InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Leiko ❯ The Angel of Death ( Chapter 28 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Twenty-Eight
The Angel of Death
Leiko stopped at a bend in the curving mountain path. She could hear the others pounding behind her. As they stopped behind her, Leiko felt her heartbeat began to pulse harder. The pounding of it was driving her mad. This was the last Soul and her last hope.
A loud boom of thunder filled the air. Across the darkened sky, a bolt of lightening tore through the night and rain began to fall in thick sheets. Leiko whirled to face Kari. The elemental angel was doing her best to control the sudden storm, but it was beyond her. Evil laughter cut through the sound of falling rain and booming thunder. Leiko turned to face the form alighting to the wet dirt path.
"So Keeper of the Jewel, are you ready to face the angel of death?" came a soft voice.
Leiko ripped Yakeima from its sheath and sliced through the water droplets. "Let's finish this." she growled.
The angel youkai had long black hair, pale skin, black eyes, and black wings. Leiko glared at her. She was all that stood between life or death for Akira. The others withdrew their weapons. As they moved in to assist Leiko, she motioned them back.
"No." she said in a low voice. "This is my fight."
"They were all 'your fights' but we helped anyway." Satzuka said.
Leiko tossed an angry glare at the young priestess. "Stay out of this one." she growled and turned back to the dark angel before her.
"Come for me, hanyou." the angel whispered.
The rain continued to fall. Leiko tightened her grip on Yakeima and launched herself at the floating angel of death. Gekkani grabbed her and slung her against the solid rock wall of the mountain side. Leiko let out a shout of pain. As her body slid back to the muddy gound, Gekkani caught her by the neck and slammed her back against the mountain side. Yakeima fell from her hands and into the mud below.
She place her mouth next to Leiko's ear and chuckled lowly. "Your mine." she whispered.
"Don't think so." Leiko said.
She reached up and dug her claws into Gekkani's back. The dark angel let out a cry of pain. Leiko lunged forward and sank her fangs into the pale skin of her opponet. Blood filled her mouth and she drank it down. Gekkani screamed louder, but all that did was make Leiko bite her harder. Finally, the angel of death released her grip on Leiko. As they fell to the ground, Leiko swung her bow off of her shoulder and quickly notched an arrow into place. The arrow radiated a bright pink light as it cut through the rain and embedded itself into the pale flesh of the dark angel. Leiko started her chant as the body of the angel slammed into the ground.
Return to your jeweled prison
Great Soul be at peace once more
Let your hate for me die
As I claim you as mine again
Never be swayed
By an evil one's words again
Trust me and guide me
So I may save this world
As I once did before
Return to your jeweled prison
Great Soul be at peace once more
Fight no more
And let me claim you
As mine once more
The Soul began to break up into thousands of pink sparks. Before the angel faded away completely, Leiko caught its dying words.
"It's done."