rude remark about Ayame's racing and got laid out unconscious for his trouble. That's another thing; Ayame raced the other night in place of Hiten. She won, an impressive win in my book, against Irigaru, the bastard. She actually pushed him back; I know you would've liked to see this race, Tora, and I'm sorry you weren't there. Hopefully, father will bring you home soon. I know you can't possibly be having fun in that ridiculous town. Tomorrow is the territory meeting, the second Tuesday of each month as you know. Naraku claimed he was going to bring something nasty up at this meeting and, frankly, I'd rather not go. But, all in the line of duty.
Love, Sesshomaru
Rin rushed about the kitchen, grabbing a piece of toast from the toaster and burning her nimble hands. She wore black leather pants and a black singlet, appropriately dressed for the territory meeting. Earlier that morning, she'd slung her Wildcats jacket across the back of a chair and it remained there now, directly in her path to the door. Kagome sat boredly at the counter, watching her cousin run frantically back and forth while muttering her duties at the territory meeting.
"..and then I stand up and say, 'Rin Takeyama, leader of the Wildcats, 2002-2006,' then Ayame stands and says, 'Ayame Saitou, second in command of the Wildcats, 2002-2006,' and then I read off our deference sheet like this, " Rin picked up a piece of paper from the counter, reading it aloud as she munched on the toast. "'The Wildcats defer to the Fangs for territory information, shared in part since 1996.' And then I sit down and let Sesshy handle all the important stuff."
With a sigh, Kagome rested her cheek in her palm and observed Rin through half hooded brown eyes. "Where exactly is this meeting again?"
"The Yellow Warehouse district, number 16. If you need something you'll have to call Inuyasha; Miroku and Sango are off in Tai-Fujishu getting parts from our provider, so he'll be the only one around town," Rin replied dismissively, glancing at her watch and hurrying to put on her jacket. "I've gotta go, babe, Inuyasha's number is on the counter, don't do anything I wouldn't do."
With that, Rin grabbed a piece of toast and held it in her mouth, waving goodbye to Kagome as she grabbed her purse and hurried out the door. Kagome sat still for a moment before blinking and hurrying after her cousin. The girl tripped on a chair on the way out and, holding her injured shin comically, she through open the door and kitchen door and shouted, "Wait!" but Rin's Mercedes was already heading out the gate. "I don't have a car..." Kagome mumbled dejectedly.
Kagome hobbled back inside, rubbing life back into her leg before sighing and plopping down at the kitchen counter; this was going to be a boring day. After a moment, she mumbled, "Maybe I'll just call Inuyasha." She stood and walked over to the cordless phone, glancing at the counter in hopes of finding his number. All she found were several stacks of paper.
With an irritated noise, Kagome began sifting through papers in what she hoped was the correct pile, laying her hands on old bills and junk mail advertisements. She'd just come across a series of numbers which could've very well belonged Inuyasha's phone when another piece of paper caught her eye; its header read, "The Totosai Mori Memorial Psychiatric Clinic."
Kagome glanced nervously about, as though expecting someone to discover her reading Rin's private mail, but her curiosity bested her and Kagome picked up the letter, examining it further. It listed a few bills Rin was obviously expected to pay, along with a verbatim paragraph congratulating a family member for doing the right thing and admitting a loved one. Kagome's glanced towards the paper's footer, noting the contact information and visiting hours: 10-9, Monday through Saturday, 12-6 on Sundays. After looking up at the kitchen clock and staring momentarily at the address, Kagome made a split second decision and hurried upstairs to grab her purse; she had a visit to make.
The day was warm and inviting as Kagome hurried down the street, entering the busier part of Tokyo within mere blocks of Rin's house. Glancing around at the scores of wealthy bankers and hurried lawyers, she stuck out a hand and hailed a taxi. A scrubby yellow taxi soon pulled up to curve before her, allowing Kagome to slide inside and say, "1432, Mulberry Avenue, please."
