InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lemon Twist ❯ Whispers ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own anything… especially not Inuyasha
A/N: A oneshot Yashita/Kagome lemon written for Del Kaiden. It takes place two years prior to the beginning of `Time Lapse', when eighteen-year-old Kagome is still a cadet at the Imperial Military Academy, and completely unaware that she is under the fiercely protective guardianship of her future husband. There is a strict do-not-touch policy in place, but you don't always need to use your hands…
First posted on LiveJournal May 31, 2006
The leaves of the Goshinboku rustled in the breeze, stirring the humid air and bringing a little bit of relief on this sweltering June night. On a sturdy branch, low enough to give a clear view into a certain pretty IMA cadet's bedroom, a pair of golden eyes glowed like twin candle flames.

Yashita shifted against the rough bark, silver tendrils blowing lightly around his face and catching on the textured fabric of his black tank top and black fatigues. Shoulda worn shorts he thought, twisting a handful of hair away from his neck, his ear flicking at an annoying midge.

There were probably several very good reasons why he shouldn't be here, in a restricted area, blatantly peeping in this young woman's window… but he didn't give a rat's ass, quite frankly. He'd had a Very Bad Day, and was treating himself to some Kagome-watching to calm his frazzled nerves. Then the memory set him off, and he flexed his claws, growling angrily.

That fucking wolf cub…Kogashu's brat had come sniffing around Kagome again. Officially, he was on the grounds to see his old man, but he'd made a point of chatting up the girl, making her blush…and he'd made sure that Yashita had seen him clasp her hands. Furious, he'd found himself jumping down Kagome's throat later when she'd fumbled her rifle out on the firing range and immediately felt ashamed of himself when her grey eyes had glossed with tears, but he had to hand it to her when not a drop had fallen. The little fucker dropped Kagome as soon as Yukihime took him back, so what the hell was he playing at, sucking up to someone else's wife

Well, she wasn't his, not yet; but the bastard knew who she belonged to… the claws elongated, drove in deeper, as the scarlet came up in his eyes…

“…I know, Eri, I know…I'm out on manoeuvres next week…I'd love to go, but duty calls…” He sat up sharply, as the slender young woman entered her bedroom, towelling her dark hair, wearing a thin white yukata…and nothing underneath. His throat went dry as her nipples stood out prominently under the almost-sheer fabric, and the dark triangle at the apex of her thighs came teasingly into view as she walked across the room and seated herself at her desk while chattering into the phone. “Isn't it ridiculously hot? The humidity is going to do me in…”

She dropped the towel and took up a comb. Yashita's eyes followed the almost hypnotic rhythm of strokes as Kagome worked her tresses free of knots and shook them back over her shoulders. The front of the yukata gaped open, and on his angle, he could just see…

“Sensei Yashita? Yeah…he's still totally hot…are you kidding? He's so much older…I'm just a kid…nice thought, Eri, but there's no way he'd be interested in me…no, I'm sure he isn't married…Eri! Why do you think that any guy that doesn't fall at my feet must be gay? He just isn't interested in me that way…trust me, he thinks I'm an annoyance. I'll bet he was just thrilled when he found out I was going to be in his echelon…he totally reamed me out today over nothing…hmm? Oh, Shikoro-kun stopped in to say `hi' while he was visiting the Academy today. No…he graduated three years ago, remember? He's a nice enough guy, but he definitely isn't my type. We're just friends…what is my type?” She giggled, and sat back, stretching her arm above her head and exposing more of her cleavage. “Definitely not Hojo…if I had my choice, it'd be…yeah, you guessed it…oh, well, I can dream, can't I? I mean, how can anybody that gorgeous be so grouchy? With his looks, he can't lack for women chasing after him…like I said, he wouldn't be interested in me. I'll call you when I have a free night, and we'll go out for dinner and catch up, okay? Bye, Eri, talk to you soon!”

Kagome put down the handset on her desk and stood up, stretching right up onto her toes. The already loosened sash spiralled down onto the floor, and then she strolled over to the window, the robe parting as she moved. Yashita sat up straight, his eyes widening as Kagome pushed the window fully open and leaned out, resting her hands on the sill, turning her face into the breeze, her hair ruffling as it spilled over her shoulders.

He had a perfect view of the pale column of her throat, the silky curve of her breasts, her firm belly and the soft dark curls of her sex…and he nearly forgot how to breathe. She was completely innocent of the hungry eyes that devoured her from the concealing foliage of the Goshinboku.

Yashita had to grab for a handhold when she straightened up and rolled her shoulders, her robe falling away, sliding down her arms until it caught in the crooks of her elbows, fully revealing her pert breasts in all their glory, the tips hardening in the cool air. My celestial maiden…was all that came to his dazed mind as he traced her moonlit curves. Her skin seemed to glow, and he ached to touch her luminescence.

With a sigh, Kagome turned away from the window and moved towards the bed, her hips swaying hypnotically, the yukata trailing behind her, dropping lower and lower, until she let it slip from her fingertips. Yashita blinked rapidly, and realized that he'd sunk his claws into the tree's bark nearly up to his knuckles, and quickly yanked them free, absently lapping the blood from his scraped flesh as he watched Kagome turn down the blankets and nestle into the white sheets, then reach to turn out the light.

