InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Life and Consequences ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Blanket Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters listed below. They all are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or VIZ Productions.

A/N: Brief Lemon Warning

Chapter 2

Kagome was used to weird.  You don’t fall down a magic time-traveling well and become friends with, and fight against, mythological creatures without accepting a little weirdness into your life.  That’s to be expected.  But today was definitely tipping Kagome’s weirdness meter.  She would rate today a seven, possibly an eight, and when you consider her baseline for comparison, that is saying something.

First, Eri, Yuka, and Ayumi thanked her for buying all their food at WacDonald’s after school yesterday.  Kagome knew damn well that she was doing the nasty with her mate before, during, and after school hours yesterday and was nowhere near WacDonald’s.  Not to mention she never carried that much yen on her anyway.

Next, she opened up her notebook to start taking notes during her first class.  As she flipped to find the first clean page, she stopped.  The notes in front of the clean piece of paper were dated yesterday.  It was even in her handwriting.  She didn’t recognize the material, but she wouldn’t anyway even if she did write it.  Lately school was mostly cram, cram, cram, test, and forget.  Rinse and repeat.  Curious, she flipped the notebook open to her other classes, and continued to see notes that were taken yesterday.  She even caught some doodles in the margin of one set of notes, something she had a bad habit of doing.  Below the doodles, was the words, “hehehehe, Hi, Kagome!!!”

Finally, when her history class rolled around, the teacher began passing out the tests from the day before.  When he got to Kagome’s desk, she was about to ask about the makeup test when he handed her a piece of paper and said, “Good job, Higurashi,” before heading to the next student.  She blinked in surprise and looked at the paper she was holding.  It appeared to be the history test from yesterday.  It was in her handwriting, had her name and yesterday’s date at the top of the paper.  And there was a big red 98 in the top corner.  She read some of the questions and had no clue what they were talking about.  Yet somehow, she had passed the test.  With a score she hadn’t gotten since shortly before she first fell down the well.

After class, she went to check the mirror in the bathroom to make sure she had her mating mark on her neck.  She pulled down her collar, and sure enough, there was the kanji for Inuyasha right where it was supposed to be.

I’m going crazy.  I remember having wild, passionate love with Inuyasha all day yesterday, but it looks like I was in school…  If I call Inuyasha, would he answer the phone?...’  As she was thinking, she began to absentmindedly rub her mating mark.  She suddenly felt a wave a pleasure wash over her.  She stopped rubbing at her mark, but felt another wave.  And then another.  She wanted Inuyasha there right now.  If he was, she would take him right on the bathroom floor.  Maybe he would answer the phone and meet her on the roof at lunch.

Kagome asked to borrow a cell phone from a classmate.  She knew there would be too many questions if she borrowed one of her friends’ phones.  Once Kagome got the phone, she called the shrine hoping her technology-challenged hanyou would remember what that noise was and answer.  She rubbed at her mating mark while the phone rang in her ear.  Another wave of pleasure washed over her and the other end of the line was picked up.

“Inuyasha,” she gasped, “That you?”

“Kagome?” Inuyasha answered, his voice sounding far away.  He was either holding the phone in front of him or upside down.  He could hear her either way, and that’s all she needed.

“Inuyasha, meet me on the roof of the school, ok?  I need you.”

“Right.  On my way,” he replied and she heard the sound of the phone drop.  She hung up and handed the girl back her phone.

“Thanks again!” Kagome said cheerfully.  She waved, grabbed her bag and started heading for the roof.  She could blow off the next class, it was almost lunch anyway.

She sat on a secluded corner of the roof near a storage area and was waiting for her hanyou.  Occasionally, she would rub her mating mark and a moment later pleasure would wash over her.  She finally spotted a speck of red and white approaching along the rooftops.  She stood up as he got closer.  In no time at all, he landed beside her then drew his sword.

“What is it?!  What happened?” he demanded as his eyes scanned the roof for danger.  She blinked.  

“Huh?” she asked intelligently.

“You said you needed me, so where’s the trouble?”

Ahh, she knew what happened now.  He’s never been called unless it was for a fight.  She rubbed her mating mark again, and he shot her a disgruntled look.

“The trouble is me, Inuyasha.  I’ve got an itch and I need you to scratch it for me,” she said in a sultry tone of voice.

“Wha…what?” he asked, trying to catch up.

“I need you in me.  Now,” she continued.  To emphasize her point, she shimmied out of her soaked panties from under her skirt.  He continued to stand there, so she approached him and began to undo the ties on his hakama.

“Please, Mate.  I need you in me.  I need you now,” she continued.  She had finished undoing his ties and his hakama dropped to his ankles.  

Inuyasha growled, dropped his sword and wrapped his arms around his mate.  His lips captured hers in a devouring kiss pushing her backwards until her back hit the wall of the storage room.  All the while, her hands were busy tugging on his fundoshi.  Just as they rose up for air, she had loosened his wrap enough where it fell to the ground.

“Bitch,” he growled.

“Your bitch,” she whispered back.  At that, he lifted her and impaled her on his erect manhood.  They both groaned with pleasure and she wrapped her legs around him.  Using the wall to brace her, Inuyasha began plunging in and out of Kagome.  They were passionately kissing each other until their movements got too rough.  Soon, he was slamming into her and she was crying out with every thrust.  It wasn’t long before they both reached completion and yelled out each other’s name.

They were panting heavily and just holding on to each other.  Kagome smiled up at him, “Thanks, Koi.  I so needed that.  Thank Kami you answered the phone,” she said as he slid out of her.  It seems like he only tied to her when he was full youkai.

“Feh, what do you expect when you play with your mating mark like that?”