The rather dark looking cab driver gave a curt nod, speeding off at a reckless pace towards the specified address. Kagome was forced to grab hold of whatever was near just to keep herself inside the cab, but she let out a breath of relief as the cab came to a jolting stop in front of a severe white building. She paid the man his ridiculous fee, stepping slowly out of the vehicle with her eyes trained on the building's polished doors. The cab screeched off in another direction, leaving Kagome staring up at the psyche hospital with a slightly open mouth; it was quite formidable looking.
The minute she stepped through the doors, the smell of rubbing alcohol and new wood entered her nose, mixing with the hospital's anxious air. She could almost hear the invalids' silent screams, begging to be released, scratching at the walls with bleeding fingers. Shrugging away the thoughts, Kagome walked boldly up to the front counter.
"Um, excuse me," she said tentatively, addressing the woman behind the desk.
The nurse looked up from her work at the computer, smiling tightly. "What can I do for you?"
"I'm here to see Kikyo Wattanabe," Kagome replied, watching intently as the nurse typed something on the computer.
She watched the screen for a moment, reading the selected information before pointing down a hall to the right. "Room 214."
"Thanks," Kagome said, turning and quickly retreating from the counter; she didn't like the woman's edgy tone or cold demeanor. Perhaps it simply came with spending day after day surrounded by emotionally crippled patients. Or maybe it came with the stilting pay check.
The doors were a light green and created a prison effect as Kagome hurried down the hall, eager to be away from the eerie e presence of the hall. Nurses hurried to and fro, attending to sobbing patients and speaking in clipped tongues, all dressed in matching white uniforms. Apart from the doors, everything in the clinic seemed the white shade of fresh milk, yet Kagome felt no warmth from it, as though it were meant to be a place of transition and not of recuperation. As though the patients were not expected to recover here.
Finally, Kagome came to room 214 and knocked, listening for any sort of movement inside. After a moment, a calm voice called, "Come in." Kagome entered with bated breath.
Inside, there was a single bed, a dresser and a solitary window looking out on the street below. Kagome thought it was almost cruel to put a window there, as though taunting the invalid with the thought of outside life, but she stayed entirely focused on a pair of vibrant chocolate eyes. Kikyo was truly as beautiful as everyone said. Her dark hair hung freely about her, unrestrained and wild, framing a perfect porcelain face and pouty red lips. She observed Kagome with her head cocked to the side, resembling a quizzical dog, before she finally spoke.
"Do I know you?" she asked, not rudely but almost curiously.
Kagome blushed a little, holding her purse tightly. "Um, no, I'm Rin's cousin, Kagome Higurashi. Sorry to drop in like this without warning, I just...the others are at a territory meeting and I wanted to...I, um..." Kagome suddenly lost the nerve which had so carried her through the clinic's halls and she finished lamely, "Actually, I'm not sure why I came...I just...felt like I needed to."
There was a brief silence as Kikyo continued regarding Kagome with an almost fascinated glance and, finally, she patted the bed next to her, pulling her legs up to sit cross legged in her plain white gown. "Sit," she said, not forcefully, but as a sort of invitation.
Kagome paused momentarily before slipping off her sandals and joining Kikyo on the bed, sitting cross legged across from her. Finally, after staring at Kagome for almost an entire minute, Kikyo said, "We look like twins. Did you know?"
Slightly taken aback, Kagome replied, "Er, no, I guess I hadn't thought about it." After studying Kikyo's face for a moment, she said quietly, "We do look alike, don't we?"
Kikyo nodded a little, saying brightly, "Just our luck, cursed by perfect boobs and big butts."
It took her a moment before Kagome couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, I guess you could call that a curse."
Drawing her knees up to her chest, Kikyo rested her chin between them and raised an eyebrow. "Then you agree? You think you have perfect boobs and a big butt?"
Kagome blinked, not quite knowing what to say in return; when Kikyo threw back her head and laughed at the girl's confused reaction, Kagome blushed once more and sighed. She was so naive, she even surprised herself sometimes. When Kikyo had finally composed herself, she asked a loaded question.
