InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Life is a Bang! ❯ Unexpected ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Life is a Bang!
Made by: ShadowStar09
Summary: Just a normal day in the Feudal Era is always so exciting when you have nothing to do, Yeah right. Lets see what happens when something un expected is thrown in the mix on what was suppose to be a normal trip home. Naruto/Inuyasha . Deidara/Kagome.
Disclaimer: Only saying this once, I don’t own anything except the plot of this story!
“Hai, I understand.” Kagome said getting prepared to throw her own Hiraikostu. It was slightly smaller then Sango’s own boomerang bone and also being dark blue in color from being from a different breed of Demon, it also weighed about 50 pounds less then hers. Kagome got ready and with a shout of “HIRAIKOSTU!” let the boomerang fly, hitting her target dead on.
Sango was impressed.
“Now get ready for it’s return, remember to try to absorb as much of its impact as you can with out over doing it.”
Sango watched as Kagome caught the boomerang with little effort, smiling as she watched as Kagome did a little twist to keep from falling from the impact of the giant weapon.
“Good job Kagome! You have come a long way in just a month. I’m impressed!”
Kagome beamed at her a big grin spread across her face. “Have I really!?”
Sango nodded. “It took me 3 months to get to where you are now. I would say you will have it perfected in month or less.”
“Sugoi! Thank you Sango! Do you really think I can have it perfected in just a month?”
Sango took a moment to think about it, and then nodded. “Yup, at the rate you’re going I would think that you will perfect it in about the time it took my father too.”
They both laughed.
Kagome then looked to the forest line to where she left her Book Bag and her newest friend. Laying down next to the over sized book bag was a little black and tan fur ball, She is Aki, one of Kuroro’s kitten’s. Kagome and the gang had visited the small village where the little girl Koume lived at while coming back from searching for some more Jewel shards at Shippo’s request. Koume had said that Kagome could have one of the not so small kittens if Kuroro didn’t mind, which she didn’t. She decided to name her Aki for the season which she got her, which was fall. Aki is mostly a light tan with black ears, tail, paws, and a small Diamond marking on her forehead. Being a similar breed of cat demon as Kirara also meant that she could transform into a larger form, but it was no where near as large as Kirara’s since Aki was still young and only had one tail still, and her flames where shades of gray and black.
Kagome smiled at the little bundle. “Are we done for the day Sango? I am wanting to get home for a few day’s and InuYasha has said he wanted to talk to me before I left. ”
Sango tilted her head to one side before nodding. “Sure, When do you think you will be back?”
“In about 4 days, Give or take a day or two.”
“Alright, See you soon then.” Sango said while walking up to Kagome and gave her a hug which she returned.
“I’ll be back before you know it! Ja!”
“Ja ne!”
Kagome walked over to her Book bag and picked it up before putting it on over her shoulder, She had long since replaced her old yellow one for a Forest Green colored strapped book bag, so she would have room for her Hiraikostu on her back. “Aki, time to wake up sweetie.” She said as she poked the slumbering kitten lightly.
Said kitten opened one dark green eye before letting out a not so mighty squeaky yawn.
Kagome laughed at her before reaching down to pick her up. “Sorry Aki, but its time to head home.”
Aki meowed in excitement before making herself home on Kagome’s shoulder as she made her way towards the well.
“Feh, figure’s she’s late…”
“Well excuse me for wanting to finish my training and get into a pair of clothes that don’t smell like sweat and dirt, sheesh, you’re such a hot head!”
InuYasha looked to his right to see Kagome walking towards him in a casual manor. She had changed from her training clothes which consisted of an outfit similar to Sango’s exterminator suit with the exception of dark green armor instead of pink into a pair of lose Blue Jeans, light green T-shirt, light weight black jacket, and a pair of sneakers.
“I don’t like waiting and you know it.” He growled.
“Hai Hai, I know, I’m sorry, no need to get you’re ears in a bunch.”
He huffed.
“So what was it you wanted to talk about?” Kagome asked, taking a seat near on the rim of the well which lead her home.
InuYasha soon joined her. “I wanted to give you something.” He said holding out a long wrapped item to her, blushing slightly.
