InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Letters to Kagome's Mother ❯ letters ( Prologue )
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Letters to Mrs. H
Hmmm . . . This is more an idea or perhaps a challenge than it is a story right now.
I've got what I think is a good idea for a story, but, sigh, I just can't get it to work.
So, what I'm going to do is explain my idea and hopefully, one or more of you, good readers, will give me an inspiration, or this might inspire a reader to do a story. There are enough stories that multiple people can write and get many different stories.
Basic concept . . .
IF you were Kagome's Mother (Mrs. H), you would want to meet, talk to, get to know her companions in the past. But the well prevents that from happening, as only Kagome and Inu-yasha can go thru it.
So how do you contact them and how do you get to know them?
By good old-fashioned handwritten letters . . .
Kagome can act as post woman as she travels back and forth.
Mrs. H would write a basic introduction letter to each of the companions and they would respond. And letters would go back and forth between Mrs. H and group.
There is the potential for some good stories here. But . . . it just isn't coming . . .
An example, a probably bad example, of the potential Mrs. H letter:
I am Kagome's Mother. My name is Higurashi (other name unknown). I am writing this letter to you, so I can get to know my daughters new companions. If it was possible to meet you in person, I would, but since that is not possible, I am trying this way.
Mrs. H'
Responses to the above letter, or something similar is the problem . . .
Some thoughts about the group reading/writing abilities . . .
Shippo. A child in kindergarten. "See spot run" level
Inu-yasha. Given that he grew up outside of normal human or demon society. Limited vocabulary. Common words, And cuss words, some demon-specific terms, war/military terms. "I see the ******* dog run really fast." Level
Sango. Given her weapon training, she would have less reading/writing schooling then other women her age. Common words. Also, demon-specific and war/military terms. Probably better than inu-yasha, but also not by much . . . "I can see the pretty dog run very fast across the field." Level.
Miroku. He would be the best writer of them all (including Keade and Kagome). His training and scholarship would have included extensive calligraphy work. He should a large vocabulary and would try to impress Mrs. H with his writing style. A basic problem for me, a friendly letter written by Miroku would include at least one original poem, probably more. That would be standard for a personal letter written with his cultural upbringing. (I and poetry writing don't mix . . . ) "The sight of the large, white and beautiful dog-demon chasing the horrible and murderous demon through the open field of lovely flowers was a view I would remember for the rest of my life." Level.
Keade. As a leader of the village, she would be very familiar with writing letters and such. But, given her age, her vocabulary and writing would be quite formal. Most letters would be to various government offices, etc. Poems would be included in her letters, but they would be classic poems from recognized artists, not anything she made up.
The problem as I think about it, sighs . . . is that Miroku would be the point of view to write from. But . . . the style that he would write in is soooo different from mine . . .
Hopefully, somebody will either give me an idea or take this idea and run with it.
Thank you for reading.
Jeff shelton
Hmmm . . . This is more an idea or perhaps a challenge than it is a story right now.
I've got what I think is a good idea for a story, but, sigh, I just can't get it to work.
So, what I'm going to do is explain my idea and hopefully, one or more of you, good readers, will give me an inspiration, or this might inspire a reader to do a story. There are enough stories that multiple people can write and get many different stories.
Basic concept . . .
IF you were Kagome's Mother (Mrs. H), you would want to meet, talk to, get to know her companions in the past. But the well prevents that from happening, as only Kagome and Inu-yasha can go thru it.
So how do you contact them and how do you get to know them?
By good old-fashioned handwritten letters . . .
Kagome can act as post woman as she travels back and forth.
Mrs. H would write a basic introduction letter to each of the companions and they would respond. And letters would go back and forth between Mrs. H and group.
There is the potential for some good stories here. But . . . it just isn't coming . . .
An example, a probably bad example, of the potential Mrs. H letter:
I am Kagome's Mother. My name is Higurashi (other name unknown). I am writing this letter to you, so I can get to know my daughters new companions. If it was possible to meet you in person, I would, but since that is not possible, I am trying this way.
Mrs. H'
Responses to the above letter, or something similar is the problem . . .
Some thoughts about the group reading/writing abilities . . .
Shippo. A child in kindergarten. "See spot run" level
Inu-yasha. Given that he grew up outside of normal human or demon society. Limited vocabulary. Common words, And cuss words, some demon-specific terms, war/military terms. "I see the ******* dog run really fast." Level
Sango. Given her weapon training, she would have less reading/writing schooling then other women her age. Common words. Also, demon-specific and war/military terms. Probably better than inu-yasha, but also not by much . . . "I can see the pretty dog run very fast across the field." Level.
Miroku. He would be the best writer of them all (including Keade and Kagome). His training and scholarship would have included extensive calligraphy work. He should a large vocabulary and would try to impress Mrs. H with his writing style. A basic problem for me, a friendly letter written by Miroku would include at least one original poem, probably more. That would be standard for a personal letter written with his cultural upbringing. (I and poetry writing don't mix . . . ) "The sight of the large, white and beautiful dog-demon chasing the horrible and murderous demon through the open field of lovely flowers was a view I would remember for the rest of my life." Level.
Keade. As a leader of the village, she would be very familiar with writing letters and such. But, given her age, her vocabulary and writing would be quite formal. Most letters would be to various government offices, etc. Poems would be included in her letters, but they would be classic poems from recognized artists, not anything she made up.
The problem as I think about it, sighs . . . is that Miroku would be the point of view to write from. But . . . the style that he would write in is soooo different from mine . . .
Hopefully, somebody will either give me an idea or take this idea and run with it.
Thank you for reading.
Jeff shelton