"So, you know about the territory meeting; then you've met everyone?"
After mulling over the question, Kagome finally replied, "If you mean all the people in the gangs, then yeah, I met quite a few of them."
Kikyo nodded a little, as though she'd expected this, and she replied quite suddenly. "They're all good people, even if they're part of a gang. Well, except for the Northerners; I can't say much for them. But everyone in the South has a good heart. Don't judge them by the fact that they're part of a gang alone. I can tell the whole idea of a gang kind of freaks you out."
The fact that Kikyo could realize this after barely thirty words stunned Kagome, who automatically felt ashamed of her apprehension towards the gangs. It wasn't as though they'd done anything wrong towards her, but she knew from the news that gangs sometimes caused irreversible damage to other peoples' lives. Killing, stealing, raping, gangs were said to do it all. Yet, after her four days with the Fangs and Wildcats, she knew them to do none of this. So why did she still fear them?
Kikyo let out a stream of breath, uncurling her arms and leaning back on her hands. "You know, Kagome, you're really like an open book. I can read you plain as day."
Almost offended, Kagome replied in an outraged tone, "Hey!"
This only provoked a chuckle from Kikyo, who never removed her gaze from the ceiling. "If you want to be a Wildcat, you can't let your emotions hang out like that. The only thing hanging out oughta be your tits."
Kagome snorted, crossing her arms. "Who said I wanted to be a Wildcat?"
In truth, Rin had never let on that Kagome might become a Wildcat. She'd just dressed up in leather and accompanied the others to the Race. In the days following it, she'd hung out with everyone in the warehouse and helped Inuyasha work on his car; it weren't as though she'd tried to weasel her way into the gang. She didn't have a jacket and obviously didn't have everyone's trust yet. It took time to earn trust from a gang, she supposed. Still, she couldn't say it didn't hurt her.
"Don't lie to me, I know when people are lying," Kikyo said simply. Her voice was the dark, rich timbre of wine or mahogany. It was soothing, yet goaded Kagome all the same.
"I'm not lying!" Kagome exclaimed, becoming frustrated. "If they don't want me, then fine! It's their call!"
The truth was out and Kagome hadn't even mean to say it; something about Kikyo persuaded her to tell the raw, skinned truth and nothing but it. It made Kagome feel so exposed, yet so alive to tell someone the god's honest truth for once. It seemed people were always dancing around the real meat of life without actually touching on it; with Kikyo, you struck the heart of every word and no mistake.
"Ah," Kikyo murmured softly. "So you really do want to be a Wildcat. Well, there's no secrets to that. Prove yourself and they'll hand you your white jacket on a plate. But not before."
Kagome looked over at the wall, focusing on a single spot of crisp white wallpaper. "Whatever. It's not like I'm cut out for gangs anyway. I'm the good girl, Kagome the priss, Kagome the goody two shoes. I don't stand a chance with the Wildcats and I know it. They can dress me up in leather, but inside I'm still a pink Abercrombie mess."
Kikyo studied the girl for a moment, taking in her hunched shoulders and far away gaze. "But you don't want to be," the former Wildcat observed. "You wish you could be like the others. Like me."
Under any other circumstances, this comment would deeply offend any normal person. Yet Kagome could see the truth in Kikyo's words; she really did want to be like Kikyo, a beautiful show-stopping devil in leather, jumping on the back of motorcycles and breaking all the rules. To some extent, every girl wanted that dangerous aura and, after spending so much time with the Wildcats, Kagome could taste the rebellion on her tongue; it drove her made with its sensual flavor, so close yet so far away.
"I do," Kagome admitted in barely a whisper. "But I could never be that. It's just not me."
"Who says?" Kikyo asked almost sharply, intense eyes boring holes in Kagome's gaze. "Maybe you're a wild child at heart and you've just never been tempted before. Give your inner bad girl a chance, would you?"
The other girl smiled a little, glancing out that solitary window at the passing world outside. "Yeah, maybe I should. I liked the leather clothes," Kagome admitted with a giggle.