Kagome frowned a bit, “What do you mean?”  Instead of answering, Inuyasha backed up some and showed her his mating mark.  Then he rubbed it.  She instantly felt a wave of pleasure similar to what she had felt earlier.

Kagome blushed as the implications dawned on her, “Umm… sorry… I didn’t know I was doing that to you…”

“Keh, it’s alright.  I’m surprised we didn’t discover that earlier though,” he replied as they both went about adjusting their clothes.

“Well, we were busy,” she replied with a giggle.  Then she suddenly remembered her mystery notes, “Weren’t we?  I was at home with you all day yesterday, right?”  Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at her and nodded.

“Thank you.  I just needed to know I wasn’t going crazy.  I have notes that are dated yesterday.  And apparently I took a test and went out with my friends at WacDonald’s.  But I wasn’t here yesterday…”

Inuyasha growled, “Sounds like a shapechanger.  Buncha troublemakers.”

She slowly shook her head, “I dunno...  Don’t they typically cause trouble though?  Whoever this was helped me out.”

“You sure?  Everything they wrote down could be wrong and get you in trouble later if you rely on those notes.  If you give me those papers, I may catch a scent on it.”

“Great!  Thanks, Inuyasha.  That will make me feel better.  Let me dig those out.”  She turned to her bag and with a grin that Inuyasha couldn’t see, she bent over at the waist while looking through her backpack to purposely give him a panty shot.  She heard all movement behind her stop and she smiled a little wider.  She grabbed her notebook and turned to face him.  

“Here you go,” she said.  Inuyasha took her notebook with a heavy dusting of pink on his cheeks.  But then he put his serious face on as he flipped open her book and started sniffing the pages.  After flipping through it a couple times, he shoved it back into Kagome’s hands.

“Show me.  I just smell you in there.”  Kagome turned to pages until she came upon the notes that she didn’t take.

“Here.  I didn’t write this,” she said as she handed him the notebook again and pointed at the offending page.   Inuyasha took the notebook once again and sniffed the page Kagome indicated.  He frowned and sniffed it again.  

“I’m not getting nothing,” he grumbled as he scented the paper for the third time.  “I just smell you on here.”

“Huh.  That is weird.  Oh well, I guess I’d better be getting back to class.”

“No, I don’t think so, Kagome.  If there’s someone messing with you, you’re not going back there.”

“Inuyasha, you can’t keep me from going to school!  We’ve discussed this!”

“Feh, that was before someone started fucking with you.  I can’t protect you if something happens while you’re walled up in there.”

She wanted to yell at him that she didn’t always need his protection, but that was one of the few things she would never say to him.  Instead, she gave an impressive inu-hanyou-like growl, “I need to go to school!”

Inuyasha opened his mouth to continue the yelling match, then suddenly closed it and got a puzzled look on his face.  “Why?” he asked, all arguing tones instantly gone from his voice.

“What do you mean, ‘why’?” Kagome replied, still in the heat of the argument.  “I know I’ve told you why before.”

“Yeah,” he said, still calmly.  “You said it was to prepare you for the future and to get a job and stuff.  But…” he trailed off and blushed.  After swallowing a lump in his throat and looking away he continued, “…your future is with me now, right?”

And with that, all the anger rushed out of Kagome.  “Oh, Inuyasha, of course it is!” she exclaimed as she hugged him.  “I know we haven’t talked about any of this, but what if the well closes and we’re stuck on this side?  If that happens, I would have to have completed at least middle school.  It’s just a back-up plan, ok?”  Now it was Kagome’s turn to blush, “I…I was always planning on staying in the past with you… if you would have me…”

“Feh…” Inuyasha said while a little flustered.  Then continued softly, “When I told you I need you with me, I meant it, Kagome.”  He began thinking about their original argument and continued in his normally gruff manner, “Get your stuff, Wench.  We’re leaving.”

“Inuyasha, its fine!  Nothing is going to attack me at school!”

“Keh, you don’t know that.  Something has already been impersonating you and it can imitate your scent!  You’re not getting out of my sight, wench.”

“Well you can’t just sit outside the window while I’m in class!  I’m three floors up!”

“Feh, yes I can.  If I can jump to the roof, I can certainly jump lower than that.”  Kagome just sank her head into her hands his statement and groaned.

“That’s…that’s not what I meant,” she moaned out while her head was still buried in her hands.  She lifted her head and continued, “I meant that people would find it strange to see someone sitting outside a third story window without any obvious means to get up there.”

“Well then, you’re not going back until I’m sure it’s safe,” Inuyasha stated firmly.

“And how will you determine that?!  If I left it up to you, I’d never attend school again!”  Kagome noticed that Inuyasha had his stubborn face on.  This had the potential to be a bad argument.  She took a deep breath and decided to come up with a compromise.  “How about if you either stay up here or in the tree near my window?  Would that work for you?”  She gave him a suggestive look and continued, “And I could come up here during my lunch break.”

Inuyasha blinked and then blushed as what she said registered.  “Keh!” was the only thing he could get out.

Kagome gave him a brilliant smile then a quick kiss in thanks.

“But if I even think something strange is going on, I’ll bust through that window and take you away before you can blink,” Inuyasha said firmly.  He wasn’t happy about letting his mate stay in a potentially dangerous situation without him next to her.  

“Deal.  I’m going back to class now.  See ya after school!”  She grabbed her bag and rushed towards the stairs.  Right before she hit the door, she called over her shoulder, “And stay hidden, ok?”  Then she was gone.

Inuyasha was impressed that he got through that disagreement without getting osuwari-ed.  But then again, Kagome still got her way and went back to school.  Well she had another thing coming if she thought he wasn’t going to keep an eye on her.  With that thought, he headed towards the edge of the roof to jump to the tree that had the best view of Kagome’s classroom.  Only a few more days…