She just blinked at him for a moment before taking the item out of his hands and started to unwrap it. “Oh InuYasha! You shouldn’t have! It’s beautiful!” she gushed, holding out in front of her a black and green sheath with leaf designs on it. She slowly pulled out the sword and gasped. On the blade in Ancient Kanji was ‘Guardian, Friend, and Protector” she starred at it in awe. “It’s beautiful InuYasha, where did you get it?”
The Hanyo blushed more and looked at a random tree. “I had Totosai make it last week.”
“So it’s made from one of you’re fangs?”
He nodded slightly still looking at the same tree not expecting what she did next.
“Thank you so much!” She gushed and hugged him with all she was worth, almost knocking them both off of the well with the force.
InuYasha hugged her back with a small smile on his face. “It does not have a name yet. You have to figure it out on your own what it is. It’s a gift for completing your swords man ship training under Sesshomaru and I.”
Kagome nodded eagerly. “I can do that!” She grinned at him. “But, I have to get home. Tell Shippo and Miroku that I will see them soon, ok?”
“Sure, see ya soon Kagome.” He said before bounding off into the forest.
Kagome waved him off and placed her new sword that she dubbed ‘Seidai’ (Justice) on her left hip. “Time to go Aki!”
Once Aki was positioned on her right shoulder Kagome jumped into the well for what would be the last time in a long while.
“This can’t be good…” Kagome mumbled while she noticed that instead of the light blue’s and purple’s that she normally saw when she jumped in the well where different shades of red and yellow.
“Be on guard Aki, I think we are going somewhere besides home.”
Aki growled in response.
When they finally landed on the floor of the well Kagome looked up and noticed that there was a roof over her head, just not like the one in the Well house. There where no Walls it was just a small piece of would on top of 4 polls to protect the well from the elements. She also noticed that there was no ladder on the walls of the well, just a few flimsy vines .
“I don’t think that we are in the Feudal Era anymore Aki.” She stated.
Aki meowed in response.
Kagome shifted her Hiraikostu on her back. “Well, I’m not staying in here till I starve to death; let’s say we get out of here.” She said before pulling on one of the vines to test its stability. Finding it stable enough she started to climb out of the well slowly. “This thing smells as bad as Jii-chans feet, and that’s saying something.”
“Mew Mew!”
The person beside the one who spoke first didn’t saying anything and just kept walking.
“Bastard…” Grumbled the first voice. They took off there hat to scratch the top of there head revealing a head full of blonde hair part of it tied in a pony tail and one blue eye, the other being covered by a long bundle of hair.
The other figure stopped walking and looked to his right.
“Someone is nearby.”
The blonde’s only showing eye widened. “HOLY HELL IT SPEAKS!” He openly gaped at his partner before turning his head in the direction where he was looking, and saw a well. He blinked a few times, before moving the hair that was over the left side of his face showing some device over his eye, he pressed a button to get a better look of the well only to see a tan and black cat on the top of it.
“It’s just some stray cat…” He said before starting to take a step to walk again before he heard a voice.
“This thing smells as bad as Jii-chans feet, and that’s saying something.”
Was someone in the well? If so how the heck did they get down there? He looked to where his partner was only to see he was no longer there.
“Itachi?” The blonde asked looking around before spotting him making his way towards the well.
“Hey wait up, un!” He yelled jogging over towards Itachi, skidding to a halt when he saw a head full of raven black hair peaking over the top of the well looking straight at them.
It was a girl, and she was looking right at them with curiosity in her sapphire colored eyes.
Both Ninja wondered where she was from since that eye color was rare in all the countries.
The girl finished getting out of the well revealing that she had a giant boomerang on her back and a katana on her hip, both wondering how she was still standing. The small cat that was temporarily forgotten about hissed at them both and jumped in front of her mistress, growling as she did so. Both ninja took a step back and tensed, Itachi reaching down to his hip where his kunai where at.
The girl looked down at the cat and said in a warning tone. “Aki, no.”
The small cat flinched and stopped growling and decided to glare at them instead.
Both let out a breath they didn’t know they where holding.
The girl looked back up at them and tilted her head to one side and raised a eyebrow. “No offense or anything, but I must say that you’re cloaks are a little….tacky.”