"Everyone does," Kikyo replied with a small smile. "So, Kagome Higurashi, tell me about yourself, from the very beginning. I want to know you."
It was strange how Kikyo could say things like that without sounding strange, but she certainly had oddness down to a science. Kikyo was so eccentric she boarded on insane, yet Kagome couldn't help but be drawn to her; she sensed a certain danger about Kikyo which no doubt intrigued the strongest of men. Perhaps that's how she landed herself, a depressed nymphomaniac, in the hospital.
"About me, from the beginning? That's kind of a long story," Kagome confessed, suddenly growing quiet; thinking about her life made her think about her father. And that was a subject she hadn't touched on in ages.
Kikyo merely cocked her head to the side, once more resembling a curious puppy. "Well, I've got lots of time."
Kagome smiled a little, suddenly at ease. "So do I."
"Sesshomaru, the Wildcats have deferred to you."
Sesshomaru stood, head slightly cloudy from the muggy inside of the Warehouse. A table was set up, around which sat the Northern and Southern leading council. These meetings were always tedious and slightly unnecessary, as gangs rarely made moves for territory. While trying to annex other lands, your territory was momentarily weakened and open for other gangs to attack. A gang's force had to be immense and powerful before they would allow for such an ambitious move. Gang territory hadn't been changed since 1989 and on one seemed prepared to do anything about it.
Regarding the council with his cool amber eyes, Sesshomaru stated his information formally. "Sesshomaru Taisho, leader of the Fangs, 2001-2006. Territory begins at Main Street, 2315, and ends at Salter Avenue, 4197. Margins have remained as such since 1978. The Fangs number 78 in population, allies the Wildcats number 40 in population. Other statistics were stated previously in this meeting."
With this, he took his seat once more, nudging Kouga discreetly in the side. The wolf demon jumped slightly, removing his unfocused blue gaze from the grungy warehouse walls, and standing abruptly. "Kouga Ookami, second in command of the Fangs, 2001-2006."
As he sat down, Kouga locked eyes with Sesshomaru, who fixed him with a bored glare; despite his position as leader, Sesshomaru was just as bored as anyone else here.
This month's leader of the council, who happened to be Bankotsu, stood and addressed the table. Every month, the eight gangs took turns mediating the territory meetings. Under Tokyo Gang law, which was rather understood and not officially written, no one was to bring trouble against the council leader; there were several laws concerning territory meetings, in hopes that the get togethers could remain civil.
"That's the last stat speech. If anyone has any territory objections, say it now," Bankotsu said flatly, boredom reflecting in his own dull eyes.
Everyone prepared to stand and leave, seeing as though no one ever had territory proposals, but the table was stunned to hear a sinister voice say, "I have objections."
The other fifteen heads at the table turned and stared at the offending speaker, who turned out to be none other than Naraku Onigumo. Crimson eyes shining with masochistic glee, he slowly stood, bracing his hands against the table. "I want to propose a territory change."
Bankotsu exchanged glances with Jakotsu, his brother and second in command, who only shrugged his shoulders. Sighing a little, Bankotsu said, "Go ahead, Onigumo."
As Bankotsu took his seat once more, observing Naraku with a quizzical stare, Naraku nodded blankly in the council chair's direction. After returning his gaze to the rest of the table, Naraku declared, "I propose a territory change in the name of the Spiders. I move that ownership of Salter Avenue be transferred from the Fangs to the Spiders, as of tomorrow."
Everyone at the table gave a lurch, eyes wide and minds completely blank; Salter Avenue was not only the largest street in the city, but also an important area for everyone seated at the council meeting. They all went to school at Sarisoga High, located at 2153 Salter Avenue. The very idea of the Spiders owning the school sent Sesshomaru into a frenzy and he stood, slamming his fist down on the table. "No way in hell," he declared forcefully, more riled than most there recalled seeing him.
Naraku met eyes with his rival, amber dancing with crimson in a dangerous tango. "Watch out Sesshomaru, your cowardice is showing."
