InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Life and Revenge ❯ chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Name: Sam Smarts characters
Gender: female
Age: 17
Status: was in a gang since she was 7 but got caught bye the cops at age 17 and they made her a deal to help them catch one of the most wanted criminal
Name: Inuyasha Takahashi
Gender: male
Age: 18
Status: father was in the secret service and died now Inuyasha want's revenge so he joined the SS at the age of 15
Name: Sesshomaru Takahashi
Gender: male
Age: 27
Status: the older brother of Inuyasha leader of the SS. Knows Sam. Also likes Rin
Name: Miroku
Gender: male
Age: 18
Status: best friend of Inuyasha also a member of the SS. Has a huge crush on Songo and is not afraid to show it
Name: Songo
Gender: female
Age: 18
Status: member of the SS. Becomes fast friends with Sam and has a crush on Miroku but tries to hide it
Name: Koga
Gender: male
Age: 18
Status: member of the SS friends with Inuyasha when he isn't pissing him off
Name: Ayame Wildflower
Gender: female
Age: 18
Status: member of the SS friends with Songo and becomes friends with Sam
Name: Shippo
Gender: male
Age: 15
Status: was in the same gang as Sam. Is a computer whiz. Helping the SS with Sam to escape jail
Name: Rin
Gender: female
Age: 21
Status: secretary at SS and likes Sesshomaru
Chapter 1.
Rain pounded down on the roof top of a cop car wile two teenagers were driven towards the place that would determine what would happen to them beyond this point. They drove past buildings and flickering streetlights. They weren't scared of what awaited them but of what they were leaving behind. For it was all they new all that they wanted to know, but they new the moment they were roughly forced into the back of that car their lives would never be the same. The car came to a stop outside a large and brightly lit building. As the car door opened to the occupants fate one of them whispered to the other. “ Shippo don't say anything until I've talked to him.” The one known as Shippo nodded and stayed silent while being marched up the steps of the large building. Over the top of the entranceway was a sine that read `Police Department'. They were led through the big double doors to the well-furnished lobby and then through another door to their left and walked down a long row of jail sells some with people and others that were empty. “their you go Sam Smarts this jail sell has been waiting for you for a long time. Lets see you wean your way out of this one.” One of the four officers that led Sam Smarts and Shippo to the sell said with a sneer. “ well I'll certainly try.” Replied Sam then added, “ I believe I get one phone call.” Again he just sneered at her and said “ fine, but you better make it to the right person `cause I don't see how you're getting out of this one.” Sam was brought to a phone and made her call but got the answering machine so left a desperate message.
Back in the sell Sam had a quiet conversation with Shippo. “ all I could get was the machine, but I guess I can't blame him for not picking up it's like 3 in the morning.” “ oh man how could we let this happen? What went wrong?” said Shippo. “ yea I know Shipp but we can't do anything now but sit, wait and hope that he gets here in time.”
The sun shone through the tiny window at the top of a sell where the two teenagers sat on the floor having not slept all knight. Suddenly the door to the cell was wrenched open and a rather large looking police man stepped into the little area and said “ someone is here to see you. So lets go.” “Do you know who it is?” asked Sam with a hint of hope in her voice. “no. Now do you want to go or not?” he answered, and then motioned for her to fallow, but when Shippo started to make his way out of the cell door to but he was stopped. “ sorry only Sam Smarts” “Shippo I'll be back in a little wile so just hang tight.” And with that Sam was led out the door.