“Hey! These where specially designed, un!” The blonde yelled out pointing a finger at the girl.
“Well excuse me blondie for having different taste in clothing then you! Damn it, Can’t I just have a normal day for once!? Who are you people anyway!?” The girl said pointing one of her own small fingers at the two.
Both ninja where taken by surprise by this. Pretty much the whole country knew of the Akatsuki, so why didn’t this girl?
“We are member’s of the Akatsuki, un!” The blonde said proudly. Maybe the girl would know who they where if he told her the name of there organization. Itachi just sighed at his partner’s childish behavior.
The girl looked even more confused now.
“The what?”
Deidara starred at the girl like she was crazy. “You have never heard of the Akatsuki?” He asked slowly.
The girl nodded once in the affirmative.
“What country are you from?” He asked.
“Japan.” Was her short answer. Both males now starred at her in confusion, Deidara more so then Itachi.
“Where?” Both asked at the same time.
The girl blew up. “DAMN IT ALL! WHERE THE HELL AM I!?” she turned to the well and gave it a good kick. “You stupid thing! Why can’t I just go home with out any trouble for once!? Damn it!” She growled once, impressing both Ninja with how real it sounded. Maybe she was a Jinchuuriki? If so which one? Maybe Nekomata since she had the cat with her?
Itachi must have been thinking the same thing because the next moment before the girl turned back around towards them he ran towards her and was about to knock her out when she surprised them and jumped out of the way right before he touched her.
“She’s fast.” Both thought.
Kagome glared at them and got into a stance pulling her book bag off and getting Hiraikostu off her back in the same motion. As she threw her book bag off her MP3 player fell out and turned on playing the current song which was ‘Toxic’ by Blowsight. Both Ninja noticed it and heard the music playing from the portable speakers but paid no attention to it. There focus on the girl.
Kagome cursed and went to go grab it when she saw something small flying towards her. She jumped out of the way just in time to see a small bird blow up near where she was standing.
Said cat growled and became engrossed in dark flames before reappearing in her larger form letting out a roar and ran to her master who jumped on her back and took to the skies, surprising both of the Ninja. She looked down at them. “At least they can’t follow me up here.” She thought.
Kagome looked at him in shock. “This cant be good, Aki We have to get out of here.” She said before she stood on Aki’s back much like Deidara was on his bird before releasing her Hiraikostu with a shout. “HIRAIKOSTU!” She threw it at him surprising him.
“Shit!” He cursed before moving out of the way again, the boomerang clipping the tip of his clay birds wing destroying the top of it. He looked at the girl and watched as she caught the giant weapon with ease.
Aki looked down and saw the fire ball coming towards them and moved out of the way letting out a roar.
Kagome heard the blonde yelling at her and saw him throw more of them exploding birds at her. Aki couldn’t move out of the way in time so she had to use her Hiraikostu to block herself and Aki from the explosions that followed. She didn’t expect the blonde to be right next to her in the next moment, she didn’t have time to react as he hit a pressure point on her neck, knocking her out cold.
Deidara made his way down to the ground and jumped off his bird with Kagome cradled in his arms, Aki didn’t like it one bit and made sure that the knew it by growling at them both.
Itachi just starred at the small cat with emotionless eyes, while Deidara just starred at the small cat in slight wonder.
“Think we should head to base now, un?” He asked looking over to Itachi out of the corner of his eye.
Itachi nodded once making his way over to where the Aki and Kagome’s belonging’s where.
“We are not going to harm you or you’re master anymore. I am just going to pick up her things.” Itachi told the cat, not knowing if she would understand him or not.
Aki glared at the man with the eye’s that where was red as Kirara’s for a moment before nodding once and made her way over to the man holding her Mistress.
Deidara just starred at the small cat as it made it’s way towards him. He didn’t expect the small cat to jump up and land on the girl he was holding. He blinked at it. “Uhh…”
“Just let it be, we have caused enough trouble with the girl.” Itachi said while picking up the girls book bag, almost falling from it’s weight. “What the hell does she have in here and how was she able to carry it so easy?” he wondered.
Deidara was to busy having a starring contest with Aki to notice his partner’s dilemma.