His eyes adjusted easily to the sudden darkness; he wet his lips as she ran her hands into her hair and pulled the dark strands away from her neck to spread over her pillow like a silken halo. She arched her back and stretched luxuriously, tucking her dainty feet under the folded-back bedding, but made no move to cover her delectable curves.

Thank the gods that her mom hasn't installed air conditioning…his brain locked up when Kagome wriggled her hips and began running her hands over her body, sighing softly. Frozen, he traced the same pathways with his eyes, biting off a groan when she cupped her breasts and ran her thumbs over the hardened nipples. His ears tuned out all other sounds except her breathing and the soft moans she teased from her own lips with the expert movements of her fingers.

He became dimly aware that he was as hard as a rock, his member straining painfully against his fly. It was pure self-preservation that had him fumbling with the buttons and releasing his swollen flesh from its confinement…but when one of her slender hands slipped down her body and in between her thighs, he gripped his shaft with a barely-muffled snarl. Memories of exactly how it felt to be sheathed inside her hot, wet core flooded his brain, and he growled low in his throat. Watching her pleasure herself, her hips rocking against her hand, he matched her tempo, increasing it as her breathing became ragged and her head tossed on the pillow.

As she arched her back, her hand squeezing her own breast, her legs shaking and her head tipped back, her lips parting in a soundless cry of pleasure, he gritted his teeth and climaxed into his hands at the same time. Over the blood pounding through his body, he was electrified when he heard her whisper, as clear as if her lips were next to his ear.


His head shot up, and his vision sharpened when she trailed her hand back up her body…and ran a moist pink tongue-tip along her glistening finger, then sighed softly and snuggled into her pillow. He was frozen by that utterly erotic image, and it took him a moment to realize that she was asleep.

Swallowing hard, he made a split second decision. Wiping his shaking hands off on his trousers, he found his feet, and did up his fly while carefully scanning the area for threats. Finding none, he pushed off to land noiselessly on the carpet just inside the window. Hesitating only until he was sure that she truly slept, he crept forward until he was right beside her bed, inhaling her scent through both his nose and his mouth, until he felt almost drunk. She was heady, intoxicating…and still untouched. His youkai rose, urging him to sink deeply into her, to join their scents as thoroughly as their bodies.

Instead, he carefully caught the rumpled sheet at the foot of the bed and drew it up her body to warm her. I'd rather warm her skin to skin, wrap her in my hair…he draped the sheet at her hip, not willing to completely hide her from his view. As he did so, she smiled softly in her sleep and turned on her side, facing him and tucking her hands beneath her cheek, leaving her breasts exposed. He swallowed and licked his lips, eyes flickering between her lightly pouting lips and her breasts that were just…there…soft and rounded and inviting…if I lay a hand on her, Sessaki will have my balls on a platter

A smirk began to pull at the corners of his mouth, as he figured out a loop-hole. He rapidly braided his hair and put his hands behind his back. Watching her out of the corner of his eye, he bent in and laid a feather-light kiss on each nipple. The very tips hardened ever so slightly against his lips, and he nearly groaned. Forcing himself to back away and control his breathing, he found himself drawn in by an almost hypnotic scent. Sniffing delicately, he identified it as her, trailed up her body by her fingertip from her slick core. He licked his lips again, knowing that he couldn't trust himself if he tasted the source…nudging the sheet aside, he pressed a kiss to her belly, just above her curls, and lost himself for a moment in her seductive perfume.

Kagome squirmed a little, murmuring, and he waited until she settled before kissing a path up her torso, running his tongue-tip up the elusive trail of her taste until he reached her breasts. The beckoning flavour vanished between her soft globes, out of reach, so he contented himself with placing another kiss on each of her nipples, then reluctantly covered her creamy golden skin with the concealing sheet.

She had a small smile on her lips when he daringly pressed a kiss to her cheek, and just as he hovered over her, wanting to taste her soft pink mouth, she breathed his name and rubbed her cheek against her folded hands. He closed his eyes and softly pressed his lips to hers; when they parted against his, it took all his will power to not slip his tongue inside.

Finally getting a grip, he backed away and stood up, watching her soft sleeping face that was so dear to him. Tenderly, he drew up the blanket and tucked it around her, then dropped another kiss onto her temple. Moving towards the window, he paused to drink in the sight of his future mate, his wife-to-be, dreaming peacefully, safe in her bed. Turning, he spanned the distance out into the Goshinboku in a single fluid leap, and settled again into his perch.

She dreams of me… he couldn't stop the smirk at that thought, and knew he would hold onto that precious knowledge even if Sessaki shredded him for the traces of his tell-tale scent on her body, which likely only the taiyoukai could detect. Technically, he hadn't touched her with his hands…the thought that his scent would be on her all day, even faintly, brought a very satisfied smile to his lips. He would return to his perch tomorrow night, and if she should dream of him again…a fang poked out over his lips as he crookedly smirked. I'll be watching, Kagome