Immediately, the others all began objecting at once and Sesshomaru was about to retort, anger evident on his face, when Bankotsu yelled, "Shut up!" Everyone at the table turned to face him, silently respectful of the council head. After taking a deep breath, Bankotsu said, "The motion has been made. Who will second the motion?"
Everyone exchanged glances; not even the other Northerners had known about Naraku's intentions to propose this territory change and they were too surprised to speak up in his defense. Though they may be part of the same gang faction, the Dragons, Sharks and Vixens didn't want Naraku holding more power than he already did. It could mean a decline in power for the rest of them and that was simply out of the question. Every gang was constantly vying for more power and the lesser Northern gangs were no different.
When no one said anything, Bankotsu said strongly, "Motion shelved." Everyone let out unconscious breaths, heartbeats uneven as they imagined what might become of Tokyo, should the Spiders ever possess Salter. No one dared meet eyes with Naraku, who was shaking with pent up anger; how dare the other Northerners not support him? Even his second, Kaijinbo said nothing, only exchanging disbelieving glances with Kagura.
Bankotsu began, "If anyone has any more territory prop-"
"I'M NOT FINISHED!" Naraku screamed, breathing ragged and eyes beginning to emit an eerie glow.
Everyone jumped at the anger in his voice, suddenly fearing what might happen should Naraku lose control. Bankotsu regarded Naraku with a blank stare. "What else," he asked flatly, almost fearing the answer.
Naraku's insane gaze swept over the table, chilling everyone to the bone as they observed the maniacal glint in his eyes. "I want Salter and I want it now," he whispered hoarsely, sounding almost crazed by the idea of so much power.
Ranbou snorted, crossing his strong arms and observing the Spider's leader disdainfully. "You heard it, no one seconded the motion. You can't have Salter."
Sesshomaru nodded slightly, turning his hateful eyes upon Naraku's shaking form. "Besides, I refuse to relinquish possession of it," the dog demon reported sternly, almost daring anyone to disagree.
The other turned back to Naraku, fearful of what he might reply, and jumped slightly in their chairs as he brought his fist crashing down on the table. The portion where he stood splintered, cracking under the weight of his angry hit, and bowed, threatening to collapse. Naraku seemed not to notice or care as he clenched his fist so hard blood ran down his wrist. Judging by the pulsing glow in his eyes, the man was dangerously close to reverting to his demon form.
"I'll have Salter, with or without permission!" Naraku declared audaciously, growling in his throat and sending shivers down several spines.
"Over my dead body!" Sesshomaru yelled in return, standing to his full height several inches above his rival.
"That can be arranged," Ryuukoytsusei announced smugly, wicked eyes flashing at the idea of an illegitimate murder.
By this time, the other Northerners could see that Naraku was completely serious about this territory change and they shuddered to think what might happen to their gangs if they crossed him. Joining with Naraku to overtake Salter was looking better by the moment, yet the South wasn't going to lie down and take this sort of proposal lightly.
"If you threaten his life, you threaten your own," Ranbou growled, joining the other standing leaders; his fierce gaze reminded Ryuu that the Dragons weren't the only assassins in the town.
"Do not tempt me, wolf," Ryuu all but spat. "You could be next."
"Don't threaten him either, ya dumb ass piece o' dragon shit" Kouga shouted, standing quickly to defend his brother's honor. Ranbou shot him a thankful gaze from down the table and Kouga responded with a curt nod.
"QUIET!" Bankotsu called forcefully. "Everyone sit the fuck down!"
Though the enemies never removed their gazes from each other, they sunk back into their seats as ordered by the leader of the council. Yet Naraku remained standing.
"Like hell I will!" he retorted bravely.
"Then you can get out!" Bankotsu responded, obviously unafraid of Naraku and his wicked threats. The two locked eyes for a moment before Naraku let out a curse, grabbing his Spider's jacket off the back of his chair and stomping towards the door, footsteps echoing loudly in the warehouse. As Naraku slammed the door behind him, Bankotsu heaved a sigh and returned his gaze to the rest of the table. "Anyone else got any objections? Cause if so, you can join 'im!"