“Let’s get going.” Itachi said finally getting the book bag over his shoulder like he had seen the girl have it earlier.
Both disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
Title may change.
Tell me what cha think!
Made by: ShadowStar09
Summary: Just a normal day in the Feudal Era is always so exciting when you have nothing to do, Yeah right. Lets see what happens when something un expected is thrown in the mix on what was suppose to be a normal trip home. Naruto/Inuyasha . Deidara/Kagome.
Disclaimer: Only saying this once, I don’t own anything except the plot of this story!
Chapter 1: Unexpected.
“You have to improve on you’re form when you catch the Hiraikostu, that way it does not put so much stress on you’re body from the impact of it’s return, understand?” Sango stated from her place in a field where she was teaching Kagome how to properly throw and catch her own slightly smaller version of her beloved weapon.“Hai, I understand.” Kagome said getting prepared to throw her own Hiraikostu. It was slightly smaller then Sango’s own boomerang bone and also being dark blue in color from being from a different breed of Demon, it also weighed about 50 pounds less then hers. Kagome got ready and with a shout of “HIRAIKOSTU!” let the boomerang fly, hitting her target dead on.
Sango was impressed.
“Now get ready for it’s return, remember to try to absorb as much of its impact as you can with out over doing it.”
Sango watched as Kagome caught the boomerang with little effort, smiling as she watched as Kagome did a little twist to keep from falling from the impact of the giant weapon.
“Good job Kagome! You have come a long way in just a month. I’m impressed!”
Kagome beamed at her a big grin spread across her face. “Have I really!?”
Sango nodded. “It took me 3 months to get to where you are now. I would say you will have it perfected in month or less.”
“Sugoi! Thank you Sango! Do you really think I can have it perfected in just a month?”
Sango took a moment to think about it, and then nodded. “Yup, at the rate you’re going I would think that you will perfect it in about the time it took my father too.”
They both laughed.
Kagome then looked to the forest line to where she left her Book Bag and her newest friend. Laying down next to the over sized book bag was a little black and tan fur ball, She is Aki, one of Kuroro’s kitten’s. Kagome and the gang had visited the small village where the little girl Koume lived at while coming back from searching for some more Jewel shards at Shippo’s request. Koume had said that Kagome could have one of the not so small kittens if Kuroro didn’t mind, which she didn’t. She decided to name her Aki for the season which she got her, which was fall. Aki is mostly a light tan with black ears, tail, paws, and a small Diamond marking on her forehead. Being a similar breed of cat demon as Kirara also meant that she could transform into a larger form, but it was no where near as large as Kirara’s since Aki was still young and only had one tail still, and her flames where shades of gray and black.
Kagome smiled at the little bundle. “Are we done for the day Sango? I am wanting to get home for a few day’s and InuYasha has said he wanted to talk to me before I left. ”
Sango tilted her head to one side before nodding. “Sure, When do you think you will be back?”
“In about 4 days, Give or take a day or two.”
“Alright, See you soon then.” Sango said while walking up to Kagome and gave her a hug which she returned.
“I’ll be back before you know it! Ja!”
“Ja ne!”
Kagome walked over to her Book bag and picked it up before putting it on over her shoulder, She had long since replaced her old yellow one for a Forest Green colored strapped book bag, so she would have room for her Hiraikostu on her back. “Aki, time to wake up sweetie.” She said as she poked the slumbering kitten lightly.
Said kitten opened one dark green eye before letting out a not so mighty squeaky yawn.
Kagome laughed at her before reaching down to pick her up. “Sorry Aki, but its time to head home.”
Aki meowed in excitement before making herself home on Kagome’s shoulder as she made her way towards the well.
With InuYasha
InuYasha was leaning against a tree near the well with a long package in his arms. He had a scowl on his face.“Feh, figure’s she’s late…”
“Well excuse me for wanting to finish my training and get into a pair of clothes that don’t smell like sweat and dirt, sheesh, you’re such a hot head!”
InuYasha looked to his right to see Kagome walking towards him in a casual manor. She had changed from her training clothes which consisted of an outfit similar to Sango’s exterminator suit with the exception of dark green armor instead of pink into a pair of lose Blue Jeans, light green T-shirt, light weight black jacket, and a pair of sneakers.
