InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Leaving the Past ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )
Chapter Two
"What did you bring back this time?" Inuyasha tried to snatch the bulging satchel out of Kagome's arms.
"Wait a minute! Here, take this first." She handed him a plastic bag full of vegetables. "I'm going to chop these up for dinner tonight."
"You were gone long enough," her husband huffed.
Kagome smiled to herself. After two years of married life together, she knew that this was the closest that she was going to get to "I missed you."
"I hadn't been back to the modern era for months. Mother's told everyone that my husband is from South America and I'm living in Argentina. My friends kept asking me to say things in Spanish."
"Never mind." She handed him several packages of noodles. "Put these away."
It's good to be home she thought. Their house was small but cozy, and the people of Kaede's village not only accepted a half-demon in their midst, but welcomed the protection that his presence entailed. There was the occasional local trouble with demons now and then, but overall life was peaceful.
Kagome pulled out a bag of potato chips and held them behind her back, "Now you have to promise me not to-- Inuyasha?"
He was standing motionless, ears pointed upwards, brow furrowed.
"Kagome, reach behind you and hand me my sword."
"What is it?"
"I think it's Sesshoumaru. Stay inside," he ordered, pushing the door open and stepping outside. Ignoring him, Kagome tried to follow and crashed into Inuyasha's outstretched arm. She peered through the doorway.
He was standing several yards away, near the edge of the forest. The youkai prince had not changed since the last time she had seen him - several years ago now. An aura of whiteness surrounded him - white hair, pale skin, white clothing. The subtle pulse of white demon light. His face was emotionless and unreadable, and only his hair moved slightly in the breeze.
"Inuyasha. I have come to speak to you."
"What is it Sesshoumaru? Need something from me?"
Sesshoumaru glared at him, and in a surprised flash of insight, Inuyasha realized that he had inadvertently hit on the reason for his older brother's visit. He smirked.
"So what is it then? What is it that you NEED MY HELP with?" He enunciated the words loudly and smiled.
"Inuyasha-" warned Kagome, standing behind him.
Sesshoumaru contained his annoyance and reverted to his usual cool façade. "You owe a debt to me for the lives of your human friends."
This was true. Sesshoumaru had used Tenseiga to revive both Sango and Miroku after their final confrontation with Naraku several years before. "Yeah, I haven't forgotten. What is it that you need? Somebody too big for you to handle that you NEED your half-demon brother's help?"
Sesshoumaru remained calm. "I intend to leave Rin here."
"Huh?" Inuyasha and Kagome exchanged surprised glances. "Why leave the kid with me?" asked Inuyasha.
"Idiot!" The cool façade was gone. "I am not leaving Rin with you. I am leaving Rin with Kagome. Your task is to ensure her safety." Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes and placed his hand on Toukijin. "If you allow any harm to come to her I will return to slay you and raze this village to the ground."
Inuyasha gripped the hilt of his sword. "I'd like to see you try-"
"Inuyasha!" It was Kagome's turn to glare. She stepped in front of her husband. "Sesshoumaru, Rin is-she's getting older, isn't she?"
The demon lord looked at her, and nodded once. "Yes."
"I understand." Kagome smiled. "Inuyasha and I would be very pleased to have Rin come and live with us!" she announced.
"What?" Inuyasha interrupted angrily.
She ignored him. "When will you bring her?"
Kagome nodded her assent. Sesshoumaru turned and disappeared into the dusk.
"This is just great," Inuyasha fumed. "HE finally gets tired of having the kid around and WE get stuck with her."
Kagome rolled her eyes and sighed. "Inuyasha?"
"It was very sweet of you to agree to let Rin come and stay with us."
"I didn't have any say in the matter," he grumbled, and blushed as Kagome stood on her toes and kissed him on the side of his nose.
Jaken was already snoring next to her. Rin sat beside the fire, her arms curled around her legs and her head resting on her knees. It was unlike Sesshoumaru to be late. He had promised to return before nightfall, and several hours had already passed since then. She wondered where he had gone. She wondered if he was safe.
"Sesshoumaru-sama! You've returned." Rin stood up. In her joy at his return she forgot to worry if he was still angry. "I'm so glad you're back! I thought that something may have happened to you."
Sesshoumaru said nothing. Rin gulped and hoped that she hadn't made him angry again by suggesting that anything bad could ever happen to him. She tried to think of something to say.
"Jaken-sama is already asleep." That was a stupid thing to say. She was reverting to old habits again, talking when she was nervous.
It seemed that Sesshoumaru smiled slightly.
"You've been waiting. I apologize for keeping you awake."
Rin was surprised. This was not usual. She wasn't even sure how to acknowledge an apology from Sesshoumaru.
"Oh," she said. Stupid Rin! Stupid stupid stupid!
Again, he seemed to smile. The demon walked over to the outcropping of rock, a few paces away from the warmth of the fire. He sat down and rested his back against the stone.
"I have a gift for you."
"A gift?" Rin's face lit up. Gifts from Sesshoumaru-sama were rare, but they were always good. She needed a new kimono. Perhaps that's where he had gone?
Sesshoumaru pulled a small bundle wrapped in cloth from his side and handed it to her.
Rin unwrapped the package. It was a small dagger and it was no toy - the edges glinted sharply in the moonlight. She'd never received such a gift before, and it made her uncomfortable to hold it.
Sesshoumaru was not looking at her. "It is a good blade," he said.
Thank him. Say thank you. "Thank you, Sesshoumaru-sama."
She hoped that she sounded properly grateful. She wanted to ask him why he had given her such a thing, and what exactly she was to do with it. But he was acting oddly and she decided not to pester him with too many questions.
"How are you feeling, Rin? Are you feeling better?"
"Yes," she lied.
He looked at her. Deep golden eyes which were impossible to read.
"Come." He extended an arm towards her.
Rin had not done this for a long time. She paused for a moment, and then happily flew to his side, curling up on the tail he wore. If he was letting her sleep next to him, that meant that he was definitely not angry. All was well. She snuggled her face against the fur, inhaling the warm clean scent. She felt safe and protected again, like she did when she had first met him. She felt instantly sleepy. Through half-closed eyes she looked up at him and smiled.
"Are you tired Sesshoumaru-sama?"
He looked down at her for a long moment. Then he turned his face forward towards the fire and nodded.
"Sesshoumaru-sama should try and rest."
Rin closed her eyes. He's tired, that's all. He must have traveled far this evening. In the morning I'll have Jaken show me how to use the dagger... Rin's thoughts trailed away.
Sesshoumaru slipped his arm around the sleeping girl, and regarded for a long time his own clawed fingers resting against her small shoulder.
He did not sleep.