Akago, Kagura and Ryuu all exchanged glances, shaking their heads to each other as though agreeing there was no more to say. Naraku had already done the damage and now they knew to keep their mouths shut.
When no one spoke, Bankotsu smacked his palm down on the table. "Meeting adjourned."
Everyone let out a simultaneous breath and began speaking amongst themselves, wondering what Naraku had been thinking. The Northerners quietly left the building, only daring to whisper single sentences to each other, leaving the Southerners behind to discuss the recent uproar.
Sesshomaru was fit to be tied, angered that Naraku would even think such a ridiculous thought as owning Salter. The other leaders were soon at his side, reassuring their loyalty and stating Naraku's inferiority. This did little to set the Fang's leader at ease.
"Thank you, everyone, for your words, but I won't rest until Naraku is permanently dealt with," Sesshomaru said flatly, staunching all other positive words. When the others were regarding him silently, torn between respect and fear, he said quietly, "We wait for him to make the first move. So it will come to pass."
With this, Sesshomaru began walking towards the door, leaving Kouga to shrug towards the others and follow in his wake. Only the second week in June and this was sure to be an interesting summer.
Inuyasha continued turning the wrench back and forth, back and forth, working tirelessly away at the loose bolts under his car's hood. He had to confess, this thing needed a lot more work than he was willing to admit in the first place and it was wearing him out. The day was long and hot, coaxing sweat from his brow, and he wiped it away with the back of his arm; if only the sun would give it a rest, just for a minute.
He'd opened the warehouse wall, hoping to air out the stuffy building, and was now straight in the sun's path, despite his original intentions. Finally, without warning, Inuyasha gave a rough growl and threw down the wrench, turning pointedly away as it skidded across the floor and hit the wall with a loud clang. He couldn't stand sitting around doing nothing all day, waiting for the leading council to return from their stupid territory meeting.
It had always been a slight blow to his pride that Sesshomaru chose Kouga as his second in command, but he'd never said a word about it. It was only natural to everyone else that Sesshomaru would choose Kouga, the older, wiser, more level headed member of the Fangs. Inuyasha was too liable to go off at any moment, too unpredictable to be trusted. Well, a pox on all of them. That's what Inuyasha had to say on the matter.
"Hello," called a voice, echoing off the rafters of the warehouse.
Inuyasha raised his nose to the air, smelling that familiar scent of apple blossoms and cinnamon; it was Kagome. She walked inside, wearing a black singlet and Capri pants, looking more at ease than he'd seen her over the past few days. He was slightly surprised by her presence in the warehouse, but Inuyasha couldn't complain; Kagome's company was better than a lot of other people's, he'd learned.
"Over here," he replied, waving his hands slightly.
Kagome turned and saw Inuyasha waving, smudges of grease covering his body and marring the once white color of his wife beater. The hood of his car was open and she could guess he'd been working on it all day, for she'd heard it had its fair share of problems.
Inuyasha's beloved car was an old Lamborghini Diablo, the startling red of a firework. On either side of the car were three white claw marks, denoting property of the Fangs and Inuyasha's ownership. His wheel base was wide and obviously altered to accommodate street racing, along with certain modifications to the engine. The interior still smelled of new leather, comforting yet still alluding to that sense of danger. The car reminded Kagome so much of Inuyasha it was hard not to laugh; he was so proud of that thing, he might as well adopt it and call it his child. He'd restored it from it decimated position in the Tai-Fujishu junkyard, yet he wasn't quite finished with the inner mechanics; he'd spent nearly three years remodeling it and he'd yet to hear it run perfectly. It was one of Inuyasha's dreams as a dedicated mechanic.
"Hey there. Working on you car I see," Kagome said cheerfully, hopping up on a nearby work bench and bracing herself with her arms, regarding Inuyasha mildly.