“I don’t like waiting and you know it.” He growled.
“Hai Hai, I know, I’m sorry, no need to get you’re ears in a bunch.”
He huffed.
“So what was it you wanted to talk about?” Kagome asked, taking a seat near on the rim of the well which lead her home.
InuYasha soon joined her. “I wanted to give you something.” He said holding out a long wrapped item to her, blushing slightly.
She just blinked at him for a moment before taking the item out of his hands and started to unwrap it. “Oh InuYasha! You shouldn’t have! It’s beautiful!” she gushed, holding out in front of her a black and green sheath with leaf designs on it. She slowly pulled out the sword and gasped. On the blade in Ancient Kanji was ‘Guardian, Friend, and Protector” she starred at it in awe. “It’s beautiful InuYasha, where did you get it?”
The Hanyo blushed more and looked at a random tree. “I had Totosai make it last week.”
“So it’s made from one of you’re fangs?”
He nodded slightly still looking at the same tree not expecting what she did next.
“Thank you so much!” She gushed and hugged him with all she was worth, almost knocking them both off of the well with the force.
InuYasha hugged her back with a small smile on his face. “It does not have a name yet. You have to figure it out on your own what it is. It’s a gift for completing your swords man ship training under Sesshomaru and I.”
Kagome nodded eagerly. “I can do that!” She grinned at him. “But, I have to get home. Tell Shippo and Miroku that I will see them soon, ok?”
“Sure, see ya soon Kagome.” He said before bounding off into the forest.
Kagome waved him off and placed her new sword that she dubbed ‘Seidai’ (Justice) on her left hip. “Time to go Aki!”
Once Aki was positioned on her right shoulder Kagome jumped into the well for what would be the last time in a long while.
“This can’t be good…” Kagome mumbled while she noticed that instead of the light blue’s and purple’s that she normally saw when she jumped in the well where different shades of red and yellow.
“Be on guard Aki, I think we are going somewhere besides home.”
Aki growled in response.
When they finally landed on the floor of the well Kagome looked up and noticed that there was a roof over her head, just not like the one in the Well house. There where no Walls it was just a small piece of would on top of 4 polls to protect the well from the elements. She also noticed that there was no ladder on the walls of the well, just a few flimsy vines .
“I don’t think that we are in the Feudal Era anymore Aki.” She stated.
Aki meowed in response.
Kagome shifted her Hiraikostu on her back. “Well, I’m not staying in here till I starve to death; let’s say we get out of here.” She said before pulling on one of the vines to test its stability. Finding it stable enough she started to climb out of the well slowly. “This thing smells as bad as Jii-chans feet, and that’s saying something.”
“Mew Mew!”
Somewhere Nearby
“I don’t see why boss sent me out on this mission with you! You’re no fun and don’t talk. At least Sasori- sama talks to me, if only to complain about how much I make him wait, un!” Came a voice from a cloaked figure. The cloak was black with red clouds on it and they had a straw hat on covering there face. The person they where talking to was wearing the same thing.The person beside the one who spoke first didn’t saying anything and just kept walking.
“Bastard…” Grumbled the first voice. They took off there hat to scratch the top of there head revealing a head full of blonde hair part of it tied in a pony tail and one blue eye, the other being covered by a long bundle of hair.
The other figure stopped walking and looked to his right.
“Someone is nearby.”
The blonde’s only showing eye widened. “HOLY HELL IT SPEAKS!” He openly gaped at his partner before turning his head in the direction where he was looking, and saw a well. He blinked a few times, before moving the hair that was over the left side of his face showing some device over his eye, he pressed a button to get a better look of the well only to see a tan and black cat on the top of it.
“It’s just some stray cat…” He said before starting to take a step to walk again before he heard a voice.
“This thing smells as bad as Jii-chans feet, and that’s saying something.”
Was someone in the well? If so how the heck did they get down there? He looked to where his partner was only to see he was no longer there.
“Itachi?” The blonde asked looking around before spotting him making his way towards the well.
“Hey wait up, un!” He yelled jogging over towards Itachi, skidding to a halt when he saw a head full of raven black hair peaking over the top of the well looking straight at them.
It was a girl, and she was looking right at them with curiosity in her sapphire colored eyes.
Both Ninja wondered where she was from since that eye color was rare in all the countries.
The girl finished getting out of the well revealing that she had a giant boomerang on her back and a katana on her hip, both wondering how she was still standing. The small cat that was temporarily forgotten about hissed at them both and jumped in front of her mistress, growling as she did so. Both ninja took a step back and tensed, Itachi reaching down to his hip where his kunai where at.
The girl looked down at the cat and said in a warning tone. “Aki, no.”
The small cat flinched and stopped growling and decided to glare at them instead.
Both let out a breath they didn’t know they where holding.
The girl looked back up at them and tilted her head to one side and raised a eyebrow. “No offense or anything, but I must say that you’re cloaks are a little….tacky.”
“Hey! These where specially designed, un!” The blonde yelled out pointing a finger at the girl.
“Well excuse me blondie for having different taste in clothing then you! Damn it, Can’t I just have a normal day for once!? Who are you people anyway!?” The girl said pointing one of her own small fingers at the two.
Both ninja where taken by surprise by this. Pretty much the whole country knew of the Akatsuki, so why didn’t this girl?
“We are member’s of the Akatsuki, un!” The blonde said proudly. Maybe the girl would know who they where if he told her the name of there organization. Itachi just sighed at his partner’s childish behavior.
The girl looked even more confused now.
“The what?”
Deidara starred at the girl like she was crazy. “You have never heard of the Akatsuki?” He asked slowly.
The girl nodded once in the affirmative.
“What country are you from?” He asked.
“Japan.” Was her short answer. Both males now starred at her in confusion, Deidara more so then Itachi.
“Where?” Both asked at the same time.
The girl blew up. “DAMN IT ALL! WHERE THE HELL AM I!?” she turned to the well and gave it a good kick. “You stupid thing! Why can’t I just go home with out any trouble for once!? Damn it!” She growled once, impressing both Ninja with how real it sounded. Maybe she was a Jinchuuriki? If so which one? Maybe Nekomata since she had the cat with her?
Itachi must have been thinking the same thing because the next moment before the girl turned back around towards them he ran towards her and was about to knock her out when she surprised them and jumped out of the way right before he touched her.
“She’s fast.” Both thought.
Kagome glared at them and got into a stance pulling her book bag off and getting Hiraikostu off her back in the same motion. As she threw her book bag off her MP3 player fell out and turned on playing the current song which was ‘Toxic’ by Blowsight. Both Ninja noticed it and heard the music playing from the portable speakers but paid no attention to it. There focus on the girl.
Kagome cursed and went to go grab it when she saw something small flying towards her. She jumped out of the way just in time to see a small bird blow up near where she was standing.
Now baby, can't you see, I'm callingA guy like you should wear a warnin'It's dangerous, I'm fallin'!
Her eye’s got big. “What the hell was that!?” She looked back at the one who she thought sent it out towards her. The blonde had a small smile on his face and he was holding in his hands a few more small birds.There's no escape, I can't wait I need a hit, baby give me itYou're dangerous, I'm lovin' it!
She glared at him before dodging some more objects that the other guy threw at her. “Damn it!” She cursed. She looked to Aki to see her running towards her. “Now Aki!”Said cat growled and became engrossed in dark flames before reappearing in her larger form letting out a roar and ran to her master who jumped on her back and took to the skies, surprising both of the Ninja. She looked down at them. “At least they can’t follow me up here.” She thought.
Too high, can't come downLosing my head,Spinning 'round and 'roundDo you feel me now?
Deidara looked over to Itachi who nodded before he reached down to his hips and put his hands in small bags filled with clay. After a moment he took them out revealing that both his hands had a small mouth that spit out a shap. He did a few hand signs before throwing a small clay bird in the air making it explode into a larger version of it. He grinned up at her. “I’ll show you how much of a bang art is, un!” He jumped in the air and landed on top of the bird and chased after her.Kagome looked at him in shock. “This cant be good, Aki We have to get out of here.” She said before she stood on Aki’s back much like Deidara was on his bird before releasing her Hiraikostu with a shout. “HIRAIKOSTU!” She threw it at him surprising him.