The boy shrugged, grabbing a grease rag and wiping off his hands. "Nothin' else to do. Hear from Rin yet?"
"Nope," Kagome replied with a sigh. "Guess they're still in the meeting."
"Feh," came Inuyasha's discontented grunt. "Stupid meetings. Nothin' ever happens in em anyway, don't see why they go."
Despite Inuyasha's tough front, Kagome could see that he was secretly jealous of Kouga and Sesshomaru's positions as leaders of the Fangs. In Kagome's opinion, if he could ever get his temper under control, Inuyasha could be a fine leader. Yet, maybe it just wasn't in the cards for him; his anger was practically an untamable beast.
"Have you been here all day?" Kagome asked conversationally.
"Feh, where else wench?" came Inuyasha's rude reply. "What've you been doin' that's so exciting, huh?"
By this time, Kagome was used to Inuyasha's mood swings. Sometimes, he was a bully and other times he was downright sweet. Kagome's had learned to ride the tide along with everyone else and she took his sharp tone in stride. "I went to visit Kikyo in the clinic," she replied softly.
Inuyasha froze for a moment, glancing up and meeting eyes with Kagome. "Really?" When she nodded he asked soberly, "How is she?"
"She seemed okay to me," Kagome replied honestly, "But I could see how she might've gotten depressed. I got this sense from her that she was a really emotional person trying to repress emotion. I think it might've sent her over the edge."
After a time, Inuyasha smirked and crossed his arms loosely across his chest. "That's Kikyo, alright. She's a hard person to peg; I'm surprised you figured all that out about her in that short time."
"I dunno," Kagome replied, rather quietly. "It was almost as though I'd met her before; we're a lot alike."
Before Inuyasha could reply, the screeching of tires was heard as several cars and motorcycles pulled up to the front of the warehouse, startling Kagome and Inuyasha out of their conversation. They both jogged out to meet the assorted entourage, which consisted first and foremost of Sesshomaru's silver Saleen S7 Twin Turbo. When the Fang leader stepped out of his car, he looked absolutely livid and drained at the same time, not at all the strong demon Kagome had seen the previous day.
Jaw set in an almost unsure and worried way, he strutted inside the warehouse and towards the lounge area without a single glance in Inuyasha or Kagome's direction. Immediately following him came Kouga, who leapt out of the Saleen's passenger's seat, and Rin, who drove up in her Mercedes with Ayame's red Triumph Daytona 675 motorcycle right on her bumper. The others pulled up in Jakotsu's red pick up truck, all of them riding in the tailgate with grim expressions on their faces. Ranbou, Hakkaku and Bankotsu jumped out of the back hurrying up to where Inuyasha and Kagome were standing, incredibly confused.
"What the hell is going on?!" Inuyasha bellowed, thoroughly irritated by this commotion around his warehouse.
Ranbou sighed, exchanging glances with the others before saying quietly. "We've got some bad news."
Right then and there, both Inuyasha and Kagome knew nothing good had come of the territory meeting. And there were to be serious repercussions.
Dear Shitora,
You wouldn't believe the shit that went down today. I spent the whole fucking day working on the Diablo while Sesshomaru and Kouga went to their dumb territory meeting. You know how those were always kind of a joke since nothing ever happened? Well something happened today. Naraku stood up and proposed that the territories be changed with Salter in the Spider's possession. Obviously nobody backed him up, even his Northern buddies; they don't want him any more powerful than he is now, I think, and they were probably scared. Sesh was against the idea, of course, and this started up some big ass fight. Naraku went nuts and said he'd take Salter with or without everyone permission, so we're all on our guard now. Dad oughta be comin' home from his business trip early this morning; I'll tell him you said hi cause I bet you would. Kaede sends her love and says she misses picking up your clothes; I don't see why, since she probably has enough work between me and Sesshomaru anyway. You better write me back this time, you little twit!
Love, Inuyasha
Okay, another chapter done. Sorry about the delay on Mild Violence, but that chapter will be coming soon. I've got some free periods, not to mention all of English class, teehee.