With a taste of your lips, I'm on a ride You're toxic, I'm slippin' undertaste of a poison paradiseI'm addicted to you (x2)Don't you know that you're toxic?And I love what you doDon't you know that you're toxic?
“Whoa!” Deidara barely moved out of the way of the giant boomerang. “That was close!” He grinned. “This is going to be fun!” He laughed. He was about to say something when he noticed that the girl was smiling at him. He looked behind him to see the Boomerang making its way back to him.“Shit!” He cursed before moving out of the way again, the boomerang clipping the tip of his clay birds wing destroying the top of it. He looked at the girl and watched as she caught the giant weapon with ease.
It's getting late to give you upI took a sip from my devil's cupslowly, It's taking over me!
After Kagome caught her Hiraikostu she looked below only to see a giant fire ball heading towards her and Aki. “Aki, below us!”Aki looked down and saw the fire ball coming towards them and moved out of the way letting out a roar.
Too high, can't come downIt's in the air and it's all aroundCan you feel me now?
Deidara watched as the girl’s cat moved out of the way of Itachi’s Grand Fire Ball with little trouble. “This isn’t going to be easy.” He thought for a moment and got an idea and snapped his finger’s in excitement. “I got it, un!” He grinned and reached back down into his pouch making his hands eat some more clay. “Oi! Girly! I have a small gift for you! It’s a bang, un!” He shouted before sending out a bunch of small clay birds towards the girl.Kagome heard the blonde yelling at her and saw him throw more of them exploding birds at her. Aki couldn’t move out of the way in time so she had to use her Hiraikostu to block herself and Aki from the explosions that followed. She didn’t expect the blonde to be right next to her in the next moment, she didn’t have time to react as he hit a pressure point on her neck, knocking her out cold.
With a taste of your lips, I'm on a ride You're toxic, I'm slippin' underTaste of a poison paradiseI'm addicted to you, baby!Don't you know that you're toxic?And I love what you doDon't you know that you're toxic?
When the girl passed out she started to fall down. Deidara caught her with little effort and had to move out of the way when the girl’s giant cat went to bite at him with it’s large fangs. “Hey now, wouldn’t want to hurt you’re master would we, un?” He grinned when the cat growled once before heading back down to the ground where the girl’s belongings where at.(Taste of your lips I'm on a ride)You're toxic, I'm slippin' under taste of a poison paradiseI'm addicted to youDon't you know that you-
Aki transformer back into her small form and put her small paw on the MP3 player turning it off, She sat down by Kagome’s stuff glaring at the two male’s with all she was worth.Deidara made his way down to the ground and jumped off his bird with Kagome cradled in his arms, Aki didn’t like it one bit and made sure that the knew it by growling at them both.
Itachi just starred at the small cat with emotionless eyes, while Deidara just starred at the small cat in slight wonder.
“Think we should head to base now, un?” He asked looking over to Itachi out of the corner of his eye.
Itachi nodded once making his way over to where the Aki and Kagome’s belonging’s where.
“We are not going to harm you or you’re master anymore. I am just going to pick up her things.” Itachi told the cat, not knowing if she would understand him or not.
Aki glared at the man with the eye’s that where was red as Kirara’s for a moment before nodding once and made her way over to the man holding her Mistress.
Deidara just starred at the small cat as it made it’s way towards him. He didn’t expect the small cat to jump up and land on the girl he was holding. He blinked at it. “Uhh…”
“Just let it be, we have caused enough trouble with the girl.” Itachi said while picking up the girls book bag, almost falling from it’s weight. “What the hell does she have in here and how was she able to carry it so easy?” he wondered.
Deidara was to busy having a starring contest with Aki to notice his partner’s dilemma.
“Let’s get going.” Itachi said finally getting the book bag over his shoulder like he had seen the girl have it earlier.
Both disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
Star: Yeah so, I started a new fic. But ONLY because this idea has been floating around in my head for the past month and not letting me finish Ch. 2 on Finding my Way or uploading the fixed Ch. 3 on Heart of the Stars.Title may change.
Tell me what cha think!